A Bug Scammer And My Evolution Tree

In the dark nights of Grass land a 60 cm long snake was lying inside a light golden barrier. Unlike normal snake it was lying like it was moon bathing lying on its back showing its belly to the sky. It was not moving at all there was no movements. If someone were to see this scene they would think it was dead.

Who else other than our Shameless MC. Vihaan woke up a few hours ago. Right now he was in deep thoughts seeing the notification before him.

[ Evolution Tree ]

[ Grass Jade Snake : A Snakelet, Evolved from Grass Snake. Mainly know for its Healing and Recovery Properties ( Vitality ). Has thick jade like scales. Above Average Growth Rate. Further Evolution Possible.

Low Attack, High Defence, Support Spells. Low Life Affinity

Requirement : Accumulate for 10 days and 2000 CE ]

[ Rock Dynami Snake : A Snakelet, Mutated Snake, Know for its rock hard scales and high strength. overpowers its victims through brute strength. Average Growth Rate. Further Evolution Possible.

Moderate Attack, Mid-High Defence, Strength Augmentation, Scale Armour.

Requirement : Accumulate for 15 days, Rock Bull Beetle Shell and Berserk Cricket Muscles ]

[ Bone Serpent : A Rare type of Snakelet, having high Constitution, absurd amount of bone strength and defence. Average Growth Rate. Further Evolution Possible.

Mid-High Attack, Mid-High Defence, Bone Hardening, Bone Manipulation

Requirement : Accumulate for 15 days, Any type of skeleton ( Higher Tier the better ) and 10000 CE ]

[ Earth Bone Wrym : A Type of Basilisk, A Hatching, Full grown Wyrm are know for their immense size, strength, defence, poison and petrifying gaze. A Deadly Predator. Body starts at 1 Star. Very Slow Growth Rate. Further Evolution Possible.

Requirement : Accumulate 90 days in environment with High Ether Concentration, All stat 9.9, should be new born snake or serpent preferably viper, Max Lv - 10, Rare Tier Exo-skeleton or skeleton At-least, Poisonous Beast Carcass, Earth Attribute Beast Carcass, Cannibal and 50,000 CE. ( Will consume - 5 Skill Points, 20 Stat Points, One Trait Upgrade And One Custom Trait. ) ]

He was not thinking about which one to chose. He is going to choose wyrm for sure. There's is chances to evolve into a Lindwyrm, Wyvern, Salamander or Even a Drake by choosing to evolve into Wyrm. He would be a fool to miss this opportunity.

The things he was thinking was about the conditions to unlock much better evolution.

Except for the first evolution the rest were purely based on the materials he had in hand or the type of traits he choose, some even was influenced by his behaviour example the Wyrm. if he didn't kill and feed on his own siblingss he wouldn't be considered cannibal. He had everything except for Stat Point, CE and a Poisonous Beast Carcass.

Vihaan : / System, Is it possible to gain a more powerful evolution by having better materials. /

[ Possible but everything will take more time of accumulation period. Some might even require you to break though the Limit of 9.9. You still have time. 86 days. If you are just thinking of the best option at present then Earth bone Wyrm is a good choice ]

[ If you want more options then you have to search and kill different kinds of monster with different attribute will being held back by level and stat. ]

[ If you are willing to take the risk and brave. the Rewards are Plenty. ]

Vihaan : / What is Honest opinion about Earth Bone Wyrm /

[ A Mutated Earth Wyrm, has potential to gain 2 affinity. Natural strength type tank with poison and petrification skills. A Deadly Predator in lower Unique Tier. ]

[ My Opinion is for you is to slay a Dark Type Creature. ]

[ Secondary Options : Blood, Bone, Undead, Lightening, Life, Death, Space, Time and Gravity ]

[ If these are not available by the end of 90 days or if you don't gain any new Evolution you can evolve with earth Bone Wyrm. We can always prepare for the next Evolution. ]

Vihaan : / Doesn't My Evolution have Bone Attribute ? Doesn't that mean it's a good one /

[ I never said it was bad ]

There are lots of viable options. Gaining CE, Killing Poisonous Beast and stat points. He can easily gain all of these if he was able to move out but the problem is he can't.

It's 4 days since his birth and 3 days since his encounter with one of the Overlord of the Forbidden Grass Lands, Delios.

Vihaan was quite intimidated at first but when he came to know about the details about the world and the forest. He literally felt like spitting on that guy's face. He is just a pathetic Coward who has no courage to face the real challenge instead choose to bully the weak.

Three Days Ago.

##### : / Greedy, Vicious, Cruel, Arrogant, Cunning... I wonder if you really are her Son. /

A course voice was heard. Seeing the figure coming near him. Vihaan was stunned beyond words.

[ Night Reaper ( Peerless - Rare )

Lv - 10?

HP : ???? / ????

Attack : ???

Defence : ???

Skills: ???? ]

As soon as he saw the status. System relayed him a set of information.

