Hasta La Vista Baby

Vihaan was still in clouds with a evil grin on his face.

Vihaan : / I wonder I can read her thoughts with Ecstasy cloud and Thought Reading /

Vihaan : / I wonder if I can shove my dick down her Ant Throat. She seems to be Humanoid. Does she even have a vagina ? /


Vihaan snapped out of his thoughts as he slapped himself. He had a weird expression on his face. He thought back. He had only come in contact with 4 women or rather 4 humanoid women. Every time he had an uncontrollable urge to just push them and ravage them make them his slave and it was getting worse now. Even now, Seeing a horrible Insect was able to affect his Libido.

It was a horrifying experience now he was clear headed thinking about him shoving his cock down Bree's throat while using her mandible to force her. It was disgusting yet strangely his body was reacting to it. He was horny.

Vihaan again slapped himself to snap out of all the useless thoughts. All this thoughts were making him shudder.

Even though Vihaan had no clue about most of the fantasy world. He was good in studies and top ranker in schools and colleges. His mind thought in a different way. This was the first time he thought using science in this way.

Vihaan was high up in the sky almost 7 kilometres above the actually formation. There was lot of Black Clouds in sky blocking his figure. He was moving around the place using Wind Manipulation to sense the wind element in the air. He was searching for a Air Current in the sky. He found two high speed Currents in the sky. Just what he need.

He was using psychokinesis and wind manipulation to form two wind currents one slow and one faster. He was using them to form a tornado. Instead of using Ether or spell to just send a tornado. He was using the Black cloud wind current to form a strong tornado. He was experimenting using power of Nature, Ether and Science whether was it possible to create a nature Calamity. He had everything prepared, He just has to proceed according to his plan.

Vihaan was able to speed up the process of tornado formation. It usually takes time but using his Psychokinesis and Wind Manipulation he was able to form a huge vortex in the sky. Within few seconds the was vortex coming down from the sky unlike normal tornado this one was injected with Ice and Water to strengthen them. He used all the reserves to strengthen the Tornado. He threw used 1 EEC experimenting whether he was able to add ether using EEC directly. To his surprise the EEC just vanished in the air as soon as it came in touch with the tornado.

Vihaan : / Hahhahhahah, Beautiful, Marvellous, I am Fucking Genius. /

Its speed already crossed 500 per hour speed. Just when the Vortex of the tornado was about to hit the formation Vihaan did something unthinkable.

Vihaan was like Mad Scientist laughing and cussing to his heart's content.

Vihaan : / Hasta La Vista Baby /


Bree was happy the Magma was almost fully cooled. She was eager to hunt down that abomination who killed her colony. She was burning with rage. She even got a transmission from Mother asking her to end this farce then and there. Mother had Hive Mind Skill which enables her to receive memories feed from Ants as long as they where alive but if they die she will definitely know there was death but cannot access their memories. This is the reason they came here to investigate what had happened here.

Queen Mother saw everything that had happened here right from the time Bree encountered Vihaan. There was only one sentence.

'I am Disappointed'

Because of her Inability she lost and endangered lives of her brother, her race and The Colony. The Transmission was cut after that.

Bree was burning with rage and humiliation. This was her first mission and she wasted the resource of the colony and was blamed for the death of her troops.

Bree was still mad when she notice something strange in the sky. She thought it was going to rain but now there something different the air seem to moving in Circle above her. Her instinct told her to go back. She had never seen or heard something like Tornado all her life so she was not able to understand the phenomenon happening before her.

She decide to trust her instincts.

Bree : / Break Formation, We are to start pursuit. /

When Bree gave the order. The Air Circulation seem to have picked up speed suddenly. The Unique Tier Ants lost Flight as they where not able to hold formation. It destabilised the formation. It sent backlash to all the Ants. Bree was the most affected as she was the main supporter of the formation. The Backlash had messed up the Ether flow in her body.

This was only the starting.

There was Vortex like point coming down form the sky. To her horror the vortex was covered something resembling that of skeleton face. It Open its mouth. Inside there was the vortex. There was sparking ball coming out of the end vortex.

Vihaan : / Hasta la Vista Baby /

She heard a familiar voice, she knew it was that monster but she couldn't understand what it was saying.

She saw the whole cloud was suddenly lit up. She shuddered at that sight. It was like heavens were angry and were unleashing their wrath. It was like end of the world was coming. First time in her life she felt fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of the Heavens, Fear of Vihaan.

Bree : / Wrath of the Heavens /

Bree mumbles as she saw the whole sky was covered by Lightning. The Lightning hit the sparkling ball.


Another World Shattering sound. This Time an Ice Explosion. She saw White Flash before her. She remembered the words the creature.

