Forest of Depair


Vihaan saw a red insect. It was Blood Red in colour. It was about a foot long with two mandibles coming out of its mouth, two antenna and 6 small legs. Unlike normal ant its body was like red jade, shinny and strong. As soon as he opened the egg. It clapped with its mandible. Vihaan could see it was ant but the ant before him gave a eerie bloodthirsty feeling. It just hatched already it opened its mandible and bit on vihaan's hand. He was surprised to a small scratch on his Black Scale armour.

Vihaan knew compared to a human. An ant can run 90 mph and can lift 10 - 50 times its weight but the one before him seem to be more powerful and savage than the normal ants he knew. He squashed and killed it. He wanted no more trouble with this tiny monster.


Vihaan was surprised because the shell was very durable even with his strength he need 20 % of full force to kill it. He had a bad feeling seeing the next notification.

[ Vampire Ant Hatching Bloodline Obtained ]


As soon as he killed the ant. He heard sound coming from all over the place. He was surrounded. Thousands of monsters coming out the soil. 1 m tall, 2 m long, Hard mandibles like steel, shining steel like Blood red carapace, Compound Red eyes. This alone was giving him a eerie feeling.

Vihaan had a keen eye sight. He saw Ants coming out of the soil near the roots of the huge trees. He couldn't understand them even with his innate of understanding the Beast. They clapped repeatedly with their mandibles. The sound was very subtle but the eerie silence of the forest, subtle mandible locking sound and being surrounded by thousands of vampire ants was not pleasant thing when you have to survive 10 hours in the forest.

Vihaan controlled the Ether around him and gathered them forceful into his body. He was getting ready to break out of here. He wanted nothing to do with these creature.


Something moved at high speed towards his head. He was already ready. He made his claws red hot with Flame Manipulation. He made a flip mid air with spin he slashed both the creatures in to two half.


Four pieces of body fell on the ground. They where still not dead. He moved immediately killed them both directly piercing though its head. One was absorbed while other was store by Selling Scan.

[ Reaper Mantis Bloodline Acquired ]

He could feel the his speed enhanced by a little. Usually he wont check the tier of the animals or bloodline but he was shocked to see both ant and mantis bloodline were at Unique tier. Initially he was just thinking about how to gain some benefits killing and absorbing ants before breaking out of here since ants where know for their strength but He immediately buried them when he noticed Unique Tier. Unique Tier Ants which is hatching alone then what about Mature ants?, Fighter?, Other Variants? Queen ?. Just that alone can horrify people to death.

He was woken up from his thoughts by the movements around him. The Ants seem to have entered a frenzy as they smelled the Mantis Blood on the soil. There was a overwhelming Blood-lust permeating the air. Vihaan had a hard time breathing. He could feel fear.

Vihaan : / FUCK ME /

Vihaan : / DIE /

He changed everything around him into a flaming field. He used all his flames. He started to slaughter the ants. He was shocked again. These ants seem to have high resistance to fire and even for killing one mature Vampire ant he needed at least 70 % of strength.


Vihaan didn't dare hold back. He burned his own body looking like Ifrit, started to imbue Ether in to his attacks sending slashes. He named these attacks Ghost slash as they are colourless cannot be seen but they cut the ants as if they where paper. It was only little effective. Usually the slash will at least travel 50 m but now it couldn't even cross 8 m from him.

Initial Vihaan lost his cool being surrounded by thousands monsters but soon he cleared his head and used his Wings and claws to shoot fire and Ether to slaughter a path out of the encirclement. He controlled his own hand using psychokinesis to add force to his attacks. It also helped him better control the fire and ether to hit effectively

The temperature started to rise. The ants where relentless as they climbed tree and lunged on him doing suicide attacks. Vihaan had to maintain a barrier by using Psychokinesis to repel the suicide attacks. Naga and the other snake came out to help Vihaan. He was still unable to leave the encirclement as he kept moving on the trees but the ants were fairly fast as they were keeping up with him.

Vihaan got angry and increased the temperature. He wielded Psychokinesis like chains pulling him out. Using Psychokinesis to spin air around him he formed a flaming tornado. His mastery over Flame Manipulation, Ether Manipulation was getting better with the help of Psychokinesis. He kept adding Ether but he was forced to leave the flame manipulation to the new snake as he just had to do too much. His body started to release Corrosion Poison he got from Cockatrice. Naga used itself like a whip to send any monster that got too close. The Corrosion was very effective as it corroded everything and made it easy for burning. Even the trees started to corrode but he didn't give a fuck as his only goal was to escape. Just as he about cross a tree.



