The Evolution - ???

Vihaan : / Open Status /

[ Name - Vihaan Sex - Male Age - 0 years

Race - Grass Snake Phase - Hatching Body Tier- 0 Star

Lv - 8 CE : 2,98,000 / 800

HP : 990 / 990

Defence : 200

Attack : 198

Stats :-

Strength : 9.9

Agility : 9.9

Constitution : 10.1

Vitality : 9.9

Mind : 9.9

Cunning : 5.1

Skills : -

Appraisal ( Rank - 7 )

Crunch ( Rank - 7) { Bite }

Restrain ( Rank - 7) { Bind }

Contraction Jump ( Rank - 9 )

Mind of a Thinker ( Rank - 6 )

Blessing : -

God Child

Stat Points - 186

Skill Points - 8

Trait : -

Enhanced Eyesight, Double Layered Jaws, Serrated Bone Spear.

Evolution Tree ( Locked ) ]

Vihaan : / How Should I Proceed ? /

[ Cunning : 5.1 -> Cunning 9.9 ]

[ Stat Points : 183 ]

Vihaan : / Strength ? /

Vihaan : / Mind ? /

Vihaan : / Vitality ? /

Vihaan was in a dilemma. He was torn between choosing to build a strong body and strong mind.

[ I think with a Reincarnated Soul. You have more than enough thinking capacity. If you are like your mom. I would suggest you to go for mind. ]

[ You can select Strength and Vitality to break through. ]

Vihaan considered the options. He knew that Mind and Cunning stat does give him clear mind and good thinking capacity but right now here he was already smart but bodywise he was week.

Hia body is not enough to support a strong mind. Even with a sharp mind, He might not be able to accomplish all thinks he want without a strong body.

Vihaan : / Limit Break Strength and Vitality /

[ Acknowledged ]

[ Using two Limit Breakers ]

[ Strength : 9.9 -> Strength : 10.0 ]

[ Vitality : 9.9 - > Vitality : 10.0 ]

Vihaan felt the energy pass through him. He felt as if he broke free of the mortal shakles holding him.

If he and to describe in one word. He felt ' free '

Vihaan : / System, What's the maximum amount of CE and Stat Points that I can use for My Next Evolution. /

[ 250k CE and 120 Stat Points ]

Vihaan : / What the fuck... /

Vihaan : / This is Daylight Robbery /

Vihaan : / I only needed 50k CE and 20 Stat points for Earth Bone Wyrm. /

Vihaan : / What the fuck is that evolution which needs all my reserves. /

[ Something You won't regret Evolving into ]

Vihaan : / Open Evolution Tree /

[ Sorry, Not accessable ]

He was irritated but he calmed down immediately.

Vihaan : / Materials Need ? /

[ Everything ]

Vihaan's jaw dropped to the ground. Although there was only few high quality materials but it was balanced out by the quantity of materials.

Vihaan stayed in the Snake Fields for 70 days and he went to hunt more than 40 times while his mother would kill high Lv beats for him to feed. This in itself has more than 40 - 50 Carcasses. There was claws, bones, exoskeletons, organs, poison sac. If these were to be sold in System itself or to the Adventurer guild or Mercenary Guild. It would give more than 100 - 500 million EEC.

Now system is saying that everything had to be used for his Evolution. So he was wondering what kind of monstrosity will he Evolve to.

Vihaan : / What am are the options ? /

[ Can't determine. ]

[ Materials and Resources should be submitted before options are opened. ]

[ Options will open 9 hours from now ]

[ Do you wish to confirm ? ]

Vihaan : / Yes /

[ Acknowledged ]

[ Deducted 250k CE ]

[ Deducted 120 Stat Points ]

[ All Materials Withdrawn ]

[ Evolution Tree Opening in 8:59:59 ]


Vihaan had nothing to do. He looked around to find his mother. In the last 2 months his relationship with his mother has increased considerably. He could trust her with any work as long as he instructed everything taking in all the scenario. Its like instructing a child sometime he would wonder who is the parent who is the child.

