Remnants of Ancient Gods, Part - 2

Hydra : / Hello Vihaan, I am Tyrannos Ntrek Yidra from the Lineage of Celestial Killer Hydra - Half Divinity. /

Hydra : / or You can call me Naga like you used to. /

Vihaan was at loss. He couldn't even fathom what was happening with him. Within a short span of 5-6 days he had encountered some of the Top entities of this realm. He didn't even know the cultivation realms or how many there were but he could feel there was a huge gap between them which he was sure cannot be measured or climbed anytime soon. He was just a ordinary human. Why are they invading his peaceful live making it miserable. What the fuck do these people even want. Cant a person have privacy and be left alone. He just wanted a peaceful life.

Vihaan was distracted from his train of thoughts by the phoenix.

###### : / Well Brat, I am Elmence Vasilissa Foinix from the Lineage of Royal Phoenix Empress - Half Divinity. /

Elmence : / I was the another snake or tail. Whatever you want to think so. /

Elmence : / So lets cut the chase and get down to business. We have some Important things to speak and life changing decision to take. /


As soon as the Elmence said that both she and Tyrannos / Naga Transformed.

Just a fraction of a sec. Two unfamiliar people stood before him even the surrounding changed.

Beautiful Garden with trees, pond, few small mounts around them making the place valley with many small animals in the surrounding. It was a paradise. Peaceful and Calming. Just with sniff, you could feel mother nature embracing and cleansing him Vihaan was immersed in the feeling of bliss as he felt all his negative emotions, depression, suicidal thoughts, revenge everything was being cleansed. He felt reborn as a new person. He felt unprecedented confidence. There was a small innocent and peaceful smile on his face. Now his mind was very clear.

Vihaan could think very clearly now. He activated his scale armour. He felt shy to be naked before Elmence and Naga. With little shy Vihaan got his hands together both his palm touching firmly placed ( Like Praying ) on each other, bend his head a little and thanked them both ( A Common Gesture for Greeting others and thank you in India ).

Vihaan : / Nandri ( Thank You in Tamil ) /

Elmence : / Wow you actually know how to thank others. /

Elmence : / Take a seat. You too Old Tyrant. /

With a wave of her hand solid from the ground rose and formed three beautiful chairs and a table. The chair and table... They looked like crystal. He was mesmerised by the process. He could see solid heating changing into glass like material. If anyone said that this was mad from soil Vihaan would't believe but that's what happening before him.

He move ,sat there and took a look at Elmence and Naga. Elmence looked just like how he saw her in him memories Mature, Graceful, Untainted and Peerless with a Elegant and beautiful Golden Red Robe with Phoenix symbol on it. Naga on the other hand looked like someone in his late twenties 6 ft tall, Jet Black Hair, Striking Black Eyes, Pale White Skin but with streaks of Black Colour Veins running all over him. He had Black Circles over his eyes. He looked like an anaemic person with terrifying aura and a well build athletic body. He wore a strange leather like robe but the robe had a texture similar to that of the scales of Hydra. It had something like a fearsome aura emitting around it.

Naga : / Vihaan, I know you have lots of questions but let me be clear. If you want something. You have to work for it or at least you should be worthy of it. /

Elmence : / So tell me Vihaan, What do you want? /

Vihaan was stunned just now Naga told him that if he need something he must work for it but Elmence is asking him What he wanted?

What does he want? or Rather Whats is he worthy of ?

Vihaan was at loss. He himself didn't know what to chose as his mind had different opinion and it wanted different thinks. Vihaan thought for a sec before asking.

He felt he at least was entitled to know whats happening to him and around starting with who these people are.

