Breaking the Limit, Accumulation ( Part -1)

Vihaan spent the whole day in his mother's embrace ( LoL ). It was good but he particularly didn't want any familial bond which could potentially hinder his growth but having a stronger helper was welcomed while he is surrounded by hyenas.

Vihaan didn't tell anything about the plans or about the Safe Zone. She kept on pouting, acting cute trying to get information from him.

After a series of unfruitful tries. She gave up. she instead tried to tell him about how she throw off her pursuers. The Other two so called Overlord Howler and Aurora suddenly withdrew from their pursuit for unknown reason so she was able to easily loop around and come back here.

Vihaan was intrigued by the last part. He immediately concluded this must be related to Delios. Either Delios told them about his plan which is unlikely or They doubted Delios so they decided to double cross him,wait for Delios to do all the work and kill him after that.

Either way it's was already dangerous for him with Delios alone but with adding Howler and Aurora. It will be a disaster.

Vihaan decided to ' speak ' with his Thicc mama and ask about who the other two overlords where also about the abilities and level.

The Next Day

Delios was standing outside with a similar Ant. He was expecting Vihaan to be still wounded but to his dismay Vihaan came out as good as new.

He immediately concluded it must be because of the formation but unknown to him it was actually combined effect of the Safe Zone and Neradai who was more than happy to heal him.

Delios : / Can we start ? /

Vihaan : / Sure uncle... /

Delios throw the ant inside.

[ Ant Solider ( Uncommon Tier )

Lv - 23

HP : 1200 / 1200

Attack : 200

Defence : 240

Skills : Scissor Cut, Dig, Charge, Mandible Crush, Command. ]

It was quite tanky but it didn't have Berserk skill. Vihaan was happy now there was no hassle.

Unlike before this ant immediately started attack. Just like how the first ant behaved. It was quite dumb so Vihaan easily killed it within 5 mins.

[ Killed Ant Solider earned 2300 CE ]

[ Balance : 31,500 CE ]

[ Quest : First Kill of the Day - Completed ]

[ Reward : +3 Stat points ]

Delios : / So tell me Nephew. Does this formation help in Breaking through the Limit of the body before Evolution /

Vihaan only said one word.

Vihaan : / Yes /

Delios was in cloud 9. It was totally worth it. He didn't have to compete or fight with the other two idiots or even scheme against Neradai. He can focus on keeping this Snake here itself. Forcing the brat to make formations for him. It was a perfect plan. There was a evil glint in his face.

This continued for ten days.

Ten days - Ten kills

All ten were ants so beside the first day he didn't get any First time kill. His CE crossed 50k while he got first kill of the day which amounted to 30 Stat Points. He accumulated the Stat needed for his evolution. Instead of Poisonous Beast Carcass vihaan opted to use Poisonous Plants from his mother.

These ten days every fight was becoming more and more violent as he was gradually rising the Maximum limit from 20 level to Level 30 that was today, 10th day.

He personally asked Delios to get Berserk beasts for him to fight with.

Neradai actually was very worried as he fought till he was badly injured but she didn't stop him. She also learned a little about her son's personality in these ten days. She simply healed him back to full.

Fighting daily, eating Earth Rat meat daily, mediating and accumulating gave him lot of benefits.

His Skill's rose rapidly, His stats also increased. He got few pleasant surprises in the past ten days.

On the Sec Day :

[ Quest : Rise Vitality +1 without use of Stat Points - Completed ]

[ Reward : Limit Break any one of the Stat ]

Vihaan was very surprised bout the rewards but what surprised him more that. For 1 Stat increase in Vitality his constitution gained 0.1 and it rose disregarding the fact that he already Hit the Limit of constitution. This allowed him to break through the Body Limit of Constitution.

[ Quest : Broken Limits - Completed ]

[ Reward - Can rise the limit broken state by 1 with 6 stat points ]

It was feasible but the amount of resource which will go into rising his stat will be humongous so stop using stats and decide increase the last mile with his own effort.

Today, 10 th day after an intense fight.

He was hoping to rise the Mind stat. Compared to his Vitality which could be rised easily by eating high quality meat. His Mind Stat need him to mediate and think extensively but he did it without any qualms. It bore fruit today.

[ Quest : Rise Mind +1 without use of Stat Points

[ Reward : Limit Break any one of the Stat ]

Even his Mind Stat gave him a pleasant surprise. +1 in Mind Stat gave his Cunning Stat +0.1.

Vihaan found ways to increase his Vitality and Mind without using any Stat which gave him two chances to break the limit of two stats. they also seem to give bonus for rising it naturally without use of Stat points. He tried to ask system all he got was.

[ You don't have sense of Adventure. Find it on your own. If you are unable to find anything even after 90 days. I will tell then ]

At present he had 6 stats of which 3 is at limit. Strength and Agility were at limit while his Constitution broke through. He still had 2 chances to break the limit of two stats but he didn't blindly use them.

