Sowing Seeds, Accumulation ( Part - 2 )

Vihaan : / Uncle, First materials needed is Poison Beast Carcass above Level - 60, better if its one of the Overlord /

Delios mood immediately soured. He knew those two idiots should be hiding somewhere near only. He didn't mind the snake asking him to kill that bug but if it was open like this he can't speak his thoughts out right. He pretended like he was angry. He already had qualms with one overlord and he was not ready to scheme again without proper preparations. He started to question the snake's intentions. ( Never trust a snake)

Delios : / Nephew, You shouldn't say such thinks about another overlord like that. /

Vihaan smiled inside. His plan was set in motion. He still maintained a straight and innocent face and continued.

Vihaan : / Why not uncle, My mom was weak so she had to die. If any one of the overlord died you can get Exp helping you level up and it creates opportunity for others to rise to that position. We can again kill that one to gain more Exp. Like a cycle we can follow this method and we can harvest EXP. /

Most of the sentiment beasts which was hidden near trying to fish, sucked in cold breath. They all had the same thought ' What a sinister idea, This Snake is truly one of a kind, Vicious, Cunning and Cruel. Never cross lines with this. If at this age itself this snake is so vicious, What happens when it grows. They can't even sleep well knowing this snake is alive out the scheming against them '

Everyone wanted to kill this snake including Howler and Aurora. They didn't want this snake to join hands with that coward Delios. It was already a venomous and vicious bug but with this snake with him. Its like arming him with extra pair of venomous fangs. If they cant have his ideas, they had to kill the Snake or Delios.

The Snake was safe under the protection of Delios and formation so if they had to get to him. First they have to kill Delios. Everyone without fail added Delios name in their to kill list, after they have gained as much information as possible using him.

Delios totally unaware that death was impending, he was trying to fish out more information from Vihaan. He wanted to know why poison should be used in the formation in the first place.

Delios : / Nephew, tell me why should you use Poison in the formation in the first place. /

How could Vihaan tell all the information to him. He feigned ignorance.

Vihaan : / The materials needed are only 13 but they all have distinct uses. /

Vihaan : / I will tell you the use tomorrow. /

Vihaan : / Take Care Uncle /

He immediately stored the Wasp carcass in the inventory and went inside.

Delios cursed his luck having to deal with this little devil. He knew the other two idiots should be near only. He wanted to meet them and try to smooth the situation.

He moved a little further away.

Delios : / I know you are both here. Why not show yourself ? /

Howler : / Why brother ? Want to kill me as soon as possible ?? /

Delios had a ugly expression. as he only heard the voice he couldn't find both the slithery bug and the rat

Delios : / Little brother, You know I wouldn't even think about it. How many years have we know each other ? How can you say like this. /

Aurora : / Oh, Is that so brother ? I wonder if you told the same to Neradai before scheming against her. She went as far as to saving your life countless times when you were brought half death each time you visited Inner Peripheral ? /

Delios knew the situation was turning very bad but he couldn't do anything.

Delios : / Sighsss, You heard that brat. We only need Poisonous Beast Carcass of Lv - 60 Above. Tomo, we can go ask him the need for Poison, if it's just poison I sure brother will be more than willing give some. Right ? /

Delios was unwilling but he had to compromise as it was a formation unlike artifact he could build it n number of times as long as he had materials. Delios was scared inside. He was was nervous. If these two turn against him while adding Neradai to the mix will be Lethal to him.

He was expecting them to atleast make appearances but he was left disappointed as he only heard their voice.

Howler : / We will wait and listen just like today or rather like always. /

Aurora : / See you around Brother /

He was disappointed.

Delios knew they both know what he was capable but even then they never acted this cautious. He was didn't know what happened but it seem like they are wary of him.

He didn't say anything and left to prepare for any unfortunate situation. He was not naive enough to think he was unkillable here while looking at the situation here. He stayed alive so long because of his cautious nature, preparation and cunning nature.


Vihaan didn't know what happened. Even he would have thought his plan to work so well. if he had know. he would have probably boasted that he was a genius.

