You Reap What You Sow, Accumulation ( Part - 3 )

Vihaan : / So Uncle, What do you want to know the use of Poison or the Next Material. /

Delios was stuck between a rock and a meat grinder. He wanted to move onto the next material but he knew many are waiting to know the use and need of poison even the tow bastards are waiting to get answers. if not things may become very bad.

Seeing his hesitation Vihaan decided to wait but others were not polite enough.

##### : / Ofc, Brother first wants to know the Use of Poison. Isn't it Brother ? /

Vihaan was surprised at the sudden appearance of other Overlord. He immediately became very excited. His plan seem to be working pretty well.

Vihaan was staring at the two new comer like a pervert seeing a dripping wet pussy. He didn't bother to hide his greed. he didn't wait for them to speak.

Vihaan : / Uncle, You are a genius. You guessed the another material needed for the formation without even asking me. /

Delios had a bad premonition, an ill feeling. Delios guessed right. If he didn't handle the situation properly. He might die here.

Delios : / What nonsense are you talking Nephew ? /

Vihaan had ??? expression on his face.

[ MistPede ( Peerless- Rare Tier )

Lv - ???

HP : ???? / ????

Attack : ???

Defence : ???

Skills: ???? ]

[ Earth Rat Queen ( Peerless - Rare Tier )

Lv - ???

HP : ???? / ????

Attack : ???

Defence : ???

Skills: ???? ]

He looked at the new comer and said.

Vihaan : / One Poisonous Beast of Good quality for Supporting Healing and Recovery function. One Earth beast Carcass to support the integrity of the formation. /

Vihaan in fact looking Howler and Aurora as Materials for formation. This was a blant provocation. Howler couldn't take it anymore.

Howler : / Boy, do you think you can always stay inside with the protection of Delios? /

Howler : / I heard you came out for food. I want to see how long you can stay inside without food. /

Howler : / Delios might be obliged to obey each and every word you say because of the Heavens Vow but we are not. We will get what we want when we want it. /

Aurora : / You better Prepare yourself when you come out. We gonna make your life so miserable that you wish you never crossed paths with us. /

Aurora : / Your just a new born Hatching. /

Aurora : / Lets see How long you will act haughty. /

Vihaan still feigned ignorance looked at Delios trying to understand what is happening ( Oscar Award Winning Performance ). He didn't even give face to these two aggressors. Vihaan did something more provoking. He looked Delios and asked.

Vihaan : / Uncle, Are these not the materials for Formation ? /


Everyone was shocked.

Even the haughty Vihaan was shocked no the core.

He didn't expect the situation to escalate like quickly.

It was not Howler who made move on Delios but Aurora.

Even Delios was shocked. He was unprepared. His already fatigue body added with the sneak attack nearly cost him his life.

The Rat 2 Meter large rat used it's 2 m tail like whip and smacked Delios. He was thrown like a Rag Doll, hit the barrier and fell down.

Night Crawler Mantis are know for their assassination skills, stealth and quick killing tendencies with weak body not meant for straight confrontations.

Delios was still in confusion. He had no idea why Aurora would attack him after speaking with Vihaan. She should have showed her dominance over the devil not him but he didn't dare wait. He immediately moved flashed forward and appeared in a distance.

Vihaan didn't know what is happening but he adapted to the situation. He burst into rage and shouted at the Rat.

Vihaan : / You Big Bad Rat, Why are you attacking uncle /

Vihaan : / If You have guts guys challenge him to a duel. You shameless Rat. /

Aurora who finally got her chance for revenge how can she let it go. She didn't even bother to look at Vihaan's outrage.

Even Howler was not able to react so at first he was slow but since Aurora made her move he also decided to end Delios once and for all.

Aurora and Howler moved together to attack Delios. Delios was clear minded. He reacted immediately. No one can match Delios if was uninjured but his carelessness had made him vulnerable. His current speed was nowhere near his top speed. He tried to escape but to his astonishment he was surrounded. He was being confronted by another 6 beasts all over Lv - 80.

He didn't expect things to get this bad. His mind race, getting inside the formations with the snake. It was the only to survive avoiding confrontation and getting out unscathed.

He stood in the middle. One side Howler and Aurora while all other side's are blocked by various monsters. Delios didn't know how he ended up in this situation. He was awfully silent. He was thinking of ways to get out of here alive. He didn't want to place his life in the devil's hands. He still had it as a last option.

The Blow from the Aurora was quite a heavy blow. He was secretly using his life saving skill which will allow him to recover his life getting ready for his showdown.

