Meet - Thicc Mommy Neradai ( Part - 2 )


Final Count 32 PS.

Mass Release : 4 Chapter.

Support with Power Stones. I will try to Mass Release Chapters Each Friday.


[ Jade Nature Snake, Neradai ( Your Mother ) is trying to get inside the Safe Zone ]

[ Allow ? ]

[ Yes or No ]

Vihaan was baffled. It was said that his mother was injured. She was trying evolve and enter into the Inner Peripheral so how was she here.

He was not afraid of her trying to hurt him. If she did he wouldn't mind getting a good chunk of CE.

[ Allow ]

Vihaan withdrew the Earth Rat meat he had and start to eat. Earlier he was hoping to get some rest but since his mama came to meet him. He tried to get some food and tried to hasten the recovery process. He wanted know her story.

He was waiting for her to come through the burrow but...

She came in through an interesting way.


Vihaan noticed the soil near the bottom moved on its own. Like it was making way for someone. A Head popped out. Vihaan was surprised by that but he didn't show much expression as calmly moved away and gave space for his Mama to enter the burrow.

He was looking at the snake ( Mama ). There was nothing much to see in the status as everything was only showed '???'.

[ Jade Nature Snake ( High - Rare Tier )

Lv - ???

HP : ???? / ????

Attack : ???

Defence : ???

Skills: ???? ]

He saw his Mama was quite thick and chubby ( In snake terms ). Huge head more larger than full grown adult hand, body with more than 7 cm thickness while for the length. He couldn't tell, he estimate it should be more than 5 m long. Scales like green jade, polished beautiful and eye catching. the head a feminine touch to it. He felt attracted to Neradai

Speaking of mother ? He Technically killed all her children and took control one of her eggs.

As far as he was concerned. This Neradai is a stranger may be a potential concubine.

Similar to Vihaan, Neradai also was seeing her 'son'. She looked around only to find him. There was no other snakes there. There was not even any signs of other snakes in the burrow. She felt sad. she again looked at here son.

Neradai : / Are you my son ? /

Unlike how Vihaan expected her to speak. Her voice was directly transmitted into his head. It was an ethereal and mesmerising voice.

The more he know about her, the more he wanted her to be his concubine but everything else has to wait for now because looks can be deceiving. She might look hot ( No normal human can consider Snakes to be hot, unless its a lamia or medusa ofc. So back to the point. We are taking about snake standards ) but he wanted test whether she really has the power as a so called overlord of the Outer Peripheral of the Forbidden Grass Lands

Vihaan : / If you are asking whether I came from the eggs here. Then Yes, I can out from one of them. /

Instead of displeased there was only sadness in her eyes. She showed a gentle and loving expression. ( Again, Snake standards and not human. )

Neradai : / What happened to your brothers and sisters ? /

Vihaan : / I ate them /

There was shock on her face. she shook her head in disbelief. Almost like crying. she asked with a coarse voice with immense sadness.

Neradai : / Why ? /

Vihaan : / What why? /

Vihaan : / If you are the who laid the eggs here. Then you are responsible for it. /

Vihaan : / Laying eggs in a place where the Minimum Lv of monsters is above 30. How did you expect me to survive ? /

Vihaan : / East Prey, Good Amount of CE. Even if I don't kill them, they would have died at other monster's jaws /

Vihaan showed displeasure on her while making his actions, purely for survival and goodwill.


Neradai's Narration :

There was guilt and sadness. After years of isolation. I decided to self fertilise the eggs and gave birth to four eggs which drained most of my energy. I was unable to advance into Elite stopped at High - Rare. I was happy at least that I had laid the eggs but I myself had forced my children into such a state. Its painful. ( She was crying )

Yes, I am a snake, a monster but I am a gentle Mother. I didn't like fighting or killing. I rose to this level not by fighting instead by last hitting monsters which were close to death. Even my food came from mostly wounded monsters, animals or rare plants.

First time I took initiative to kill was when I was preparing to lay eggs, when I was besieged by Delios, Howler and Aurora. When my life and my children's life were endangered.