Neradai : / I deserve to die? /

Neradai who heard all the conversation felt so hurt that even her son was cursing that she deserved to die. She felt heard broken.

Vihaan didn't seem to be surprised by the question. He moved slowly and settled in the borrow.

Vihaan : / Let me ask you? After years of helping all the beasts in Outer Peripheral, to be called Saintess. What are you left with ? /

Vihaan : / Why are you now running for your life? had to sneak around just to enter your home? /

Neradai was at loss.

Vihaan : / Don't think you much /

Vihaan : / If you have power and still if you are hesitating to use it to even help yourself then you deserved to die. /

Vihaan : / First you must have power to defend yourself then you can think about helping other. /

Vihaan : / You are naive, Being Beast not following the Basic Hierarchy of Beasts is itself an insult. If you had strength even if they turned against you, would you still be running away like this? /

Vihaan : / Even with sufficient strength will you still be miserable ? /

Vihaan : / Your inability led to this situation. You put yourself and your children in danger. /

Neradai didn't speak she just sat there staring into space in deep thoughts.

Vihaan was proud of himself. He succeed in his first step trying to change her personality to suit him. If she changed she might actually be of use, a plant and Healing - support and control type Beast. He asked system about this type. He was intrigued by the behaviour of his mom so tried to find about her. He found that his mom was actually a mutated variant type rare beast more like an anomaly and even without being a reincarnation she is one of a kind. That's when he decided to fully being out her potential. If she can pull though she will become a fearsome support under him.

Vihaan took out the Wasp. It was a medium size meal for him as it was very small only 1.5 feet big. He left the poison sac other than that he ate everything.

Vihaan finished eating all of Earth Rat Carcass and Berserk Cricket yesterday that one or the reason he decided to act early and ask for high Lv beast which help in increasing his Vitality State.

Other reason was he already confirmed from system that other two Overlords and High Level Sentiment beast where gathering here trying to get information of his so called formation.

He succeeded in pulling all their aggro but since he was inside the Safe Zone and under Uncle Delios protection. They won't act against him but against Delios ?

That's a whole different story. Tomo he will add oil to already burning fire. He already guessed that Tomo there will be lot of eyes on him to know why he needed Poison.

Vihaan was a vengeful person how can he let those other two Overlord alive. If not for them Neradai would have probably taken care of them. He would have had a peaceful life start. They made his life miserable now he was just paying them back with interest.

Vihaan looked like an evil villain. Ofc which he wouldn't admit it if confronted.

He looked at Neradai still in daze

He earlier wanted his mom to go hunt some stronger beast but with she personality that's unlikely so he planned everything. From the planning to tarp Delios, Luring the High Level Beasts to know the need for use of poison, to purposely mention his mother, then to using her inability and blaming her for the death of his siblings whom he killed for Stat points to induce a change in her.

Vihaan started a chaos made the whole area restless while he was sleeping inside peaceful.

He couldn't or didn't have mood to mediate is decided to sleep.

12 th day of Accumulation ( 18 th day of his birth )

Vihaan was waiting outside. He woke up and saw Neradai missing. He didn't care as long as she was alive.

Delios came alone. Vihaan was expecting other two Overlords to come. He was disappointed.

Delios look very tired. He seem like he had a hard time yesterday. Vihaan was sneering at his misfortune.

Vihaan : / Uncle, What happened you look very tired. /

Delios on the other hand didn't have the strength to play with the devil. He throw the a Red Venom Wasp like yesterday.

Vihaan used the same strategy and managed to kill it in few minutes.

[ Killed Red Venom Wasp : 3,100 CE ]

[ Balance : 82,000 CE ]

[ Quest : First Kill of the Day - Completed ]

[ Reward : +3 Stat points ]

[ Balance : 36 Stat Points ]

Vihaan was satisfied with his stats. He already crossed the Limit he set for himself but still decided to increase the cap just to be safe.

Vihaan : / So Uncle, You want to know the use of Poison or the Next Material. /

Delios was stuck between a rock and a meat grinder. He wanted to move onto the next material but he knew many are waiting to know the use and need of poison.

##### : / Ofc, The use of Poison. Isn't it Brother ? /