Dog Fight and A Fisherman


Looking for a Good Illustrator. Can DM me on Discord @DreamTeller or Instagram @dream_tller.

In Event of My Upcoming Bday, I decided to Mass Release Chapters. Happy Reading..

Review, comment and support with Power stones.


[ Berserker Cricket ( Mid - Rare Tier )

( In Berserk State )

Lv - 76

HP : 1930 / ????

Attack : ???

Defence : 832

Skills: ???? ]

Vihaan : / What the Fuck ? /

[ Do you what is the most Rewarding Occupation ? ]

Vihaan : / Wha... /

Before he could finish. He was surprised to see what was happening. Vihaan immediately understood what system was trying to say

Vihaan : / AHHAHAHHAH... Right... Right... /

Vihann : / Fishing in Troubled Waters /

Vihaan said with a evil grin on his face, he was in deep pain but everything seem to vanish when he saw the sight before him.

The Mad Bug which ramming, kicking doing all sort of crazy things trying to get inside the barrier, it sensed some other movement outside the barrier. It directly flashed like a black shadow towards the sound. Vihaan couldn't even see the movement. It was so fast. He immediately moved his eyes trying to catch where the Mad Bug was moving and see who was the next unfortunate prey.

The Next scene was what brought him happiness.

A 1 meter long 40 cm tall and 30 cm wide pitch black grasshopper like creature moved like a black flash engaging against 1.5 m tall 2 m long ( with tail ) and .5 m width rat covering in thick hide like leather scale similar to sandshrew from Pokemon.

Vihaan was laughing his ass off seeing the unfortunate rat getting it's ass wiped by the Mad Bug.

[ Earth Rat ( Peerless - Uncommon Tier )

Lv - 51

HP : 1773 / ????

Attack : 352

Defence : 560

Skills: Triple Bite, Cross Cut, Escape, Mask Presence, Tunnelling, Vibration Sense, Rock Whip, Earth Slash ]

Vihaan was able to guess seeing that this Rat might have been roaming around here looking for opportunities to kill him or catch him ( Dedicated Lackey ) but it was unfortunate enough to get caught by the Mad Bug.

He was really surprised by the amount of skill and HP this Rat had. Even in Frenzy state Vihaan might not be able to defeat this Rat. It just had a lot of HP.

He was not able properly see the face of the Mad Bug. It was blurry and was moving at very high speed. The Rat is being pounded but it didn't panic. It was oddly calm trying to dodge the vicious attacks even when the Mad Bug was kicking it and ramming it with absurd speed. Vihaan had even thought he was imagining things that the attacks were not effective but he could see the status. The attacks were actually more effective as they were damaging the rat internally instead of stabbing and slashing damage.

[ HP : 1504 / ???? ]

[ HP : 1346 / ???? ]

[ HP : 1114/ ???? ]

[ HP : 992 / ???? ]

[ HP : 745 / ???? ]

Vihaan : / System Wha... /

Vihaan was snacking on the Beetle and watching an action packed fight scene. He almost dropped a piece of flesh down seeing the next scene.

The Rat predicted the attack of Mad Bug.


Its tail changed like Onyx body ( Pokemon ) and hit the Mad Bug. It was a horrifying attack. The Bug was incapacitated immediately. The Rat followed up with three more skills. Its claws were glowing white in colour. It attacked the Bug in cross slash with both its forelimbs. Then followed by ferocious Bite while slamming its fore limb which had be hardened like rock.

In one engage the rat brought the Mad Bug's Life down by 800

[ HP : 1545 / ???? ]

[ HP : 1231 / ???? ]

[ HP : 1122 / ???? ]

Vihaan : / Holy Molly /

Vihaan : / That's one vicious Rat /

Vihaan was worried he mind not be able to get any benefits and the rat may win, might even get more EXP and get more stronger. He was nervous but he never stopped snacking. He body was healing a very fast phase. He used his head to put back all the bone in back in place. System also helped him to get back to his peak state but of course it was for a price. A whole 5K CE just for healing his wounds.

The fight have been going for almost 50 mins. The Mad Bug just like its name was unable to differentiate between the rat, rock and sand. It was madly attacking anything that moves even the grass. There were sometimes when the rat used it Mask Presence Skill to evade and Escape but its dumb thinking just pushed it back to square one.

Vihaan was even wondering if this was another human reincarnated. It was one vicious rat, used all kind of tricks to escape but always ends up getting caught because of its beastly nature. One time it escaped but tried to dig a hole and was pounded again. Only after few minutes into the fight did he notice he was not the only one who is waiting to fish.

