Metal Empyrean Titan Wyrm - Insane Power Up ( Part - 1)

[ Congratulations, You have Evolved into a Metal Empyrean Titan Wyrm ]

[ New Stat Unlocked : Spirit ]

[ Quest : Evolve before Lv 10 - Completed ]

[ Reward : +10 Stat Points, +5 Skill Points ]

[ Quest : Evolve into Monarch Level Being - Completed ]

[ Reward : One Random Reward ]

[ Quest : Evolve after 90 Days - Completed ]

[ Reward : One Trait Upgrade ]

[ Quest : Evolve into Unique Mutate Being - Completed ]

[ Reward : One Random Reward ]

[ Quest : Leap of Faith - Completed ]

[ Reward : System Favourability Increased ]

Vihaan was assaulted with a nausea that made him irritated plus too many notification kept on spamming on his face. He was pissed. He was annoyed. He wanted to exert his dominance it was an inexplicable urge.


Vihaan subconsciously closed his eyes and opened his spirit sense to see everything. he clearly remembered the scene. When he first was born he was assaulted with insane headache. He saw the world in a different view. He looked the world as if he was a good looked up the mortal. His view was a 360 degree view from above. The scene happened now but he didn't feel the headache instead it felt draining that's all.

He saw the culprits responsible for the nausea. He opened his eyes and looked at them. Two humans.

[ Nathan - Lv 90 ]

[ John - Lv 102 ]

Yes, Humans. Two boys around 18 or 19 year teen. One was wearing armour with a shield and a sword while the other wore a rouge like outfit with nothing in hand but there was darts, throwing knifes on his dress.

The Rouge shouted something in unknown language and hit the guardian on the back made him snap out of fear. They started to run. They ran like their life depended on it. Vihaan was stunned. This was the first time he saw humans. It felt distant and he was unable to think what to do. He wanted to move but oddly his speed was very slow like his body was too heavy to move. Although he could move faster than before his body change, size and all everything was new so he couldn't move faster.

He saw them run. He was helpless. He saw there was another little kid far away with a Bow. He was unable to find any reason why they might be here but they didn't seem to be here for sightseeing. He guess it was time to move away.

Neradai : / Dear ? Is that you ? /

Vihaan snapped out of his thoughts as see saw all the snake started to hiss. That didn't end there. More and more monsters seem to be roaring replying to his roar. The Whole Outer Peripheral Seemed to have awakened from its long slumber.

Vihaan knitted his eyebrows.

Vihaan : / This is not good /

He wanted to lay low and Level Up. He was just a bottom feeder but his sudden roar seem to have brought life to a whole region. He could see the snakes were laying their head on the ground as if they were paying respects to their king.

Vihaan turned his head to his mother.

Vihaan : / What happening? /

Neradai's eyes were burning in brilliance.

Neradai : / Your Wish is Our Command. Your Majesty /

Vihaan had a disgusting expression on his face.

Vihaan : / I asked What is happening ? /

Neradai : / Its been a long time since a King was Born in the whole of Snake Tribe. So Everyone is wishing for the Rise of the Snakes. /

Vihaan knew it was hopeless to expect any answer from them.

Vihaan : / System, Explanations Please /

[ Birth of a Snake Monarch is a festive. Usually when a Monarch is born it hastens the grown of intelligence in that particular tribe. So every Snake in the outer Peripheral will acknowledge you as King but those form the Inner Peripheral will challenge you to fight. Killing you will grant them a change to become a Monarch. ]

[ This leads to chaotic situation in forest so Adventures and Mercenary will come in to forest to stop this situation because whenever a Monarch is born all the snakes migrate. It may even lead to a beast tide. ]

[ Intelligent Monster are dangerous so Bounty will be put on you. If You don't control the situation. This will become Chaotic in one or two days. ]

Vihaan : / Why would they care about Monsters Fighting each other. /

[ They want to profit and if the situation is chaotic they cant use the Forest. It will become hard for people to profit. It will affect the economy and there is also the Danger of Beast Tide. ]

[ To stop all this, kill the King and salvage the situation or they might even try to capture you so they can control the situation in Outer Peripheral. ]

Vihaan didn't think much. He want to take control of the situation.


Vihaan sent a simple command. " Wait for the Call, Get Stronger, Spread Throughout the forest "

He wanted to stop snakes from coming to this place. He wanted them to spread out as it will help him buy sometime to move out of this place. He also wanted Snakes to actively hunt. Hunting makes them stronger. If Snakes get stronger they will atleast be of use if things go south. Now being in Level 30 - 50. They were not of any use even if they all come to him. As even the youngest adventure was far stronger than them.

He could see all the snakes around me understand his intention and spread out. Follow his word like its Bible.

It was good but he had no time to enjoy as three humans saw his figure. Either he had to evolve again or get stronger or run away.

Vihaan chose the third options without thinking.

Vihaan : / System, Gimme a Location far away from here which is also beneficial for me. /

[ Towards the forest or Away from here ]

Vihaan : / Gimme Both /

[ Towards Forest is Death Sentence. Away from forest if you can lay low for a period of time. You can Escape ]

Vihaan : / What are the potential places that I can move out of here outside Forbidden Grass Lands and Forest of Alepou. /

[ There are many but I think its better if you see your stats understand your strength and weakness before taking a decision. ]

Vihaan was stunned. He forgot the fact that he had Evolved he was not the same and there was CE and Stat points he had yet to use. He calmed down, started to see the notification opened his Status.

