Unique Tier - First Awakening

Somewhere In A Far Away Universe.

A small grey orb like flaming meteoroid shot from the FORBIDDEN ZONE. It actually moved but the people who stayed there keeping an eye on that FORBIDDEN ZONE sensed that the ball disappeared they couldn't react as they were frozen right as the ball moved.


A Thunderous Roar sounded as a small grey orb of burning meteoroid broke through the formation covering the whole earth. It slowly slowed down considerable as it descended.

Earth -> Asia -> India -> Tamil Nadu - Chennai -> Vandalur Zoo -> Vihaan.

It crossed everything tearing the space and came to a stop hovering above the scenario where Vihaan was. A Grey Flame embraced the grey orb as they burned together. It burned brightly but they didn't affect any frozen being or the surroundings.

##### : / I Rise Again From The Ashes. Like A Proud Phoenix To Unleash My Undying Wrath. /

As the voice faded a Human like figure was formed by the grey flame. Now the Flame was showing different shades of Grey, Gold and Blood Red. Only an outline was visible inside the inferno of burning flame.

The Figure looked at Dia and Kaluku Frozen in time but it in fact was actually seeing the threads of mysterious force. It looked around to see the King Lioness making its way to attack. She was in process of taking her Beast Form.


The Time started to rerun back to normal.


Somewhere Else

Two old men who were earlier speaking were now showing an astonished expression on their face.

Ancient God Typhoon : / Don't tell me, You had intent this to happen. /

There was hint of anger in his voice.

##### : / To be honest. This is really a coincidence /

##### : / No, This was not my intention. I found this while was exploring an ancient ruins when I was younger. I found the bloodline was too low for myself or Astrea. So I used this on him. /

##### : / Who would have thought this was The Empress herself. /

The Elegant old man sighed with a defeated look.

Ancient God Typhoon : / Let's hope the Tyrant doesn't return. /

Typhoon wanted to lash out but seeing #####, he sighed as both of them were in the same situation.

##### : / We planned one thing but Fate planned another. /

Ancient God Typhoon : / 6th day on his birth, He brought chaos in all 13 domains second time. /

##### : / We can only watch, Which path he would choose?, What are the consequence?. There are lot of eyes on him now. /

Ancient God Typhoon : / God? Demon? Beast? Devil? or Slayer? /

Ancient God Typhoon : / An Ancient Variant of Chimera unlike Drakos, What will you become ? /

As their voice faded both of them disappeared.


Somewhere Else

In the remote corner of the realm where with no Ether. No living beings around. A small hut was standing alone in the dark deep desert. Everything around it was dark, eerie and sinister. Nothing was there except the that hut. Inside a man who look like a beggar. Rugged cloths, drowsy eyes with dark circles, dirty teeth, mangled hair with fairly huge frame. He was lying on the floor with a bottle booze.

He was a man without a goal to live. It's been ages since he had seen sunlight, till date no one in the realm knew he was alive. Once a legend now a good for nothing husband, a worthless father. Waiting for his death.

But that all changed today, after millions of years, Today he finally felt his daughter's presences moving. He opened his eyes abruptly. He moved instantly braking through the void. His figure burst into flames. A burning Grey Flame covered in an instant it enlarged many times.


A Grey Phoenix flew opened its wings as it made its first step into the realm after millions of years.

The Return of the Legend.


A Few Moments ago.

When the Vihaan heard the small girls voice. His head, His torso, His limbs everything burst into grey flames. They instantly turned into ashes. The ashes moved as if they were blown by wind. They flew out of the monsters jaws. They combined together high in the sky as they moved higher.

Orb came into the atmosphere.

Ashes burst into grey flames in seconds.

The Grey Flame moved and covered the orb and they started to burn further more. Burning like a bright star.

Vihaan already lost conscious as soon as he started to burn.

He woke up burning in Greyish Golden and Red Flames around him. He sensed something as he looked down. He saw the small orb actually size his head. It had the small bird enclosed into it. It was translucent seem like even the smallest wind will make the figure disperse away. The little bird was peacefully sleeping inside. He wanted to caress it but something was even faster than him.

