From the Jaws of Death

Vihaan started pick up speed. He didn't care the sound or altering. His target was the solider ant at the back. As soon as the ant entered his vision. He was shocked.

[ Ant Soldier ( Uncommon Tier )

Lv - 12

HP : 350/400

Attack : 104

Defence : 186

Skills: Scissor Cut, Dig, Charge, Mandible Crush ]

Vihaan : / FML /

The Ant was black in colour with moss like green patches on its back. There was two sharp mandible on its face like scythe. He felt like was running to his death. The Ants had sharper sense. They immediately sensed Vihaan. Within few seconds the other soldier moved and stood before the 8 Worker ants.

[ Ant Solider ( Uncommon Tier )

Lv - 15

HP : 380/500

Attack : 120

Defence : 205

Skills : Scissor Cut, Dig, Charge, Mandible Crush, Command. ]

[ Ant Worker ( Common Tier )

Lv - 10

Hp : 180/180

Attack : 56

Defence : 72

Skill : Bite, Dig, Carry, Sprint, Obey ]

[ Ant Worker ( Common Tier )

Lv - 7

Hp : 130/130

Attack : 42

Defence : 50

Skill : Bite, Dig, Carry, Sprint, Obey ]

[ Ant Worker ( Common Tier )

Lv - 9

Hp : 155/155

Attack : 58

Defence : 68

Skill : Bite, Dig, Carry, Sprint, Obey ]

Vihaan's mind work with all the strength. He was able to see both the solider ants were hurt. Some part of the Carapace were broken, leg injury and had low health. All the worker ants had combat strength barely above him.

If he can play his cards right. He had high chances of running away unscathed.

He was already within 1 meter of those two Soldier Ants. They didn't stay still and wait for their death. There was no emotions in their eyes. They suddenly started to charge at Vihaan.

Vihaan didn't panic. He used his muscles contraction like a spring and did a unbelievable somersault in the air. It was very close. He underestimated the speed of the ants. His somersault just saved him from the jaws of death. Two mandible like phantom extending from the Soldier ant face cut the place where Vihaan was like a scissor. If he hadn't move. He would have been shredded into pieces.

Even with somersault. He lost his balance and couldn't react in time as he was thrown in the middle of Worker ants. The worker ants acted like mindless beast as they couldn't react. He took advantage of this.

His heart was beating like crazy. Vihaan didn't stop. As he made the smallest ant his target and lunged towards it with jaws open showing two pair of sharp teeth. He didn't dare slow down. He again used his muscles to give him a jumping force and targeted the head of the unfortunate small ant. His teeth inversely curved teeth were for holding flesh they were of little use. Infact they were doing the opposite as they slide off the hard Carapace of the Worker ant. His Secondary teeth attached themselves firm of the head but didn't damage it. He was happy at least he got what he wanted. He immediately sprinted as fast as he can taking away the small worker ant with him. It was very light so didn't have much problem carrying it.

He was escaping from the jaws of death. The Soldier Ant chased him away but they didn't dare move away from the other Workers. If they sprinted they could've caught up and killed him but they knew more than anyone that this forest is unforgiving so they stood there and watched as the snake ran away.

Vihaan didn't dare stand he was running faster than his usual speed without even turning back. there was still another 220 m from the safe zone. He didn't dare slow down. He disregard his own safety and cautiousness just to reach the burrow. The predators are waiting in the dark for him to use all his stamina so they can eat without doing any work.

The ant in his mouth was struggling to break free but Vihaan held its head on its side so it's struggling was useless and it was making his teeth sink in more basically accelerating it's won death.

Vihaan cursed his luck. He didn't feel it before but now he could feel 3 pairs of eyes on him. He was not killing the ant because if he took time or killed the ant other predators may take advantage and attack him. He was stalling time making them think that he was running away from ant so if they waited they will be able to have two meal just delivered to them but if the ant died they will attack him so he was in a pinch. He didn't know how much CE this ant will give him or whether that will be enough for him to outrun all the predators.

He was running with all his strength there was only one goal in his mind.

' Reach Safe Zone '

200 m

150 m

100 m

50 m

He was putting all his strength in moving forward. He didn't know if it was real or his illusion but he felt something was playing with him waiting for him to lose hope and then kill him slowly. Vihaan was very angry but he couldn't care about all this now or rather he couldn't do anything to it. He felt like he was sprinting in a 10 Km marathon. His body and mind were feeling the fatigue. He was still 50 m but his mind was leaving him. The Ant was still struggling for its Life. 2 journey he had was now covered in less than 20 mins. He could see the Safe Zone in the Map.

He was ecstatic. His earlier tiredness and unwillingness was now filled with unwavering will. He Gripped the ant one more time and use all his remaining strength to sprint. Just in few seconds he himself could see the golden outline of the Safe Zone. As he was about to enter it. He vigorously bite the ant head.


