Remnants of Ancient Gods, Part - 1

Vihaan reappeared in a white space, as far as he can see there was only one thing - ' White '.


A Soul rending pressure pressed down on him from outta nowhere. Vihaan was suffocating. He could feel his whole body being pressed by a Pressure surpassing 30 times gravity.

Vihaan : / W..h..a..t i.s.. th..i..s /

The pressure came from his behind he couldn't see or feel anything, he felt blind. He could feel his death coming, His conscious fading. After everything that has happened Vihaan had nothing to live for. He just felt it would be very nice to just die and escape from all this nonsense. He didn't belong in this world. He was just weak human. Almost all the being he met till now where far stronger than him. They where toying with him using him as a pawn in their games.

This power, this life, this meaningless struggles, Why should he struggle ? what's the purpose of his life ? Revenge ? Why should he take revenge ? For What should he take revenge ?

He was weak. They bully him because he was weak. Even if he wanted to climb out of all this, again he had to depend on those fucking bastard's. For taking revenge on them he had to do everything they say then climb out of the power struggle to struggle again to get resources and power ? Become their slave ? A loyal Dog just to live ? Is living like that even considered living ?

Is this all worth it ?

His life flashed before his eyes. 23 years he struggled to study and stand where is he was today after all the endeavours and sleepless nights of work ans studies but the struggle was nothing compared to the last 6 days of this Post Apocalyptic Earth. He was born in peaceful times there was nothing he could do here. He was not a war veteran who lived life and death struggles who have Iron Clad will. He was just a normal human who is ruled by his desires and emotions. He was hyped and felt stronger when he got the power. He felt betrayed and wanted revenge when he was schemed. He flaunted his power and made people his slave with his power. He had arrogance when found he was Unkillable. He felt powerless when he was unable to control even his body. He is a dog being raised to do someone's bid. He is a slave to his emotions and desire. He just want to ran away from this misery. Now he is just a pathetic excuse of a human. There was a small mocking smile on his face.

He could feel his conscious leaving him.

Vihaan : / Finally I can get my freedom from this Hellhole. /

##### : / You know you are just a pathetic scum and pitiful person at the same time. /

##### : / And Hell No. You are not going anywhere anytime soon. /

The Pressure immediately vanished as if it was never there but he was assaulted with a fiery burning sensation. His whole body and soul felt as if they were being fried alive in boiling oil.

Vihaan hear a very loud feminine voice from his back just the voice was enough to make his soul shudder. Vihaan was lying on the white floor face flat. He could feel a formless force covering over him lifting up as he turned back.

He was stunned.

The Figure before him. It left him speechless. He was only able to see something shiny looking similar to that of talon reminding him of his leg but the talon alone was larger than a football stadium. Seeing the size he even forgot that he was being burned alive because of the heat.

Vihaan was being slowly lifted up. He felt may be this being thought he was too small to speak to so he was being raised to its face.

Vihaan saw more and more of the being's body. He found it similar but his mind was disoriented so he couldn't figure what the being was actually was. Seeing the talons he fixed it was something related to a bird. He thought about the female voice. He couldn't remember anything even closely related to this being or him but oddly felt like he had seem this somewhere.

He just sighed and shook his head helplessly and close his eyes let the heat burning him without any resistance.

Vihaan : / Another Drama /

Vihaan : / Another Scheme /

Vihaan : / Another Hellhole /

He mumbled and just let fate take its course.

Few Seconds Passed.

##### : / So Cute, Its a Irony that you actually let Fate take its course. /

Vihaan opened his eyes to see a gigantic bird face was staring at him. He was shuddering. He felt like he was naked before this being. Technically he was naked after all that had happened he didn't even activate scale armour so he was naked but what he meant was to mean that he couldn't hide anything before this bird.

He felt the strange sense familiarity again like he had already seen this bird before. Immediately his minded clicked. He widened his eye in horror and surprise as he himself saw this bird scarified her soul and life force to kill her pursuers.

Yes, This is the Royal Phoenix Empress whom he had seen in his vision when was reborn after dying. He also had few bits of information and memories from the Bloodline Inheritance.

