Metal Empyrean Titan Wyrm - Insane Power Up ( Part - 2 )

Vihaan : / Lets see abut the skills /

[ Race : Metal Empyrean Titan Wyrm

A Lesser Metal Drake, a mutated variant of lesser Earth Drake. Unparalleled Strength and Defence. As long as the drake is in contact with Earth Element. Its almost Impossible to kill it. Grows to a humongous size but very slowly.

A Unique Mutation made its body strong as the rarest Metal Mithirl. Body is made like a weapon with Metal Bones and Metals Scales. Nearly impossible to injure in the same level.

All attacks has Metal Ether in it which said to be the sharpest Ether. Penetration and Slashing Effect permanently added.

Monarch Bloodline.

Possible Evolution : Metal Empyrean Titan Drake ]

[ Skill : Petrifying Gaze

Uses Spirit to petrify others attacking Spirit, Mind and Willpower. There is a chance to fail. If the level Gap is too much or Stat Gave is very large.

Cost : Minimum 1 Spirit or Depends on the Spirit, Mind and Willpower of the Victim.

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Venomous Masticate

Grind and Crush the foe with immense bite force. The Teeth is laced with deadly poison.

Cost : 10 ml Poison and Stamina

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Earth Restrain

Chains made of Earth to restain the foe. Power can increased by Increasing EP

Cost : Minimum 50 EP

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Titan Leap

Using Earth like a springboard, muscles to compress, Leap proportional to the power.

Cost : Stamina and 10 Ep

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Titan Rage

Unleash the Power of Mad Titan. All Stats increased by 20% for 10 minutes.

After the duration will be weakened for one hours. All stats reduced by 30%

Cost : Stamina and 200 EP

Cooldown : 24 Hours

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Camouflage

Using Earth Element can perfectly blend in with Earth. Masks Presence.

Requirement : 5 Seconds Out of Combat.

Cost : 10 EP

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Earth Dive

Dive into Earth, Swim the Earth like a fish in water. Earth is your Element. Earth is your mother. She will never stop you from going anywhere.

Deeper you go more EP/s and more Benefits

Earth Dive Increase Agility Temporarily by 50%, All Recovery by 200%

Cost : 1 EP per Sec

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Spirit Sense

A Third Eye, Sense everything inside your Spirit Sense.

Cost : 10 Spirit per Sec

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Roar

A Normal Roar with added Spirit and Ether. Deters Foe, Induce Fear, Confusion and breaks the Spirit.

Cost : 10 Spirit and 10 EP

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Appraisal ( Common )

Appraise anything and Everything. As long as it's in the system, them you can see it. More Information of higher level beings.

Stage : Rank - 7 ]

[ Skill : Metal Manipulation

Feel Metal in the surrounding ( Passive )

All Metals in withing spirit range can be manipulated

Cost : 10 Ether per sec

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Earth Manipulation

Feel Earth in the surrounding ( Passive )

All Earth in withing spirit range can be manipulated

Cost : 1 Ether per sec

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Metal Creation

Feel Metal in the surrounding ( Passive )

Create Metal with Ether

Cost : 100 Ether per sec

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Unparalleled Thinker

Enhance thinking by 6 times capacity and parallel thinking by 2.

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Blessing : Son of Earth.

Increase Defence Permanently by 2. Being in contact with Earth increase all recovery by 1000% ]

Vihaan saw the Traits there was nothing much except that the scales resist 30% all attacks and bones absorb 10 % of the damage and direct them to the Earth working similar to a lightning conductor.

Vihaan was dumbstruck by how insanely powerful he had become. With this sheer Stats alone he could easily challenge Lv 50 monster.

There was one thing bugged him. How he forgot that he had so much power and how he acted in a impulse. He saw there was nothing related to being calm in his stat. His Calm Mind Skill which would forceful calm him when agitated is missing.

He lost an important Skill. he didn't want to ask system about it. Hereafter it's all on him to analyse and assess the situation by staying calm. He had to be careful. A slightest carelessness or miscalculation will lead to his death.

He was powerful but not as much as to be considered undefeatable in Outer Peripheral. He didn't know what's coming. Running away from here is a option but he was unwilling to go out without enough strength. There were immortal level humans outside. He didn't want to go out Atleast without Transcendent Realm power.

He could clearly remembered that system said that the City of Arrowgate have defened the Border from beast tide for thousands of years. He would naive if he thinks he can outwit thousand years of human knowledge with his puny mind. With his Earth Dive it would be possible for him to escape but the same could be said for avoiding humans and other monsters.

He was thinking.

Vihaan : / Think, Think. /

Vihaan trier all his skills. It was pretty much getting a feel about how to use them and how they work.

He was astonished by the recovery rate. He had 11.4 EP/s recovery.

The Safe Zone increased his recovery by 3 since it was Rank - 3. His Normal Recovery Rate is 3.8 EP/s but that itself is because of Son of Earth Blessing which boosts his Recovery Rate by a whooping 1000 % or 10 times. His actual Recovery rate is pitiful 0.38 Ep/s by that standard alone he would recover 22.4 EP/min but now with Son of Earth Blessing it became 224 EP/min. Then What about in Safe Zone? Then While using Earth Dive?

He can literally stay in Earth Dive indefinitely.

