There Is A Whole Realm Out There

Vihaan : / Accept Rewards /

[ Quest : Know Your Bloodline - Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix Bloodline

Reward : Bloodline Skills and Racial Skills

Unique Tier Poison Affinity Acquired

Poison Elemental Immunity Acquired

Poison Manipulation Acquired

Celestial Tier Fire Affinity Acquired

Fire Elemental Immunity Acquired

Flame Manipulation Acquired

Golden Flames Acquired

Nether Flames Acquired

Phoenix Flames Acquired

Wrath of the Golden Nether Phoenix Acquired

Phoenix Rebirth -> Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix Nirvana

Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix Nirvana Acquired ]

[ Quest : Know yourself

Ether Manipulation Acquired

Life Drain Acquired

Battle Sense -> Battle Territory ]

[ Quest : Tame or subdue any Monster of at-least Top - Elite Tier for each ( 2/2).

Reward : Map Function ]

[ Quest : Have at-least 10 Peerless Elite Tier monster serving under Demon Prince Vihaan ( 2/10 ).

Reward : Opens Space Matrix ]

[ Quest : Defeat a Unique Tier with a higher cultivation

Reward : Body Refinement Stage - 2 ( 99% ) ]

Vihaan : / Open Status /

[ Name : Demon Prince Vihaan

Race : Ancient Demon Chimera - Humanoid ( Locked ) Sex : Male Age : 0 years

Bloodline : Sarcosuchus, Sabre Toothed Lion, Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix, Hidden**

Class : War God Inheritor ( Disabled ) Sub-Class : None

Cultivation : Body Refinement Stage - 2 ( 99 % ) Body Tier : Unique Tier.

Title : MADMAN, The Seventh Demon Prince Of Hell, The Man Who Became The First Myth, Son of ####### ### #######.

System Skills :

Mastery : Basic Sabre Mastery, Basic Dagger Mastery, Complete Butcher Mastery.

Bloodline Skill and Racial Skill :

Passive : Undying Lust & Wrath Demon Body, Ether Manipulation, Flame Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Wrath of the Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix, Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix Nirvana.

Active : Demon Contract, Life Drain, ##### Armour.

Inheritance Skills : Universal Synthesis, Battle Territory.

Affinity : Unique Tier - Poison, Celestial Tier - Flame

Flames : Golden Flames, Nether Flames, Phoenix Flames.

Immunity : Poison, Fire.

Shape-Shifting : Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix

Techniques :

### ### #####'s Combat Guide

Family :

Spouse : Dia - Bound By Eternal Vow

Servants : Kaluku

Slave : KING ,Red Crowned Crane King ]

[ Bloodline : Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix ( Celestial Tier ) ]

A Variant of Nether Phoenix underwent drastic change with combination of Royal Phoenix and Golden Nether Crow Bloodline. ]

[ Skill : Undying Lust & Wrath Demon Body ( Partially Unlocked )

Lust Incarnation Body - Ecstasy Cloud, Thought Reading, Arousal Touch, Endless Pleasure, Bodily Fluid Regeneration, Yin Cultivation

Sin of Wrath - Angrier, More Powerful

Undying Body : Endless Regeneration. ]

[ Skill : Wrath of the Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix

Burning Life Force and Ether, Unleash the Celestial Tier Flame. 100% chance to activate Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix Nirvana ]

[ Skill : Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix Nirvana

When heavily injured or near death, 80% Chance to fully recover, 60% Chances to rebirth, 10% Chance to attain Nirvana and advance. ]

[ Skill : Life Drain

Absorb Life force using Talons, Teeth and Tail ]

[ Skill : ##### Armour

Innate armour of Ancient Demon Chimera. Can be enhanced by Ether and Elements ]

[ Skill : Battle Territory ( War God Inheritance Skill )

Absolute territory of 6 m radius. Can react and control Ether and Element. ]

Vihaan was very surprised as the information seem to be very easy to understand. Short and Crisp. He understood everything with just one glance.