Vihaan : / You... You... /

Vihaan : / You... You... /

Vihaan : / You... You... /

Vihaan shuddered as he was trying to speak but words just wont come out.

###### : / I What ? /

###### : / You seem to remember me. /

###### : / Good /

###### : / That makes things more simple /

As he heard her voice Vihaan could feel Pride in her voice.

Vihaan : / How are alive ? /

Vihaan : / I saw you die... /

###### : / Brat, You shouldn't curse at you Elders /

###### : / Especially me, Your Ancestor and Someone who could make your wish come true as well as save you from your misery. /

Vihaan couldn't speak anymore even if he tried to he was unable to open his mouth.

###### : / You Know Old Fogey, What I see here is Self Pitied, Pathetic Evolved Ape. /

###### : / I don't know how this Brat will help us /

###### : / My Evaluation of him is Dumb Ape /

###### : / Reckless /

###### : / Pathetic /

###### : / Useless /

###### : / Coward /

###### : / Emotional Unstable and Weak /

###### : / Easily Influenced /

###### : / Desire Led /

###### : / A Fool who lives in his own world and Beliefs which he himself destroys easily and its very laughable he is sulking over losing control of him when has no idea what had happened. /

###### : / A Fate Holder and Hopeless Loser, Its Irony seeing this kind of combination. /

###### : / Its really hurting to see a Sin Bearer in a pathetic state. Just see the sheer amount of negative emotions of himself. /

A long list of evaluation of Vihaan was listed rapidly as the bird looked in a direction.

###### : / Come Out Old Fogey, Tell me How the hell you support this.. /

###### : / This... Human /

Vihaan felt like open book. Each and every world hurt him like burning arrow. He was being burned alive because of the heat and now just her words were enough to torment him. He close his eyes and endured the pain. One part of him wants to die. One part of him reminds him that even if he did die he will again be reborn to be a part of this Hellhole. Another Part of him wants to take revenge while the last one just wants a peaceful life way from all this misery.

Vihaan felt the force moving him away and turning him to face another direction.

###### : / Come Out Old Fogey /

###### : / You know We don't have all day here. /

Similar to before another pressure started to fall on him. He was being suffocated but he was held firmly by the mysterious force. Vihaan something unbelievable happen before him. The Space, The Reality twisted like a warp hole vortex and something black colour was coming out of it. He didn't know how high he was held before because he was too close to the Phoenix Face but the scene before him remained his place.

One Word - Ginormous

It was unbelievably huge if this kind of being were to come to earth, at-least few part of them will be in space.

The Pressure started to build but thankfully at least the bird was kind enough to shield him from the pressure. Only then he was able to breath normally.

The scene before him seem like it was going on for a very long time. As it was coming to an end. Vihaan just felt he couldn't bear to challenge anyone anymore. Just the size and power the thing before him made him despair making him mock himself how cocky he had spoke to Astrea. He just felt Defeated.

A Pitch Black being walking in 4 legs, Had a large and long tail proportional to its body size. lower body seem to be that of a dragon but head..

The Head had.. 9 Head.

Vihaan : / Hydra /

Vihaan mumbled. He remember seeing something similar to this in his dreams but they where too many broken bits of information and memories to even make sense out of them but seeing this come live before him awakened the memories. His head hurt like hell.


Vihaan was shouting with all his might as he was unable to endure the pain.

Hydra : / Oops, Sorry. Now its should be better. /

Hydra : / Hey She Chicken hold you tongue. Next time you call me Old Fogey. I will reveal your Real Age then lets see who is older. /

###### : / You dare talk about my age??? /

###### : / Just you wait, I will tell my darling you bullied me. /

The Hydra shuddered when it hurt the world Darling. Immediately it changed the subject. Vihaan felt these two are not might beast but teen age kids but he didn't dare to laugh at them. he felt much better after the hydra did something ad locked his memories. His mind was getting clearer

Hydra : / Hello Vihaan, I am Tyrannos Ntrek Yidra from the Lineage of Celestial Killer Hydra - Half Divinity. /

Hydra : / or You can call me Naga like you used to call me /

As the 9 head stare at him will a evil grin and spoke the last part, he felt his heart go numb.

Vihaan : / What the.... /