Who is Bloodthirsty - Part 2

[ System Announcement : ( Mortal Realm - Earth, Outer Battlefield )

Introductory Phase One has Ended.

Phase Two will commence in 60 Minutes.

Every Living being will be transported to fight in the trails.

Ranking will determined by your performance.

Planet XXPUMI996, Earth will be integrated into the Outer battlefield.

Starts in 60 Mins 00 Secs ]

Vihaan was shocked to the core, not by the first message but second message that notified only to him.

[ Host is the first being on earth to break through the Level cap in Phase One thereby ending Phase One ahead of Time ]

[ Demon Prince Vihaan has been nominated as one of the 100 Champions of Planet XXPUMI996, Earth ]

[ Host will be pitted against other champions of similar strength from the Outer Battlefield ]

[ Wining better rank will lead to better Rewards for Host and Resources for Planet XXPUMI996, Earth ]

[ Transporting to battlefield in 60 Mins 00 Secs ]

He was standing there without blinking. The New Snake Hissed at Vihaan asking him to keep his eye on the enemies before.


Vihann moved his eyes to meet the King Lioness.

Vihaan : / Did you hear the System Announcement ? /

Vihaan asked her with a intimidating voice. He didn't forget what had happened little while ago. Now he is more concerned about who he will fight and where he will be transported. He didn't know if he will be in danger or not.

The Lioness looked at him blankly with a hint of fear in her face. Vihaan was annoyed by her. he wanted to move but then he realised he was standing in mid air.

Vihaan looked at himself.

Vihaan : / I am not a pervert and I don't have any fetish. /

Vihaan mumbled and was irritated because he was again naked but there were few changes in his body. He was flying in air. There were two pairs of wings. Just like the small grey bird. He had two pair of Grey Golden and Reddish wings. One pair beside his shoulder blade attached to his spine and other pair just above his hip back attached to his spine. He was flying involuntarily. As soon as Vihaan realised it. He lost balance. He was felt to ground. It wouldn't hurt him but he tried to protect himself curling like ball.

Vihaan was very surprised as the wings also moved just like his hands and covered him fully. He looked at his hands and legs. He felt he could no longer associate himself as human. His hands where no longer fingers and claws. His fingers where replaced with Black Crystal Talon like sharp blades extending up to 6 inches curved inward very slightly. His feet was a like talons of birds. Three Sharp Blade like Talons in front and one Sharp Blade like Talon coming out of his heel. It was also at an astounding 6 inches long. He felt weird moving his own body.

He felt stronger. His aura also seems to emit blazing hot flame. Vihaan saw Indian Gaur shuddering and covering in fear. Vihaan didn't even think twice.


Vihaan was standing past the Indian Gaur. The Speed was very astounding. He moved at least 5-6 times his initial speed. He could felt his body was little smaller than before may be 8 feet or so from his initial 9 feet.


A head flying in air hit the ground and rolled while its body slowly fell down. Both hit the ground simultaneously. Initially he had trouble getting it the thick skin of the Indian Gaur but now it was like a hot knife sliding through better. Oddly the body was not absorbed.

Vihaan moved his eyes towards the crocodile who chewed on his head. This Pre Historic monster was oping 60 feet long with height over 6 feet. He could see the fear in its eyes but he didn't care. It killed him so now He will use it for target practice. He will be put in a battlefield in a hour. He had to prepare and understand where his strength is at.


Vihaan appeared before its long jaws. He didn't directly kill it. Vihaan wanted to find is strength. Vihaan clearly see this crocodile was different from the usual crocodile. It had long jaws, its nose was huge almost like blob. It looked different but it was perfect for him. He sank one of his hands into its upper jaw and other in lower. Vihaan found unlike Indian Gaur skin he felt he was trying to pierce through wood when her pierced his hand on the upper jaw.

Vihaan : / Interesting, I wonder what are you?, Being in Elite Tier but able to obstruct my talons. /

Vihaan wanted test his strength by ripping the Crocodile into two but he felt like an idiot, the crocodile's jaws opened more than his hand length. He removed his hand from the lower jaw and used is foot to hold it and ripped the upper jaw of the Croc. It was easy. He felt disappointed while the Croc was howling in pain.

He moved his wings. He initially lost balance as he was surprised at the wings and stopped them to have a look at it. So he lost flight and fell down but even when he was moving in land he could use the wings to boost his speed naturally. He wanted to check how much weight he can lift so he sunk his claws into the crocodile's back and latched an its spine to lift the body into sky. He had hard time lifting it into the air. It was too heavy. It was almost 5-6 times his size and weighed tonnes. He learned his lesson so directly killed it piercing its brain. Now this time the whole body was absorbed. He was surprised. His eyes landed on the three Lionesses that were competing with the white lion trying to rip him into pieces.