Neradai was sleeping peacefully. He didn't want to wake up her up.

There was nothing to do so he just slept.

Who can complain about having a nice nap.


[ Evolution Tree Unlocked ]

Vihaan was already awake. He was just lying on the floor humming quietly.

Vihaan : / Open Evolution Tree /

[ Evolution Tree ]

[ Grass Jade Snake : A Snakelet, Evolved from Grass Snake. Mainly know for its Healing and Recovery Properties ( Vitality ). Has thick jade like scales. Above Average Growth Rate. Further Evolution Possible.

Low Attack, High Defence, Support Spells. Low Life Affinity

Requirement : Accumulate for 10 days and 2000 CE ]

[ Rock Dynami Snake : A Snakelet, Mutated Snake, Know for its rock hard scales and high strength. overpowers its victims through brute strength. Average Growth Rate. Further Evolution Possible.

Moderate Attack, Mid-High Defence, Strength Augmentation, Scale Armour.

Requirement : Accumulate for 15 days, Rock Bull Beetle Shell and Berserk Cricket Muscles ]

[ Bone Serpent : A Rare type of Snakelet, having high Constitution, absurd amount of bone strength and defence. Average Growth Rate. Further Evolution Possible.

Mid-High Attack, Mid-High Defence, Bone Hardening, Bone Manipulation

Requirement : Accumulate for 15 days, Any type of skeleton ( Higher Tier the better ) and 10000 CE ]

[ Earth Bone Wrym : A Type of Basilisk, A Hatching, Full grown Wyrm are know for their immense size, strength, defence, poison and petrifying gaze. A Deadly Predator. Body starts at 1 Star. Very Slow Growth Rate. Further Evolution Possible.

Requirement : Accumulate 90 days in environment with High Ether Concentration, All stat 9.9, should be new born snake or serpent preferably viper, Max Lv - 10, Rare Tier Exo-skeleton or skeleton At-least, Poisonous Beast Carcass, Earth Attribute Beast Carcass, Cannibal and 50,000 CE. ( Will consume - 5 Skill Points, 20 Stat Points, One Trait Upgrade And One Custom Trait. ) ]

[ ????? : ????? ????? ????? ]

[ ????? : ????? ????? ????? ]

Vihaan had a headache coming.

Vihaan : / Why the ??? /

[ Both of the two options above have immense potential. Let's play with fate and luck. ]

[ You can choose any of the above Options. In case you chose something of lesser Value the remaining Stats, Resources and Materials will be refunded ]

Vihaan was baffled. He knew this had some of hidden hint behind the options. If there was only one unknown evolution. He would have chosen it without much thought but having two options complicates things.

He didn't reply.

He was in deep thoughts.

Vihaan : / Last Option /

[ Are you sure ? ]

[ There will be no refund ]

Vihaan's eye shone brilliance. He immediately accepted it.

Vihaan : / Yes /

[ Prepare for evolution. Evolution will start in 5 mins will last 24 hours ]

Neradai was still sleeping. She seem to have to had a heavy meal. Vihaan didn't disturb her. No one can even think of harming them inside the safe zone.

Vihaan just patiently waited for the Evolution to begin. He didn't have to wait for long as he felt his conscious sinking into a never-ending abyss.


Vihaan woke up in a dark space.

There was different type of crystal surrounding him.

They all seem to be memory crystals. He couldn't move or touch anything as his body was ethereal.

Vihaan just tried to see whether he can make sense out of any of it but to his disappointment everything was hazy and unclear.

He didn't sulk. He just let things happen in its course and wait.


Alex, Nathan and John are kids from the slums of City of Arrow Gate.

Because of poverty and need to get stronger they decided to become adventurers. In the world strength ruled they dint want to say weak and powerless. They were 16, 18 and 19. Although they cannot be considered to be powerful like those monsters in Big families and Sects. They have decent fighting power. Alex is Level 79, Nathan is Level 90 and John is 102.

They can be said to unobstructed in the Outer Peripheral.

