The Rossevelt Family Part - 2 and Survival Challenge

[ Sureiya of Planet XXPUMI996, Earth, Checking for Match... ]

[ Sureiya of Planet XXPUMI996, Earth Vs Mukreo of Planet SVBYUJ420, Alos ]

[ Goblin Lord Bloodline Obtained ]

[ Winner : Sureiya of Planet XXPUMI996, Earth ]

[ Mukreo of Planet SVBYUJ420, Alos - Killed ]

[ Cultivation : Body Refinement Stage - 5 ( 99% ) ]

[ Remark : Not Bad ]


[ Sureiya of Planet XXPUMI996, Earth, Checking for Match... ]

[ Sureiya of Planet XXPUMI996, Earth Vs Krugo of Planet VBXUMI947, Creg ]

[ Kobalt Shaman Bloodline Obtained ]

[ Winner : Sureiya of Planet XXPUMI996, Earth ]

[ Krugo of Planet VBXUMI947, Creg - Killed ]

[ Cultivation : Body Refinement Stage - 6 ( 99% ) ]

[ Remark : Not Bad ]


[ Sureiya of Planet XXPUMI996, Earth, Checking for Match... ]

[ Sureiya of Planet XXPUMI996, Earth Vs Cockatrice of Planet XROMEE001, Vonce ]

[ Cockatrice Bloodline Obtained ]

[ Corrosion Poison - Unique Tier Obtained ]

[ Winner : Sureiya of Planet XXPUMI996, Earth ]

[ Cultivation : Body Refinement Stage - 7 ( 99% ) ]

[ Poison Basilisk of Planet XROMEE001, Vonce - Killed ]

[ Remark : Good ]


Vihaan fought each fight for more than 4 to 6 hours purposely. He gained a lot of combat experience. Goblin Lord was a Grey goblin, little shorter than a human round 5 feet but twice the size of normal goblin. It was tough to fight as it always avoids or runs away from attacks. It was very cunning. Vihaan had few problems as he was not used to fight with an opponent who runs away from a fight but it was a good lesson. He killed it after struggling for 5 hour. He could have used his Psychokinesis but purposely killed it only body strengthen instead of relaying on lightening reflex and spells. Its Combat level around around 10.

The Kobalt Shaman was relatively easy as it stood at one place and bombard him with various spells. Vihaan trained his control over Flame Manipulation and Ether Manipulation. It was very useful as it helped him to concentrate and control his spell and disrupt other's spell if they were within his Battle Territory. Combat Level was around 11

The last Battle was very terrifying if not for his poison immunity. he would have long been dead. Cockatrice were generally very aggressive creatures and they fight with whatever intrudes in their territory. This one was almost as tall as Vihaan and had sharp claws and insane speed with poison spewing fire from its mouth. It was fairly a long battle as vihaan was learning to dodge its attacks and poison claws standing at one place without use of Poison Immunity. It proved to be very difficult.

Vihaan purposely gave him handicap and fought with low combat monsters as it will help him when he fought with stronger and experienced monster. Cockatrice Combat level -15.

Vihaan fought 15 hours in between he had only 10-15 mins break unlike 3 hour break he got after he fought the Vampire. It was like thorn in heart as he couldn't figure out how the second battle was this hard. The last battle the Cockatrice can be considered around level 200 or Body Refinement Stage - 9 but encountering a Peak Mortal being was very weird. After 5th battle he had 5 hour break. He sat cross legged digested all the experience and slept. All the fights were in open field so he did't have many problem sleeping there. He already spent more than 24 hours in here so he need sleep. Food he managed with the blood and Ether he absorbed from the beings he killed.


[ Next Battle will commence in 00 Hour 02 Mins 00 Secs ]

[ Congratulations, You Are One Of The First Million Unique Tier Unrivalled In Body Refinement Realm. ]

[ Second Challenge Start in 02 Min 00 Sec ]

[ Its Survival Challenge against a group of monsters. Will you join any group or continue solo ? ]

Vihaan was shocked there was more than a million beings like him in unique tier alone then what about Legendary, Mythical and The Celestial tier that he had no idea of. He felt like an ant. He still had a long way to go to understand the power level of these world. He sighed. He cannot be discouraged. His goal was not in mortal realm. His enemies are far stronger so he continues to stay solo.

Vihaan was getting colder and colder as he fought. There was no emotions. He saw opponents as means to rise his strength, food or experience. Sadly the last three fights didn't give him much Blood Strengthening. Goblin lord gave him Cunning stat, Kobalt gave him Ether control and cockatrice gave him reflex. this is what he inferred when he absorbed their blood. Now he was waiting for what the survival challenges will give him.