I had a peaceful life, healing beasts in the Outer Peripheral, Killing dying beast who were unable to be saved. Most of the monsters saw me as a Saintess as safe most of the beasts from the brink of death. It helped me rise my skills and levels very fast. Everything changed because of Humans.

One fateful day, this Coward Delios heard humans were hunting a Jade Nature Snake. He came to know that eating a Jade Nature Snake liver and blood grands poison immunity while increasing the chances of breaking through the shackles of constitution.

He knew killing me won't be easy as I healed and gave a second chance to many monsters in the Outer Peripheral. He started a rumour.

Neradai, I was being chase by humans for her meat, organs and blood. If this was a normal rumour it would have provoked the beasts and might have even caused a beast tide. How dare these humans are trying to kill their Saintess but the sly Delios added another crucial information.

Jade Nature Snake ( aka Neradai ) Blood, meat and organs if eaten can directly help any beast or monster rise it's body tier to Elite Tier and above while giving immunity to poison and breaking the constitution shackles.

Although no one knew whether the rumour was true or false. All the sentiment beasts were willing to bet on it. The chance to advance and enter Inner Peripheral. They might even get a rare type of Evolution.

It's world where strong prey on weak. It was like that but Neradai, I was the exception who was weak but still managed to became an overlord.

I also broke the Code of Overlord. Usually an Overlord is someone who enjoys at-least 5 km of territory and its natural sources but being weak I allowed other monsters to settle in my territory.

Everything added with greed enticed by Delios. He was able to add two more idiots in turning all of them against me.

The rest is history.


Neradai was hurt by Vihaan's accusations so she explained why she left unhatched eggs here while she had to run for her own life.

Vihaan was able to verify this was true, from the system. He got a brief idea of what happened. It was interesting that, that dumb bug was able to entice and turn all her supporters against herself. What more astonishing was that she was able to escape all that come here.

Vihaan had a bigger Question. Is she really weak as they say ?

Vihaan : / How did you escape the encirclement of various monster ? what's you strength ? /

Neradai : / I am specialise in healing, Plant control /

Neradai : / I used Poisonous Plants /

Vihaan was impressed. She herself didn't have any powerful attacks to fend off a horde of monsters. Even with plants manipulation in grassland as far as one can see, it was useless as the grass wont even restrain any of the monster for even few seconds. she knew her pros and cons used poison from plants to her advantage.

Vihaan : / Do you have poison or poison plants with you ? /

Neradai : / I Do. Why ? /

Vihaan's eyes shone in brilliance.

Vihaan : / I initially thought of running away but with you and poison here. We can get a plentiful harvest. /

Vihaan was Emitting a terrifying aura that made even Neradai who was at Lv 99 to shudder. It was only a instant but that was able to affect her.

Vihaan : / You can stay here. There is High Ether Concentration here. If possible try to breakthrough again. /

Vihaan : /Alos, I see you have Skill related to soil Manipulation. Expand the burrow to have sufficient for both of us. /

Neradai was displeased by Vihaan's actions. She was happy to have be back in her home. She had her son with her. A good place with Ether Concentration matching that of Inner Peripheral but her son didn't accept her as a mother.

Neradai : / You do know that I am your mother right ? /

Vihaan : / Correction, A Mother who left her Children to kill themselves in an area filled with monsters and to fend for themselves. /

Vihaan hurt right where it hurt.

Vihaan : / Do your filial duties may be I will call you mother. /

Vihaan : / I am allowing you to stay here for free because I find you useful to me and my plan's. If you what to play mother and son. You have to work hard and earn my recognition. /

Vihaan didn't say anything. Just went back to sleep leaving Neradai alone who was staring at him.

Neradai : / Atleast tell me what this is or how did you obtain this formation ? /

Neradai : / How you are smarter than all other monsters I have seen when you are just 7 days old. how did you grow this big ? /

Neradai : / What is your plan ? /

There was reply from vihaan.

Vihaan on the other hand had a headache talking with this hyper active mom because she didn't let him alone.

Now she was literally lying on him. Swirling around him like a she was glued to him.

Vihaan : / FML /



Looking for a Good Illustrator. Can DM me on Discord @DreamTeller