Vihaan : / Who are you guys or What are you guys ? Why are you guys within me ? /

Elmence : / Hahahahha, You are really interesting you know. Of all the questions you can ask and with shit ton of problem you have. You have time to inquire about us. How caring you are. /

Elmence : / Well, We are Just Remnants of the Old Era. You know there are Lots of Realms in Cultivation. We broke through the Ascension Realm, Transcended Realm, Immortal Realm and finally God Realm Chasing the unknown to stand on the peak of the Realm. Like everything that comes to an end. New Era came Old were replaced with New. We would have been more than happy to see new generation surpassing us, that what each cultivator are striving for. We were replaced but the way they replaced was the thing we didn't like but we couldn't do anything as we fell. /

Naga : / We don't want to rise again. We just want revenge but we want another New generation to replace The Old who replace us. It might be silly but that's what it is. You will understand this 'IF...' If you can rise to such height /

Elmence : / We are just a fraction of our past self but we do have the means to search and help such Genius to rise. /

Elmence : / You might ask us how. You see the thing you call System is us. Our last reserves, life and desperate measure we took with every bit of the powers we had to activate it. It was just a formation we were building preparing for the unprecedented situation we know will come and will be the Inevitable Fall of us. /

Naga : / This should gave you a small understanding of us for further information may be latter not now you should know why?. As for why we are inside you. Its actually the first time this has happened. You see you are not a genius or the first person to go through all the chasing schemes and death games but you are the first person to have a small portion of our soul and bloodline. /

Elmence : / There were lots of genius who were born in many time periods who had potential to reach god and Replace those New Gods but Everyone without fail were either killed off or made into slaves, puppets, or their own disciples. We mostly wont take action mostly hast help them resist from the shadows /

Naga : / But you Vihaan. You are different. You have a portion of our Soul and Bloodline so We can't let you fall in their hands or in their Schemes. The moment you awakened a Celestial Tier Bloodline things went out of hand. So we can give you two choice. /

Vihaan had complicated expression on his face. He just calmed down.

Vihaan : / If system is yours how did they have control over it. I couldn't even do anything without them knowing. /

Elmence : / Smart Question, You see we were smarter them so we implemented a 9 Tier Access System. The System itself will have Tire 9 Access while me, Tyrannos and other will have Tire 8 Access. The New gods will have only Tier 7 Access. We are living hidden under their nose waiting for selecting new saplings and nurturing. System is like a business man it acts dependably solely for the profit and its survival unless we activate other options which we wont say. If not for this unfortunate encounter we would have stayed hidden for ages to come and acted only in the shadows. /

Vihaan : / So they don't know you guys are scheming behind their back and they don't know about another 2 tiers of access? /

Naga : / Hahhahha, No, They know but they cant do anything about us. As you are now struggling without power against them. They don't have the power to do anything to us. /

Elmence : / But they have their own ways to stop us from finding good seeds to nurture like how they did to you and changing the information and tampering the cultivation system etc. /

Naga : / There two more Body Tiers namely Celestial Tier and Divine Tier but those information are already buried deep in system and tampered so most of the information you heard or know of are most likely to be false or tampered with. /

Vihaan was very pissed of but he was clear head so he managed to suppress his urge to curse those bastards.

Vihaan : / Why are those new bastard gods doing all this ? /

Naga : / Good one kid, Hahahhah, A Mortal Fucking cursing a God. /

Elmence snorted but she was happy inside hearing Vihaan curse the New Gods.

Elmence : / Why else, Fear of Defeat, Death, Fall. /

Vihaan had a disdain look on is face. His opinion of God just hit rock bottom.

Vihaan : / Can you tell me how your bloodline was in their hands and why they would even use your bloodline trying to give me power. Did they do this with all with full knowledge even with their fear. /

Elmence and Naga just looked at each other. they sighed simultaneously.

Naga : / There is something wonderful called Fate. Its something you wont understand it if we explain that or rather we cannot explain that in words. /

Vihaan was in deep thoughts digesting everything they explained to him. He was happy at least now he knew why this is all happening but just thought of all the information being false and cultivation being tampered with have him a huge head ache.

Vihaan : / So tell me the two choice. /

Elmence and Naga both had a Sinister expression on their face. They both simultaneously spoke. Vihaan felt the air around them change. It too sudden. It was a eerie and evil feeling. He felt Uncomfortable and Uneasy.

Elmence and Naga : / Both of those choices starts with Y.O.U.R D.E.A.T.H. /