Attack On Humans ( Part - 1 )





Vihaan : / Max Rank - Camouflage, Earth Dive, Spirit Sense and Spirit Spear. /

Vihaan : / I will show them What it means to anger me. /

[ Max Rank or Rank Upgrade ? ]

Vihaan : / What is difference ? /

[ Max Rank ends in Body Transformation while Rank Upgrade increases the Skill to the next level. ]

Vihaan thought for a few seconds.

Vihaan : / Rank Upgrade /

[ Acknowledged ]

[ Cost : 38 Skill Points, Confirm ? ]

Vihaan : / Yes /

[ Skill : Camouflage ( Rank - 1 ) -> Shroud ( Rank - 1 ) ]

[ Skill : Earth Dive ( Rank - 2 ) -> Earth Voyage ( Rank - 1 ) ]

[ Skill : Spirit Sense ( Rank - 2 ) -> Spirit Sense II ( Rank - 1 ) ]

[ Skill : Spirit Spear ( Rank - 1 ) -> Spirit Spear II ( Rank - 1 ) ]

[ Skill : Shroud

When activated, covers the user with a skin tight layer of illusion making it hard to find presence or see with Spirit Sense perfectly blending in surrounding.

Maintains when the user is attacking but dissipates when the user is attacked.

Requirement : 3 Seconds Out of Combat.

Cost : 50 EP and 10 Spirit ( 50% Less Consumption )

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Earth Voyage

Being in contact Earth increases Agility by 50%, Can Travel inside Earth without obstruction

Inside Agility is increased from 50% to 100%

Cost : 1 EP per 5 min ( 50% Less Consumption )

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Spirit Sense II

A Third Eye, Sense everything inside your Spirit Sense. High Rank Spirit Sense, Cannot be detected by lower level Spirit Sense

Cost : 5 Spirit per Sec ( 50% Less Consumption )

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Spirit Spear ( Elite )

Using colorless formless spear made of spirit to attack the Spirit of the Foe.

Attacking the Spirit may leave the foe broken.

Attacking high Spirit foe can reveal your location.

No. of Spear : 3

Cost : 50 Spirit ( 50% Less Consumption ) ]

Vihaan : / Still not enough to fight them. /

He saw there some nice upgrades to the skills but still they were not enough to close a gap of 400 Levels.

Vihaan : / Status /

[ Name - Vihaan Sex - Male Age - 0 years

Race - Metal Empyrean Titan Wyrm Phase - Hatchling Body Tier- 1 Star

Lv - 21 CE : 9,100 / 11,000

HP : 4300 / 4300

EP : 790 / 790

Spirit : 1420 / 1420

Defense : 2580 ( 860 x3 Defense )

Attack : 920

Damage Resistance : 30 %

Damage Absorption : 15 %


Stat Points - 0

Skill Points - 8

... ]

Vihaan used his Spirit Sense by moving closer to Surface. He wanted to check whether they are able to find him. He was very cautious. he was not ready to go against them. He had enough confidence because of his recent increased in Agility.

Slowly he moved near the stupid humans. His Spirit Sense increase coupled with his recent increase in Spirit increased his Spirit Range to 1420 m which translates to 14.2 meters but there was a catch to it. If he concentrating inside earth it was only 14.2 m but if he was concentrating towards surface and he is 13.2 m below earth He can get monitor extra 100 meters on surface.

In 12.2 m below Earth from surface he can see 200 m above surface.

In 11.2 m below Earth from surface he can see 300 m above surface.

and so on.

He placed 14 m below surface that only gives him a 20 m range above surface but that as enough for him to locate the Humans on earth.


Jonathan : / Where th' farrg be that bastrad o' beast /

Jonathan was pissed. He though they were going to have a hard fight. He never had any intention of give up the hunt.

Jonathan : / Spread out. I needs that fucker. /

Jonathan : / Night, I want th' beast. Flush it out. /

While Jonathan was crusing and searching for the beast like a mad dog. Everyone spread forming a circle and started to search for Vihaan. They thought Spirit was useless since they couldn't find it using Spirit sense they opted a more traditional tracking and Night was the best person for it.


Alfred and Luther heard a loud noise ( How can a Transcendent Expert miss it. ) when they were searching for Vihaan so they rushed here to see The Vultures confronting the beast. They saw the whole process both of them were shocked. Mainly Luther, He was a Star Forming Stage - 9 Transcendent Realm Expert on verge of Advancing to Star Nurturing Realm. He could easily find the beast was a new born mostly very young and not strong enough only around Lv 50 - Lv 60.

