Savage Vulture Party

Nathen, Alex and John ran as fast as they could. They didn't know what kind of monstrosity that was but they clearly don't want any part of it. Still leaving it just like that may come back and bite them. To he honest they can be considered to be the bottom feeders. Can't even be considered to be an Iron Team.

They ran and ran and ran.

2 hours straight they ran without looking back. After that they just collapsed due to exhaustion. Nathan final broke the silence.

Nathan : / What do you both think that was ? /

Alex was too scared to even open his mouth.

John : / It had striking resemblance to a dragon but it had no wing or no legs. I have not seen anything even closely resembling that. /

John : / May be we just witness the birth of a different type of dragon. /

Nathan : / What are we going to do. We can't let it roam around. You can see it already has the power to make many monsters obey it. /

Alex : / We don't know it's intelligence level but going back is Suicide. We can leave and inform the Guild. /

Alex was too terrified to go back. He didn't want to die young. Although he didn't know the Level of that monster. Just it Roar alone made him Stiff. He definitely would want to go back to face it again.

Nathan : / I think Alfred and his party should be nearby. He wouldn't miss a chance like this. He should be rushing towards there. I saw him move out with his party when we were leaving. /

John : / We saw it first. Do we have to give up our prey to them ? /

Alex and Nathan looked at John like an idiot. This fool still had the nerve to call that monster his prey.

Nathan : / Can you even fight it ? /

Nathan : / What did you see when you used your appraisal skill on it. /

John couldn't answer.

Nathan : / Don't bite more than you can chew. /

Nathan : / John, Lets post the Information in the Guild Page. Let them know we are currently waiting in the Snakefield. We can help identify and locate the Monster but we need 10 % commission. /

Nathan knew John was unwilling to hand over the prey to another party but last part was most compromise they can make now. Moreover he was unwilling to let that thing run around.

John was hot blooded, Alex was just a child and Finally Nathan can be considered to the Brains of this group. He always stays calm and does what is beneficial for their survival. Many times his judgment saved their sorry asses.

A Guild Page was bustling as always but there was no news about the birth of a new {1}King class. This bugged them alot. Usually when thing like this happens Guild will be working in full force trying to locate where the anomaly occurred.

They didn't think about much as this only was a monster less than Level - 100. They might have not taken things seriously.

They were utterly wrong about that. Vihaan had full system support. Any information about him unless update by the any person, System won't publish any news or Quest regarding that.

In that case only those who heard his roar or seen him command all the snakes can know he was a King class monster. His roar even with all his power cannot travel through 1000 Kms. He communicated with the Snake by means of Minute Vibration emitted by his roar which was unique to King Class Monster. That was also the reason why he was able to communicate with all the monster but experienced personal can track him with the movement of the snakes towards him as well as the odd noises the snake emitted when he woke up.

Still it was commendable that Vihaan took action immediately when he woke up by commanding all the them to spread thin throughout out the forest and stop them from coming to him. He basically cut off all sorts of clues leading to him.

System didn't give him false information that he will be hunted. It was his own mistake to let the three people run away.

Other than them plus any other Party in the wild near the Snakefield were the only ones who now knew that there was an anomaly there.

As soon as they posted the information. The whole page was startled. They didn't dare believe the information. How come there was information about it and even the Guild officials didn't know of this.

Three rookie who was not even a F Rank Party came across such an anomaly. There was few other teams who also operated near the Snakefield or who witnessed the snakes odd behaviour supported the claim, which only made things worse. This was the first time it has happened. System being unreliable.

After few searching the official declared that it was indeed true but there is a slight change in information so the system didn't consider that a threat so it didn't activate any quest.

The monster was just a Lv 50 {2}Rare type monster and it had a unique way of communicating with other Snakes so such an anomaly happened.

This calmed down the Adventures on one side on the other side it also evoked Greed. A Rare type Monster which could communicate with others. Many group started searching for Vihaan and the Trio to buy potential information.