A snake in fact similar to Naga but looked feminine, similar to Naga with black scales but with flame like texture, no bones near eyes but grey flames bordering the eyes and a red flaming crown in the back of the head. There was no big fangs coming out of the face. He was very afraid thinking something has happened to Naga. Vihaan was agitated as he remembered he was torn apart now a new tail has replaced his Naga. He was trying to figure out what happened and contact Naga Another small head popped on his shoulder and rubbed his face

Vihaan : / What the fuck is happening here? /

Hiss Hissssss

The New Snake head hissed at him asking him to mind his language as it hugged the orb.

Naga replied to him that it was hurt at trying to take another sneak attack from a Lioness and was forced into his body.

Vihaan felt bad as Naga explained and shared its thoughts.

Vihaan tried to think about everything but he was short on time as the Time has unfrozen. He still couldn't figure out anything that has happened.

He stood in the sky as the flame around him was being absorbed into his body. He saw a series of notification flashing before his eyes.

[ Host's body has excess amount of Pure Ether trapped unable to leave ]

[ Host body is being melted from within ]

[ Condition Going Critical ]


[ Host is being attacked by various monsters ]

[ Host is critically injured ]


[ An Enormous amount of ether is being absorbed by host's body ]

[ Imperfect Awakened Bloodline is reacting to Large amounts of Ether Concentration ]

[ Bloodline Awakening has started. ]

[ Bloodline Awakening is forcefully absorbing Ether ]

[ Host has been torn into pieces but Blood is sealed and the Awakening is still ongoing ]

[ Host body is on the verge of Death ]


[ Host has died ]


[ Phoenix Bloodline Awakened - 100 % ]

[ Phoenix Nirvana Skill has been activated ]

[ Royal Phoenix Empress Blood Acquired ]

[ Golden Nether Crow Bloodline Acquired ]

[ Megalania Bloodline Acquired ]

[ Sloth Bear Bloodline Acquired ]

[ Bloodline Integration has started - Unique Tier Body Transformation ]

[ Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix Bloodline ]

[ Bloodline - Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix ( Celestial Tier ), Hidden** ]

[ Transformation -> Shape-shifting ]

[ Shape-shifting - Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix has been unlocked ]

[ Second Tier - ###### ###### ##### Bloodline has been Unlocked ]

[ Cultivation : 9 Organ Transformation Stage - 1 ( 0 % ) ]

[ Cultivation is Being Locked ]

[ Current Cultivation : Body Refinement - 1 ( 99 % )

[ Body Tier - Unique ]

[ Old Quests Updated ]

[ New Quests Available ]

[ Quests Reward Pending, Do you want to accept them now ? ]

[ Yes / Later ]

Vihaan wanted to accept but he was distracted by the both his snakes as they told him get ready to fight. He turned around to see fear in all the monster's eyes and they were not a threat to him. He himself was not sure what had happened. Last time, He had the so called senior sister to at least give him basic information but now he had no idea what happened. He still had to finish what he had started. He was again immersed in thoughts. When he was woken up by voice.

KING? : / What are you? /


Vihaan missed an important detail. He looked like a different person when his conscious was asleep. His body was taken over by another being. It was only for a split second but the impact was unbearable. That figure was only seen by one person. Dia's master.

Dia's master : / How ? Why ? Why ? Why ? /

Dia's master : / How was he in his body ? /

Dia's master : / Why has he here ? /

Dia's master : / No Way, ##### should be the current holder of the War God Title. /

Dia's master : / He died, He shouldn't be alive. /

Dia's master : / I should tell ###### and Astrea about him /

Dia's master : / No, No, He has already seen me. I can't get in his way. /

Dia's master : / Yes, Yes, I should just mind my own Business and train his wife. /

Dia's master : / Yes, If I do my work, He will not come looking for me. /

Dia's master : / I don't want to anger him. /

The Cold and aloof women who stood on par with Astrea's master was shuddering in fear, covered in cold sweat as she saw the figure looking at her.


Somewhere Else

The Higher ups of 5 Kingdoms and 6 Sects are in one of the 13 Domain were in cloud 9 as their ancestors have come out simultaneously, asking them to assemble a hunting squad with young generation of mortal realm. They are to hunt a person.

The Reward was that the person will be taken as the Legacy Disciple of The Ancestor.

It created a storm as it was not only limited to those people but anyone who can accomplish this task from any of the 13 Domain can claim the reward.

The target will be announced after 83 days as they asked everyone of prepare for the hunt.