The Rossevelt Family.

[ Next Battle will commence in 00 Mins 00 Secs ]

[ Sureiya of Planet XXPUMI996, Earth, Checking for Match... ]

[ Sureiya of Planet XXPUMI996, Earth Vs Caesar Rossevelt of Rossevelt Family ]

Open Grassland but everything black, dark without sunlight, eerie, cold. Vihaan could relate it with post apocalyptic Earth but darker than that. His couldn't see properly. First white now dark. His eyes had hard time adapting to them. He himself was wearing black scale armour. Only colour visible were his wings and his eyes.

Caesar : / Delicious and Interesting /

A noise came from his left but it was too faraway for him to see. Vihaan wanted to used fire element and lit the place but the whole place had no Fire Element. There was no Ether here. He was stunned. This is the first time he was put in such a situation. There was a abundant poison element and many other element that he couldn't point out. His options again were narrowed to poison and combat. He could use Ether he had but that would waste lot of ether and there was no way to replenish that. He was also broke. He didn't have EEC at the moment. This was a bad situation.


A lightening fast attack. Even though he was prepared. There was a small cut on his neck. He could feel his blood missing. Vihaan was shocked. The speed was almost 10 times his own speed and he still couldn't even get a glimpse of his opponent. His neck was bleeding. If he was careless even for one sec he could lose his head.

Caesar : / WONDERFUL /

A Loud scream came, almost like the voice was shivering from ecstasy. Vihaan could hear heavy breathing. Vihaan had a bad feeling.

Caesar : / Hey become my blood bank, I will treat you very well. I will only take 10 ml daily. I want you. I want you. You cannot escape. Become mine. I want you. /

Vihaan was finally got to see what it was. It was a young man similar to a human. Black hair, red eyes, sparkling white fangs dressed in a Black Gothic Suit. His appearance was like a human but his expression betrayed him. It was like a hungry lecherous old man who saw a naked beautiful and voluptuous young girl.

Vihaan eyes became cold. He was very frustrated as this was a third time today someone wanted to eat him.

Caesar : / Hey, Hey. Don't look at me like this. Its making me excited. Come to Papa. Papa will love you. /

Caesar already saw Vihaan as fresh blood, his own personal blood bank. Vihaan moved although he was not faster. He can move freely up in the air as there was nothing binding him. He started to absorb poison element from atmosphere and changing them into paralysing poison. He just needed time. oddly Vihaan found it was better to use poison to freeze the nerve system than killing with poison. he found it addicting. A strange Fetish.

Caesar : / Come one, Don't run away. I promised I will bite softly. /

Caesar also moved. There was bone coming out of his back morphing into wings. His appearance changed totally similar to a vampire bride from Van Helsing. A Grey Vampire Abomination. He chased Vihaan up in the air.

Vihaan had a ugly expression as he could smell nauseating bloody smell from the creature before him. He could see this was a Vampire but he had no information of real vampire and the surrounding seem to be a perfect place for Vampire.

Vihaan knew he cannot let this vampire live or else there will be a lot other coming for his blood. He stopped holding back. He had fire immunity so he let all the all ether in his body change into Fire Element. He waited till the last moment. He didn't let the fire elements out. He wanted to end the fight quickly.

Caesar was in a very good mood. His probing earlier told the prey was very weak compare to him. He couldn't tell what race the being was but the blood was the best he ever had over the years. He was definitely going to kill him if he resist. he can always change him into a blooded and keep him as a pet. He wanted to play with the prey make it despair and fear then drink the blood. It makes blood more heavenly. He couldn't contain his excitement thinking about. He could see the prey was frozen in air didn't even try to run. He was disappointed a little as the prey gave up without a fight but it quickly changed in to ecstasy as he is going to drink the blood sooner.

Caesar : / Good Boy, Come to daddy. Daddy will take care of you hereafter. I will gentle. /

Vihaan just flapped his wings frozen in air with a difficult expression on his face. Caesar was laughing as he made his way towards Vihaan. Caesar was 3 feet smaller vihaan so he flew higher and hugged vihaan to bite his neck. He was just few cm away from biting.

Vihaan eyes erupted in flames. The poison in the air acted suddenly paralysing Caesar. Vihaan simultaneously made his move. He talons burned with Phoenix Flames. He sunk one of his talons into Caesar'e brain, other into his heart. His bit down Caesar throat. Naga already came out. It pounced on his face and bite sank its fangs on his face. Vihaan was draining his life force, blood and burning his body at the same time.

