A Mad Bug On The Loose


Looking for a Good Illustrator. Can DM me on Discord @DreamTeller or Instagram @dream_tller.

In Event of My Upcoming Bday, I decided to Mass Release Chapters. Happy Reading..

Review, comment and support with Power stones.


Vihaan had hard time coming out of the burrow as he was rather large, almost bug enough to block the whole Borrow. It was already getting darker. Vihaan could see the surroundings were start to get darker even with his perfect vision he was only seeing in black and white. It juts was too dark. Its only been around 6 - 7 hours since his birth. His First Night in the Grass Jungles. When it was day itself there was lot of terrifying beast out there.

Nocturnal Predators will probably start their hunt in Another few hours so he wanted get over this Frenzy state and observe the Jungle to get a clear view of it.

Vihaan : / System, Give me a target. /

[ 8'o clock 70 m. ]

He started to move but he felt mind was clouded, he couldn't think properly, his movement and control over his body was very clumsy. He was in a pinch, three strong predator out there waiting to kill him while he had to hunt to satisfy his hunger without much choices. He used his stat points to increase Mind Stat by 3.

[ Mind : 5.1 -> 8.1 => 16.2 ]

He started to move. He could feel the difference in view and range of his sense has increased. Vihaan moved faster than a Cheetah. Earlier it was 2 points in Agility but now it was almost 20 points. The Stat value increased by a factor of 10 but in reality it was more than 15 times Agility. Just in few seconds his target was already in his sights. Vihaan saw his target and understand why system said it will be difficult.

[ Rock Bull Rhino Beetle ( Mid - Uncommon Tier )

Lv - 33

HP : 1600 / 1600

Attack : 180

Defence : 390

Skills: Rock Hardening, Bull and Rhino Strength, Stampede, Tackle, Pierce ]

Although the Attack power seemed to be very low if he were to get even by one of the skills it's gonna be hell for him. May be he could he even get One Shoted.

The skills perfectly make up for its weakness.

30 cm tall, 20 cm wide and 45 cm long body. One horn from nose another from the back exactly like Rhinoceros beetle but with two extra horns coming from the side like bull ready to charge but the fuck it looks like a fucking Triceratops.

Thick stone like carapace, sturdy legs to support the whole body. Perfectly Camouflage with skin like rocks. Two sprinting skills to make up for its lack of speed with absurd defence and vitality.

Vihaan : / This is going to a pain in the ass /

Vihaan : / System, is there any other beast or insect near to me /

[ 250 m, 3'o Clock. A troop of 35 Ants ]

[ 1 Ant Captain, 10 Ant Elite Solider and 25 Worker Ants ]

Vihaan : / Any Other Option /

[ 600 m 7'o Clock. Berserk Cricket ( Don't even think of going there ) ]

[ 500 m 10'o Clock. Poison Toad ( If you want to Die ) ]

[ 800 m 12'o Clock. Corrosive Red Snail ( Absolute Death ) ]

Vihaan : / Why the fuck is there no Monster less than Lv - 10. I am new born. How can I even survive in this environment if I was like my siblings. /

[ You know this is Technically Your Mother's territory. So you can't expect to find low level beasts or Monster here. Even her food mostly consist of monsters above Lv - 50 ]

[ Only this dumb beetle before you and the ants are the two low level ones you can find here. ]

Vihaan : / FML, Fuck that bitch. Who asked her to lay eggs in this place and run away without taking care of us. /

Vihaan : / Out of all. Which has the highest chances of success. I mean me not dying plus getting a pretty good meal. /

[ Open your eyes and see. ]

Vihaan : / You mean to say this piece of rock is the only thing I can kill /

[ Bingo ]

All the interaction happened in just few seconds. Unlike his inner monologue. Vihaan on the outside was very calmly staring at a piece of rock. No one would even think that this was a creature. It was well camouflaged.

Vihaan knew if he started to fight he would definitely attract the attention of all the Beast around me and System just informed him that there are beast at-least of Lv - 50 around him.

He moved slowly feigning ignorance like he didn't notice the rock or the beetle. His heart was pounding rapidly as he moved closer.

10 m

9 m

8 m

7 m


There are two scenarios which could happen. One the beetle stays camouflaged and let him pass without doing anything but the likelihood of that happen is like a beautiful women opening her legs to ask you to fuck her like there is no tomorrow right then and there. Two as soon as he moved closed it will get agitated and active Tackle or Stampede which he was sure to happen thinking about his rotten luck. He was ready for anything.

He still had 3 hours before Frenzy ends but he had no intention of waiting till the last moment.

Vihaan : / I cant be this unlucky right /

Vihaan : / Fuck /

Seems like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.


When he reached the 5m mark. The beetle immediately sensed the threat and activated Stampede. It rushed towards like bulldozer. It was relatively slow but being very close and him not used his currents strength. He reacted a little late. He moved away immediately but the Bull horns on the side managed to pierce through his body piercing through Jade Scales like butter giving him a nasty wound Shaving off 79 HP. Piercing effect added.