Vihaan : / Open Quests /

[ 1. Quest : Know yourself

Reward : Abilities and Information Unlocked based on your Understanding.

2. Quest : Know Your Bloodline,

Reward : Bloodline Abilities

3. Quest : Rise a Monster to Unique Tier

Reward : One Random Bloodline skill and the information of that particular bloodline

4. Quest : Have at-least 10 Peerless Elite Tier monster serving under Demon Prince Vihaan ( 2/10 ).

Reward : Opens Space Matrix ]

5. Quest : Rank 1 In Earth Ranking, Time Remaining : 84 Days 17 Hours

Reward : One Mythical Class Bloodline.

6. Quest : Defeat People / Monster / Demon / Anyone with Higher cultivation than you in Ranking Trails

Reward : 1 Minor Realm Cultivation Unlock.

7. Quest : Win 7 Battles in Ranking Trails

Reward : Blood Cleansing Realm Knowledge and Cultivation

Hidden ** ]

Vihaan was disappointed with Dia and dint trust her as much. This affect the whole system and family quest. There were a lot of changes in them.

Vihaan was silently digesting all the information he got from the system. There was a lot of things he wanted to ask but he was not in right mind to trust anyone so he unconsciously stopped himself.

This planned or coincidence he had no idea but his death gave him lot of power.

He remembered there was a skill Phoenix Nirvana that had activated. This was one of the reasons for his sudden transformation. The likelihood of this happening again is very low and he was not ready to be in a situation again.

Vihaan was not like the past needed explanation for each and every skill. Just with a rough glance and the Information he got from system is enough for now. Now he just had to practice and rise his mastery over all the skills.

The Manipulation skill allows him to tap the elemental energy and use them. Poison was like what he experienced before. Sinister and Cold slow acting like curse. Fire is more direct, burn everything.

Ether manipulation is colourless and acts as fuel to manipulate Poison and Fire.

The Armour was strong on its own but he was using it crudely and was unable to use it to full potential. Now with the explanation and his Battle Territory he had absolute control over attack and defence.

His body was already brimming with Ether but that was not the end, with Ether Manipulation and Battle Territory. He was able to utilise more Ether than he actually had.

May be Changed his misfortune into Fortuitous Encounter but he was not going to pin all his bet on it.

Vihaan almost used 55 mins to digest and get a hang of information and skills he got. He still had lot to learn. This, The combat technique, Monsters, Cultivation. There was lot to learn. He just didn't have proper time to explore all this. He decided to take time to learn everything in had before setting out again. The death taught him a lot. He didn't care about anything anymore. He will do things how he wanted.

Vihaan opened his eyes slowly. He saw the lioness was still sucking his cock. He saw Dia sitting beside him seeing another woman in her place. Her eyes were red with anger and tears. She lifted her head to see Vihaan finally seeing her but it disappeared as vihaan turned his head the Lioness and spoke to her.

Vihaan : / How long have you been at this. /

The Lioness was startled at the sound. She initial was very reluctant to suck his dick but after she started she was unable to stop. she lost herself in the Ecstasy. She was woken up by Vihaan's voice. She was confused as whether he was speaking to her or the other woman beside him.

Vihaan looked at the Lioness and asked again

Vihaan : / I asked you a question. /

She hurriedly replied.

KING? : / 40 Mins /

Vihaan had a expressionless face.


Vihaan used Ether Manipulation with his Talons sending 5 Ether slashes. It shredded The White Male Lion into 6 pieces of flesh and bones. He just wanted to try the lethality of the attack but the reality before him was different.

Both Vihaan and KING were dumbfounded looking at the situation. Vihaan didn't know how to say this as whether he underestimated the power behind the attack or overestimated the lion. The Lioness was shocked because it happened to quick and the last Race White Male Lion she knew had been killed right before her eyes. She still couldn't register it yet the corpse was already absorbed by Vihaan

[ Host has Obtained Snow Sabre Toothed Lion Bloodline ]

[ Ice Element affinity acquired, Peerless - Elite Tier ]

Vihaan : / Wow, That unexpected. /

Vihaan : / I forgot to tell you. Now that your my slave. You belong to me. /

Vihaan : / You didn't do your duty serving you master properly. /

Vihaan : / May be if service me properly. I will bestow a child and a powerful one. You shouldn't forget as your brother is part of me. I also have his Bloodline. /

Vihaan : / I don't like to call you king / Lioness. You are Bitch from on /

Vihaan didn't say anything as he closed his eyes again. There was only 2 minutes before he was transported.

