Respect Should Be Earned

Astrea : [ I suggest you wake up and use Familiar Summing. It is better to have another helping hand. There are Mythical Tier and Legendary Tier Monster coming for you. ]

Vihaan never thought Astrea would speak to him again with all that has happened. Vihaan was distracted by Buzzing sound and looked in the direction sound was coming form. He couldn't see the outline but he was only see one thing. There was a swarm of insects coming from one direction. The numbers easily crossed thousands and they were huge.

Vihaan was could guess this because even from kilometres apart. He could see a black cloud moving and was trying to enter the magma area.

Vihaan : / I never expected 'My Senior sister' to be thick skinned /

Astrea was stunned. She never expected him to speak like this. She could still remember how he reacted first time when he saw her then how he revered and feared her but now it was totally different. There was Coldness and Arrogance in his tone. She couldn't answer. This was the first time someone actually spoke to her in this tone.

Vihaan didn't care anything anymore. The Awakened Memories of Phoenix when he transformed gave him a few crucial information. He just has to advance in cultivation to unlock more memories. Important one out of them is connection between 'Sin of Wrath' and Wrath of Royal Three Legged Golden Nether Phoenix.

Vihaan vowed to the heavens and Obtained Sin of Wrath Skill. It's a Sin that is bound to the soul. He can never die. He will be reborn as long as his vow is unfulfilled.

" Vihaan : / I Vow with Heaven as Witness that every single one of them who Schemed, Plotted and Harmed people close to now or in future will have their fate worse than death. If not let the Heavens smite me. / "

Another one is that his guess was correct that Astrea and her master have some agenda in helping him so as long as it is unaccomplished. His life is never truly in danger. He just had to be powerful than them before completing his task. Rather than Master-Disciple relationship this one can be more of a give and take policy. Vihaan as of now had no use to them. Both him ad them had one goal that was him to get stronger. This is one the reason he took initiative to gain knowledge of the universe and cultivation.

Now Astrea took initiative to speak to him. He was determined to gain as much benefits as possible to strengthen himself. His arrogance didn't come from him being truly unkillable but it came truly from himself. He realised he was always trusting someone or depended on someone. His emotions have been chaotic. He gets angry more easily. He wanted to control his emotions and his anger. He character changed cold because he wanted to be but arrogance came from the inherited memories of the Proud Phoenix. It was etched in his bones now. It was more of Pride than arrogance.

Vihaan : / Give me an Appraisal Skill of at least of Mythical Tier by any means. /

Vihaan : / How to summon a Familiar and Tell me what's to expect of a Familiar or What actually it is. /

Astrea still had not gotten over from the first shock but next two which came successively hit the spot. She became angry. Her pride and sadistic personality started to come out.

Astrea : [ Brat, Do you think you can talk to me now you have some little powerful. You are still an ant. Know your place ]

Vihaan : / Bitch Shut the fuck up. Do you think I don't know the little games you and your master are playing behind my back. You either do your job or I can find other ways. /

Vihaan : / You better be a good bitch an open your leg and sever me when time comes or you definitely don't want to face the consequence. /

Vihaan eyes were red. He just looked up towards one position in the sky.

Astrea felt a shiver down her spin. She was not able to know why but she was very afraid of Vihaan now. Vihaan lost himself a second. He only remembered till the time he decided to gain benefits from Astrea. As far as he was concerned he had a arrogant tone and there was no reply from Astrea after that. So he was patiently waiting for her reply.

Vihaan saw that the ants were not charging into the magma like mindless insects but they are trying to cover and surround the whole area trying to find a way to enter. He still had some time to prepare. He only had recovered around 40 % Life force and 20 Mental Force. He can't fight or run away in his current situation so he need to use his time wisely.

[ Quest : Survive the Horde of Vampire Ants

Reward : All Seeing Eye - Appraisal Skill ( Tier 1 Access ) ]

[ Gift : Information on Familiar Summoning ]

[ Do you want to accept ? ]

[ Yes / No ]

He didn't get reply but a notification pertaining a new quest and a gift flashed before him. He was sure this might not be Astrea but for him anything works as long as things went his way so he accepted readily both.

Vihaan sat there and went through the information on summoning. He just skimmed through the information.

There was lot of information there but he just read the important. Summons can be anything and random. They are very loyal to the summoner even if you mistreat them. They grow stronger as the summoner grew so its best to treat them properly.