Vihaan : / Solo /

[ If you go solo, You will still face group battles. Will you still go solo? ]

Vihaan : / Yes /

[ Confirmed ]


[ Second Challenge Start in 00 Min 00 Sec ]

Vihaan was transported again but this time it was not grass lands. He was transported to a rain-forest. Thick trees almost as thick as 2 meter diameter. A wide canopy which blocked any sunlight. It was dark but with his Night Vision he was able to see clearly. He didn't see any monster in 75 meters even with his blood sense. His strength was incomparable to when he first entered the trail or challenge whatever they call it. This place was eerie. He could feel numerous beast eyeing him as prey but he couldn't see or sense them. A notification sounded.

[ Survive 10 hours. Beasts are not the only thing you have to be beware of. ]

It was only one line but the amount information it gave was very much enough for vihaan to go into full alert.

Vihaan didn't feel like staying at one place. He started to move. He could feel something wrong. He couldn't point out. Vihaan took a step. Just one step but that step itself sealed his fate. His talons pierced into the soil and it gave a wired sound


He stepped on something gooey and slimy. He didn't know what that was. He kept his Blood Sense and Battle Territory at full alert. There was something under the soil. He use Psychokinesis to move soil, just 2 cm below soil he found a punctured egg. It was 1.5 foot long and .5 foot wide. It was the white in colour. He din't know what it was. He held it near his face using Psychokinesis. Dissected to see what is inside.



Back to the time Caesar was Killed.

The Rossevelt Family.

Unlike small planets. Rossevelt family was one of the Behemoths that was tasked with overseeing the War Preparation and holding fort in one region. This Family had god level beings so no one in right mind even think of killing anyone with Rossevelt family name. Still this was War times anything could happen. There where many people who were Registering their soul with Resurrection Mark. Usually only those young prodigies, important family member, Main branch Members and Main Fighting force will have Resurrection Mark but for War preparation every member were allowed to register. The process was going one in Rebirth Palace.

This process requires lot of resources but it was still better than damaging their own fighting force so this time for the incoming war they spared nothing and got every family members to get a Resurrection Mark{1}.

Rebirth Palace

It was usually very crowded as people will always update their blood when they advance so that when resurrected they will can be at the highest possible cultivation and strength. Today since all the members are asked to get a Resurrection Mark it was more crowed.

The Overseer of Soul Jades was as usually keeping on eye on them and other on Dirty his comic books. Somberi Rossevelt was an Old pervert who get excited just seeing young men {LOL Runs in the family I guess }. He was Elite Vampire of Transcendental Realm. He was usual was in a middle of his business. It was very quite inside inside the Soul Palace unlike outside of Rebirth Palace. No one was allowed to come here.

Creak. Creak.

Jade braking sound can be heard but simultaneously another broke inside the soul well. He was very surprised then it turned into horror. He quickly went to see the name. It was one of the prodigy of the family sent to supervise Mortal Realm Outer Battlefield. He misunderstood the situation. If two jades break simultaneously. It means his soul was destroyed and there was no way for Resurrection. He thought this may be an infiltration or spy, may be they wanted to silence the situation plus the prodigy was able to fight early Ascension Realm Experts. To kill him and destroy soul there must be a strong enemy.

( If they knew he died under Greed and was killed by a Body Refinement Realm person even his family will disown his dead body but sadly they wont find the body. )

He immediately dashed out of Soul Palace to the Main hall.


Main hall of Rossevelt Family.

It was straight out fantasy novel striking resemblance to a huge throne room but with 9 extra thrones of smaller size around them. The theme was Gothic black. It was dull and no sunlight. Somberi ran before the thrones. there was no one but he still didn't dare to lift his head and look at those thrones. He immediately knelled and paid respect to the 10 Thrones

Somberi : / I Request Audience with The Matriarch, This concerns soul destruction of one of the prodigy of the family and supervisor of Mortal Realm Outer battlefield. A Possible Enemy Infiltration /

There was Dead Silence. One Sec.. Two Sec.. Three Sec..

Time went on. Somberi was sweating profusely but he didn't dare stand up from his position. He knew very well the woman before him was the cruellest person he knew or he had seen all his 1000 year life span. She was a Matriarch Before he was born and still here while he is at his death bed.

After 5 Mins

Matriarch : / Speak /

A melodious sinister voice sent shiver through somberi woke him up form his thoughts. He explained how there was a simultaneous break two jades both in Soul Palace and Soul Well. He didn't dare to say anything else.


Matriarch : / Damien, Send Your son with 4 Black Serpents, Investigate it. /


Explanations :

Resurrection Mark - When killed, their soul will be sent back to Soul Well in Resurrection Palace.

Resurrection Palace - Place for resurrection of dead family members. Usually when a baby is born their blood will be taken and stored. So if any mishap happens they can resurrect them with help of soul and blood.

Two Jades - One will be placed in Soul Palace which will break upon death of a person and will act as beacon to attract the soul back to the Soul Well, another jade will be inside Soul Well from where it can be collected for Resurrection in Resurrection Palace

Soul Place is one the two place in Rebirth Place the other is Resurrection Palace