Three heads rolled up in air, Three body fell on the ground but one head and one body disintegrated was absorbed by him. He body didn't feel any better grues he cross a line where he could only do mission to unlock his own cultivation and had no idea how to further cultivate in 9 Organ Transformation. All the monster either will be used as food or for acquiring Bloodline.

Vihaan : / Guess my body will only absorb the whole body to obtain the complete bloodline. /

[ Host has obtained Sarcosuchus[1] Bloodline ]

[ Host has obtained Sabre Toothed Lion Bloodline ]

Vihaan looked at his final aggressor, The White Male Lion.


Vihaan wanted to kill it but someone was standing there before The White Male Lion.

Vihaan : / What King of the forest? Allowing a lioness call herself King and now hiding behind her. I wonder why were you arrogant before. /

Vihaan didn't moved disregarding the Lioness or KING. He moved but other lioness tried to block him.

Vihaan : / Such a pity /


He left behind a trail of blood. Vihaan didn't like it so he turned on the Sell function from the system. It directly collected all the of the bodies and saved for selling later. He used all the EEC so he was short on EEC now and this was a good opportunity to earn some.

KING? : / Stop Killing, What do you want ? /

The Lioness roared as she showed as she was still here.

Vihaan had an amused expression on his face.

Vihaan : / Did you come here to plead for your life? /

Vihaan : / I want him alive, skinned, eaten alive while his genitals are ripped apart. He should beg for a merciful death. /

Vihaan : / Just a few moments ago I heard someone say this to me. Do you remember who it was? /

Vihaan : / Well, Drop the shit. I wont kill him or anybody if you can defeat me. /

The King moved she wanted to show her dominance. Vihaan on the other hand was excited as he wanted to check how much he had grown compared to before but he was disappointed.

5 Mins Later.

It was a one side beat-down. The Lioness couldn't take even few hits from him. She used all her strength. She seem to have two element one was poison and other was Ice. He was like perfect counter for her. He used her to train his reactions speed and Wings coordination but the movements were very natural for him. He just had to perfect his fighting technique but this lioness was useless for it.

Vihaan got bored. He used the back of his hands to send her flying away. He slowly walked towards The White Lion.

His eyes was emotionless.

KING? : / Please, I will do anything let him live. /

Vihaan : / You know. You two are a humane pair in the world of beasts. Give me one reason not to kill him. /

KING? : / He is my brother and my husband. We have to ensure the birth of our race, please don't kill him. /

The Lioness was crying and begging Vihaan to stop but sadly there was no love or care in his eyes.

Vihaan : / Why should I care about that ? /

KING? : / I Will do anything. I Will be your slave. /

Vihaan : / If this was before I might have considered it but now you are worthless to me. /

Vihaan : / I will give you one chance to redeem yourself. I will sit her and do nothing. /

Vihaan : / Be a good slave and service you master. /

Vihaan flashed towards her and place a slave crest on her forehead. It was different from before instead of blood crest. This one was was burning fire crest. A New type of Slave Crest with Phoenix like figure in the centre surrounded by runes. He flashed again. He sad near the tree and sat but his little brother was moving like a third snake.

From the beginning to end. He didn't bother to see Kaluku or Dia who where flying in the sky.

Vihaan : / Kaluku, If I have a slightest dissatisfaction. Kill the White Male Lion. Don't Disappoint me. /

There was coldness in his voice. He didn't even look at Dia.

Vihaan was in a strange mindset after being killed and his own family watched him die right before their eyes. He wanted to build an army, a family for finding warmth and protecting him. whats the use having one when you were killed right before their eyes and they watched you die.

Vihaan : / If I am weak. I don't even have the right to live or a family. / he murmured lightly.

Vihaan turned towards the Lioness who was lying a little faraway being thrown but she was trying here best crying moving towards vihaan to do as he bid as it was her master's command and only way out for her race. Vihaan nodded his head.

Vihaan : / If I find an monster in this Zoo when I wake up it will be a slaughter. I wont repeat this thrice. /

Vihaan roared loudly as he closed his eyes

Now lets get the rewards and prepare to those shitty battles.

Vihaan : / Accept Rewards. /

Kaluku and Dia both felt like they fell into abyss as Vihaan didn't even look at them. Dia felt her heart string as Vihaan didn't even bother to look at her and his demeanour went through a drastic change. he looked colder than she first met him.


There was one person more who was more worried than Dia and Kaluku.

Dia's master : / Why ? Why? Why? /

Dia's master : / Why is he not caring for his wife. /

Dia's master : / Fuck, He even took back the Title and the changed the contract. I am done for. I Have to do something. I cant let things go on like this. /

Author Notes :

Sarcosuchus was the biggest crocodile ever live on planet 110 Million years ago on Earth.

Megalania and Sabre tooth Lion almost most of the monsters that I include in this Earth will be from our own history. A little brush to history. You can find Photos of these animals in Google.