He remembered vampire's have immense vitality and insane regeneration. He didn't want to take any changes plus he was very pissed at this fucker who wanted to drink his blood treating him like a plaything.

Torturous, It was for Caesar. It was painful. He was sent to supervise the trails but his greed and haughtiness got better of him. He usually came to participate in these trails using his authority to kill and taste some young and fresh blood of New Champions. There was one downside to it. He cannot use his original cultivation. He was at the peak of mortal realm Bone Forging Stage - 9 but in trails he was forcefully lowered to match Body Refinement Realm. He was still unwatchable in the realm that was until now. His superiority, arrogance and carelessness led to this. This areas was his hunting ground where Dark Ether was prevalent which made many Champions despair and it became

Caesar Rossevelt was a prodigy of The Rossevelt Family. He had potential to reach Immortal Realm even with him slacking but now he was dying. He was unwilling. He couldn't even scream. His Nervous system, muscles and organs where totally paralyzed. He tried to remove the seal and kill him but the System Regulation and enhanced Dark Ether Poison made it impossible. he couldn't even contact his family. He killed many here but new he was dying here. It was funny how fate works.

Even with all the debuff and poison Vihaan took 6 full hour to fully drain him. Vihaan was given a fright. He was very much shocked to find the vitality of this vampire. If not for the poison and the surrounding that was supporting vihaan with a huge amount Poison Element, His own Ether reserves and Naga emptying a shit load of poison. He won't even hold few minutes. Even with all this he was unable to kill the Vampire within 1 hour. The New snake helped Vihaan with keeping the Phoenix flames burning.

Vihaan stopped using ether and manipulating flames instead used all his talons from both arms and legs sank into the Vampire flesh to use life drain to drain the life force continuously. He finally relaxed when he saw the body disintegrating into his body after 6 hours of continuous draining. His Ether reserves where sucked dry but his body was brimming with Vitality. He could feel his body was strengthened at least 2-3 times and his speed rose by 5 times, a huge margin.

He finally breathed in relief.

[ Massimo Rossevelt Bloodline Obtained ]

[ Night Vision Awakened ]

[ Blood Sense Awakened ]

[ Lightening Reflex Awakened ]

[ Blood Strengthening Awakened ]

[ Sureiya of Planet XXPUMI996, Earth Vs Caesar Rossevelt of Rossevelt Family ]

[ Winner : Sureiya of Planet XXPUMI996, Earth ]

[ Caesar Rossevelt of Rossevelt Family - Killed ]

[ Remark : Perfect ]

[ Quest Completed. Do you wish to redeem rewards ]

[ Yes / No ]

[ Do you wish to Continue or Forfeit ]

[ Continue / Forfeit ]

Vihaan didn't know how to react. He knew the chances of him acquiring even one skill is 0.0000001 %. He could be content with having obtained one Unique Tier skill but now four skills in a row and each one seem to strengthen his body passively. This is unimaginable, He didn't know what kind of mess he got him self him into. Even the Bloodline seem to named after one person so what kind of person he could be. If the Fight with orc was said to level 1 then this was level 50-60 difficulty. This was very odd.

He couldn't think any other option. This was gold mine for him. He couldn't just give up. He hand no idea when he will get a opportunity.

[ Please Select within 1 Min or You will be sent out immediately. ]

Vihaan still had some quest to finish. He could finish them and gain his locked cultivation so he gritted his teeth and pressed yes. He had no Ether left. Reward will help him recover his Ether and power him up. That and his four passive skills gave him some courage to move forward.

Vihaan : / Yes , Continue /

[ Quest : Defeat A Peak Mortal Being while In Body Refinement ]

Reward : Familiar Summoning ( Single use only ) ]

[ Quest : Defeat People / Monster / Demon / Anyone with Higher cultivation than you in Ranking Trails - Completed. (REPEATABLE)

Reward : 1 Minor Realm Cultivation Unlock. ]

[ Cultivation : Body Refinement Stage - 4 ( 99% ) ]

[ Next Battle will commence in 3 Hour 00 Mins 00 Secs ]

Vihaan was very surprised by seeing the first quest. He was shocked. He still remember the horror of killing that vampire. It took 6 hours just to kill it with poison and life drain. If it was a peak mortal being then why would fight with him. He didn't fell any pressure before. he felt the being was only a body refinement. It didn't even use Ether. He even feared that may be his enemies have hand in this but the encounter said otherwise.