The Trio who was now looking at the Guild Page didn't dare believe it !

What kind of bullshit was it. They saw with their own eyes What the monster was capable off. A Level 50 monster non King Class Rare Type Beast capable of Deterring Three Adventure with an average level of 90 commanding all of Snakefield.

They reckoned Guild wants to hide this information. Either they want to kill or tame it. Most likely it was the latter.

John was the most affected person. He knew that beast worth his weight in EEC. Now with his theory being proven and guild trying to monopolise the Snake. He almost fainted in anger.

Nathan stayed clear minded.

Nathan : / Will you cool down a little. /

Nathan : / Think About it. Many strong people are involved in this. It's better that we take a step back and let them do what they want. It true that the beast is worth its weight in EEC but I think we should value our lives more. /

John also got what Nathan was trying to say. Trying to milk or get benefits from High Ranked Adventures is like playing with fires plus even the Guild was in this scam. If they try anything funny. Then they might be the next party which goes missing in the wilds. This was not a new thing also not a old thing. Human Greed knows no bound so it's better that they leave.

All of three decided that they will leave.

In actuality being Rare Type monster than a King class monster attracting the attention to Guild and other Sects was far better and guess What.

Yes, this is also one of the silly plays of the system. It did significantly lower the danger for Vihaan but that doesn't mean it will just save him 100 % without giving him a chance to prove himself. As System always says ' Where your thrill of adventure ? '

I think even Vihaan would agree. He was bored so this might help him a little

They were about to leave.

##### : / Where do ye reckon ye be going ?? /

The trio face changed drastically. They already waited here for more than 8 hours after they posted on the Guild Page that they had information regarding a King Class Monster. Although now it was clarified that it was a Rare Type Monster. That's doesn't change the fact that they were the only one who saw it had Info on it. They though they can sell the information but all was in vain now.

They knew there was no way they can move now as they just got caught by the devil.

##### : / Jimmy, Wha' do ye reckon about these handsome lads. Wanna 'ave some fun ?? /

They shuddered. They knew who Jimmy was. 40 year old Gunner who has a string fetish about raping young boys. No one had seen any boy who had been with Jimmy. All disappeared like they were never there.

The Trio Turned around to see a party of 7 behind them. The one who spoke was intact Jonathan The Maddog. He was the Captain of the Party Savage Vultures. Everyone in their group had one or two problems. Their Captain was a Pirate had Class Saber Maniac who turned Adventure due to some unknown reason. He was Lv 499. It was low for a D Rank party but he was undefeatable in Close Combat. He was more than 100 years old and has Saber Insight Rank 1 so no one under 650 level can even fight against him. Jimmy was the Vice Captain. He had a Advanced Class Gunner. He was a Long Ranged Attackers who is peerless. Both of them together mean Bad Business. Then there is Doom a Fire Mage, Rapunzel a Psycho Healer, Maddy a Tank, Night an assassin and finally Dick a formation master.

They all are Beast in human shape.

Jimmy : / ahhhh, Look at those tender faces. I getting a hard on just by seeing those wonderful reaction. Cap, I need permission to taste these wonderful birds. I mean Extract information. /

Jimmy sound made them shudder involuntarily.

Rapunzel : / We all know what you will extract. You can have two but I Also need one. we can rotate. I got bored of your dicks. My Cunt is itching for some new young dicks. Look at those cute faces. You will break them so let me taste them first. /

Jimmy : / Fuck off. /

Nathen, John and Alex paled. They were being treated as toys. Although John acted like Adult he was still a newbie being compared to these monsters before them.

##### : / Oh My Goodness, Let's all take a step back and behave like cultured people. What do you say Jonathan. You wouldn't want your Teammates to lose their head ' accidently ' right?? /


ATTENTION : ( Explanations )

{1} The Body Tier is usually not easily identifiable by other so mostly they just call any Beast of Unique Tier and above as King Class.

{2} What they call rare type is a variant of the normal monster, a mutation or a new species.