[ Phase Two will commence in 2 Mins 00 Secs ]

Vihaan : / Come back in one piece all of you. /

Vihaan said that with a loud voice. Dia had a bright smile on her face hearing that.

Vihaan activated his scale armour back again and was waiting for teleportation.


POV KING? / Bitch

KING? / Bitch was shocked to her core. She was a king. Her brother was arrogant. Right from the moment they changed. He couldn't content with other animals but she could so He always had her to take care. But now he was killed right before her eyes. She couldn't even show her anger. He was injured because of her inability to protect him first and now he died because she couldn't service her master properly. She hated this demon before. She saw him die right before eyes but in a instant he was flying in the air more powerful than before. He slaughters without even blinking. He is the real monster and now she had to serve him but oddly when she thought about serving him. Her body is not under her control anymore. She gritted her teeth and went back to sucking his dick.



DIA was very happy when she saw Vihaan resurrect but that didn't last long as she noticed Vihaan totally disregarded her. He didn't even see her. Another notification flashed before that shook her to the core.

[ Host lost the qualification to bear the TITLE - The First Demon Queen Of Vihaan ( Locked ) ]

[ Host is only a normal Demon Spouse now ]

[ Host's qualification to gain family quest has been Annulled ]

[ Privileges from Family Party has been Annulled ]

[ Gain his trust back to regain the title and access to quests and Family Party. ]

She almost lost her mind when she received notifications back to back. She read the notifications again. She had to regain back his trust so now he lost the trust that she had for her.

Dia : / Its her. Its all because of her. /

Dia : / Its that bitch. /

Dia : / If not for her. I would have been with him. /

Dia : / I was deceived. /

Dia : / No, No, I should be with him. /

Dia : / I should regain his trust. /

Dia : / I must be with him. /

Dia quickly sat beside him.


Dia was shocked as another woman came there and sucked Vihaan's little brother.

Dia : / Its mine. /

Dia : / Mine alone. /

Dia : / How can I allow this. /

At the same time she was afraid to get into his bad side again but she hated this bitch to the core. Even Vihaan named her bitch. She felt happy hearing that.

Vihaan : / Come back in one piece all of you. /

Dia had a bright smile on her face.

Dia : / I knew he wont let me go like that. I will earn my rightful place beside him /


[ Phase Two will commence in 2 Mins 00 Secs ]

[ Battlefield Champion Challenges will start shortly ]

[ Do you want to use your Original name or Proxy? ]

Vihann already was stressed out about exposing his identity as there was probably lot of people out there who knew his name. Now this helped him greatly.

Vihaan : / Proxy /

[ Please Enter Name. This will shown on all of Outer Battlefield ]

Vihaan : / Sureiya /

Vihaan didn't know his name had another meaning. He meat sun in Tamil Language thinking about his fire element but this also means Killer in Japanese.


[ Phase Two will commence in 00 Mins 00 Secs ]

[ Sureiya of Planet XXPUMI996, Earth, Checking for Match... ]

A White light flashed as every being on earth was teleported out. Vihaan saw the information but he couldn't open his eyes as a flash light like phenomenon was happening and his body was moving at very high speed that he was not able to react.

[ Sureiya of Planet XXPUMI996, Earth Vs Orok of Planet ZIMAK101, Afros ]

Another information flashed before. He didn't even have time to react.



##### : [ Killer ? More like feather chicken. ]

##### : [ Can even take one hit. I wonder how will you taste as you eat you alive ]

Vihaan was throw like ball. There was a fist print on his chest. He saw a 3.5 m Tall thing grinning at him with a ugly face.