Never Ending Despair

Vihaan : / I will fucking burn this forest to ashes. /

Vihaan : / Wrath of the Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix /

Vihaan was could feel his vitality and ether burning through rapidly. Initially one hour time he had was now dwindling rapidly. The Fire around him formed a sphere like structure resembling a mini sun, there were traces of 3 kind of flames. There was heat coming out of the sphere like solar flare. Vihaan used his Psychokinesis to look down everything and compress everything. Unlike other abilities or spells that require ether, Psychokinesis uses mental energy ( Soul Power ).

Vihaan could feel his head aching like some one was was hammering down countless nails.

Vihaan : / Aargggar.. ararararararggg... arrrrrrrrg..... /

Vihaan : / Fuck me... FUCK FUCK FUCK /

He gritted his teeth everything endured his Shape-shifting, Wrath of the Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix and kept everything under wraps with his Psychokinesis.

One Sec

Two Sec

Three Sec


Ten Sec


Vihaan almost finished his Shape-shifting. If not for him pre maturely using Wrath of the Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix while still in transformation phase. He could have used his new form at-least few seconds. The Power of Phoenix is not something that can be sustained with the puny amount of Ether He had. He learned this a hard way. The Wrath of the Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix was burning through his resources and Life force very quickly. He had yet to even full transform but the stress was too much for him to take.

The Phoenix form forcefully increased his Battle Territory to 500 m and Blood Sense to 2 km. He was able to feel huge number of Ents and Ants making their way towards him. There was no heat as Vihaan used his Psychokinesis to block everything inside the 40 feet diameter mini sun.

They had no idea what was in store for them.Even Vihaan himself had no Idea what was in store for him. He was having hard time keeping everything under control. He got more angry. He could feel his conscious was fading into darkness. He was just too tired. He sub consciously activated the skill Sin of Wrath. He released everything. He lost conscious.

Vihaan : / Release / he mumbled as he lost his conscious.




Nothing happened. Vihaan already lost conscious but the Sphere didn't burst.

A Huge Ent which was closest to the sphere thinking Vihaan was hiding inside used its huge trunk to ram on the mini sun surrounded by a thin layer of air.


A world shattering loud sound sending earthquake almost one quarter of the planet. As if god judged the world. A huge ball of fire rose in the sky. It was visible even from 100 of Miles from the spot. 7 km radius around vihaan just vanished out of thin air. There was nothing there the ents, ants forest bushes, soil. Everything turned into molten magma. Heat Waves and Radiation travelled more than hundred of kilometres.

It only lasted few seconds but the after effect and radiation will make this Trail ground one of the most dangerous places for ages to come. The whole terrain changed. Colourless Ether was now Fire Ether.


just after few seconds vihaan woke up as he felt his body was being charged with something hot. It was burning sensation but was very comfortable. He opened his eyes disoriented He tried to support his hands but it was sinking in. He lost his balance. He took a good glance as magma was on his face

Vihaan : / Did I do this ? /

Vihaan : / Shit, This skill is Overpowered /

He was lying in a pull of molten magma but the pull was the only thing there as far as he can see. The heat was very high may be reaching more than 1000°C but he was comfortable here. So he soaked in magma.

Vihaan : / I could fell my dried up Ether is filling at least 10 times faster here. Still my life force and mental energy is dried up I should just rest here as no one in right mind would probably come to this place. /

Vihaan checked himself to find his cultivation had advanced without systems help. It was now peak of Stage - 8. He saw the notification there was only 3.

[ Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix Nirvana Activated ]

[ Nirvana ]


[ Cultivation : Body Refinement Stage - 8 ( 99% ) ]

[ Quest Completed. Do you wish to redeem rewards ]

[ Yes / No ]

Vihaan : / Seems like Nirvana skill is really op. It had only 10 % to activate but I was lucky enough to activate it. Still seems like it cannot refill my life force and mental energy. Whatever I m happy to live another day. /

Vihaan : / Yes /

[ Quest : Defeat People / Monster / Demon / Anyone with Higher cultivation than you in Ranking Trails - Completed. ( Over )

Reward : 1 Minor Realm Cultivation Unlock. ]

[ Cultivation : Body Refinement Stage - 9 ( 99% ) ]

[ Achievement Quests Completed :

Fastest 100 Kills - Reward : 10 Ether Essence Crystals.

Fastest 200 kills - Reward : 20 Ether Essence Crystals.


Fastest 900 kills - Reward : 90 Ether Essence Crystals.

Fastest 1000 kills - Reward : 1000 Ether Essence Crystals


Fastest 8000 kills - Reward : 8000 Ether Essence Crystals

Fastest 9000 kills - Reward : 9000 Ether Essence Crystals.]

[ All Unique tier monsters. Rewards Multiplier : x5 ]

[ Title : The First Man Who Became The First Myth ]

[ 10 % Extra Ether Essence Has been added ]

[ Total Ether Essence Crystals : 274,450 ]

[ Ether Essence Crystals have been added to Host's Account ]

Vihaan : / I really out done myself this time. /

Vihaan : / Well that gave me some EEC to work with for time being. I guess I wont get anymore EEC /

Vihaan looked around and sighed.

Vihaan : / This was a good opportunity to get some benefits and gain some EEC but I went over board and burned everything out of existence. No Bloodline, No Materials, No EEC /

[ Time Remaining : 8:34:45 ]

Vihaan : / There was still lot of time for me. I can always go hunt more. ]

Vihaan was very hungry so he wanted to take out some meat form inventory to eat.

