The Fury Of Son Of Earth.

Jonathan devised a plan. Jimmy would should Etherium Net to capture the beast after they bombard the beast with all long range spells they had. It is to isolate the beast from the surrounding Grasses and keep it from running away. They found that other than having full spirit immunity it had tough defense which they concluded because of metal like scales they know nothing about it.

Even appraisal skill is not working on it. It's seem like it had full stealth ability plus heavy defense with communication ability which is unverified as of now.

They now nothing of it. If it can't even survive this blast then it's waste of their ability atleast they will eat some roasted meat.

They planned to strike two goals with one strike. One check Defense and Two Revenge.

( What a hypocrite. They want to slave him but because of their inability they couldn't find him. Now because he was sleeping while they were not able to they decided to get revenge. )

Jonathan : / On me mark. 1, 2, 3... Fire in th' Hole./







Jonathan : / Ahoy Lads, We be rich. We can taste some nice cunts and wrestle wit' em in Fragrance Pavilion. /

Jimmy, Doom and Maddy laughed.


Vihaan woke up by the loud sound. It was too clouded around him dust and smoke surrounded him. He activated his Spirit Sense. He was shocked. His range doubled and the amount of Spirit he had also doubled. It was now 1 km radius. He could sense everything within 1 km. His recovery rate and expenditure was same so he could keep Spirit Sense on as long as he want but still he had to take care when using spirit related attacks. Because of Will power there was a sense of confidence he had within him.

He focused on the bugs that was responsible for the sound. There was net over his Safe Zone. It was absorbing Ether. It was fairly huge.

Vihaan saw the problem makers. First he was surprised and shocked but later it turned into Fury.


As they were laughing.

A Spirit Sense passed through them. Everyone was high level compared to Vihaan so they easily discovered his probing. The one who had ugly faces were Rapunzel, Jimmy, Doom and Dick.

All of them were above Level 400. They all unlocked their Spirit only after Level 400 but even so they had a decent amount of Stat in spirit which was above 90 but now a beasts had a Spirit Equal to them made their face ugly. On the other had Jonathan face was brimming with happiness.

Doom used simple wind magic to clear the Dust.

They saw it. A Dome protected the Beast. The net was above it. Except for the 3 m radius around the Beast, Everything else around it about 200 m was scorched earth.

The Beast looked majestic and arrogant resembling a Dragon. It didn't have any expression. No fear, No agitation. Its just looked at them with interest.

Jonathan : / Hahhaah, Worth th' prey. Inborn Spirit Beast. Hahahaha hahah. Its either Nah Level 50 or a Inborn Spirit beast. /

Jonathan : / Wha' are lookin' at cute scallywag. We gonna catch ye, Slave ye 'n sell ye in auction. We gonna use it t' get some beauties or.. /

Jonathan : / How about this. Ye become me contacted beast 'n become me slave. I shall let ye 'ave a dogs life. /

As soon as Jonathan said. There was a drastic change in situation. He wanted to check whether this beast was Intelligent or not. Provoke it, break it and then may sell a trained beast which will sell more than a wild beast.

Since the Yearly Auction was nearing he was thinking that he could put a nice show and gain more money but he went and rubbed the beast the wrong way. Usually when provoked the beast, they will roar and attack with all the might but they had a party and a formation master so he was not worried about anything. Still he underestimated beast having Strong Spirit.

Doom, Rapunzel, Jimmy and Dick : / Cap, You made a wrong move. /

All of them said the same thing with a worried look on their faces.

Jonathan : / Wha' wrong move. wha' can this squiffy beast do t' us. /


The Earth around them got agitated. The Soil around them was vibrating and defying gravity. It was as if an ancient beast was waking up from slumber. The Earth, The Soil, The Surroundings were filled with killing intent.

A terrifying killing intent locked on them. They were known for brutal killing but still even they have not seen such a strong Killing intent. It was like the beast before them was embodiment of Killing Intent. They could feel its Wrath in the air.

Even the Earth they were standing was against them.



Everything vanished as if nothing happened. The Beast had an angry look on its face one second the next second it was back to normal. It moved underground and vanished from the place.

It ran away.

Jonathan : / wha' th farrg? /


Vihaan was surprised and interested when he saw humans. He though he could finally understand the humans of this world but the next moment when he heard they were here for him. Slave ? Me ? Dog?

He forgot everything that happened before 30 hours as he just woke up and had a fogey mind because of Cultivation but their speech brought him back to reality.

Being Slave? Becoming Dog ?

As soon as he heard them. He felt as if he membered a very bad memory. He flet unimageable anger coming out of him as if someone open Pandora's box. He wanted to decimate this bastards pull out their intestines, torture them, impale them in rock pikes make them a example for others what will happened if they tried to mess with him.

They provoked me.

They angered me.

