Vampire Ants Queen Mother - Valerie and Bree ( Part - 1 )



Get ready to enjoy a twisted play of fate.


Vihaan had a crazed lust and desire in his eyes. At this point he lost his mind. There was only Lust in his in eyes.

Bree was unconscious. There was lots of broken parts in her armor. What she didn't know was the most guarded secret of the Vampire Ants was no more a secret.


Vampire Ants, This name alone will strike fear in almost all of Mortal Realm. Ants are know for their savagery and numerical superiority for ages. They usual don't have sentiments but this all changed when a unique ants was born in Fanios Ants Species. Fanios ants are know for their war tendency and killing. Every ant in the species had potential to reach Unique Tier. They start form Uncommon Tier and can rise up till Unique. Valerie herself was a reincarnation of sentiment being which no one was able to find till now. she was born as a worker ant but rose from worker to a Queen which never happened first time in the History of ants.

Valerie was different. She stayed in the colony as a worker till she had strength to protect herself before leaving and starting a journey of her own which is unlike any of the ants. Ants live and die for the Colony but Valerie changed it, she was selfish she wanted to be a Queen of her own. She roamed the mortal realm using system to her support to Evolve and Rise. She left behind line of Corpses rising to the peak of Mortal Realm with a Mythical Tier body but She was stuck in the Mortal Realm without a way to ascend into Ascension Realm, It was the maximum potential of the ants. Her life's biggest achievement was obtaining humanoid body and ascending into Ascension Realm for which she did something unthinkable.

Valerie hunted down a Vampire and feed on it. Vampire blood was known to have the ability to change and give immortality. Valerie wanted to bet on it. She hunted a Vampire form direct line of Rossevelt family. She obtained her wish but paid dearly for it.

Before this ants where only a menace to Mortal Realm but when she hunted and killed an heir of ancient family ascending into Ascension Realm the Threat level rose. This attracted many eyes. There were many people in the name of justice tried to hunt Valerie but their focus was in fact different. Ants a race with immense war potential. Queen Ant, can control an tireless army who will die for her with just one word.

Greed and Power knows no bound. Even Transcended and Immortal level Sects and Powers moved to get hold such a juicy piece of meat but Rossevelt's were the one who profited from it.

Valerie was smart she knew immediately after her ascension she went and made vow swearing that she had Rossevelt Blood running through her and she was part of the family. Even Rossevelt Family were surprised because she killed a prodigy of their family and now she shamelessly told everyone that she had Rossevelt bloodline. Her bloodline, her cunning, her thinking and potential to weaponize attracted some attention form the family's Elders so they accepted it, still she was nothing more than a slave of the family.

What the whole Realm didn't know was that she obtained humanoid form similar to a Human women with which she can mate and cross breed. She hid the fact. If this was know even the Rossevelt family will make her a lab rate making her a Sex Slave and produce different kinds of ants or ant mixed race similar to Demi-humans. Great Number, absolute loyalty, short time to grow, Inborn warrior and talent to kill. All make ants a perfect breed to be used as a Weapon. This was also the reason she took risk to voluntarily and became a salve of the noble family. She looked very gigantic and had a horrible figure with her Bio Amour with the norm that Queen will eat the male who seeded her, No one in Family treat her as a women or thought of cross breeding.

It was stayed like that for more than 10000 years till today. Everyone feared Vampire Ants as they had the support of a Noble and Ancient family. But even without that no one in right mind would make an enemy of the Vampire ants. They have a dreadful ability - Life Force Drain, a ability similar to Vihaan but juts think about millions of Ants using such skill, a point to note here was that they just don't target animals even plants wouldn't be spared whereas Vihaan truly never utilised his abilities to the fullest.

Somewhere in the Realm

Myrminika Planet, Vampire Ant Colony more like Kingdom.

Throne Room.

Unlike what you would expect of throne room. Inside a living castle mode of Carapaces, Blood and Bone, Red and White throne room soaked in blood. A beautiful and terrifying room full of bones and blood. A huge ugly Ant reaching more than 10 m tall was lying in a 15 meter huge throne made of Gold, Bones and blood. Unlike Bree, It was had humanoid figure similar to Bree with four arms, two humanoid and two blade like, walking in two legs. There was no wings instead she had another 2 spider leg like features holding supporting her but they were also sharp blade like. There was a huge balloon like egg laying sac attached like a tail. You cannot see her expression as her there was none but the atmosphere was dreadful, heavy and a terrifying killing intent was oozing there.

She shut the transmission to Bree but she saw everything till part where Bree was lost her conscious.