Vihaan : / Open Inventory /

Vihaan was stunned to see inside. There was mantis body but that was thing shocked him. There was a Ring. It was Plain blood red. He withdrew it. he had no memory of having any ring. He saw the information. It was actually a very good ring but he was struggling whether to throw it away or keep it. He knew this will bring him trouble but also uses. He was thinking ways to change it. Suddenly he got a inspiration.

Vihaan : / What if I use universal Synthesis and change the name and appearance removing any form of resemblance. I can try /

[ Accessory : Rossevelt Ring ( Unique Tier )

Blocks Damage From Sunlight. Allows to change Appearance Freely. Perfectly Masks Presence.

Can only Worn by Rossevelt Family members ]

It can help him blend in anywhere. Although the first effect doesn't do much for him. Second can help him blend and there can be used to sneak. Its fairly a very good ring and has no time limit. There is nothing note worth of this ring in appearance as its a plain Blood Red ring but he was not naive enough to think they will just give this ring without any counter measure.

Vihaan had no idea that this ring can only be used if anyone had Rossevelt bloodline and There was nothing related to tracking in it.

Vihaan was broke apart the green shell and tried to change the Block sunlight option to camouflage. The Mantis were top predator which even Vihaan couldn't find even with blood sense. He only found it because it initiated attacks on him and entered his battle territory.

[ Universal Synthesis : Rossevelt Ring + Reaper Mantis Shells ]

[ Direction : Remove any tracker, Remove Block Damage from sunlight, Use Camouflage from Mantis shell ]

[ Analysing... ]

[ Synthesis Possible ]

[ Requirements : 10 Million EEC, Blood of illusion Fairy to Replace Reaper Mantis Shell ]

[ Do you want to proceed ? ]

Vihaan was dumbfound. He had to pay EEC and replace materials. He found this new since this was the first time He synthesised a new item instead of skills. He had no EEC and He had no idea of illusion fairy. He just stored ring in his inventory with sigh and started to eat the mantis but that didn't even restore his Life Force.

Vihaan wanted to see of there are any other bodies in Sell section.

Vihaan : / Open Sell /

Vihaan was surprise to see there was 8 Lioness body remaining. There was also two huge axe of the orc, suit of vampire, sword, staff, all the dress and accessorises of the humanoid he killed. He really didn't need them so sold them but vihaan had a other question if can have the things on the humanoids he killed then what about the things in their inventory. He momentarily put this question on pass.

Vihaan : / Sell all miscellaneous other than Lioness Body. /

[ Selling... ]

[ 10 % Service Charge ]

[ Title : The First Man Who Became The First Myth ]

[ 10 % Extra Ether Essence Has been added ]

[ Balance : 4,234,123 EEC ]

Vihaan : / Withdrew all lioness body /

[ Cost : 170,150 EEC for 1 ]

[ Do you want to proceed ]

[ Yes / No ]

He was shocked. He nerve though he had to pay this much then he remembered system takes EEC for using this function but still to ask 170,150 EEC for one then the bodies of these beast should give him small fortune.

Vihaan : / Sell 4 then Withdraw 4 /


[ Title : The First Man Who Became The First Myth ]

[ 10 % Extra Ether Essence Has been added ]

[ Total Ether Essence Crystals : 11,246,513 ]

[ Ether Essence Crystals have been added to Host's Account ]

Vihaan didn't think much as he started eating the 4 renaming lioness and went for search tab. Since he couldn't find anyone to answer might as well pay to get the information.

[ Search :

Please enter what you want to buy. ]

Vihaan : / Why am I not getting any EEC for Killing like I used to get from experience. /

[ Cost : 500 EEC, Proceed? ]

Vihaan : / Yes /

[ Ether is preserved in the body itself to give quality food and material. Host can Sell them separate if EEC is needed. ]

Vihaan : / Who set this ? /

[ Cost : 500 EEC, Proceed? ]

Vihaan : / Yes /

[ Master ]

Vihaan didn't complain as rather than EEC him getting preserved bodies for absorption and selling is far better. He can always sell bodies if wanted. Plus now with his new Blood Strengthening he wanted to find ways to assimilated more.

Vihaan wanted information and He reached Peak of Body Refinement but for getting information and reward from quest he has to complete another trail. This itself is proving very hard so he wanted to find alternatives for unlocking his cultivation.

Vihaan : / Give me basic Information of this Universe and Mortal Realm Cultivation /

[ Information Cost : 10 M, Cultivation Cost : 10,000 EEC for Basic, 100,000 EEC for Brief and 1 M for Full Information ]

Vihaan just wanted to see how much it will cost was not really planning to buy them. Plus he cannot digest the information in the middle of a survival trial so he left it alone for now.

After digesting 4 full grown lioness vihaan was feeling better and his mental energy was also recovering. He was floating in the magma. He close his eyes for recovering his Mental Energy and taking a nap.

( Lazy Fellow always sleeping )


Astrea : [ I suggest you wake up and use Familiar Summoning. It is better to have another helping hand. There are Mythical Tier and Legendary Tier Monster coming for you. ]

Author Notes :

I added achievements just to denote this is different kind of Quest. Plus I also dropped using host. It was kind annoying. I will try update remaining chapters also. lol. No more ''host for the most part''.

If any of you want it just comment here before I correct all the chapters.

If you have any question regarding novel feel free to comment bellow as long as its now spoiler i will answer.