Attack On Humans ( Part - 2 )

Vihaan was patiently waiting trying to see ways to attack. He knew his current strength was a far cry to fight them at the same time he didn't want to miss out juicy rewards for killings this bastard. His target Rapunzel a Healer Support can be considered the weakest one of the bunch but targeting her will inevitably give him the highest chance of success.

He saw his skills which can be used to attack. He noticed petrifying gaze which was at Rank - 2. he had remaining 8 skill points immediately clicked.

Vihaan : / Perfect /

Vihaan : / Add all the remaining Skill Points to Petrifying Gaze. /

[ Acknowledged. ]

[ Petrifying Gaze Transformation - Max 🔺 ]

[ Skill : Petrifying Gaze

Uses Spirit to petrify others attacking Spirit, Mind and Willpower. Effect reduce if the Spirit of the Foe is too high

Cost : Minimum 100 Spirit or Depends on the Spirit, Mind and Willpower of the Victim.

Stage : Transformation - Max

Bonus : + 20 % Bonus Spirit when activating Petrifying Gaze ]

Vihaan : / Jake Pot. Its sad that there is no permanent bonus but this is far more useful than before. /

Now Vihaan had extra trump card. he was little more confident. He can atleast wound anyone if everything goes right.

Vihaan patiently moved and waiting just below Rapunzel. He was waiting for perfect time for attacking. He had shroud, Spirit Sense and Infrared Eyes active all time. He noticed everyone were overly cautiously if they were waiting for his attack.

Vihaan suddenly thought about the possibility of them knowing his presence. If so he cannot make any unnecessary moves. He stopped using Spirit Sense. He focused on Earth manipulation felt the earth around him. Since he was just below them when they were walking he could feel their movements in soil though pressure and weight.

It was Mystical. Problems, tension and pressure pushed this thinking capacity and opened a new way of location. It was like another eye for him. He could also try to feel the Metal on the armors, dress and accessories on them but it might be risky so he avoided it.

Still for conformation he asked System

Vihaan : / System, Do they know that I am waiting. /

[ Affirmative. People can from party authorized by the system to distribute the Exp gained. There is also option of communication, Forum etc. System more or less acts like internet from Earth. ]

Vihaan was shocked with all the powerups he was still unable to accomplish what he expected but he was not disheartened because there is more than 100 times gap between them.

He patiently waited. He could feel hesitation and uneasiness.

First Dick let his guard down. Next it was Rapunzel.

Vihaan mouth curved into a smile.

Vihaan : / Death /

Petrifying Gaze and Spirit Spear was activated simultaneously.

Rapunzel who just lowered her guard felt as if death good gazed upon her, marked her as his prey. Her face paled in horror she was not even able to shout.

3 Spirit Spear like invisible Lances attacked her from three direction.

She feared death. Her mind became vulnerable. Spirit Spear can only bred their mind its not lethal plus if they are conscious they can avoid hit or atleast resist but now she was open like slut. The Spears like sharp shaft penetrated her mind.

Broke. Her mind broke.

She lost her mind.


She wore A Healer Robe and A Magic Amplifying Staff that's all. Her defense was close to non. She feel down on the Grassland.

Spirit Spear was concealed but that's was not untraceable so everyone turned to see Rapunzel fall. They were already ready to move.


Stunned. They were delayed.

Roar was like Illusion. It attacked their mind. If they were strong willpower and spirit then it was a joke but they were under pressure and uneasiness for the last 4 hours.

So their mind and reactions were delayed.

When they came out of the stun.

They were again stunned. This time because of fear.

Vihaan immediately followed the Roar by Earth Restrain.

He held Rapunzel in place.

Titan Leap and Venomous Masticate.

The Titan Leap provided force. His saw ( Hand Saw - Cutting tool ) like two pair of venomous jaws opened and bit down on her neck. That was not the end. The force of jump was to much for human neck to bear. It was torn apart blood splattered like a fountain but Vihaan didn't stop there his spear tail moved.


Two fast stab in both her life penetrating the brain.

Her face was fully mutilated beyond recognition under his merciless jaw and peerless spear

Since Vihaan attacked when he was hidden the novice assassination applied. He attacked the vulnerable parts so basically all the attacks from Petrifying gaze, Spirit spear to the last spear tail where critical hits.

It was an Inevitable Death.

Immediately Vihaan stored it in the Inventory and dived back.

Still he was a little late.

Night who was the first to snap out of the roar attacked him.



It was a lurker class skill. Insta kill attack.

3 Point Shadow Kill.

- 4000

In a instant he lost more than 90 % of his HP.

His whole HP is 4300 and he lost 4000 that is with 30% Damage Resistance, 10% Damage Absorption and 2560 Defense.

That one attack carried more than 10k Damage despite him attacking only the tail part of his body. If he had attacked his head, It would have been death.

Vihaan was in immense pain but with agility, willpower and sheer will to live he moved into ground 100m below the earth.

Vihaan : / Safe Zone Initiate /

[ Acknowledged ]


Within seconds a Safe Zone was built around it. System didn't ask any questions just built it at the expense of CE and also it recovered his health to 30 % using 9000 CE he had with him.

Vihaan breathed in relief. He couldn't compliant as System chose the most suitable course of action to save him.

He calmed and saw the notification. Whether it was all worth the effort.