Just one encounter with a Peak Mortal Being gave him a rough understanding of his upcoming battle. He can be sure that the Golden Nether Crow Battle will be deadly. He just buried all his thoughts and started prepare for the next Battle. He had some time so he could understand his new skills and reward to gain more options for fighting.

Vihaan didn't himself have idea how he killed the vampire. The Dark Ether is one of the most potent Poison Elemental Ether that enhances which can even make a normal poison dangerous enough to take down a Ascension or Transcendent Realm expert. There was not many people who can use Dark Element or Dark Ether. Vihaan himself shouldn't be able use it or kill the vampire but there was another factor in play here. He will only come to now that in far future.

Vihaan : / Open Status /

[ Name : Demon Prince Vihaan

Race : Ancient Demon Chimera - Humanoid ( Locked ) Sex : Male Age : 0 years

Bloodline : Sarcosuchus, Sabre Toothed Lion, Psyche Volcanic Orc Berserker, Massimo Rossevelt, Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix, Hidden**

Class : War God Inheritor ( Disabled ) Sub-Class : None

Cultivation : Body Refinement Stage - 4 ( 99 % ) Body Tier : Unique Tier.

Title : MADMAN, The Seventh Demon Prince Of Hell, The Man Who Became The First Myth, Son of ####### ### #######.

System Skills :

Mastery : Basic Sabre Mastery, Basic Dagger Mastery, Complete Butcher Mastery.

Bloodline Skill and Racial Skill :

Passive : Undying Lust & Wrath Demon Body ( Partially Unlocked ), Ether Manipulation, Flame Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Blood Sense, Night Vision, Lightening Reflex, Blood Strengthening.

Active : Demon Contract, Life Drain, ##### Armour, Wrath of the Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix, Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix Nirvana, Psychokinesis.

Inheritance Skills : Universal Synthesis, Battle Territory.

Affinity : Unique Tier - Poison, Celestial Tier - Flame, Elite Tier - Ice

Flames : Golden Flames, Nether Flames, Phoenix Flames.

Immunity : Poison, Fire.

Shape-Shifting : Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix

Techniques :

### ### #####'s Combat Guide

Family :

Spouse : Dia - Bound By Eternal Vow

Servants : Kaluku

Slave : Bitch ,Red Crowned Crane King

Familiar Summoning Pending** ]

[ Bloodline : Massimo Rossevelt ( ??? Tier ) ]

One of the Ancient Vampire who found the Rossevelt Bloodline. Innate Skill of the Family is Blood Strengthening and Lightening Reflex which made the family members unparalleled in close combat. ]

[ Skill : Psychogenic ( Unique Tier )

Using Mental Strength and Soul Power can interact with anything without physical contact. ]

[ Skill : Night Vision

Can see even in pitch dark as clear as Day ]

[ Skill : Blood Sense

Any Living being with blood cannot escape the eye of its predator ]

[ Skill : Lightening Reflex

Strengthen the Reflex and Speed to a Unimaginable Tier. Grows continuously as the power increase. ]

[ Skill : Blood Strengthening

Acquire a part of strength of the being whose blood is Consumed. It is random. Cannot be less than 1% not more than 30% ]

[ Skill : Familiar Summoning ( Single Use Only )

How can a Demon prince be without his loyal Familiar. Summon your First Most Loyal Familiar. ]

Vihaan was not surprised by the first three skills but Lightening Reflex and Blood Strengthening go hand in hand. He who absorbs blood like air will be unimaginably strong with this passive but having Blood a Ancient Vampire is not really pleasant. The Last one was the most suspicious and seem like a scam so he decided to just let it aside for now.

Vihaan just trained in the same place and tried his new strength and skills. He found some interesting combinations with Psychokinesis. His over all close combat rose by a Tier. If before he was considered a recruit now he can be considered trained as he fought his own imagination 2 hours without rest an then used last one hour for rest and digest his thoughts.

His Next three battles although were stronger than orc but they can't even considered more powerful than Level 10 or 15 nowhere near the Vampire which can be in a league of its own.

But his 6th battle was different. It went through a qualitative change.