Mysterious Death

[ System Announcement :

Demon Prince, Seventh Prince of Hell, Son of Ancient God Typhoon and The Bearer of Sin of Wrath has Perished ]

Somewhere in a Lone Planet.

{ Time Freeze }

A Grey Skin Women was standing with a Black Colour Hound beside her. She was standing in the middle of a massacre. All around here were different various monster ranging from Rare Tier to Elite Tier. She was standing there looking towards the sky and was crying. Sobbing with pain and smile. She was happy but at the same time at loss thinking about the times she is going to spend alone. yes, Its Dia. she was in the middle of Survival Challenge when she received Vihaan's Message.

[ Your Eternal Companion has Perished ]

{ Unfreeze }

Dia : / I will wait for you my love. I wont let you down. I will take care of it all. /

She turned around to see a few plant type monsters shuddering in fear. She had a determined look in her face.

Dia : / Come Help me get stronger. I have to prove to him that I am worthy enough to stand beside him and Kill all his enemies. /

Her eyes were filled with Blood lust.


Battle Space.

A Huge White Lioness was lying in its own pool of Blood There was a small creature before it. The creature was very small compared to White Lioness only 2 meter tall dressed in Gladiator outfit with two axes in each hands.

It was licking its lips with Lewd desire in its eyes. Its Goblin Champion.

Goblin : / You have a good body. You should just accept you fate and bear my child. Trust me I will take care of like a queen. /

The Goblin was tempted when it first saw a beautiful white skinned female. Not only was she beautiful, she was also powerful. The Goblin Champion was immediately drooling over body and was thinking making her his concubine impregnating her.

King / Bitch was very frustrated as just now she was defeated by one. She became his slave, now again same thing happened again.

{ Time Freeze }

[ Your Master, Vihaan has sent you a message ]

[ Your Master, Vihaan has gifted you with Chimera Bloodline ]

[ Will you accept it now ? ]


{ Unfreeze }

[ Your Master has Perished ]

Goblin Champion was seeing down on Lioness thinking about pressing down and making love to her.

Bitch : / Are you ready for Round 2 /

Goblin was distracted by the voice it look before it and was stunned. It slowly turned into fear.

[ You have Evolved into a Mutated Manticore ]

[ You have been given a New Name by Your Master, Gesa ]


Gesa was eating the Goblin Champion. She had a complicated look on her face.

Gesa : / I will try my best to help the Mistress. I will wait for you Master /


Kaluku was flying in skies desperately trying to runaway. It was in 3rd Challenge and was finding it difficult to endure as it was being chased by a flock of Lightning Hawk. All more powerful than it.

{ Time Freeze }

[ Your Master, Vihaan has sent a message ]

[ Your Master, Vihaan has gifted you with Chimera Bloodline ]

[ Will you accept now ? ]


{ Unfreeze }

[ Your Master has Perished ]

[ You have evolved into Flaming Nether Roc ]

[ You have been given a New Name by Your Master, Cyrus ]

A Huge Roc more than 30 meter Black Burning flame all around it was flying in the sky Mourning and crying. It turned around to unleash its Wrath and Express it grief over the death of its master.


Unlike others a Red Crowned Crane was lying in a lake swimming and fishing in it leisurely in it.

{ Time Freeze }

[ Your Master, Vihaan has sent a message ]

[ Your Master, Vihaan has gifted you with Chimera Bloodline ]

[ Will you accept now ? ]


{ Unfreeze }

[ Your Master has Perished ]

[ You have evolved into Wild Wind Crane ]

[ You have been given a New Name by Your Master, Hurricane ]

Hurricane was who was happily fishing suddenly had a bitter sadness in its heart. It sighed.

Hurricane : / I will wait for your return Master. /


Bree was injured heavily. She was lying ice without ability to move just now she saw that being just leave her without saying anything. She didn't even have strength to stop him. She wanted to tell him the seriousness of the situation but he left already.

Just when she was sulking.