Valerie : / Idiot Daughter of Mine. You are really pathetic. I am really disappointed /

Valerie's mood was sour as she didn't know what had happened. She could feel her daughter was alive but at the same time she was in a pinch as long as that monster ate her or killed her there is no problem but if her secret were to be exposed she didn't know what she would do. Over the year she did all sorts of nonsense mating with many species building lot of Cross breed ants and building a secret army and Individual Queen. Bree was one such Individual a experiment mad in her appearance, her body contains something very important so she kept all under wraps never letting know. She even cheated the system or she thought. Bree was far valuable Alive or dead. She couldn't make a move. Just as she was thinking how to get her daughter. Somethings she never thought would happen happened. All her fears came true.

Suddenly her mood plunged.

Valerie : / All Queens Assemble, Now. /

She Shouted. An angry and Murderous Shout heard throughout planet. Even in Transmission her murderous rage can be seen.

In just seconds 15 Red silhouette of various shapes can be seen in the throne room.

Valerie : / You are to go get your sister Bree and this man. If possible get him alive if not dead. /

She directly shared the things that happened to all her daughters.

Valerie : / I don't care how you reach Epivios Planet in 2 hours but I should see them here in 4 hours /

Valerie : / You can use whatever means you want. Deploy the Blood Berserk Ants - 10,000. /

There was various expressions. They knew if Blood Berserker are released it will be big news around the realm. 10,000 Transcendent Realm Ants making a move. Those number were not something which can be hidden.

##### : / Mother, We can do this our-self. We cannot reveal them at-least not now /

Valerie looked at her 4th daughter

Valerie : / Your sister lost her Virginity. Failure is not a option. /

The mood of the throne room pummeled immediately.

/ We will depart immediately Mother /

15 voice unanimously sounded. They understood the seriousness of the situation.

Where as Vihaan or his split personality didn't know how much troubles he just brought on himself.


Few Moments Ago

Vihaan lost his mind. He look at Bree like a rabid dog ferocious, aggressive with unbridled lust.

Vihaan : / Heeeee, A Demon, Bio Armor, An Irresistible Feast /


Saliva was running down his mouth, He was no more Vihaan. A eerie, sinister voice was speaking in a perverted manner unlike Vihaan this being was like true demon of lust licking his lips.

It used its talons to tear open all the Bio - Amour / Red Carapace. It saw the figure cover in somewhat white gooey substance.

If Vihaan were to look himself he would see he look far worse than the Vampire he encounter. His eyes were red with blood, his skin was turning red, his horns were growing a terrifying aura was being released from him. Ecstasy Cloud, Thought Reading, Arousal Touch, Endless Pleasure, Bodily Fluid Regeneration, Yin Cultivation all the lust skills where running on its own. His scale armor retracting, his figure was changing rapidly. The talons in his hands retracted changing back to his usual hands with claws. His body color totally changed in to red. His Phoenix wings retracted a new dragon like leathered demonic wings grew out.

Vihaan waved his hands all the white gooey substance moved away showing Bree's naked body. Similar to Vihaan's body, the skin was red in colour. Her nipples were black erect, small bent antenna on her head. No hair at all in any part of her body, her side rib cage and cheek had some sort of carapace, her eyes were compound juts like ants.

The Thing / Vihaan opened Bree's leg brought is nose near her pussy.


Vihaan : / Smell of virgin Demon pussy, Ooooooooo I can feel my body twitch in pleasure, I cant hold anymore, How many years has it been that I tasted such a fine pussy. /

A perverted voice came out of vihaan as his little brother started to grow out twitching like snake.

Vihaan : / I will tame you nicely for this brat. Then I can will wait for taking revenge. I will make that bitch my salve again. No No NO.... Now I can only think about how I can eat you nicely savouring this untouched body. /

There was some mad mumbling coming out of his mouth as it licked all over Bree.

It lifted her hands licked arm pits, her neck the coming to to the erect nipple it bit on it, It licked Bree's anal whole and pussy salivating like it was tasting a irresistible delicacy.

Vihaan : / Such a fine specimen. What an exotic taste. /

Vihaan : / True Demon Contract. /

As soon as its voice came out. Two Fiery Rune Ether Circles went into Bree's Body one into her mind another branded a symbol similar to two demonic wings just above Bree's Pussy.

Vihaan : / Now that's done, I can enjoy you fully. /

Vihaan juts activated his Bodily Fluid Regeneration to make his Little brother Wet and directly slid inside Bree's Virgin Pussy and started moving.


Vihaan : / Yes, Yes, This is what I have been missing all this years. /