Vihaan now knew there was way to break limits naturally plus there are ways to unlock other stats.

If so wouldn't he benefit more if he held and tried more to unlock the mysteries of this mortal body will being shackled ?

In the Past Ten days, Delios learned all the benefits of the formation or rather Vihaan didn't have any other bluffs. Plus Vihaan also prepared all the things for his evolution. If things get chaotic he can use Stat points to accelerate accumulation and evolve immediately. Now he should ask Delios for to collect various kinds of Materials so that he can have more options for evolution.

Vihaan's Status update :

[ Name - Vihaan Sex - Male Age - 0 years

Race - Grass Snake Phase - Hatching Body Tier- 0 Star

Lv - 8 CE : 61,500 / 800

HP : 850 / 850

Defence : 185

Attack : 198

Stats :-

Strength : 9.9

Agility : 9.9

Constitution : 10.0

Vitality : 8.5 ( Earlier 8.0 )

Mind : 9.1 ( Earlier 8.3 )

Cunning : 5.1

Skills : -

Appraisal ( Rank - 2 )

Bite ( Rank - 5 )

Bind ( Rank - 4 )

Contraction Jump ( Rank - 3 )

Mind of a Thinker ( Rank - 6 )

Blessing : -

God Child

Stat Points - 30

Skill Points - 8

Trait : -

Enhanced Eyesight, Double Layered Jaws, Serrated Bone Spear.

Evolution Tree ( Locked ) ]

11th Day

As Usual Delios came with a beast. Vihaan asked Delios to change a different beast as he reasoned he was bored to Eat only Ant. So today its a different beast.

[ Red Venom Wasp ( Uncommon Tier )

Lv - 29

HP : 467 / 780

Attack : 348

Defence : 189

Skills : Fly, Poison Sting, Prey, Poison Shot, Bite, Multiple Vision, Critical Maneuver, Predator of low altitude, Flight combat. ]

Vihaan was happy when he saw it was venomous insect but seeing the insect was very proficient in fighting from the sky. he knew it was going to difficult. The wasp didn't have any any notable distinction. It just looked like a demonised wasp which is Red in colour.

Having low attack for its level with poor defence meant it preyed on other by using poison but its skills all focused on flight and speed. It seem like it injects the prey with venom then waits for prey to lose any fighting capabilities before killing it.

This shows how confident the wasp has on its venom. This will be troublesome if he didn't use the freeze function of the Safe Zone. he to test the waters and decided against using Freeze.

Vihaan could see there was few scratch on its body and one of its wing is slight damaged. Still this was troublesome foe even with handicapped fighting powers.

Delios : / Look Nephew I found a new toy for you. /

Delios didn't wait for Vihaan to answer instead he tossed it with full force.

The Bug was very furious as it was thrown. It tried to go out of the Barrier but it only hurt itself trying. It immediately turned its anger towards the reptile within the barrier.

Vihaan already expected it but still he didn't think it would be this troublesome. Its been ten day still the bug had not stopped trying to play all kinds of tricks. Vihaan was fed up today he is going to execute his plan and make it pay but before that all he had to kill this bug.


The bug was very furious as if Vihaan fucked its mom. Vihaan had a hard time dodging. He was already close to exhaustion as the bug was relentlessly chasing him for more than 30 min. He was unable to attack it or retaliate as it was very nimble in the air. It deserved the skill Predator of low altitude.

When Vihaan wanted to make a move it would make an impossible movement and will escape. It could be said that he couldn't even touch its shadow. It was also not able to attack him as when it tried to attack Vihaan would use contraction jump and react, which was very useful and less stamina consuming after increasing its rank, he can use it more efficiently. how could he let it sting him with high Mind Stat and Cunning State.

After one hour it stated to lose stamina and slowed down considerable. Vihaan used this and shot its wings using contraction jump and his tail spear. Injury, exhaustion and tiredness finally brought it down. It didn't have any protective exoskeleton or carapace. Vihaan directly pierced through its head and killed it. It was a wolf in air but after it lost its wing, its a sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

[ Killed Red Venom Wasp, First Kill Bonus, 1740 CE ( 60% CE ) x10 = 17,400 ]

[ Balance : 78,900 CE ]

[ Quest : First Kill of the Day - Completed ]

[ Reward : +3 Stat points ]

[ Balance : 33 Stat Points ]

It was disheartening to see only 60% CE for first kill but he couldn't complain. He didn't know the advantage of first kill bonus earlier but now after fighting for ten days he gained very less than the actual first time kill CE. It was same as him killing 10 wasps how can it not hurt him. He was woken from his train of thoughts by Delios.

Delios : / What a wonderful execution... /

Vihaan know the bug was shameless so he didn't let it fully kiss his ass.

Vihaan : / Uncle, First materials needed is Poison Beast Carcass above Level - 60, better if its one of the Overlord /