[ HP : 341 / 420 ]

Vihaan didn't just get wounded for nothing. He used his serrated tail and locked perfectly on the joint of the hind leg. His Strength with and the momentum of the beetle perfectly helped Vihaan to cut of good portion of the leg half its leg. He crippled it immediately stored the leg in his inventory. ( I am gonna have Leg Piece for Dinner )

Even with pain and bleeding he immediately moved behind the beetle like a shadow and used bind.

The beetle had sturdy legs but still there are some vulnerable parts and vihaan happen to particular target it. The beetle lost its momentum, balance and mobility. Although Vihaan didn't injure it badly but he took away it's movements. It was now sitting duck.

He cursed in his mind. The blood will definitely attract other Beast. He had to finish this faster and get back to the Safe Zone. He use Bind and perfect placed his body around the Beetles shell and legs and started to use his full strength. Initially there was not much blood and pain but using bind made the wound worse. It was bleeding more.

To make things worse the beetle's shell flashed and it's started get harder that was not the worse part it started to grew in size.

Vihaan immediately guessed. It was Rock Hardening Skill with Bull and Rhino Strength Skill.

Vihaan didn't sit quietly wait for his death. He used his strength to tilt the beetle since it lost its leg on one side, it made things easier. Vihaan used his Mouth to Bite down the thorax Part repeatedly and his tail to stab like a madman.

The Bites and Stab were quite effective. The bottom of the Beetle was almost like soft cloth. His bite with an attack force of 396 with penetrating force did the beetle nasty while his Serrated Bone Spear tail was designed like an arrow head so he punctured the organs twisted his tail and pull it out totally messing it's organs. Two Stabs and Two chunk of bite. Vihaan immediate swallowed the bite. It could help him with vitality.

[ Consumed Rock Bull Rhino Meet, Frenzy Can be Ended with mild backlash after consuming full beetle or Extended but backlash will be more severe if there is excessive blood loss. ]

[ Killed Rock Bull Rhino Beetle with first species kill, 3,300 CE x10 = 33,000 CE ]

[ You are Frenzy State, Only 1/3 rd the CE can be Earned ]

[ 11,000 CE Earned ]

[ Deducted Suitable Material for New Body Trait ]

[ Sufficient Materials ]

Vihaan was pissed when he saw the first two message but the third message was very pleasing to his eye. He immediately stored the Body in Inventory and Rushed back to the Safe Zone. It all happened in few seconds but still he was not going to take any chances again. He was going to end Frenzy as soon as he entered the Safe Zone. If he was neither hunted nor wounded. He might have chosen to continue hunting, may be picked of some unfortunate ants for snacks but situation always works like wonder. Exactly opposite of what he expect to happen.

He rushed back, it took another few more seconds for him to reach the Safe Zone. His luck was truly rotten to the core. As he was closing in to the Safe Zone suddenly he sensed imminent death coming. Immediately he used his Contraction jump to push himself into the Safe Zone. He was really unfortunate. As soon as he moved. He felt a strong kick on his tail. It was so strong that it broke his New Serrated Bone Spear and his spine altogether crippling him that was not the end. The force was transferred throughout his body, it did him nasty and heavily injured his muscles. The force coupled with his jump made his body rotate like a Top. He was sent flying spinning inside the Safe Zone.

Thud Thud

Vihaan was throw like a rag doll broken and miserable. He was lying there with his bone broken and protruding out of his body in multiple places while bleeding heavily. He knew his fate is unknown and he is going to experience pain now as he saw his HP and notification flash before him.

[ Critical Damage Injury ]

[ HP fell below 10% ]

[ HP : 40 / 420 ]

[ Heavy Injury During Frenzy - Sever Backlash ]

[ Eat the Beetle first then Increase Vitality, Now Quick ]

Even with this bad injury. He held on. his conscious was fading, he lost all his sense but he dint dare close his eyes. He heard the system asking him to eat. The Safe Zone can increase his recover he just had to provide enough nutrition for his body. He took his the leg piece he had before and swallowed it immediately. His mind and body where working very quickly.

In few seconds he was able to feel his recovery yet he was still in frenzy state. His mind cleared and all his sense started to work. He withdrew the beetle body and took a bite. He didn't eat like normal Snake but instead he started to tear soft pieces and ate like a crocodile. He didn't notice earlier but now his sense were working he was stunned.




A fucking huge bug was banging on the Safe Zone barrier like a Mad BUG.

[ Berserker Cricket ( Mid - Rare Tier )

( In Berserk State )

Lv - 76

HP : 1930/????

Attack : ???

Defence : 832

Skills: ???? ]

Vihaan : / What the Fuck ? /

[ Do you what is the most Rewarding Occupation ? ]