Looming Threat

Vihaan : / What's going on tell me /

Neradai was dazed. She immediately woke up from her daze as soon as she heard Vihaan's voice. She found she was back in the Safe Zone.

Neradai : / I.. I.. /

Vihaan was not impatient he just patiently waited for her to speak.


Neradai : / How can I call you, Your Majesty /

Vihaan : / Why ? Don't you always call me like My Dear, My Son, My Darling ? /

Vihaan : / What happened now ? /

Her mood slight got better.

Neradai : / That was before. Now you are a King. /

Vihaan : / That doesn't Explain why you are awfully calm and distracted when we are running away. There is a party of high level Adventures coming to kill us. /

Vihaan : / Do you know why i asked all the snake to get stronger and spread throughout the forest. /

Vihaan : / They are a liability. If they all come together. They will give away my location and I will be sitting duck. Now you are lagging behind, dazing and doing the same. I already told you that if you don't perform well I will leave you. /

Neradai got agitated. She realised her mistake. They were running away for their life while she was slowing down, dazing and was in her own world.

Neradai : / Don't Leave me. Please. Please. I am Sorry. /

Vihaan : / Stop. /

Vihaan found her speech was awfully familiar. It hurt him. He didn't want her to misunderstand the situation.

Vihaan : / System, Redeem 20,000 points to Replicate 10 sq m around us and Open the Living Space Matrix. /

[ Acknowledged ]

[ Deducted 20,000 CE ]

[ Balance : 2000 CE ]

[ Scanning Area... ]

[ 10 Sq m Area Real Time Mapping ]

[ 1%... 5%.. 19%.. 45%.. 100 % ]

[ Living Space Matrix now ready to use ]

After instructing system, he tuned towards Neardai.

Vihaan : / How long will it take for you to Evolve. /

Neradai was in an agitated state. She was scared. From her birth there was no one for her. Even though there was lot of beasts who liked her and stayed with her for a few times. A true companion, she never had. Her times with her son taught her a lot. He was more like parent than her. She didn't want to be left alone. She was nervous to tell the truth.

Neradai : / 6 Months /

Vihaan : / Truth /

Neradai : / 2 Years /

Vihaan : / Good, I will take you to a place. You concentrate on Evolving. I will give you food and come and see you regularly. We will talk after you Evolve. /

Vihaan : / Don't resist. /

Vihaan directly transported inside. He was able to see how the inside. It's like a piece of grassland floating in space. Except for the patch of grass everything around was totally dark-space.

The Ether inside was very less, equal to the environment in the Outer Peripheral unlike his Safe Zone.

He saw Neradai was agitated.

Vihaan : / I am here. You are inside another artifact of mine. Like Inventory. You can prepare to evolve without anyone's interference. Take Care. I am here only call me if you need anything. /

Neradai was feeling better. Although she was lonely inside. It was better than being left out. She calmed down. She had lot to say but unfortunately she was unable to. She vowed that she would say everything face to face after her Evolution.

Vihaan didn't have the mood to continue running away. He felt sad like he was missing something. He couldn't point it but something was bugging. He quite didn't like feeling.

He used Earth Dive and went back into the Weasel's area. He went on a killing spree. Earlier he only killed the ones he that dare to fight him and that gave him a Pitiful amount of CE. He had 7 corpses with him. He just dumped them inside the Space Matrix.

Now he wanted the thrill of hunt. He wanted hone his Assassination Skills. So he did it.

[ Killed Newborn Weasel : 2,700 CE ]

[ Killed Newborn Weasel : 2,800 CE ]

[ Killed Newborn Weasel : 3,000 CE ]

[ Killed Newborn Weasel : 2,200 CE ]

[ Killed Newborn Weasel : 2,600 CE ]

[ Killed Newborn Weasel : 2,500 CE ]


[ Killed Newborn Weasel : 3,100 CE ]

[ Quest : Kill 10 Beasts in One hit - Completed ]

[ Reward : Skill - Novice Assassin ( Rank - 1 ) ]

Vihaan was surprised. He just went on a killing spree on a whim. Didn't expect to gain a Skill for it.

[ Skill : Novice Assassination ( Common )

Killing from the shadows / Assassination on unsuspecting targets deal increase 10% more damage and Critical Hit Chances increase when attacking vulnerable areas

Stage : Rank -1 ]

It was actually a very good skill. Just the increase in Damage was in itself good coupled with the increase in Critical Hit Chances was a wonderful Combo.

Unlike the games. This is real life. So Critical Hit refers to attacks on Vulnerable Areas like head, eye, heart, lungs, Brian etc. Normal it's Beasts won't think about all this only sentiment and intelligent begins focus on these. Vihaan always try to kill the foe efficiently so mostly he attacks the Vulnerable Areas.