Vihaan : / I will give you one chance go away or you will suffer for more losses than you can handle. /

As Cold and freeze winds embraced her. She lost conscious. She was frozen in Fear and Ice


Vihaan always wanted to try many things in his life. Everyone had their favourite moments they want to live in. He remember the scene in The Mummy 1999 where the Immortal Imhotep Shows his face in the Sand Storm trying to bring down Brendan Fraser. It was one of his favourite scenes. Next he wanted look cool saying the famous Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger Dialogue. Now had both opportunity to do both. How can he miss it.

While the tornado was descending he used split his mind and used Psychokinesis to gather the cloud to for a skeletal face while covering tornado.

He aimed the small ball compress of Ice and Poison to the centre of the tornado. He withdrew one Billion EEC from System. He just dumped 500 M EEC into the tornado making the Tornado move faster. It was already hard for him to control. He was losing his control over it. He used the remaining 500 M EEC to forcing it directly into the Ice and Poison Ball in his hand. He didn't even think twice. Immediately using Fire and Psychokinesis he launched the ball like bullet leaving a gun. It was followed by a thundering Lightening which activated all the black clouds making it rain and thunder. It was like Vihaan just lit a TNT.

Everything happened in fraction of seconds.


Another World Shattering Sound. Vihaan as soon as he released everything He activated Wind Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Ice Manipulation and Thunder/Lightning Manipulation to reply any element away from him while using Psychokinesis to shield himself.

He was in fact in the safest place possible the Eye of the storm.

His actions had affected the whole environment on the surface of the planet. He unleashed Unbearable heat followed by Water and Ice Spells which cooled the Magma. Then now he poisonous clouds with Ice and a fucking thunderstorm. These kind of Drastic Climatic changes were something this planet has not seen since the birth. Even if the Ice melted there will be poison element in this place permanently. Flora and Fauna will undergo drastic mutation. Giving birth to terrifying Monsters and Insects. Even Plants will be become dangerous creating one of the Forbidden Zones in this Planet.

While the Thunder storm was ranging Vihaan was safely floating using his Psychokinesis in the eye of the storm. The winds were very strong so he refrained from using his wings. He cannot stop the thunderstorm it was already out of his power. He directly gained altitude and moved out of the Storm. He flew another 2 km and landed in the frozen land.

Vihaan : / What a spectacle /

Vihaan : / Beautiful, Marvellous, My little baby go destroy everything. /

10 km Surrounding Encase in Ice. A spectacular sight to behold.

Vihaan could feel the Ants frozen in Ice using Blood Sense. They were still alive but just frozen. At least for time being they wound Live, if call being frozen in ice living but the Ice and Poison will kill them over time if they are not treat within few hours. He was admiring his work of art. Suddenly he could feel exhaustion washing over him. He used his to much Mental Force and Ether.

Vihaan was just too tired. He initially wanted to collect all the Ants and sell them but he remembered just in few minutes after the death of the Colony an army arrived here so wanted information. As long as Bree was alive he should be OK or so he thought.

Vihaan used Blood sense and Life sense together to point out the strongest life force he can find.

It took some time without help of his trusty tail snake buddy Naga but he pulled through after 10 minutes of intense concentration.

He also did everything possible to kept the poison from attacking the Ants Body.

Vihaan : / FUCK ME, Its a hassle. /

Vihaan : / I cant even kill anyone in peace. I hungry and angry. /

Vihaan : / Fuck it, I will kill just few minute before the challenge's end and leave right after. /

Vihaan had a evil smile on his face.

Vihaan : / Let me get a bitch for myself. /

Vihaan started walking into the frozen ice capes. There were lots of Ants flying here and there all encased in ice. It looked very beautiful. Vihaan felt proud of his art.

The Ice and Poison Explosion sent out a wave sending the ants far away. So mostly all the ants where on the ground frozen only few were frozen in flying position.

He found Bree frozen in a huge ice almost 200 m tall. She was the one who took the most blunt and force of the attack. The Poison Ice Thunder Storm was moving away rather quickly but the temperature was still very cold. Vihaan did had to use Ice Manipulation and Fire Manipulation to stop his body from freezing. He used fire to unfreeze Bree.

Bree's body was actually in a worse condition. Her carapace was torn, wings fully broken, half her face was not there. He found something peculiar with Bree's body.

Vihaan was stunned.

Vihaan : / Holy shit, How the fuck is this even possible ? /

Vihaan : / Hhahahaahhhah, Triple Jack Pot Day. /

Suddenly his laughter stopped.

Vihaan : / My luck has been very good to the point even I am speechless. /

Vihaan : / I suddenly fell uneasy now. /

Vihaan : / Fuck it, Let me get over with this. /

Vihaan had greedy look on his face. Almost drooling over it.