Scam The Scammer ( Part - 2 )


We are doing a MASS RELEASE this Friday. Minimum of 3 Chapter. Support with Powerstones. For every 25 stones an Extra Chapter will be added with already three Chapter. ( Ex : 3 + 1 ).


Vihaan : / Bad Bug Uncle Lord Delios, I decide what I want /

If that bug had teeth like human. You could hear teeth grinding sounds but as soon as he heard the second part he started smiling all his resentment vanished like it was never there.

Delios : / Tell me nephew what do you want ? /

Vihaan had a innocent face and started to slowly set his plan in motion.

Vihaan : / I want to enter The Trail of the Forest. I know uncle cares for me so I am sure you will also come with me. /

Delios face ashened as soon as he heard it. He cursed this little devil in his mind. He was sacred even to enter the Inner Peripheral but now this idiot was asking him to enter the Trial of the Forest. He was coward, being able to survive in this jungle being coward is miracle itself now he was not ready to die for the sake of an artifact or greed. He changed his approach. Delios replied with a smiling face.

Delios : / You are too weak now. Uncle will help you get stronger then we can go there. /

Vihaan : / I know Bad Bug Uncle Lord Delios is good to me. I can see Uncle is already past Lv - 100. How about we go to the Inner Peripheral now ? /

Delios had a headache coming. He didn't know how he could see this level or how he came to know the information about the forest. He guessed it might because of a skill or system but how or what it is. He had no idea.

Delios : / I am more than happy take you with me but when I am fighting I might not be able to protect you. You are weak. You should get stronger then you can go with uncle. /

How could a 100 old sly fox be outwitted by a new born that's what Delios was thinking. He just wanted to get the information about the artifact and the moment this Snake comes out he will kill it and run away into the Inner Peripheral. Then not even that bitch or the other two fools can stop me. He was unaware that he actually feel right into Vihaan's Trap.

Vihaan acted like he was in deep thinking.

Vihaan : / I am took weak to hunt and eat. I want uncle to catch strong animals or beast for me to eat and grow. I will kill them for EXP and Food. /

Vihaan : / I know this too much as I am asking things without working. /

Vihaan : / For every Beast uncle catches for me I will tell you how to make this artifact. This infact is a one time use Formation. /

Vihaan : / Materials required for them is very rare and hard to find but it should be feasible as my mother built it with the materials available here. /

Vihaan : / I can't give this to you but I can teach you how to build one if you can get me the materials /

Delios didn't immediate fall into the trap.

Delios : / How did you know about this formation ? How can you even operate this formation. /

Vihaan : / Inherited Memories, You might not know but my bloodline inheritance is not from my mother but an ancient gene. I am more powerful than my mother. There are lots of information that even you might know. /

Delios : / Tell me something I don't know. /

Vihaan : / We are in the Outer Peripheral of the Forbidden Grass Lands which surrounds the Forest of Alepou. Forbidden Grass land id divided into 3, where as Forest of Alepou is divided into 9 circles. 1000 km from her is the City of Arrow Gate which is a powerful city Rivalling that of the Capital City of the 2 Dynasties. /

Delios was astounded. He himself only knew about the Forbidden Grass lands and only have heard of monster from 1st Circle are more terrifying than Trail of the forest. He also knew about the city but he very heard the name of it. The Dynasties they were terrifying powers that he didn't even know. If this was an old monster then it was justifiable for it know all this.

But the problem was this was only a one week old hatching. It was unimaginable for it to know all this. Earlier he had doubts about the formation but now he was hesitating whether to trust the snake or not. Its a very tempting offer. he just have to help this pipsqueak level up for it he can lean how to use a powerful defensive formation.

Vihaan saw Delios was hesitating. He knew his plan worked.

Vihaan was very shrewd he knew it best to strike when the Iron is hot.

