First Exploration of Planet Ennea

Green Grass fields as far as one can see, a beautiful sight. The Grasses were unlike the ones in earth. Every single of these grasses were above 1 meter height. It looked more like a grass jungle. These Grass Jungle house some of most the venomous insects, toads, snakes and many small animals. Deep in these Grass jungle a small head was coming out a 6 cm diameter borrow. Its head looks were similar to that of a rattlesnake but very small only 3 cm. the body was only around 35 cm with 2 - 2.7 cm thickness. A Green snake blending perfectly in this Grass jungle. It moved very slowly without even making any noise like a silent Killer.

A Few Moments ago.

Vihaan just went through a body synthesis. He was itching to distribute his Stat points to go out and explore this new world.

[ If you want to invest points. I hope you priories raising Mind Stat to atleast 50 as soon as possible. It will be a worth it investment. Other than that you are going in the right direction. ]

Vihaan was stunned he was about to rise his Constitution Stat to 10. He had a theory and wanted check if it's possible or not but System's interface threw him off loop but still he chose to give some thought and invest his points.

[ Mind : 2.1 -> Mind 5.1 ]

He didn't wait to feel the change but immediately added three points Mind Stat. The experience left him speechless. It was addictive. His Brain Cells and Nervous System felt as if they had been given a jolt. He vision was at least 2 times clearer. The distance he could clearly see was extended to 5 meters. Now he could clearly see the surroundings very clearly. He covered the whole cave or borrow whatever he was in. His appraisal skill also kicked in.

[ Underground Snake Borrow ]

He was stunned as he saw the information. His common sense was telling him the Appraisal skill he obtained was not ordinary but he was happy with it.

Vihaan's mind was working very fast. He was able to react and analyse a few times faster. His thinking capacity was enhanced. His sense of surrounding also increased. He was really happy with this investment.

Shortly after he started to invest in other Stats.

[ Strength : 1.1 - > Strength : 3.1 ]

[ Agility : 1.1 -> Agility : 2.1 ]

[ Constitution : 1.1 -> Constitution : 5.1 ]

[ Vitality : 1.1 - > Vitality : 2.1 ]

His body started to grow. The Green scales were becoming denser and pigment in them were becoming darker. The growth finally came to stop after it reached 36 cm. His head was similar to Rattlesnake without Fangs. His Double layer teeth grew and started to come out of the flesh ready for tearing and laceration. He wanted survivability as he already chose to invest in offensive Trait. He was not a fool to invest and build a Linear fashion and get One Shoted.

It was a blissful feeling. It was addictive feeling the flow of power inside his body. There was Greed and Pride flashing in his eyes. His mind was thinking about killing and preying on some unsuspected and unfortunate preys.

Outside there was no aura leaking out. It was perfectly still. He was very calm on the outside. He looked his status and checked the skills. He was not going to invest any skill points. He is saving them for the Skill to reach Rank 9 Before upgrading directly to Transformation Rank.

Vihaan : / Open Status /

[ Name - Vihaan Sex - Male Age - 0 years

Race - Grass Snake Phase - New Born Body Tier- 0 Star

Lv - 1 CE : 50 / 100

HP : 210 / 210

Defence : 76

Attack : 52

Stats :-

Strength : 3.1

Agility : 2.1

Constitution : 5.5

Vitality : 2.1

Mind : 5.1

Skills : -

Appraisal ( Rank - 1 )

Bite ( Rank - 1 )

Bind ( Rank - 1 )

Calm Mind ( Transformation - Max )

Fast Thinking ( Transformation - Max )

Blessing : -

God Child

Stat Points - 0

Skill Points - 1

Trait : -

Enhanced Eyesight, Double Layered Jaws.

Evolution - Possible ]

[ Skill : Appraisal ( Common )

Appraise anything and Everything. As long as it's in the system, them you can see it.

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Bite

Using Sharp Teeth and Jaw Strength to deal damage.

Trait : Double Layered Jaw - Penetrating Effect

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Bind

Using your own body to strangle, suffocate and crush bones.

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

Vihaan captured key information just after one glance. Skill Bite deals more damage as long as there was Jaw Strength and Sharp fangs. So if he wants to rise the skill rank. Then he had to focus more on traits related to it and strength. Bind was more simple. More Constitution and Strength More powerful the skill.

Vihaan : / What other features of the System are available for me to use. /

[ Basic Terrain Map and Unlimited Inventory ]

Vihaan : / Turn on Map Function /

[ Map Synchronising... ]

[ 1%.. 2%... 5%... 100% ]

[ Map ready to use ]

Vihaan was able to see a small green terrain map similar to radar. It didn't show anything else other than the outline of the cave.

He sighed and prepared to go out.


Vihaan was amazed by the Grass Jungle. It was exciting, a new sense of adventure. Vihaan saw in the map almost for hundreds of kilometres there was only Grass Jungle. It was so vast. He didn't know what time it was because his vision was very clear plus the grasses acted like a canopy blocking any light but he was still able to see everything clearly.