Vihaan : / Open Status /

[ Name - Vihaan Sex - Male Age - 0 years

Race - Metal Empyrean Titan Wyrm Phase - Hatching Body Tier- 1 Star

Lv - 8 CE : 48,000 / 4000

HP : 3000 / 3000

EP : 300 / 300

Spirit : 100 / 100

Defence : 1200 ( 600 x2 Defence )

Attack : 450

Damage Resistance : 30 %

Damage Absorption : 15 %

Stats :-

Strength : 30

Agility : 15

Constitution : 30

Vitality : 30

Mind : 15

Cunning : 15

Spirit : 10

Active Skills : -

Petrifying Gaze ( Rank - 1 )

Venomous Masticate ( Rank - 1 ) { Bite -> Crunch -> Masticate -> Venomous Masticate }

Earth Restrain ( Rank - 1 ) { Bind -> Restrain -> Earth Restrain }

Titan Leap ( Rank - 1 ) { Contraction Jump -> Titan Leap }

Titan Rage ( Rank - 1 )

Camouflage ( Rank - 1 )

Earth Dive ( Rank - 1 )

Spirit Sense ( Rank - 1 )

Roar ( Rank - 1 )

Passive Skills : -

Appraisal ( Rank - 7 )

Metal Manipulation ( Rank - 1 )

Earth Manipulation ( Rank - 1 )

Metal Creation ( Rank - 1 )

Unparalleled Thinker ( Rank - 1 )

Blessing : -

God Child

Son of Earth

Stat Points - 76

Skill Points - 15

Trait : -

Infrared Vision ( Not Activated ), Venom Metal Jaws x2, Metal Spear Tail, Absorbtion Metal Bones, Resistant Metallic Scales.

Evolution Tree ( Possible ) ]

Vihaan was star struck when he saw how he looked. It was beyond words. He could now relate why the humans feared him. He looked... like a monster.

His earlier 60 cm long body was considered a worm compared his new size. 3 m long. Yes, 3 full meters long body and he was still a hatchling. His whole body was a terrifying weapon. 8 cm in diameter.

Full body was covered in Metallic Scales polished looking like sharp blades coming out of the body like spikes ready to unleash carnage. His scales were mostly metallic sliver with a tinge of earthish yellow, green and brown colour all over his body. His earlier serrated odd bone tail was now integrated with his body. It had perfectly merged with the body and the end had a three point kunai like end about 10 cm long.

His face was too Terrifying. The face had a horn like metallic bone coming out of his head parallel to the jaw giving him a look similar to the Mountain Kaiju from Godzilla : King of Monsters. Upper head had another pair of metal horn like an Eastern Dragon going up. From the head to the tail scales were standing like sharp blades similar to Sandslash ( Pokemon) back but they were perfectly blended with the body.

Similar to before there was two rows of teeth on the upper jaw and lower jaw but all of them were laced with poison.

He looked looked majestic and terrifying.

Now he understood what a Monarch meant. He had unwavering confidence. He decided to prepare.

Vihaan : / Level Up Max /

[ Lv - 8 CE : 48,000 / 4000 ]

[ Lv - 9 CE : 44,000 / 4500 ]

[ Lv - 10 CE : 39,500 / 5000 ]

[ Lv - 11 CE : 34,500 / 5500 ]

[ Lv - 12 CE : 29,000 / 6000 ]

[ Lv - 13 CE : 23,000 / 6500 ]

[ Lv - 14 CE : 16,500 / 7000 ]

[ Lv - 15 CE : 9,500 / 7500 ]

[ Lv - 16 CE : 2,000 / 8000 ]

[ Strength : 30 -> Strength : 38 ]

[ Constitution : 30 - > Constitution : 38 ]

[ Vitality : 30 -> Vitality : 38 ]

[ +32 Stats and +16 Skill Points ]

[ Total : 108 Stat Points and 31 Skill Points ]

Vihaan was a kid in candy store. Earlier when saw that his CE to Level up was multiplied by a factor of 5 he was pissed but seeing the benefits he was having an orgasm. Automatic Stat level up for three Attributes plus 4 Stat Points totally 7 Stat Points per level up and two times Skill points. With the new power its shouldn't be hard to catch up to them. Earlier he was like a beggar with pathetic skills but now new became a nouveau rice person.

Vihaan : / Rise all the Stats to 38 /

[ Are you sure, Cost : 97 Stats? ]

Vihaan : / Yes, Proceed /

[ Acknowledged ]

[ Agility : 15 -> Agility : 38 ]

[ Mind : 15 -> Mind : 38 ]

[ Cunning : 15 -> Cunning : 38 ]

[ Spirit : 10 -> Spirit : 38 ]

Vihaan : / Use the Rest to Increase Agility /

[ Are you sure, Cost : 11 Stats ? ]

Vihaan : / Yes /

[ Agility : 38 -> Agility : 49 ]

Vihaan : / Open Status /

[ Name - Vihaan Sex - Male Age - 0 years

Race - Metal Empyrean Titan Wyrm Phase - Hatchling Body Tier- 1 Star

Lv - 16 CE : 2,000 / 8000

HP : 3800 / 3800

EP : 720 / 720

Spirit : 380 / 380

Defence : 1520 ( 760 x2 Defence )

Attack : 870

Damage Resistance : 30 %

Damage Absorption : 15 %

Stats :-

Strength : 38

Agility : 49

Constitution : 38

Vitality : 38

Mind : 38

Cunning : 38

Spirit : 38

.... ]

Vihaan : / Lets see abut the skills /