Vihaan : / If I unable produce another barrier like this in 100 days with the materials Uncle is giving me. Let the Heavens Smite me but only if Uncle helps me kill and eat lots of strong animals based on my condition. /

Vihaan vigorously Vowed to Heavens. Delios mood immediately lifted. He knew this little brat is cunning.

In the vow he nerve said that he will give the formation to him and placed a condition that he provide him with food and EXP but nonetheless. He knew that brat had the capacity to build a formation or vowing a heavens vow is like jumping off a cliff without wings. Now the brat was locked here where can he escape. Basically he was his prisoner and he can always force this snake to build lot of formation for his personal use.

Delios put on an amicable and gentle smile in his face.

Delios : / Uncle never doubted you my dear nephew. /

Delios : / What do you want tell me uncle will get it for you. /

Vihaan sneered inside. He knew his plan was success.

Vihaan : / Uncle, I am hungry. Any Beast within Lv -20 . It should be alive having at least 70% HP. Only one Monster per Day. I will increase the Lv based on my requirements /

Vihaan : / I also want to fight and develop my skills. /

Delios was stunned. He thought this brat was asking him to get Half Dead monster for easy kill but who would have thought he actually dug his own grave. He wanted to see how this Brat will take the Animal inside and fight.

Delios already started to scheme, may be after a few tries with enough information. He can set up a fight with one of lackey and catch this brat easily. Then he can have his way with this brat. He had a sinister expression on his face. Thinking about all the good times to come, benefits and torturing this snake he was feeling very happy. He moved like flash and disappeared form the place.

Vihaan clearly knew what the Shitty Bug was thinking but he didn't say or do anything. He already asked the system whether he could allow anyone extra to enter.

He was the owner of the Safe Zone. So he can allow anyone can enter. He also prepared a list of materials each of them are a little rare in the Outer Peripheral of the Forbidden Grass Land but at the same time findable.

He also planned to use this Shitty Bug to gain different kind of Materials required for his Evolution. There are lots of Quest he could finish to get Stat Points, Skill Points, and traits. One of them is First Kill of the Day which gives 3 Stat Points daily as long as he kill anything.

It a huge Reward think about the later stages where he will need enormous amount of CE to level up, Stat point to Rank Up his body tier or to supply Stats for stronger Traits. Basically CE and Stat Points are always welcome and now an idiot was delivering it to his door step who was he to say no. The other way is through exploring but sadly it is not possible, at least for now. There are lot of quest for him to finish but he cannot see them or there not even any hint.

System says if you know everything then what's the thrill in it. Strive, Explore choose different options and have An Exciting Sense of adventure.

Vihaan didn't retort he was more than happy to play System's game. He knew a few conditions to get a quest. One of them being asking system a suggestion and them completing the suggestion. Like how he gained Stat Points and Trait for confronting Ant Troop and Escaping Death. He was expecting another Quest Completion notification after he had successfully Scammed the Shitty Bug.

After a few moments the bug was back with a monster in hand.

Vihaan's face showed a rare smile when he the notification before him.

[ Quest : Scam the Scammer Bug ( Part - 1 ) - Complete ]

[ Reward : Cunning Stat Unlocked and +3 Stat Points ]

Unknown to Delios and Vihaan, two more black sheep's are listening to their conversation totally avoiding both of their senses. They more excited than the shitty bug. They were planning scheme's of their own.

One more person was listening to this conversation. She was not scheming. She was confused, doubts, fear, bewilderment even surprise. She was going through a roller-coaster of emotions. Unlike others she was hidden underneath the ground. The Saintess beast of the Outer Peripheral of Forbidden Grass Land. It was not Body Tier, Skill, Race, or even a title but simply it was because it was given and accepted by many sentiment beasts, animals and monsters.

Mother of Vihaan : Neraida



Looking for a Good Illustrator. Can DM me on Discord @DreamTeller

Catch the next Chapter : ' Meet - Thicc Mommy Neradai ( Part - 1) ' Tomorrow by adding the book to you collection.

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