Meet - Thicc Mommy Neradai ( Part - 1 )


We are doing a MASS RELEASE this Friday. Minimum of 3 Chapter. Support with Powerstones. For every 25 stones an Extra Chapter will be added with already three Chapter. ( Ex : 3 + 1 ).

Present Release : 4 Chapters, Tomo


Vihaan's face showed a rare smile when he the notification before him.

[ Quest : Scam the Scammer Bug ( Part - 1 ) - Complete ]

[ Reward : Cunning Stat Unlocked and +3 Stat Points ]

At present vihaan had 6 free Stats Points and his gained a few stat point in vitality by eating high quality meat from Earth Rat and Berserk Cricket. He also gained few stats in mind because he was thinking a lot about different kinds of scenario to scam that bug while mediation which increased his mind stat a little.

[ Cunning : 1 -> Cunning : 5 ]

[ Mind : 6.3 - > Mind : 8.3 ]

Vihaan's Status update :

[ Name - Vihaan Sex - Male Age - 0 years

Race - Grass Snake Phase - Hatching ( Changed from Infant ) Body Tier- 0 Star

Lv - 8 CE : 2,200 / 800

HP : 820 / 820

Defence : 179

Attack : 198

Stats :-

Strength : 9.9

Agility : 9.9

Constitution : 9.9

Vitality : 8.0 ( Earlier 7.1 )

Mind : 8.3 ( Earlier 8.1, lost 2 because of Synthesis, .2 meditation and from 2 stat )

Cunning : 5

Skills : -

Appraisal ( Rank - 1 )

Bite ( Rank - 1 )

Bind ( Rank - 1 )

Contraction Jump ( Rank - 1 )

Mind of a Thinker ( Rank - 1 )

Blessing : -

God Child

Stat Points - 0

Skill Points - 8

Trait : -

Enhanced Eyesight, Double Layered Jaws, Serrated Bone Spear.

Evolution Tree. ]

Vihaan increased his Mind Stat back and invested the rest in cunning. It was wonderful experience. Cunning Stat was one of the Best stat he could ask for. It opened a number of wonderful ways he could use his power. It was a feeling indescribably by words.

Vihaan saw the Shitty Bug had returned. It had a poor ant with it.

[ Ant Solider ( Uncommon Tier )

Lv - 20

HP : 1000 / 1000

Attack : 180

Defence : 260

Skills : Scissor Cut, Dig, Charge, Mandible Crush, Command, Berserk. ]

Vihaan knew this bug was trying to kill or rather test the waters for his future schemes. What really baffled him was the Berserk Skill, just now he witnessed the power of a Berserk Beast, now this shitty bug is trying to set him up with another one.

Vihaan really don't know how this shitty bug found a Lv - 20 Monster which is the limit he set and that monster in particular has a berserk skill even more baffling was that this monster had full HP. What a wonderful coincidence. Vihaan never believed in coincidence. So that meant one this ant is that shitty bug's lackey or it is being controlled, custom made for fighting with him.

Delios : / Nephew, See I found a weak ant for you to practice. /

Delios : / Come, Quickly let's get over with this and we can talk about the formation. /

Vihaan : / Uncle, Just toss it inside. /

Delios didn't say anything just tossed it slowly. The Ant was very odd. It didn't struggle or resist it just let itself be thrown away. Vihaan already made exception for the ant to enter the Safe Zone. He also didn't comment on the ant being 'WEAK'

[ Ant Soldier is entering The Safe Zone ]

[ Permission Granted ]

The Ant Landed inside. It stared at Vihaan. Vihaan was very intrigued by the behaviour of this ant. He remembered the first time he met an ant, as soon as they sensed him they went into attack mode and they attacked without any restrained.

[ Ant Soldier Has entered Berserk State ]

[ Temporarily Level Increased ]

[ Its showing hostile intentions towards Host ]

[ Do you want to kick it out or Freeze it ? ]

Vihaan was baffled. This was clearly a planned trap but he was not afraid. He had full control over the Safe Zone.

[ Ant Solider ( Uncommon Tier )

[ Berserk State ]

Lv - 27

HP : 800 / 800

Attack : 300

Defence : 200

Skills : Scissor Cut, Dig, Charge, Mandible Crush, Command, Berserk. ]

Vihaan didn't wait to get pounded. He didn't wait for the ant to attack so initiated the attack. He moved using Contraction Jump. Used his Tail like whip and attacked the joint between its head and thorax.

Vihaan thought the Ant was a mindless slaughter machine but to his surprise, It used charge to evade his attack and used Dig to enter his burrow. Vihaan had a bad premonition. He didn't let it got away. He used a hidden function of the Safe Barrier. 'Freeze'

It was actually function for keeping anyone from harming him. It will freeze the assailant indefinite until he says otherwise. This feature was added when the Safe Zone Levelled up to Rank 2 accumulating enough Ether from the surroundings.