Four months ago they came out to search for Jade Nature Snake. They were not able to find it. They have already made more than 5 trips but all was in vain.

Three days ago they wanted to try their luck in the Snake Field. Although all the snake in Snake Field were only within Level 50 and chances of finding a Jade Nature Snake was close to nil but they didn't want to give up without searching thoroughly.

After searching for 3 days a few hours ago they found their target but the problem was the snake was within the Snake Field with over 100,000 snakes around it.

Even though they had come prepared with Anti Poison Pills, Monster Repellent Powder, Recovery Pills etc. They don't dare to charge into the Snake Field.

What more eye catching was that there was white light beside it. They knew only two things can happen when a situation like this happens. Either some kind of Treasure is being born so the Snake is guarding it or it could be another snake going Evolution. Any for bottom feeders like them this is a god sent opportunity. They didn't want to let go of the Chance and regret in the future.

Alex : / What do you that is John ? Can you identify that with your skill ? /

Alex is the youngest with very little experience and he is very timid.

John had greed burning in his eyes. John is a straight forward and rude person but has a good heart.

John : / I don't know. Whatever it is. We should get our hands on it. I have never seen any think like this. /

John : / That doesn't seem like a treasure so it must be somekind of rare snake beast. We can kill the Jade Nature Snake and we can sell this beast in the Auction. We can make super profit. It should get us some good amount cash. We can either buy good equipment or take vacation instead of coming to this Hell Hole. /

Nathan : / Don't you think it's weird that a Level 101 Snake appear here in the Snake Field and it's guarding a low level snake when it's evolving ? /

Alex : / Do you guys think the snake Evolving is its Child or something like that ? /

John : / Whatever it is. Its wealth, we shouldn't let it go. Let's plan and prepare for Killing it /

They moved away a little and were preparing to for the Hunt.

Alex is a Archer, John is Guardian while Nathan is a Rouge who specialises is setting traps and dismantling, Poison, Dart and Hunting Expertise.

It was close to early morning. They were preparing to enter the Snake Field.

Alex stayed out and was tasked with covering John and Nathan killing any sort of potential danger while they advance in and out. While John acts as Tank and Nathan was to act as damage dealer.

The planned for more than 6 hours and Used all the Monster Repellent Powder more than 8 hours ago in Snake Field to drive away all the snake. It will be effective for more than 24 hours and it's sufficient for them to finish their work.

Early morning they were moving towards the Big Grass Tree withe excitement and caution. the evolving beast is vulnerable so that's no biggie but the snake beside it is more than 5 m and its actually higher level than John so they had to act cautiously.


( King Ghidorah Roar )

Unlike the King Ghidorah it was a high pitch singular roar mixed with a hiss. Its powerful. Its not an Ordinary roar. It was Deterrence, announcing the Birth of a Monarch. All the Snakes and Reptiles in the Outer Peripheral looked towards the Snake Field. All of them started to hiss and Roar without fail. They are celebrating the Birth of The Monarch Welcoming him.

They laid down on the floor and greeted the Monarch. Millions of Snakes and Reptiles hissed and Roared continuously.




Alex was frozen stiff by the roar, he was getting goosebumps shuddering. Nathan and John who received the full force of the Roar were shuddering in Fear, Their eyes were wide open while their body was frozen stiff. Their mind as on the brink of collapsing.

They didn't dare to move. They were cursing their greed and misfortune inside.

Nathan was the one who first snapped out of the Deterrence. He saw that thing look at them. He heart stopped a moment.

Nathan : / Fuck Fuck Fuck. Why is it in Outer Peripheral. Run you dumbass. Run /

Nathan : / That's a fucking King. We have to report it to the Union. We cant let it live. Run. Run. /

Nathan : / Damn it, Damn it, We had to come here during its birth. Fuck Fuck. /

He shouted and smacked John to help him recover and dashed out of the Snake Field.


[ Congratulations, You have Evolved into a... ]



Guess the Evolution.



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It's hurts me that my readers are not interacting at all with me 🥺🥺🥺 😭😭😭