Vihaan was hit by something. He was thrown like rag doll. He was thrown back into the frenzied ants. He was disoriented by the force but he forced himself to become clear head immediately. Vihaan dodged immediately as his cells where screaming danger. The Place where he was, was now a crater as there a number of vines slamming at that place. He had to release Poison and Fire to keep the ants away and make way to see his new assailant.

When he saw the source of the attack. His face was filled with despair. Ents. Trees had mouth and eyes but they where all hollow. There was small red lights in their eye sockets. Its very frightening. Not one, not two, all the trees started to awaken. they moved their roots and vines to attack him. Now he had to dodge all these attacks and counter attack. He was in a pinch but he didn't despair.

Vihaan : / Think, Think, Think. /

Vihaan : / If I don't move out of here I will be surrounded by these trees and ants. /

Vihaan : / Even with my cultivation and Ether. I don't think I can keep this up for more than a Hour. /

Vihaan : / Come on. Any new Skills?? /

Vihaan : / Open Status /

[ Name : Demon Prince Vihaan

Race : Ancient Demon Chimera - Humanoid ( Locked ) Sex : Male Age : 0 years

Bloodline : Sarcosuchus, Sabre Toothed Lion, Vampire Ant Hatching, Reaper Mantis, Psyche Volcanic Orc Berserker, Goblin Lord, Kobalt Shaman, Cockatrice, Massimo Rossevelt, Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix, Hidden**

Class : War God Inheritor ( Disabled ) Sub-Class : None

Cultivation : Body Refinement Stage - 7 ( 99 % ) Body Tier : Unique Tier.

Title : Madman, The Seventh Demon Prince Of Hell, The Man Who Became The First Myth, Son of ####### ### #######.

System Skills :

Mastery : Basic Sabre Mastery, Basic Dagger Mastery, Complete Butcher Mastery.

Bloodline Skill and Racial Skill :

Passive : Undying Lust & Wrath Demon Body ( Partially Unlocked ), Ether Manipulation, Flame Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Blood Sense, Night Vision, Lightening Reflex, Blood Strengthening.

Active : Demon Contract, Life Drain, ##### Armour, Wrath of the Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix, Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix Nirvana, Psychokinesis.

Inheritance Skills : Universal Synthesis, Battle Territory.

Affinity : Unique Tier - Poison, Celestial Tier - Flame, Elite Tier - Ice

Flames : Golden Flames, Nether Flames, Phoenix Flames.

Poison : Corrosion, Nerve Paralysing.

Immunity : Poison, Fire.

Shape-Shifting : Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix

Techniques :

### ### #####'s Combat Guide

Family :

Spouse : Dia - Bound By Eternal Vow

Servants : Kaluku

Slave : Bitch ,Red Crowned Crane King

Familiar Summoning Pending** ]

Vihaan : / I Guess its the only way out. /

Vihaan : / Shape-Shifting /

Vihaan used most powerful and unknown skill he had. He though it was powerful as he saw the Mother Phoenix burn everything to ashes. He himself forgot the skill till now. He didn't use them often so when he saw ways out predicament. He immediately decided to go all out and use them.


He initial had no idea what to idea what to expect when transforming but as soon as he used the skill. A burning sensation went through out his body. It was painful as hell even more than the moments he was dying. He closed his eyes endured and concentrated to sense around him and his body to feel the changes. There was not only Shape-shifting but also lot of information flowing into his head.

No one was there to see that spectacle. Only few words can describe the spectacle - 'Majestic' 'Fearsome' 'Godly' 'Powerful'

Like how Goku power ups. His whole figure was burning in fire and the fire was growing in size. It went on few seconds growing in size till it reached 30 feet tall sending scorching flames of heat waves pulverising any ants that was brave enough come near him. The trees were also affected they were blown away by the heat waves and scorched but they had immense vitality and huge frame so even with high heat they seem to be alright. It also had another reaction - 'Anger' They were angry on this bird. It intruded their territory destroyed their ecosystem now it started a fire in middle of the forest. They wanted to smash it into pieces so they moved without even considering the heat.

Vihaan on the other hand was very much pissed off. He was already in pain now they are even brave enough to move forward to kill him when he was transforming.

Vihaan : / Fuck You /

He activated another skill. He wanted to make this place into a fucking Desert

Vihaan : / I will fucking burn this forest to ashes. /

Vihaan : / Wrath of the Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix /

Author Notes :

I Initially typed this chapter to release tomorrow but with sudden influx in collection and Power stone I was happy so another Chapter today. Thank you everyone.