Scam the Scammer ( Part - 1 )

Vihaan had a nagging feeling he wanted to ask system for a while.

Vihaan : / System, I expected animals to be true to the strengths hierarchy like settle everything through fight and strengths, Simple Minded. How come there are wastrels like this shity bug Delios. /

Vihaan : / Bullying the weak, fearing the strong, Greedy, Scheming, hiding knife behind a smile. /

[ True, Beast follow the hierarchy of strength but being in contact with humans have corrupted even the beasts. High Mind stat led to a wide variety of evolution. Human like personality also one of the side effect. ]

[ You know, Delios is actually very old over 120 years. This Forbidden Grass lands is one of the most dangerous places in this Planet. Risk and Reward come hand in hand. There is a neutral city about 1000 km from here, City of Arrow Gate. Lot of Mercenarys and Adventures seek riches and temper themselves here. When humans see a rare treasure there will always be greed which will eventually lead to lot people falling prey to their own teammates. Being in this kind of environment, how can that bug be without picking at-least one or two things from them. ]

Vihaan : / Why have I not seen anyone till now ? /

Vihaan : / Give me a Brief Info of this world /

[ There are lots of information. First understanding this continent ]

[ Planet Ennea is very huge planet almost as big as the whole solar system. ]

[ It has 9 major continents and countless Small Islands which are larger than Earth itself ]

[ You are in EverLight Continent. It's neither too powerful nor too weak. There are 2 Dynasty and 1 Federation in this continent namely Rising Wind Dynasty, Storm Bringer Dynasty and Federation of Dusk Helm. All of them have Immortal Realm Expert Protecting them. There are countless Empire and Kingdoms under these Dynasties while this is in the surface. There are few Underground Associations or organisations which is spread over all 9 continent. The Strongest one among them is The Dark Order. ]

[ City of Arrow Gate is an independent City which operates near the Forest of Alepou. It was here for the time human civilisation started. This City has been built as a fortress protecting civilisation from the beast tides for thousands and thousands of years. It has many Guild, Shops and Establishments Rivalling Capital city of Kingdoms and Empire so no one dare to annex the Town. The Population crosses over 6 Million with more than 70% of them being adventurers and mercenary. ]

[ There are no restrictions. There are all kind of exotic species there. ]

Vihaan mind couldn't contemplate the amount of information system had given him it was shock to him. Just a small city had so many things he could only think off. Even though he had no memories. There are some parts of memories like common sense are open to him.

Even that was only slowly coming to him in the past 3 days. He could remember he was from a planet called Earth, it was a scientifically advanced planet with no cultivation, ether or mana. He was orphan. He remembered all kinds of subjects. Maths, Science, History, English etc. One things off was that memories were Crystal clear but other than that there was no other hazy memories. It seem like something was preventing him form remembering other things. So when System explained the size and population it was easier for him to understand.

Vihaan : / Who is the in the Top of the food chain in this planet ? /

[ Strength, Be it Human, Plants, Animals, Birds, Demi Humans, Humanoids, any one who can cultivate who has strength, stand at the peak of the food chain. Strong prey on the Weak ]

Vihaan thought about Earth where humans considered themselves God's and stood at the Top of the Food Chain. How laughable. Even the smallest ant he saw here can kill a human and they are not even worth a proper meal.

Vihaan woke up and went down into the borrow. The Borrow was very small. It was 2 m underground and had a area of 4 sq m space.

Vihaan : / System if these people have been eyeing to catch my siblings why have they not made the move when we were still in the Egg ? /

[ Your soul was already bound to the Egg the moment it was laid. So this place was already a Safe Zone. No one else who could be a potential threat can enter other than your mother and siblings ]

Vihaan : / So your telling me it was already a Safe Zone but I foolishly used my one chance to make this a Safe Zone again. /

[ Bingo ]

Vihaan felt like slapping his own face. If he had proper knowledge he could have had two Safe Zones.

He was sad but he couldn't silk over what had happened so immediately hot over it.

Vihaan : / Tell me the Name, level and distance of the monsters which are around the Safe Zone /

[ Night Reaper, Lv 108, 10 m ]

[ Grass Vine, Lv 34, 200 m ]

[ Grass Vine, Lv 36, 200 m ]

[ Grass Vine, Lv 40, 200 m ]

[ Firefly, Lv 53, 400 m ]

[ Webslinger, Lv 39, 540 m ]

[ Poison Toad, Lv 61, 700 m ]

[ Corrosive Snail, Lv 79, 800 m ]

[ Green PoisonPede, Lv 48, 1000 m ]

[ Reaper Scythe Mantis, Lv 54, 1000 m ]

[ Coward Flea, Lv 26, 1100 m ]

[ Silver Fang Rabbit, Lv 65, 1200m ]

[ Wind Weasel, Lv 69, 1400 m ]

[ Ant Captain, Lv 84, 1500 m ]

Vihaan was like looking at the notification like an idiot. He thought how bravely he explored the Grass Land filled with ferocious monsters at Lv - 1. When he saw the first notification his mouth twitched.