So Basically he didn't worry about his life.

His Spirit recovey rate actually same as EP but he was not able to find about the stamina recovey and HP as he was not ready to injure himself just to check it.

While using Earth Dive. He was like a fish in water. He was literally swimming in soil. He can reach the depth of 100 m without breaking sweat or strain but below than the EP/s increase to 2 EP/s. HE couldn't find the benefits but being able to keep his life and stay alive itself can be considered benefit.

The most important part was there was no signs of him moving in the Soil. It was like the Earth itself made way for him and distort the tracks to keep him safe. Just like how you cant find any clues if shark moves in the ocean. It was an amazing feeling. He was like a top predator in land.

Vihaan's mind was in high thought process as he was thinking about the potential of this Skill. Now he understood what the Race meant. Impossible to be killed as long as in contact with Earth.

This also gave him another headache. He cannot take flight, go into sea and then there is also Ice lands. He had to personally go there and cheek the pros and cons.

His speed was already 49 with Earth Dive it was increased to 73 and Recovery rate to 7.4 EP/s. Now he understood why he and low Agility and he was like a fool increased it too much but still it has its pros. Hereafter he should focus on Spirit and Mind related Stats to maximize his Control and Ether. His body stats rise on its own so he didn't have to worry about and he had high agility so that also out of the question for time being.

He can rise the stats of Vitality by eating so he has to find other ways to increase others. Also has to find which Stats are interlinked.

Vihaan was not worried about his life but that can't be said the same about his mother. She can stay safe inside the Safe Zone while he can go out for hunt but that's doesn't solve the problem.

If the humans come to know about his Safe Zone then things might get difficult.

After a long time now Safe Zone is in Rank -3 so there is no Golden Light visible so he was not worried about the three humans knowing about it as they didnt attack him but that was not the same for the ones coming.

These kids ran away seeing him without even fighting but the incoming party will definitely Attack and then they will find that there something fishy going on here when they stand there like an idiot while he was safe inside the Safe Zone.

It will be a mess.

He need an underground cave. Him and his mom have ways to move in and out in the soil so it's was no problem to burrow underground. But he had to think whether it's feasible to carry her around as she will become a dead weight in near future. His strength at present is rising very quickly. Her hunting style and pattern is very inefficient and time consuming. She is clumsy and a bad hunter.

It will take time for bringing her hunting up and she is not cruel enough. There was times back in the 70 days she refused to attack few animals just because they were cute and innocent.

Like Seriously?? For Fuck sake You are a Snake and your taking about having flowers and refuse to attack a rabbit because it's cute.

It will be a pain in the ass.

Other than that he had to think about upgrading his strength for the incoming battle. He had to show his strength and also a plan to run away. He can farm human for CE n then Run away deep inside the forest. He will visit the town after he had obtained Humanoid form to Shapeshifting.

He had 2 trait upgrade, one custom trait and 2 random reward. His best options would be to upgrade Absorption and Resist which would make him more tankier. His attacks were pretty much non existent if not for the Metal Ether Penetrating and Slashing Effect. He had decent crowd control skills. So Next focus will be on Attack followed by Crowd control skills.

Defence? Let someone wound him then he will think about it.

He was currently 1000 km away from The City so roughly it's It'll take 5 days for the Hunting Party to reach here but he will be long gone from this place. Since the incident happened in the Outer Peripheral mostly likely the Hunting party won't be high level.

If worse comes to worse they would be at most around LV 500. if it's easy they will be around Lv 200. Safe bet would be to be ready to face humans anywhere between Lv 200 - Lv 500 but the problem is unlike Beasts they have a party. they will are intelligent. they will use tactics, equipments, weapons, formations etc. So its wise to go on a had on fight.

His combat powers are unknown. There are lots of potential with his skills but right now his best guess would be Lv - 40 and max Lv - 50.

Vihaan : / System, Gimme a place with lot of Earth Ether and possibly good amount of Monsters /

[ Good thinking. ]

[ Right now, There is no place with Rocky places nearby. There is are places in Inner Peripheral. ]

[ If you can reach Levels 50 - 60. Then it's safe for you to venture into Inner Peripheral. Max out Spirit Stat. If you have high spirit stat you are unlikely to be detected by other Monsters or Human ]

Vihaan had similar line of thinking. Now it was to deal with situation before him.

He saw Neradai still seeing him with shining brilliance.

Vihaan : / I am leaving for Inner Peripheral. What are you going to do ? /

Vihaan : / Before answering it. Think. Mostly there will be a lot of Humans and monster coming to kill me of at most of level 500. I can escape however I want if I am alone but if you are with me. It will make things difficult and I had to think about you each and every time. It's a liability. I will give a chance. You can follow me till we reach Inner Peripheral but after that you have to decide. What you will do or prove to me you can be with me if not I will leave you. /

Vihaan didn't wait for her to answer. He started moving towards the path marked by the system showing in the Map.

Vihaan : / Redeem Two Random Rewards. /

[ Acknowledged ]

[ Randomizing Rewards... ]

[ Ding ]

[ Congratulations, You have won Heavenly Breath Realisation Technique ]

[ Congratulations, Living Space Matrix System Function has been unlocked ]

Vihaan : / Wow... /