Frenzy... Cliché ? Just F**k Off


Looking for a Good Illustrator. Can DM me on Discord @DreamTeller or Instagram @dream_tller.

In Event of My Upcoming Bday, I decided to Mass Release Chapters. Happy Reading..

Review, comment and support with Power stones.


[ Its about Your Evolution ]

Vihaan : / Interesting.. Tell me about it. /

[ Evolution tree is very vast. There can be a number of Evolution based on Level the amount of stats your body has, Traits, Transformation Level Skills and finally accumulation. ]

[ You still being in Infant Phase, you grew to fast so Max Stat your body can handle is 9.9. Rise all your skills to Transformation level, Chose and Upgrade Traits with great care. There is chance of you losing some traits or replaced by something new while Evolution. ]

[ Finally Accumulation, Its different for other. They just have to eat any natural treasures to help them breakthrough their shackles but you have it easy. Stay in Safe Zone for more than 1 week and Horde CE at least 10,000. The more the better. As you know CE directly equals to the amount of Pure Ether you get from System ]

[ When You hit Max Stat. You cannot level Up or use Stat points but Rank Up and Transformation can help you break through the Limit. ]

[ The other way is to reach Lv 10 and Evolve normally like all other beast. We are hoping that you will at least cross 30 Stars before Ascending or Body Transformation Realm. ]

[ You have to Reach Max Stat and Level 10 Simultaneously ]

Vihaan was intrigued by this information. This was something new, He was interested in finding how much he can Horde CE before he will be forced to Evolution. In this Dangerous environment purposely holding back evolution challenging his own limits. It gave him a sense of excitement. The condition to reach Max Stat and Lv 10 simultaneously is very easy. System said he wouldn't level up or use CE if he reaches Max Stat. He just had to hold back from investing Stat Points and Levelling up

Unlike Normal beast who level up as soon as they defeated other monsters. He just gets CE and it can be horded so this is kind of cheat Unique to him. System didn't say anything but he was smart enough to catch it.


If he was a human. His tongue licking his lips giving a evil grin would have been a prefect show off but now he was snake so he just hissed. Vihaan withdrew the dead ant worker. It was relatively little bigger than his head. He clipped away the mandibles with his teeth before slowly binding the body and broke the carapace. After he just followed Anaconda-san's style, slowly extend his mouth fully to slowly shallow a medium size meal. His stomach was bloated in the middle. Although he was happy with his First Meal, it was nowhere near his enough to fill his huge Appetite.

Vihaan : / That should hold on for a while I guess. /

Vihaan : / Redeem One Random Trait /

[ Randomising Reward.... ]

[ Trait : Serrated Bone Spear ( Enhanced )

Bone extends out your tail to form a Spear Edge with Serrated End

Strengthen Full Bone Structure and Muscles to support Bone Tail ]

[ Do you want to Synthesis this Trait ? ]

Vihaan was stunned beyond words. This Random Trait totally throw his out of loop. This kind of strengthening and way of thinking was something new he didn't think of, an ingenious way of changing even the fundamentals of being a snake. A 3D figure was showing how he would look after trait is synthesised. It was dope AF, intimidating and terrifying weapon plus its a Enhanced Trait.

His body grew very large from his initial 36 cm it grew to 65 cm. The thickness of his body was around 3.5 cm while head was 4.5 cm. The Spear occupied one twelfth of his body, 5.5 cm with three segments similar to human spine. It had 3 shape sides and they were serrated with many small sharp knife like edges. Almost similar to the spear from 10000 BC but more badass and sharper. This gave him an extra way to kill and hunt. He fell in love with the Spear at first glance. He was like happy kid in a candy store.

Vihaan : / Fuck Yeah /

[ 15 Stat Points and All CE will be Used. Confirm ? ]

Vihaan was dumbfound after the next message.

Vihaan : / What the Fuck? /

[ You will not Regret it. Just Accept it. You will benefit a lot. ]

Although Vihaan felt pain to use 15 Stat Points and 750 CE for a single Trait. He couldn't just leave this awesome and terrifying Weapon Trait. He gritted his teeth and accepted.

[ 15 Stat Points Deducted ]

[ 750 CE Deducted ]

[ Balance : 8 Stat Points ]

[ Universal Synthesis : Serrated Bone Spear ]

[ Time Remaining : 01:30:00 ]

Unlike before he didn't feel the itchiness. Instead it was a heavenly orgasmic feeling. The Pure Energy of 15 Stats flew through this body. It was very relaxing almost like he was in sauna. A hot heavenly sauna after a deadly chase who wouldn't want it . He just closed his eyes and slept. Just like all other snakes a good nap after a meal.

After 3 hours

Vihaan woke up after a good nap. He didn't wake up because of the synthesis but because he started to get hungry.

[ Synthesis Completed ]

[ New Trait : Serrated Bone Spear ( Enhanced )

Bone extends out your tail to form a Spear Edge with Serrated End

Strengthen Full Bone Structure and Muscles to support Bone Tail ]

[ + 4.4 Constitution ]

[ + 7.8 Agility ]

[ + 6.8 Strength ]

[ Hunger Level : Insatiable ]

[ You have entered Frenzy State. For the Next 3 hours. Your Stats will be boosted by 200%. If you don't eat within 3 hours, You will lose stats permanent over time till it hits zero and Die. ]

Vihaan : / What the fuck is this ? /

He felt his already huge body grew unconditional reaching nearly 1.3 meters doubling his size. He looked like fucking Green Python ( Author Note : Trust me and google it. Its very good Looking ). He could feel unprecedented strength but at the same time his hunger was also increased. His scales were thicker giving him natural enhanced defence. His teeth full grew out from the flesh as they were more than 7 mm long and sharp.