They tarnished my dignity.

They need to die.

They wanted to make me slave.

I, Mighty Celestial Killer of the Heavens.

I, Proud Royal Empress of Flames,

I, Arrogant Demon of Lust

I am Embodiment.

I shall purge them all.

As thoughts flooded his mind. Earth resonated with him.

Vihaan released a low growl. It was a warning. Not for humans but for all other beasts to stay out of the forest.

His intentions was sent by seismic waves. The soil particles were vibrating as if their welcoming their king. The whole Earth Ether was chaotic around the place. If anyone where to use Earth magic. They couldn't control it even if used all their power.

[ Earth Resonates with your anger. ]

[ Goddess Mother Earth has acknowledge You ]

[ Son of Earth has been temporarily upgraded. ]

[ Blessing : Son of Earth (II).

Increase Defense Permanently by 3. Being in contact with Earth increase all recovery by 1000%

Reduce EP, Stamina, Spirit all consumption by 50% ]

[ Emergency Quest : Purge 'em all ]

[ Reward : Permanent Son of Earth (II), ??? ]

[ Failure : Loss of Son of Earth Blessing ]

[ No Time Limit ]

Vihaan was angry but he didn't lose his mind. His high Mind stat, Spirit and Willpower helped him stay calm. The continuous notifications helped him district his mind.

He stopped everything. He calmed down. He gave them all a last look.

[ Jonathan - Lv 499 ]

[ Jimmy - Lv 473 ]

[ Rapunzel - Lv 401 ]

[ Dick - Lv 415 ]

[ Doom - Lv 469 ]

[ Maddy - Lv 440 ]

[ Night - Lv 556 ]

He used Earth Dive and moved underground.

Vihaan : / Level Up Max /

Lv - 19 CE : 28,600 / 9,500

Lv - 20 CE : 19,100 / 10,000

Lv - 21 CE : 9,100 / 11,000

[ Strength : 41 -> Strength : 43 ]

[ Constitution : 41 -> Constitution : 43 ]

[ Vitality : 41 -> Vitality : 43 ]

[ Total : 21 Stat Points and 46 Skill Points ]

Vihaan : / Max Spirit /

[ Acknowledged ]

[ Spirit : 50 -> Spirit : 71 ]

Vihaan : / Status /

[ Name - Vihaan Sex - Male Age - 0 years

Race - Metal Empyrean Titan Wyrm Phase - Hatchling Body Tier- 1 Star

Lv - 21 CE : 9,100 / 11,000

HP : 4300 / 4300

EP : 790 / 790

Spirit : 1420 / 1420

Defense : 2580 ( 860 x3 Defense )

Attack : 920

Damage Resistance : 30 %

Damage Absorption : 15 %

Stats :-

Strength : 43

Agility : 49

Constitution : 43

Vitality : 43

Mind : 38

Cunning : 38

Spirit : 71

Willpower : 1

Active Skills : -

Petrifying Gaze ( Rank - 2 )

Venomous Masticate ( Rank - 1 )

Earth Restrain ( Rank - 1 )

Titan Leap ( Rank - 1 )

Titan Rage ( Rank - 1 )

Camouflage ( Rank - 1 )

Earth Dive ( Rank - 2 )

Spirit Sense ( Rank - 2 )

Spirit Spear ( Rank - 1 )

Roar ( Rank - 1 )

Passive Skills : -

Appraisal ( Rank - 7 )

Metal Manipulation ( Rank - 1 )

Earth Manipulation ( Rank - 1 )

Metal Creation ( Rank - 1 )

Unparalleled Thinker ( Rank - 1 )

Blessing : -

God Child

Son of Earth

Stat Points - 0

Skill Points - 46

Trait : -

Infrared Vision ( Not Activated ), Venom Metal Jaws x2, Metal Spear Tail, Absorption Metal Bones, Resistant Metallic Scales.

Evolution Tree ( Possible ) ]

Vihaan calmed down only after going down more than 200 m. He knew how the Spirit Sense works so he was not worried about them finding them.

When he used Spirit Sense he immediately knew that there was 4 people who had spirit same as him or more, others can find him because of high level difference but if he can rise his spirit power there was no way they can find them.

Vihaan's Spirit was very low almost 40 Stat point but he was able to content with them because he was Inborn Spirit beast unlike humans who awaken them after entering 9 - Organ Transformation Stage or Above Lv - 400

When he was their Levels he instantly knew that he cannot beat them using Ether or a head to head confrontation. He had vaguely remembered he had a new skill when he entered 2-Star Spirit Stat. So he deicide to invest in his Spirit. It was the only way to defeat them.

Vihaan : / Max Rank - Camouflage, Earth Dive, Spirit Sense and Spirit Spear. /

Vihaan : / I will show them What is means to anger me. /