Vihaan : / You Shitty Bug Scammer. You gonna regret coming to pick a bone with me. Let's see who has more patience. /

Vihaan just lied in the borrow thinking how to scam the shit of that shitty bug. He was looking the notification seeming to be in deep thoughts. He saw a peculiar notification.

Vihaan : / System, What is a Grass Vine ? /

[ Plant type Beast. Very passive. They tend to get to feed on remains beast. Omnivore ]

Vihaan : / Interesting /

For the next three days Vihaan opted a unique approach. From morning till evening he remained in the Burrow talking to system getting information of Animal movements and learning different kind of plants. He also learned a new function of system - Universal Synthesis. With enough CE, anything can be synthesis together.

This was the main reason why Traits where unique to him because no other Animal, Human, Beast or Demi Human even god couldn't have this system function.

Vihaan had a crazy idea. Although it seem like a crazy idea he thought it seemed very normal for him.

Instead of trying he asked system whether it's feasible. To his surprise, it was actually doable.

[ Universal Synthesis : Calm Mind + Fast Thinking ]

[ Cost : 500 CE ] ( Balance : 2,200 CE )

[ New Skill : Mind of a Thinker ( Uncommon )

Maintain a calm and collective state in any situation. Four times enhances thinking capacity.

Stage : Rank 1 ]

[ Lost Transformation Bonus : -2 Mind Stat ]

[ Quest : Synthesis a skill on your own - Complete ]

[ Reward : + 3 Stat Points ]

It was very interesting experience for Vihaan. He had no other skills of same attitude but he was nevertheless very happy to find another pass time. With the new passive skill. He was able to think faster even with the lose of 2 Mind Stat. He even fully planned how to Scam that Scammer Bug.

On the 7 th day Vihaan moved out

Vihaan : / Uncle Big Bad Bug ? /

Vihaan : / Uncle Big Bad Bug ? /

Vihaan : / Uncle Big Bad Bug ? /

He purposefully raised his voice and hissed so as everyone can hear that he was calling that Scammer Bug a Big Bad Bug. He was laughing inside but still maintained a very innocent expression and was waiting. He knew Delios was just 10 m away from him.

Delios who was 10 m away from the Barrier was on the verge of going insane. It's been 6 days. 6 full days he waited outside the Golden Barrier like a Watchman watching all the movements of the small snake.

Every time he saw how the snake behaved he felt hammering his own mind against the barrier. While he was waiting all the snake did was sleep in different positions. Lying on its back, sight seeing or eating, other than that it just simply stared onto the space. He was getting angrier and angrier as time passed.

Finally today when the snake came out of the borrow if it didn't say anything he was going to take initiative to talk to it again.

He was first surprise when the snake called out for him but his immediately soured as he heard the snake was calling me Uncle, Bad and Bug.

He was stunned by this unexpected insult which gave the snake more time to insult him as it kept on calling him or more like cursing him.

He immediately flashed towards the snake to stop it from cursing him more.


Vihaan was surprised to see the Bug appear before him. He felt vexed as he couldn't curse this scammer bug a few more times to his heart content but he didn't show it outside because he had other ways to make this bugs life miserable.

Vihaan : / I thought Uncle Big Bad Bug is very busy person he would not be sitting outside my house waiting for me. /

Vihaan : / I am very touched Uncle Big Bad Bug is watching over me all the time /

Vihaan was showing a innocent face and lying straight to the Scammer Bug. He was laughing his ass off inside. He could see black could over the bugs head. It was emitting terrifying killing intent as it the snake was doing this on purpose plus he couldn't retort it as he was actually sitting there was indeed watching the snake but sadly it couldn't hurt Vihaan. It was trying hard to keep an amicable face and speak to Vihaan.

Delios : / Uncle is very kind and caring. How can uncle not be worried that about your well being. /

Delios : / Uncle's name is Delios so hereafter you can call me Lord Delios /

Delios : / So tell me why you called Lord Delios. /

Vihaan was really astounded seeing this Shameless Bug still cool but the bug underestimated Vihaan's cunningness.

Vihaan : / Bad Bug Uncle Lord Delios, I decide what I want /

If that bug had teeth like human. You could hear teeth grinding sounds.


Looking for a Good Illustrator. Can DM me on Discord @DreamTeller

Catch the next Chapter, See how our MC scams that shitty bug : ' Scam The Scammer ( Part - 2 ) ' Tomorrow by adding the book to you collection.

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