Alfred : / Uncle Luther, What is that ? /

Luther : / I have not seen anything like before but I can see this is a form of Wyrm. Its very young mostly less than 10 years. I am sure this is a Top Tier King Class should atleast be Legendary Tier /

Luther : / Wyrm has potential to become a dragon or a drake. There are two ways it can take. /

Luther : / Wyrm -> Lindwyrm -> Lung Dragon \ Salamander -> Drake -> Dragon \ Hydra \ Kirin or Wyrm -> Amphithere -> Wyvern -> Dragon /

Luther : / Its Evolution mostly is based on its element. The one before has a strong connection to Earth so mostly it will opt the Drake path. It seem to have abnormal about of Intelligence. Its a good Contracted Beast. /

Alfred on the other hand was actually tempted to get it. He still controlled his urge.

Alfred : / Although I want it. Its intelligent nature may back fire on us. Let us first assess the situation. I have a bad feeling. /

The Emotionless Luther face actually showed a surprise. Others might nor know but He knew the young master is rather peculiar when it comes to foreseeing events.

Luther : / We will do as you wish. /


Vihaan cautiously followed them like a shadow. He saw that everyone was moving in different directions trying to find him. He was more weary about Night. He was far stronger than anyone else plus he was the one who was closest to him.

He turned his eyes on Rapunzel and Dick. His future plans will heavily depend on his fist kill. It gives a Huge bonus that will push his combat powers a lot. If it fails then he had to figure out other ways to fight or proceed about. As of now he had gained CE proportional to Level and Body tier of monster but he has no idea about how it will calculated to humans as Level didn't mean they had high combat powers. If they have low combat powers then he will gain low CE. So choosing a fat prey was important.

If he wanted to gain high CE. He had to choose Either Jonathan, Jimmy, Maddy or Night but he would be a fool if he even thinks about fighting with them. That leaves him Rapunzel, Doom and Dick. Of which Doom has the Highest Level and he seem to be a Mage. His Enhanced Spirit gave him another advantage.

[ Jonathan - Lv 499 - Saber Maniac II ]

[ Jimmy - Lv 473 - SAR Trooper II ]

[ Rapunzel - Lv 401 - Evil Healer II ]

[ Dick - Lv 415 - Mortal Rank - 2 Formation Master ]

[ Doom - Lv 469 - Pyromancer II ]

[ Maddy - Lv 440 - Guardian II ]

[ Night - Lv 556 Lurker Assassin III ]

He was planning to kill Doom but whenever he saw Rapunzel he felt the urge to rip her apart. He dint know why but he trusted his instincts so he focused on her.

He marked Rapunzel as his first target.

Unlike first time this time his Spirit Sense was masked very well and they seem to be unable to tell it apart atleast that's what he thought.


Night was the first to talk. They were using Party function in System.

Night : / The beast is here only. Its Spirit Sense seem to have improved drastically. Mostly likely its different skill. Its very hard to point the location but I can feel its very near. Beware It might attack anytime. /

Jonathan : / Since that beast be seekin' death let's play wit' it /

Jonathan : / Be careful be ready t' move as soon as ye notice any movement /

Rapunzel was nervous so was Dick. They both have the least combat powers. Dick can safe himself if he had set up a formation before hand but he was vulnerable. He had some tricks left but he didn't want to use them. He had no idea about the combat strength of the Beast but still he was not going to take chances. He readied himself and activated a simple illusion and shield formation plate immediately if he was targeted plus he was using the illusion as a cover to draw out another formation.

Rapunzel already activated a Ether Shield. It was a type which will be working as long as she supplied the Shield with Ether. It had a downside if the attack was not physical or Ether then it won't block them and she cannot use any other Spell while she was using this Mana Shield.

They were all about 40 - 50 m apart while stilll moving ahead which only takes few fraction of seconds for them. Everyone were on edge trying to figure out who the beast was going to attack. All trust Night as he was one of the best Assassin in Mortal Realm out in the City of Arrow gate.

10 mins.

20 mins.

30 mins.


60 mins.

2 hours.

4 hours.

As time passes they started to doubt whether the beast was here or not. Whether it already left and they were here wasting time.

First to let down the guard was Dick as he was using Formation and Burning EEC Plus his own EP. He stopped Formations but held a formation plate in hand.

Next Rapunzel lowered her shield as shew as running out of EP since she was using a high level Spell.

Everyone turned to see movements in surrounding. Rapunzel's face showed horror. She couldn't even shout.

Her body fell down on the ground.


A Earth Shattering Roar followed made them all disoriented. They were about to move but the Roar had a strong deterring effect which slowed their reaction.

They watched the what happened next in horror.

It was horrible. Inhumane.


Dead, Their Healer and Support Fell.

Fear, First time Jonathan and Jimmy felt fear. Fear for their life.

Hunter became the hunted.