Like how he decapitated the Weasel. So this is very useful to him.

He went on another killing spree manage to horde another 30 beast Carcass. Topping his CE back to 106,100. He ate one and left everything else in the Space Matrix for his mother.

( Such Good Son )

He return back to the Safe Zone.

Vihaan : / System, I need the languages of this world. Everything, both written and spoken. /

[ Most common Language is Mozhi which is used in almost all around world. There are other minor languages around 1000. ]

[ Mozhi - 50,000 CE, Plus another 30,000 for the rest. Confirm ? ]

Vihaan felt his heat ache. He just now hunted more than a hour to gain this 100k CE and that was gone in a sec. He also had to expand his Space Matrix. He had to increase Ether concentration inside. Everything cost in CE.

For God sake. That's my Combat Experience not Cash or Coins.

Vihaan : / Confirm /

[ Acknowledged ]

[ Balance : 28,600 CE ]

[ Transferring Knowledge... ]


[ Completed ]

It was a mystical feeling. One minute ago he was a noob and now suddenly he became an expert in Mozhi.

He wanted the language because he needed to understand what the people were talking. Earlier when he met those three adventure he discovered his shortcomings. He didn't want to be in a disadvantage again so he prepared beforehand.

He shifted his eyes towards the technique.

Vihaan : / Redeem Heavenly Breath Realisation Technique /

[ Acknowledged ]

[ Transferring Knowledge...]


[ Completed ]

Vihaan felt as if his mind was given a kick Start.

[ Heavens Will is a shackle ]

[ To go against Heaven's is Every Cultivator's Dream. ]

[ To strike them down is the way of the Heaven's ]

[ Why go against the Heaven's ? ]

[ Become one with Heaven's ]

[ Become the Will ]

Vihaan was astounded by the Technique. It was actually a full training technique. There are many parts in this. Only first part out of them was unlocked as of now.

Cultivation, living long life, gaining insight of the elements, controlling law are all what a cultivator will dream of but doing so goes against the will of the Heaven's. Heaven's had given permission only for living a limited amount of time before dying. Cultivation by nature increases the lifespan. Defying the will, will lead to Heaven sending tribulations. Crossing every major realm one had to go through Heavenly Tribulations. After Mortal realm, in Transcendent realm, each time you advance to a minor realm you will be met with tribulation.

Heavens is merciless.

This is Mandate.

Vihaan continued studying them for while before choosing to practice the Technique.

First is Cleansing one's spirit by becoming one with nature.

Vihaan closed his eyes tried to feel and become one with nature. He didn't expect it to be easy but at the same time he didn't expect a fierce counter.

He felt thousands and thousands of needles coated with Poison was pricking his spirit and mind. he felt unimaginable pain.

Just 10 Sec into it he was unable to hold on.

Vihaan : / Fuck /

He was an anomaly who cultivated against the Heaven's. Now trying to become one with Heaven's is like selling out you friend then again trying to make peace with him.

Still he persistent again and again. He would take rest for few minutes and then try again. This was also a type of tempering.

After 10 tries in 50 mins, he was able to bring the time he can withstand being one with the nature to 1 min.

[ + 0.1 Spirit ]

A Pleasant Surprise. He was able to rise his Spirit by a little. You should know how difficult it was to rise his spirit as he was very close to advance into 2 star.

He didn't stop there. He wanted to advance his spirit.

After 2 hours

[ +0.1 Spirit ]

After 5 hours

[ +0.1 Spirit ]

After 9 hours

[ +0.1 Spirit ]

After 16 hours

[ +0.1 Spirit ]


After 29 hours

[ +0.1 Spirit ]

[ Spirit : 49 (4) -> Spirit : 50 ]

[ New Stat Unlocked : Willpower ]

[ Quest : Breaking Limits - Completed ]

[ Reward : +10 Stat Points and +5 Skill Points ]

[ Spirit has reached 50 ]

[ A New Skill Unlocked ]

[ Skill : Spirit Spear ( Rare )

Using Spirit like a spear to attack the Spirit of the Foe.

Attacking the Spirit may leave the foe broken.

If the Spirit of the foe is very high then there may be backlash

Cost : 100 Spirit ]

After toiling for nearly 30 hours he was greeted with a pleasant surprises. He was too tired he just fell asleep.


After unknown time.







#### : / Ahoy Lads, We be rich. We can taste some nice cunts and wrestle wit' em in Fragrance Pavillion. /

There was lot of laughter sounds.



Looking for a Good Illustrator. Can DM me on Discord @DreamTeller

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