Although Delios was standing there, no one wanted to be one to make the first move. Everyone there was waiting to make others to make the move because Delios was not your random John Doe. He was an Old Fox who lived longer than anyone there. He was the only person who can enter into Inner Peripheral and still come out alive so no made anymore. He may look like a coward and act like one but it was infact he couldn't get inside Inner Peripheral due to another reason. He is also the strongest person of the this region in Outer Peripheral

Delios was exactly waiting for this. A few more hours for night to arrive. A few more minutes for him to recover fully. He wanted time. He turned towards Aurora.

Delios : / Why ? /

Aurora was obviously pissed that she didn't wound him critically.

Aurora : / You killed My Son /

Delios was baffled. He was not stupid enough to kill her son. There was ??? expression on his face.

Delios : / Is it ? You should know me very well. I am not stupid enough to kill your son. /

Aurora was obviously annoyed.

Aurora : / Fuck You, 12 days ago. Right here you killed a Earth Rat here. When engaging with a Berserk Cricket. /

Aurora : / Even without it, Don't you think you have done enough harm to all of us. /

Aurora : / That day you could have saved Rais ( The Rat Vihaan Killed ) from the Cricket but you let that little snake kill him and even went far as using his corpse for making a deal.

Howler : / We all were blinded by Greed and Your enticement skill. Don't think we didn't know all the things you did behind our back. /

Aurora : / Greedy, Vicious, Backstabbing. Do you even remember how many people who trusted died at your Scythe. /

Aurora : / I thinks it all ends here, today. /

Howler : / Yesterday itself we decided to put an end to you and that greedy snake. The Outer Peripheral will never be able to sleep peacefully knowing you both are alive. /

Delios smiled at all the nonsense.

Delios : / So that's it ? Fine. /

Delios : / Even Neradai was able to inflict heavy damage to all of us and escape. /

Delios : / If you want to bring me down. You all should be prepared to atleast lose a leg or an arm some might even lose life. /

Delios : / That should actually give me some good EXP. /

Delios : / Come let me show you what is means to be the strongest in the Outer Peripheral. /


Vihaan POV

Vihaan who saw all this was laughing his ass off. He didn't even make any sound as he was engrossed in this dramatic scene. He was the one who gave the last strike ending that rats life but Delios took the blame for him. He felt really proud how his uncle was noble enough to take the blame for him. He just killed the rat to let off some steam and gain CE.

They said they wouldn't let him live and went as far as telling they will make his life miserable. He planed to make them suffer a little for making move against him but he changed his mind. He initially didn't have that much animosity towards them but the little drama they played before him made him think otherwise. Always pull the problem through the root. Else it will always come back to bite you.

He was not angry just amused. His cruel mind was already started to think ways to make these two life miserable and beg him for merciful death.

What surprised Vihaan was that brave rat. It left quite an impression him. Who would have thought that Rat was actually a prince. He didn't even see anything like that in its Status but it had a strong Will. It was quite unfortunate that it had to be his enemy.

He himself didn't know this kind of twist would happen.

Twisted Fate...

He felt a little sad and unfortunate seeing the scene before him. He won't be getting free meal hereafter. Its mostly unlikely that Delios comes out of this unscathed and even if he is alive after this. There is no way he would come back here.

Vihaan sighed.

Vihaan : / Seems like I will be moving out of this beautiful burrow very soon. /


Back to Delios

Howler : / No, You don't /

Aurora : / No, You don't /

Both of them said it simultaneously as they moved.

A Doom like structure immediately enclosed Delios out of nowhere. There was two to three holes in it. Usually that should compromise the structural integrity and frame of the doom but here the holes were used to send poison mist.

An Ultimate Ability of Howler. The Mist was shaped like small needles and they penetrated the doom almost instantly making it impossible for him to escape

Similar to Delios, Howler and Aurora were also stalling time for their ultimate combo. They already planned how they are going to confront Delios. So even if Howler didn't expect it to happen so sudden he was able to improvise and adapt to the situation.

There was no noise...

No signs of struggle

No sign of Delios breaking out...

It was odd...

10 mins

20 mins

30 mins

40 mins


60 mins

Initially they thought the poison was working but as time passed. There was a eerie and gloomy feeling falling over all of them...

Aurora : / I will remove the dome. All of you prepare your strongest attack. Attack on my count as soon as I remove the Dome. /

She didn't wait for them because she dint trust them enough to give them the task of wounding Delios. She had a bad felling. She nodded her head towards Howler.

Aurora : / 1, 2, 3, D O W N /







It was quite a spectacle for vihaan who was as usual snacking on Wasp Corpse watching Netflix Live Action Movie ( LOL )

There was lots of Attacks, Most notable one was poison arrow of Howler, Earth spike by Aurora, Wind Blade and Some kind of Plant Blast.

The Wind attribute beast used wind to clear the dusts.


Delios : / Ready For Round 2 ??? /