[ Forbidden Grass Land itself is divided into Three, then followed by the forest that is divided into 9 Circles. Now you are in the Outer Peripheral of the Grass Lands. Followed by Inner Peripheral and Trail of the forest. ]

[ Outer peripheral has very low Ether concentration so can only support Beast. Monsters or Animals only till Lv 90 going after than is very hard so if one wants to advance or fight stronger beasts for EXP they have to go to Inner Peripheral. ] ( Vihaan's Mother's dream was to enter the Trail of the Forest )

[ This Coward Mantis before you being a so called Overlord will be pushed to the bottom of the Food Chain if he moved to the Inner Peripheral so he is using all sorts of means to stay here and level up. He just didn't have the guts to go advance. ]

[ Inner Peripheral - Lv 100 to Lv 500]

[ Trail of the Forest - Lv 500 to Lv 1000 ]

Vihaan was shocked if just the Forbidden Grass Lands alone was able to hold Monsters of Lv 1000 then what about the forest? What about the continent and this whole world.

Vihaan : / System How big is this Grass Land /

[ Can be considered twice the Size of Asia ]

Vihaan was shocked to heard this words. if just forest alone was this big. Then

Vihaan : / Size of the Planet ? /

[ Bigger than the Solar System ]

Vihaan felt as if he was struck by lightning. What kind of place had he reincarnated into. While He was filled in his shock and fantasy's of adventure having a shocked expression on his face.

Delios was very happy to see the snake's shocked expression. He felt proud. He was smiling. He was confident he could scam this snake into giving the artifact to him. If he had this artifact he can easily enter Inner Peripheral and survive. That bitch should have a similar artifact that's why she was unafraid of going into the Inner Peripheral.

Delios : / Don't worry boy. I won't hurt you. I will gladly give you shelter, help you level to become another overlord replacing your mother. /

Vihaan was very pissed off as this dumb bug has the nerve to shameless boast. Vihaan looked at the coward bug. Vihaan was back to his calm manner. He took a good look at the bug. 2 m tall, Jet black exoskeleton, Sharp Scythe like Hands. It looks very terrifying.

Vihaan : / I know, nothing is free in this world. What do you want for you making me a overlord. /

Delios was smiling with a hidden knife behind his smile.

Delios : / Ofc. You have to work hard. Help me kill your mother then only you can claim her place. /

Delios : / Then... I want you explain this artifact of yours. I don't want it. You mother had a similar one so I want to know everything about its so it will make things easier when we corner her /

Vihaan gave a weird expression on his face. This Damn bug thinks he is a clever and I am dumb little reptile. If Vihaan had a human face you could see his eyes twitching. It was lying straight to his face. His mother had a Safe Zone ? What kind of Joke is this.

Vihaan forcefully calmed himself. He was actually think how many people this bug had scammed throughout its life. Being a fast assassin type Mantis. It's a shame to its whole Race.

Vihaan : / I don't want to be a overlord /

Delios was slowly trying to trap the small snake with honey words and false promises but its answer throw him off script. He knew well that as long as the small snake was protected by the Barrier he would be unable to do anything to it.

Delios forced himself to maintain an amicable face.

Delios : / Oh then what do you want ? /

Vihaan wanted to lash out but he still maintained his calm attitude. He pretended to think a while before answering.

Vihaan : / Uncle, I don't know what I want. /

Vihaan : / Can I tell later. Now I don't have any wishes. I just want to sleep and Eat well. /

Vihaan made a cute and innocent face but who in the right mind would believe this cunning snake. Its a Cold Blooded Killer. They just saw it murder a Lv - 51 Earth Rat.

Delios wanted to rip this snake into two but he was unable to do anything. It was irritating for him to hear this little shit call him uncle.

For god sake I am fucking overlord of the Outer Peripheral of the Forbidden Grass Land. Fuck I can even scam this little shit.

Delios : / Sure. Sure. Take rest. Your new born. You should take rest and eat a lot. /

Delios saying this disappeared. The Night was a perfect cover for him. No one should be able to tell where he is, plus no beast or monster in the Outer Peripheral can harm him.

Vihaan got the Slashed bug out from the inventory and ate his fill. Finally when he finished all its leg and half its body he got the notification he wanted.

[ Frenzy State Ended ]

[ You will be weakened for the next 72 hours. ]

[ Only 10% Stat can be used ]

[ Evolution Very Close ]

[ Evolution Tree Unlocked ]

When he saw the information he felt an immense tiredness and weakness washing over him.

For the next 72 hours other than waking momentarily he mostly spent his time trying all kinds of positions.... in sleeping ( Dirty Minded People. He is sleeping. No R-18 for a while or that what I want you to think 😁 ).

He woke up on the 4th day and opened his evolution tree.



Looking for a Good Illustrator. Can DM me on Discord @DreamTeller

Catch the next Chapter : ' Scam The Scammer ' Tomorrow by adding the book to you collection.

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