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Bree : / I am Bree, 13th Juvenile Queen of the Vampire Ant Colony. Pleasure to meet you /

Bree : / Now can you tell me what happened here ? /


Bree had numerous options she chose the worst possible way but she had to go and piss off this Mad Demon. She was the Youngest Queen of the colony has reached Lv 599 or comparable to Peak 9 Organ Transformation Realm. No one in this planet would even face a Vampire Ant army. She was training in this planet for a while now. She was not supposed to be in this planet in the first place. She got a alert when a new colony which was developing here was wiped in seconds. She herself say a flash in the sky and World shattering sound few minutes before but didn't think it was related to the colony. She got a direct order form Queen Mother to investigate the incident so hurried here.

When Bree reached the place she was stunned to see the place where the new colony was supposed be has turned into pool of burning magma. She searched few minutes around magma pool and found the energy was not something even a Mythical Tier being can unleash so she decide this was done by some power house because this was Training planet for mortal realm newbies so there was no way a being in mortal realm can do this.

She still found something bugging her so decide to spread her troops and cover the area to further investigate. Within few minutes she saw a creature coming out of the Magma. It was very suspicious so she had some doubts but seeing it was not powerful she dispelled them but decided to interrogate it so she could get some answer. She wanted to deter it by using the army but to her surprise the monster stayed outside of their reach and was fearless. She saw that it was quiet powerful to face such an army calmly but enough to threaten them or her so next she used Legendary Tier Ants this time but again she couldn't see fear. The monster was expressionless and was moving further back into the magma. She was annoyed so decided to make a move and pressure it.

She had some respect for it but other than that she only had disdain. How can a single puny monster can match the fearsome ants.


When Vihaan heard her speak. He was reminded of the First Time he met Astrea. An uncontrollable rage rose inside him.

Vihaan : / You know woman. I hate when people order me especially woman. /

Vihaan anger stirred the surrounding. This was the area was where he unleashed all his life force and ether. Now again when he got angry residues of the Flames of Nirvana reacted to his anger. Ether from all the direction was madly rushing into the magma pool and the temperature which was decreasing was increasing again slowly.

Bree was stunned to see the temperature rise. She earlier had some doubts but the scene before her made her rethink. Her doubts started to get stronger. She still didn't believe the monster before them can threaten her or her troops.

Vihaan could feel something calling him something was reacting to his anger. He was surprised, this made him snap out of his anger. He became clear headed again. Vihaan didn't feel like talking to her anymore.He wanted to confirm whether they knew anything about him Now that he confirmed his suspicions they didn't know he was actually the one responsible annihilation of their new colony. He flew back into the magma without saying anything.

He only had to stall few hours to get out of this hell hole.

Bree was thinking about her suspicions so she missed her opportunity capture Vihaan when he was few meters away from her. He was now back in his element. She snapped out of her thoughts immediately when she saw him moving away.

How could she let go off her only lead.

Bree : / Hey where are you going. You still haven't answered me. Come back here. /

Vihaan : / Go Piss Off Bitch. I got work to do. /

Bree was stunned but immediately it turned into anger. Originally Ants where ferocious insects they have one thought. Kill, Fed the Queen, Expand the Colony. Even after evolution it was still their primal instinct. She came here on Queen's order. She found clues and even found a suspect. Vihaan's actions were like disregarding Queen's wishes and She herself was queen, Vihaan just insulted her as bitch. It provoked both her and all the ants. She was burning with rage.

Bree : / Attack /

Vihaan heard a buzz sound as he flew back into the magma pool. He tuned around to see the suicidal charges of the Ants. They totally disregarded the Heat and were trying to attack him. Vihaan was actually thinking of ways to stall time but with such a idiotic queen he didn't have to worry about not having any ideas. When he was the swarm all he saw was EEC's and Blood materials. Just now Vihaan was sulking about missing a great deal of monster carcass so how can he let these Ant's suicidal charge go to waste.

Vihaan stopped and turned back. He was now 2 km into the magma pool. He could clearly see Unique Tier's were having a very hard time enduring the heat. Legendary ones were better of but wont hold on another 2 km may be Bree could chase him another 2 km or even reach the centre.

The Whole confrontation happened at an altitude of 500 m, Vihaan flew towards them but moved closer to the magma surface below the ants. Ants followed their crazed nature and dived down to attack him, Bree realised vihaan's plan and pulled her troop back but she was little late as more than 1000 Unique rank Ants who dove down had their wings burned and lost their flying capacity. They couldn't move to the orders of Bree.

How could Vihaan let go of free EEC. He moved like a fish in water at high speed utilising his lightening reflex. He used Psychokinesis to form a net 50 m above the pool to catch all the falling ants. He caught most of them which fell directly above him but missed around 30% which was further away. He felt regret as he couldn't capitalise fully.

Ants where tenacious they didn't die even at such high temperature.

Vihaan sighed.

He had to do all the hard work.

Bree on the other hand seeing Vihaan save ants felt bad for chasing him and regret for losing few hundred Elite Ant soldiers but it didn't last long as she saw what happened next.

Vihaan used two Psychokinesis layer to hold the ants in place. He moved leisurely grabbed one of the ants and ate bit its head of. He ate it alive. When the ant was killed, it seems like vihaan ate the ant in one go. His bloodline or absorption was not revealed plus he was using the ant bodies to hide what he was doing.

[ Elite Vampire Ant Bloodline Acquired ]

As Vihaan ate the ant alive he felt his mental energy recover a little. This was the first time he could feel his mental energy recover. He was very happy. He had only around 20% Mental energy left earlier but catchings and holding thousands of was taxing. He only had 5 % remaining but as soon as he ate the ant he could feel Mental Force recover a little and his Blood Strengthening gave him a huge boost as he felt energy course though him. His Ether, Mental Force and Life Force was recovering rapidly. He was in ecstasy. Usually he wont absorb on his own but these ants were priceless.

Vihaan looked at the all ants with Greed and Desire in his eyes. He didn't dare delay anymore. He started to kill and absorb the ants like old pervert jumping on a young maiden. Withing few seconds He slaughterer more than 50 and he didn't show any signs of stopping. His Ether, Mental Force and Life Force were full but he stuffed himself and found he his body was actually burning through them like candy and it was asking more. How can vihaan control himself.

Bree : / Bastard, What the fuck are you doing ? /

Vihaan snapped out of his feast saw Bree fuming few meter above him. He gave her a weird look.

Vihaan : / Don't you see? I am hungry. I am eating. Go away don't disturb me. /

Author Thoughts :

Was little preoccupied a little today so couldn't write. Sorry for short chapter. Tomo there will be two chapter release.

In a few chapter there will a familiar summoning. I would be happy if anyone of you want to suggest any names, characters or beast you want to see in the novel. Please feel free to comment.

HackTheOtaku, fullgara, IronHorde33, Aquifel Thank You for the power stones buddy. I will give first priority to all the guys who support my novel and support me.

I am open to suggestions.