[ Your Master has Perished ]

She was stunned. She even thought her mother had taken action herself but she knew her mother's power and she had no way to track him so most likely this was not her mother. She was happy but she was also at loss. She had a small reluctance and bitterness but she didn't think much.

Now that he died their Secret stayed a secret at-least that's what she thought.

It would take another half an hour for her sister and mother to arrive and tell her about them moving Blood Berserker Ants.


Inside a formation. A badly injured man was sitting recovering. He had only one hand, His leg was hanging only by his muscles. He had a long cut across his face. He was using lots of herbs and Immortal Ether Crystals to recover his Strength.

{ Time Freeze }

[ Your Disciple, Vihaan has sent a message ]


{ Unfreeze }

[ Your Disciple, Vihaan has Perished ]

Rudra : / I didn't even say my name to you. Sorry Brat. /

Rudra : / Master was unable to save you. I am useless. /

There was tears running down his disfigure face. There was bitterness and sadness but that didn't make him lose hope.

Rudra : / I will wait for you brat, We will show them not to mess with us Master and Disciple /

Rudra once a genius now a fallen genius or that's what the whole realm thinks about him. He had burning fire inside him. He now had one more reason to get stronger.

He actually didn't die because of his oath to Heavens. Didn't even trigger annihilation Lightening or Tribulation of the Heavens.


Unlike the family members of vihaan others had varied expression.

Hell where demons where celebrating were now stunned as it wasn't even three days after the birth of a prince he had already died. It showed his weakness. Everyone where cursing Vihaan saying he was weak bastard. He was disgrace to Sin of Wrath and brought shame to the whole demon race dying so easily.

The Prince and Princess had other opinion. They knew Sin Bearer cannot perish easily even if he was in the verge of death he would bring wide spread destruction at-least taking away one Galaxy with him. They found the whole announcement and Prince issue to be a farce and had strong suspicions. They haven't even gathered together to discuss about him but he already had died and there was no information about any galaxy destroying or anything related. They had a special way of Tracking each other they used it to find a more shocking information.

[ Sorry, Demon Prince never existed, No Profile Found in System ]

This was the reply system gave them. Now they where sure that something fishy was going on.


Astrea who was whiling away her time while keeping an eye on Vihaan was the most shocked. She saw vihaan raping abusing Bree. She was amused by his behaviour and his heart broke after that. she knew mostly likely it was due to old Sin of Lust body.

He Quit the Challenge.

Astrea : / Awww, Such Cute Junior Brother. /

Immediately she frowned as she couldn't find Vihaan. As she was about to search.

[ Vihaan has perished ]

She was stunned. There was no time to react. there was no time interval between his teleportation. Even his body was not there. There no way that he could die with her monitoring him.

She tried searching for him or any information related to him. She was shocked to find all the result.

[ Information Not Found ]

[ Information Not Found ]

[ Information Not Found ]

[ Information Not Found ]

[ No Profile Found ]

[ No Profile Found ]

[ Vihaan never existed ]

Astrea was shocked to her core. Just now the system notified her that Vihaan Perished but the next second it said. Vihaan never existed what kind of sorcery is that.

Not only her but there was lot of people who kept a eye on Vihaan after what typhoon did with him and after the incident of Phoenix empress, the number only increased so this was a major problem. Everyone started to search for his information but everything was in vain. They only got same reply from system.

[ Information Not Found ]

[ No Profile Found ]

[ Vihaan never existed ]


Ancient God Typhoon and Astrea's master who where conversing where now knitting their eye brow. They saw everything that had happened with Astrea. There was a huge number of people asking of explanation but they themselves didn't know what has happened.

Ancient God Typhoon : / Do you think they made a move already ? /

##### : / Its been many millennia since they last made any movements and This guy is really not worth it with his temperament but the incident with the Empress says otherwise. /

##### : / Lets move. /

Just as they where about go out another shocking announcement came out.

[ System Announcement :

Due to an unknown error detected in the System. System is undergoing a reboot. System will not be available until then. ]


End of Arc - II, Ancient Remnants

End of First Volume - Earth, The Beginnings.