Vihaan : / System, What is happening /

[ As I told you before. You grew too fast. You have Ether to facilitate growth but no Life Force or energy to support your growth. I already knew of this but the chances of this happening was less than 30% so I didn't mention it before. Even if I said that you were not in position to hunt any monster. ]

Vihaan couldn't argue with System because he knew it was saying the truth.

Vihaan : / Open Status /

[ Name - Vihaan Sex - Male Age - 0 years

Race - Grass Jade Snake ( Temporary ) Phase - Adult ( Temporary ) Body Tier- 1 Star ( Temporary )

Lv - 8 CE : 0 / 800

HP : 210 / 210 -> 420 / 420

Defence : 120 -> 240

Attack : 198 - > 396

Stats :-

Strength : 9.9 -> 19.8

Agility : 9.9 - > 19.8

Constitution : 9.9 - > 19.8

Vitality : 2.1 - > 4.2

Mind : 5.1 -> 10.2

Skills : -

Appraisal ( Rank - 1 )

Bite ( Rank - 1 )

Bind ( Rank - 1 )

Contraction Jump ( Rank - 1 )

Frenzy ( Transformation - Max )

Calm Mind ( Transformation - Max )

Fast Thinking ( Transformation - Max )

Blessing : -

God Child

Stat Points - 8

Skill Points - 8 ( I missed one Stat point earlier so I added it here. 8 levels , 8 skill points )

Trait : -

Enhanced Eyesight, Double Layered Jaws, Serrated Bone Spear, Jade Scales ( Temporary ).

Evolution - Possible ]

Vihaan was speechless he didn't know whether he should happy that he used 15 Stat points to Max Three Stats, His Frenzy had literally made him strong as 35 Level monster or Cry that he now had to go out and face three Lv 50 monsters while he search for food while time is ticking for his death.

Vihaan : / Fuck I am a Glass Cannon /

He was about to add his remaining points into Vitality to immediately rise his health for his survivability.

[ If you are planning to rise Vitality. I would recommend you don't. ]

Vihaan : / Why /

[ Remember what happened when you rise you Vitality ? Increase blood circulation and Blood activity. You already don't have enough food to support your body. What will happen if you increase the stress on them. ]

Vihaan : / Rapid Consumption of Energy /

[ Right and more, Frenzy duration will decrease will increasingly your stats further more. At most you will have 30 mins before the stats starts to decrease permanently. One more thing when stats start decrease you will enter a weakened stat. You will be not able to do anything basically hastening your death ]

He was unhappy but he couldn't do anything. He immediately thought of all possible ways to salvage the situation. He had no choice to go out to hunt.

Vihaan : /FML. System, What is the closest monster that can be killed by me. Plus are those three Predator still there /

[ 70 m. No, they are not here at the moment ]

Vihaan felt his heart jumping in joy.

[ The closest monster will be a tough one of you want to kill. Are you sure ? Plus although The three Predators are not here close by. They are 15 km from here. Although 15 km seem like lot. It will take only 10 mins to come here. ]

Vihaan : / If they can move at such speed why hunt me instead of other monsters ? /

[ Simple. Grudge, Revenge and Bait ]

Vihaan : / What the fuck? I was just born few hours ago What did I do ? /

[ Your Mother. She is a Jade Nature Snake who went through third Evolution at Rare Tier. ]

[ She can considered to be one of the Overlords here in the Forbidden Grass Lands over Lv 90. ]

[ She was wounded by a combined attack of three other overlords when giving birth to you and your siblings. She is on the run ]

Vihaan : / So these should the lackeys of the Overlords who are here to catch me and my siblings to use them as bait. Am I right ? /

[ Right on Point ]

Vihaan : / So why the grudge ? /

[ It isn't Grudge, its more like greed. You should Know about the benefits of Eating a Snake Liver plus Jade Nature Snake are one the Rare Mutated snake who have a tremendous amount of Nature Ether which benefits Recovery speed, Constitution and Evolution. ]

[ Who wouldn't want that so they tried to attack and kill her before but they failed and Your mother counterattacked killing many of their Lackey which helped her gain a lot of level and enough resources for her to Evolve one more time. She decide to lay eggs, advance and enter the Forest of Alepou. You can guess what happened after that ]

Vihaan : / Is this a Cliche ?, Revenge ? Fuck off bitches /

Vihaan : / Classic Revenge story, Using Sons and Daughter as bait to lure parent killing her and me /

Vihaan : / You know what Fuck that bitch, Fuck those three Sick bastards and these lackey /

Vihaan : / If may be she is pretty like a Lamia or somewhat useful. I can keep her as a Concubine if not let her die for all I care. But these fucker I am gonna make their life miserable. /

Vihaan : / Let them come, I can make a decent Meal out of them /

Vihaan : / I am Hungry /