Usually to summon there is lot of procedure to follow but his reward made things easy. It was a talisman. The Summoning Circle was already drawn on a talisman. He already knew how to use a talisman so he just have to supply Ether to activate the Summoning Circle.

Vihaan was thinking about the best course of action. He decided against summoning Familiar for now. The best course of action now will be just stay inside the magma and wait for Time for Survival challenge to end or run away from the here but the Ants will probably wont give up the chase.

[ Time Remaining : 8:29:45 ]

Vihaan : / It wasn't even 5 minutes since he ate ans closed his eyes but there was already an army of ants surrounding him so there must be a colony very near to this place. /

Vihaan wanted to truly understand his situation first before deciding what to do.

He took flight and rose in altitude. His speed was very fast there was nothing to break his speed.

100 m

200 m

300 m

400 m

500 m

At the altitude of 500 m he could feel the temperature was beginning to drop. He didn't stop, went higher and higher and reached 10 km he could no longer feel at the height. He got a clear view of ant swarm. They actually stopped far away more than 10 km radius from him. They were trying to spread out and find a way in but the heat kept them at bay. With their little Fire Resistance they can probably come into the field of magma in another 6 - 7 hours with the temperature dropping continuously. There was no source to keep the heat going.

Vihaan flapped his wings to near the flying ants.


Within few seconds he was in radius of ants to be honest. He was very intimidated by them. They were far stronger than those ants he saw. Appearance was almost the same except for extra attachments on them. They easily reached his height. 2 meter height more than 4 meter long, Sharp mandibles. They had a small crystals on their head like horns. Their legs and mandibles were evolved to kill their prey. Each one of them can easily match him in pure strength and with their numbers they can easily slaughter the whole earth in few hours.

Like how he was judging him. The ants didn't make any moves they just stared at him. It was more horrify than before as the numbers and size where incomparable to before.

Vihaan was thinking as this similar to the situation as before. As long as he didn't attack or show killing intent they just stare at him. He felt like an idiot thinking about the situation that he brought upon himself.

While he was busy in his own thoughts the buzzing sound started to get louder.


Vihaan snapped out of his thoughts. Seeing the scene before him his heart was beating like crazy. He could feel a faint pressure on him. There were 100 or so ants stronger than the normal flying ants. They moved closer to him. Originally he stood around 500 m away from the swarm. Now these stronger ants easily made their ways towards him. He slowing moved backwards still maintaining a calm face and facing the incoming ants. they don't seem to be in a hurry as they calmly followed him. They finally stopped 1 km from the start of molten magma.

Vihaan was surprised as these monsters unlike the normal ants walked in 4 legs reaching 2.5 m tall and 6 m length. Their three segmented body was evolved something similar to centaurs, 4 legs to walk two legs evolved like blades of mantis. They look like veteran monster who had blood of many monsters. Vihaan's hands was covered in cold sweat.

Vihaan : / Legendary Tier Ants, That too more than 100 / he mumbled

More than 100 Legendary Tier Ants where now standing before him. This his first encounter and he was besieged by more than 100 of them. He could fight one of them but killing or escaping depends on the fight itself rather fighting 100 is suicide. His actions earlier were seeming more and more Idiotic as time passes.

##### : / I Appreciate Your Bravery. Even in face of our army far stronger than you being able to face us calmly. Not many can accomplish in this planet or any planet at that. I Respect That. /

Vihaan was shocked now he was able to understand as someone was speaking in the language of the beast and this voice was coming from the swarm of Ants.

The Ants Swarm divide into two like a Royal Procession. A Humanoid Ant flew throw ants. All the ants even in air didn't dare to even look up. Everyone knelled in mid air. This was comical scene but no one in right mind will be able to. It looked more like a terrifying scene

3 m tall, walking on 2 legs, one pair of blade hands another pair of human like hand but with claw like fingers, legs similar to his, a female figure with ant head ( Similar to Beru Of Solo Levelling but has boobs under that shiny red carpacas ). Exerting immense Pressure moved out and floated in air before Vihaan. It had pointed an ancient halberd in its hand towards Vihaan.

##### : / I am Bree, 13th Juvenile Queen of the Vampire Ant Colony. Pleasure to meet you /

Bree : / Now can you tell me what happened here ? /