[ Killed (PC) Evil Healer Rapunzel ( Human ) - First Human Kill : 53905 CE x10 = 539050 ]

[ Quest - Kill a Human - Completed ]

[ Reward - One Random Reward ]

[ Quest - Kill a Evil Human ( First Kill ) - Completed ]

[ Reward - One Random Skill from Past Life ]

[ Emergency Quest : Purge 'em all - ( 1/7 ) ]

[ Reward : Permanent Son of Earth (II), ??? ]

[ Failure - None ]

[ No Time Limit ]

Vihaan was visible shaken by the first and last Notification. He bet his life on this attack and just earn a very pitiful amount of CE and for that exchange it also cost him 46 Skill Points and 9k CE

He want to cry but there more pressing matters.

He was interested in both the random rewards. He was interested what his past life will give him. He got two cool reward for random reward last time so it was also appealing.

Most important of all the penalty was taken away so now he can kill them patiently after having sufficient strength.

Vihaan : / Level Up Max /

[ Acknowledged ]

[ Lv - 21 CE : 539,150 / 11,000 ]


[ Lv - 29 CE : 423,150 / 19,000 ]

[ Lv - 30 CE : 404,150 / 20,000 ]

[ Lv - 31 CE : 384,150 / 22,000 ]

[ Lv - 32 CE : 362,150 / 24,000 ]


[ Lv - 41 CE : 76,150 / 42,000 ]

[ Lv - 42 CE : 34,150 / 44,000 ]

[ Total : + 84 Stats and + 42 Skill Points ]

[ Strength : 43 -> 49 (5) -> Strength : 60 ]

[ Constitution : 43 -> 49 (5) -> Constitution : 60 ]

[ Vitality : 43 -> 49 (5) -> Vitality : 60 ]

The auto stat distribution coupled with Breaking the boundary of the 1- Star Doubled everything which gave him a immense Recovery rate and HP. He was recovering in visible rate.

Vihaan breathed in relief. He noticed another peculiar thing when ever he broke though 1 -Star Each time the amount required to level up increases.

Vihaan knew this is going to be a problem. He was just Lv 21 when he leveled up already he had killed a level 400 being but still the only leveled up 20 times that too with First Time kill. Thus thinking about the sheer amount of CE to level up gave him a heart attack.

Vihaan : / Break through everything to Body - 2 Star /

[ Mind : 38 -> 49 (5) -> Mind : 50 ]

[ Agility : 49 - > 49 (5) -> Agility : 50 ]

[ Cunning : 38 -> 49 (5) -> Cunning : 50 ]

[ Balance : + 47 Stat points ]

Vihaan waited to fell the willpower rise but to his disappointment there was no change.

[ Willpower can be raised by a different energy. It will be unlocked after Lv - 200 ]

Vihaan : / Raise Spirit to 100 and Dump the rest into Agility. /

[ Negative, You hit the next limit. You have evolve or transition to higher growth phase before you break through to 100 ]

Vihaan was bewildered. He just broke through now again he had to Evolve ?? but then he hit the limit at 9.9 stat but he was now trying to break through 99.9. He had lot on plate so he decided to choose the alternate way to gain strength.

Vihaan : / Increase Spirit to 99 and Agility to 60 ]

[ Spirit : 71 -> Spirit : 99]

[ Agility : 50 -> Agility : 60 ]

[ Balance : + 9 Stat Points ]

Vihaan : / Status /

[ Name - Vihaan


Lv - 42 CE : 34,150 / 44,000

HP : 12000 / 12000

EP : 2000 / 2000

Spirit : 1980 / 1980

Defense : 7200 ( 2400 x3 Defense )

Attack : 2400

Damage Resistance : 30 %

Damage Absorption : 15 %

Stats :-

Strength : 60

Agility : 60

Constitution : 60

Vitality : 60

Mind : 50

Cunning : 50

Spirit : 99

Willpower : 1


Stat Points - 9

Skill Points - 42

... ]

Vihaan felt unprecedent energy flowing through him. His combat powers actually doubled just breaking through 2 Star and there is more than 30 Star remining. Vihaan decided he must fully utilize this advantage and then only he would ascend.

Now that he has new skills and full recover due to his monstrous physic he decide to redeem all his rewards before going for another round of kill.

Vihaan : / Redeem Both Random rewards ]

[ Acknowledged ]

[ Randomizing Rewards... ]

[ Ding ]

[ Congratulations, You have redeemed Skill : Lightening Reflex ]

[ Skill : Lightening Reflex

Strengthen the Reflex and Speed to a Unimaginable Tier. Grows continuously as the power increase.

Stage : Growth Type

Bonus : Permanent x1.5 Agility ]

[ Congratulations, You have earned 54326 CE ]

Vihaan : / Hmm... 42 Skill Points and 6 Stat Points with added 88,476 CE. /

Vihaan : / Unparalleled Thinker, Roar, Titan Rage, Novice Assassination's, Earth Restrain and Venomous Masticate Rank up to Transformation Rank. /

Vihaan : / Use two Trait Upgrade on Absorption Metal Bone and Resistant Metal Scales. /

Vihaan : / Redeem Custom Trait Upgrade. /


Vihaan : / I kind of miss goofing of with Neradai. May be I will try to get Shapeshifting skill and explore the City. It would be nice right? Well it's good I actually think about vacation. I want to feel how going back to civilization actually feels /

Vihaan : / System, How much for a Shapeshifting Skill. /

( NEXT ARC - Coming Soon )



I knw there are lots of information and upgrading screens in the novel but I just wanted it look a much realistic and engaging as possible so if you guys feel that its too much. Feel free to share your thoughts on it.