[ Freeze ]

The Ant was frozen in place but Vihaan didn't let the shity bug see it, he immediately followed behind like a shadow. He wanted to see whether the Bug was controlling the Ant or it was someone else playing tricks with him. He bite on the Carapace with all his force. His teeth now is incomparable to the one from before. He used his force to pull the Ant throw it in air. It happened in a flash. He immediately unfroze the ant. He dint want whoever it was to know about his trump cards.

He followed it by using Contraction Jump and Bind. He strangled it in mid air itself. He used his tail spear to stab at its eyes and Bite on its other eye. It blinded both the eye within the short span the ant was in mid air.

[ HP : 640 / 800 ]

But Vihaan underestimated its strength comparing it with the Ant Worker. As soon as it landed it used charge to and slammed on the barrier. The Barrier was solidified so as soon as they hit it. Both were injured.

[ HP : 560 / 800 ]

[ HP : 760 / 820 ]

The slam actually disoriented Vihaan. He didn't think of this possibility. The Ant used the shot span and enlarged its mandible to bite at Vihaan's head. He reacted quite quick due to his high mind and cunning stat. He used his body like spring and shot his tail like a spear and stabbed the ants' mouth. He disregard the attack of the mandible.

He wanted to trade attacks and end this farce immediately. His attacks on the carapace were fruitless as they only left small creaked cracks. If he wanted to but through it or Kill the ant this way he had to spend much time.

The Ant was able to clearly react to his attacks and reacted but it was slow compared to Vihaan. The Vicious stab went right through it mouth and stabbed inside the thorax. Vihaan didn't stop there. He used his bite on its head and repeatedly bit on its head like a Madman or rather Mad Snake.

[ HP : 320 / 800 ]

[ HP : 640 / 820 ]

The Mad Bug also didn't stop it there and wait for it death, used its mandible to damage and but of vihaan's tail but it was in vain as his last part of the body was mostly bone with little bit of flesh used to maneuver his tail.

After a horrendous dogfight which lasted for 10 minutes, thought out which Vihaan attacked the head, thorax joint and eye. He had a breakthrough, breaking the Carapaces of the head, bite off the Brain and finally slayed the ant

The Ant's body was severely damaged as it had lots of cracks, bites while Vihaan's tail was struck in its Mouth. Vihaan didn't escape unscathed. His tail was like a meat caught in the meat grinder totally maimed ( Permanent Injury ).

[ Killed Ant solider with First Time Kill, 2700 CE x10 = 27,000 CE ]

[ Quest : First Kill of the Day - Completed ]

[ Reward : +3 Stat points ]

Vihaan laid there because of exhaustion. It was well worth the effort. he was not worried about his injures with recovery from the Safe Zone or he can just use CE and get back to full health with System's help.

Delios didn't show any dissatisfaction on his face but instead he came forward with a smiling face.

Delios : / Wow Nephew, I am really surprised within 6 days of birth you were able to take on a berserk ant soldier. /

Delios : / I sure by the time you grow. You will reach Inner Peripheral in few years. /

Vihaan knew the bug was shamelessly ass kissing to know about the formation. Vihaan even more shameless

Vihaan : / I am sure with Uncles coaching and Help, I can reach higher levels easily. /

Vihaan : / So Uncle What information you want today. The Benefits of the formation or The Materials need to build it. /

Vihaan : / You can choose one. I will say one Benefit or Materials need to build the formation. After you have finished learning both. /

Vihaan : / We can move towards drawing formation and runes. /

Vihaan : / Finally Building Formation. /

As soon as the Bug heard. It felt its head spinning. He knew it was useless to try and argue or gain advantage over the little devil after the Small trick he played so he shut his mouth. Delios wanted to know the benefits or rather information about the formation to assess whether it was actually worth all the hassle.

Delios : / Well, We will start with Benefits first. /

Vihaan exactly knew this was what this bug will chose. It fell further into his trap.

Vihaan : / It increase the Ether concentration inside while increasing all recovery rate and enhancing constitution. /

The Bug's eyes shone with unmasked greed, anyone of the three was already very good but with all three it was an invaluable formation. There was only one sentence in his mind not only him but even the other two black sheep who are hidden a little further away.


Delios : / Does it help in breaking through the shackles ? /

Delios : / Does it only help enhancing constitution or other also are affected ? /

Delios : / How much concentration is increased ? /


Vihaan : / Uncle, Uncle, if you ask so much questions. I cant answer them. /

Vihaan : / You can only ask one question. I already told you three benefits because uncle is very good to me. /

Vihaan : / I am very tired after the fight. So Please come tomorrow uncle with another meal. /

Vihaan didn't wait for Delios to answer immediately went inside the Borrow.

He settled in and closed his eyes. He was too tired. He just want to get some good rest then eat. May be later go watch stars.

[ Jade Nature Snake, Neradai ( Your Mother ) is trying to get inside the Safe Zone ]

[ Allow ? ]

[ Yes or No ]



Looking for a Good Illustrator. Can DM me on Discord @DreamTeller

Catch the next Chapter : ' Meet - Thicc Mommy Neradai ( Part - 2 ), Breaking the Limits, Accumulation ( Part 1 ) and Sowing Seed, Accumulation ( Part - 2) ' Tomorrow by adding the book to you collection.

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