He immediately added remaining 5 Stat Points to his Vitality. He is not going to let his hard work go to waste. Luring two High level monster, pitting them together and capitalise from it, becoming rich. How can these peasants ( The Other Fisherman who waiting to get a piece of the juice meat ) know all of the troubles he went through to set up such a perfect opportunity. How can he let go of this fat piece of meat right before his eyes.

[ Vitality : 2.1 -> 7.1 ]

[ Vihaan

Lv - 8

HP : 1420 / 1420

Defence : 240

Attack : 396 ]

Vihaan was back in top condition. He ate the full beetle except for the exoskeleton. It helped him satisfy his hunger. He was still frenzy but unlike the first condition he didn't get any Backlash or Extra Status. He was happy there was no backlash while sad that there was not boost when he increased his Vitality. he learned to be content with this for now ( I wonder from where did Vihaan learn to be shameless ). He was already in frenzy for more than 1 hour 30 mins so there should enough time for him to capitalise.

So Back to the fight.

The Rat Greatly underestimated the Mad Bug. As the Bug was sinking its teeth into the Mad Bug.


A Strong kick to the Rat's face sent it flying into the Air.

[ Berserker Cricket ( Mid - Rare Tier )

( Enraged Berserk )

Lv - 76

HP : 1006 / ????

Attack : ???

Defence : 832

Skills: ???? ]

Vihaan saw the status of the Mad bug he was astonished. It was already a monster now being enraged he didn't actually know what kind of fate awaited the Rat.

Having Finished his snack fully vihaan start to feel hungry. He was salivating thinking about eat both the Mad Bug and the rat but the situation doesn't seem to be going well. Just as he was contemplating what he could do to turn back the situation. God helped him more like The Rat helped him.

It fell near to another Fisherman.

Vihaan's heart was brimming with happiness.

The Darkness and Grass made it impossible to see what kind of Beast it was. Vihaan was able to see the shadow it was relatively very large compared to Rat and The Mad Bug. A huge body.

The Bug immediately followed to attack it. As soon as it sensed another prey.

Bang Bang

Two loud noise woke up Vihaan from his fantasy.

Rat was thrown and it perfectly hit the Mad Bug flew directly over to the barrier and slammed on it.

The Bug was distorted and Incapacitated.

Vihaan clearly saw a big piercing wound on the Rat's body. It was a clean stab mimicking a rapier through its heart.

The Rats body was just outside the Barrier.

Vihaan tried to store it inside his Inventory but he couldn't.

Vihaan : / Why can't I store the Carcass ? /

[ Because it's still alive ]

[ HP : 0 / ???? ]

Vihaan could clearly see the HP was zero but system is saying it's alive. how is it even possible.

[ Rats are very cunning. The one before you seem to have invested a lot in Mind. It also has unlocked Willpower Stat. You can tell by its behaviour. It's a highly intelligent and sentiment being. It's holding its life purely through Sheer Will. ]

Vihaan was shocked by this new discovery. Will can defy death. What a miracle.

Vihaan moved closer to the Rat. ( Still inside the Safe Zone )

Vihaan : / ( I know you can hear me. I am very much admire your Willpower. The Will, The Unwillingness, The dedication to your work. You are a perfect subordinate for any master or a wonderful brother and great beast. I am proud of being born in the same era as you...) Ssssss ssss sssssss..... /

Vihaan spoke in the Beast Tongue. All the sentiment being watching the fight waiting to fish felt ashamed and guilt. They were even thinking whether they were doing the right thing... then it happened.


[ Killed Earth Rat with first species kill ( Last Hit, KS ), 510 CE x10 = 5,100 CE ]

[ You are Frenzy State, Only 1/3 rd the CE can be Earned ]

[ 1,700 CE Earned ]

[ Total : 7,700 CE ]

[ Deducted Suitable Material for New Body Trait ]

[ Sufficient Materials ]

Vihaan : / Truly Unfortunate. Who asked you to chase me? Do you really think I am Buddha to forgive you. /

Vihaan : / But I am Fortunate enough to get a good feast. Amitabha /

Vihaan used his tail like a spear stabbed its brain through its throat and stored in the inventory. Vihaan used inventory to actually do the heavy lifting. He stored the body in from the outside and withdrew it inside the Safe Zone. He was staring at carcass thinking about the feast and New Trait.


[ Deducted Suitable Material for New Body Trait ]

[ Sufficient Materials ]

Within few seconds even the Mad Bug was slain. It was slashed like a bug it is on the Safe Zone Barrier. Vihaan was over joyed immediately stored it in.

##### : / Greedy, Vicious, Cruel, Arrogant, Cunning... I wonder if you really are her Son. /

A course voice was heard. Seeing the figure coming near him. Vihaan was stunned beyond words.

[ Night Reaper ( Peerless - Rare )

Lv - 10?

HP : ???? / ????

Attack : ???

Defence : ???

Skills: ???? ]