His teeth were grinding the carapaces. After 4-5 strong bites he finally made his way into its head. He was very merciless immediately sunk his scissor like teeth biting the head into two. He instantly stored the body in the inventory didn't even allow the ant to fall down and went inside the Safe Zone. It was 1 meter radius around the borrow. He breathed out in relief after reaching the Safe Zone. He felt at home or rather happy he was alive.


He felt all his strength leaving him. He just lied on the ground without moving. It was very nerve wrecking. He wanted to check his harvest but suddenly he felt a eerie felling like something was about to kill him. He suddenly turned his eyes to a huge rat hit on Golden Barrier of the Safe Zone and fall down. It was not the last.



A Creepy and terrifying Centipede opening its mouth to bite the Barrier.

A Green Mantis hit the Barrier with its scythe like hands. The animals gave him a feeling of death and his appraisal only made its worse.

[ Reaper Scythe Mantis ( Rare Tier )

Lv - 54

HP : ????/????

Attack : ???

Defence : ???

Skills: ???? ]

[ Green PoisonPede ( Peerless - Uncommon Tier )

Lv - 48

HP : ????/????

Attack : ???

Defence : ???

Skills: ???? ]

[ Earth Rat ( Peerless - Uncommon Tier )

Lv - 51

HP : ????/????

Attack : ???

Defence : ???

Skills: ???? ]

His body was shuddering because of the penetrating gaze of the three predator's. Now he understood why he was unable to sense them. Thank God these fools were playing with him which gave him a chance to escape death. These bugs where looking like they were about to eat him.

Vihaan was very pissed. 2 bugs and 1 rodent made him fell fear. He was angry on himself for getting scared because of some bugs.

Vihaan : / ( When I Level Up. I will come for your head ) Sssssss Sssss ssssss ssssss..... /

He shot a disdainful glance at them and moved inside the Borrow.

Vihaan : / System, Why did you lie to me saying I will be OK if I gained another 6-7 level. /

[ If the Level Gap was less, You would have thought of ways to avoid fight and escape but if I had informed you the difference was huge. You might lose will to live or escape. I can't let you die so I chose the most optimal choice to get you safety. ]

[ You did very well. Even in face of death against the odds. You braved the challenge and came out unscathed. ]

[ Please Redeem the Rewards ]

[ Thank you for the Hard Work ]

Vihaan felt a little odd but System was right that was normally people will lose hope faced with very difficult odds and Death like situation which was exactly what he went through. He had trusted System a Little more now.

He went back a few moments and replayed everything that had happened in the last 3 hours. There was life and death, chase, hunt... Unlike before he didn't feel fear instead it was excitement, A sense of adventure. The feeling was intoxicating. He wanted to make those three predator feel despair before killing them. Just thinking about that made his blood boil.

He calmed down after few seconds and started to check his reward

[ Killed Lv - 7 Ant Worked with First Species Kill, 350 CE x10 = 3500 CE earned ]

[ Contraction Leap Skill ( Rank 1 ) Learned ]

[ Quest : Explore 100 m of Grass Land - Completed ]

[ Reward : +1 Stat Point ]

[ Quest : Explore 200 m of Grass Land - Completed ]

[ Reward : +1 Stat Point ]

[ Quest : Leap of Faith - Completed ]

[ Reward : System favourability Increased, More Information from System ]

[ Quest : Confront the Ant Troop - completed ]

[ Reward : One Random Trait ]

[ Quest : From the Jaws of Death - Complete ]

[ Special Mention : Escaped Unscathed ]

[ Reward : One Custom Trait and One Trait Upgrade ]

[ Lv - 1 CE : 3550 / 100 ]

[ Do you want to level up ]

[ Yes / No ]

Vihaan : / Yes /

[ Lv - 2 CE : 3450 / 200 ]

[ Lv - 3 CE : 3250 / 300 ]

[ Lv - 4 CE : 2950 / 400 ]

[ Lv - 5 CE : 2550 / 500 ]

[ Lv - 6 CE : 2050 / 600 ]

[ Lv - 7 CE : 1450 / 700 ]

[ Lv - 8 CE : 750 / 800 ]

[ + 21 Stat Points and +7 Skill Points ]

Vihaan : / System, This First kill Bonus, Exploration quests is it for everyone or only for me. /

[ First Kill Bonus most of the special people will get but only x2 or x3. Exploration Quest are Unique to you alone. These are Privileges. It's to help you maximise your gains ]

[ Suggestions : Eat -> Choose Random Trait -> Custom Trait - > Upgrade Trait -> Upgrade Constitution, Strength and Agility to 9 while the Vitality and Mind till 8. ]

Vihaan didn't say anything but he was thinking about what system said. 'Privilege' is most likely due to his God Child Blessing.

Vihaan : / Why follow this particular route? /

[ To utilise the maximum benefits of Stat Points ]

Vihann : / So, then What about Last part about Using Stat Points. /

[ Its About Your Evolution ]



Looking for a Good Illustrator. Can DM me on Discord @DreamTeller

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