Vihaan : / System, Is there any way to prevent any other beast from going inside this Borrow.

[ You can make this place a Safe Zone. ]

He was very happy. He immediately chose to do so.

Vihaan : / Mark this Burrow as Safe Zone /

[ Are you sure?. You have only one chances to mark safe zone. If you want to change safe zone then this place will be destroyed ]

Vihaan : / Yes /

[ Safe Zone Marked ]

[ Benefits : Other than you, no one can enter Safe Zone. Fast Recovery. Ether Concentration will Increase inside the Safe Zone. Prolonged stay in Safe Zone will improve Constitution and Evolution. ]

Vihaan sighed in relief. Now he had a safe place to come back plus he gets a lot of benifits just for staying Here. He started his Exploration.

The Grasses were grown in an uneven manner. Vihaan moved very slowly without even touch the grasses. As far as he can see there was only Grass and an odd blue box above it.

[ Common Grass ]

The passive skill turned his vision into a real life game. It's very convenient without him using any energy to maintain the skill.

5 m

10 m

15 m

Almost for on hour Vihaan only crossed 100 m. He didn't come across other animal or insect. It was very strange. He become more cautious. Absence of animal denote one thing. This might be a territory of a Strong Monster.

Another hour Vihaan crossed 150 m. He was 250 m from his Borrow.

Vihaan : / System Where am I ? Why is there no Animals or insects around me /

[ Your now in Forbidden Grass Lands outside the Forest of Alepou. ]

[ You are new to this environment. You may think your a Predator but at present at least 3 beast are preying on you. You just couldn't sense them. Animals here are born, raised, mutated and adapted to these Grass Lands so its natural for new comer to be unable to sense them. ]

Vihaan was shaken to the core. He was using his Sense, smell and Vision to the Max. He couldn't find anything. If 3 beast were to pounce one him. He will be a dead meat.

Vihaan : / What is their level ? or rather What level should I be to Escape the encirclement. /

[ You can be considered around LV 6 -7. If you can level up another 6 - 7 times. You can be considered safe ]

Vihaan : / Good, Can you help me choose targets that are similar level to me for hunting. /

Vihaan wanted to bet on the God Child Blessing. There was a line saying ' Full System Support '. He wanted to try his luck and use system to find easy targets for him to Level Up. Time passed slowly. It was torturous for Vihaan as he was waiting for System's Reply. There were 3 predators out there eyeing on him. He was pissed off at those animals or beasts, whatever they are but he didn't show any emotions or fear outside. He stayed still in the same position.

1 sec

2 sec

3 sec

4 sec


10 sec

[ 30 m to your left. Grass ant Troop. 8 Worker ants and 2 Ant Soldier. Level 7 - 15 ]

When Vihaan heard Ants. There was some kind pain in his heart. There was compassion. His heart sub consciously wanted to leave them alone. Vihaan didn't like that feeling. His mind was telling him his current combat capabilities are unknown so it's best to focus on prey's that are alone.

[ You don't Have to worry about getting ganged up. Ants have superior numbers but as long as you hunt one and run away fast enough you can pick them one by one. They give quiet a lot of CE. You can also know where you stand in this environment. ]

Vihaan was torn between Rationality, Emotions and Combat Experience. As soon as he heard System's words. His mind started working in high speed. Finally he decided to take a leap of faith and trust his own ability and System's Suggestion.

After 15 mins

Vihaan was laying low in between the huge Grasses. His colour happens to a Perfect camaflauge in this environment. Just few metres away from him were a troop of ants moving orderly in a file. One ant soldier in the front one in back and 8 Worker ants in the middle. He was very far so his Eyesight and Appraisal was of little use. He was able to identify them because there were two ants which were huge compared to the other ants. Soldier ants were 6 cm long 3 cm height. It was definitely bigger than him while the smaller ants were only 4 cm long and 2 cm height.

He moved closer very slowly stalking them but the ants were pretty nimble on their feet so Vihaan was struggling to keep up the phase without alerting them.

[ I suggest you make a move or run away. There are other ants coming this way. ETA : 10 minutes ]

Vihaan started pick up speed. He didn't care the sound or altering. His target was the solider ant at the back. As soon as the ant entered his vision. He was shocked.

[ Ant Soldier ( Uncommon Tier )

Lv - 16

HP : 350/400

Attack : 104

Defence : 186

Skills: Scissor Cut, Dig, Charge, Carapace Hardening. ]

Vihaan : / FML /



Catch the next Chapter : ' From The Jaws Of Death ' Tomorrow by adding the book to you collection.

Small Changes :

CE - Combat Experience

HP = Vitality * 100

Attack = ( Strength + Speed ) * 10

Defence =( Constitution + Vitality ) * 10