Attack On Humans ( End )

Luther : / Young master, The Beast is on the Move. /

Luther had a peculiar expression on his face. Alfred didn't miss to notice that.

Alfred : / What happened Uncle. /

Luther : / The Beat seem to have more powerful than before and its presence seem to have diminished. Anyone below Level - 600 would have a hard time even seeing the beast even if its right before them. Its weird its not even 20 mins its seem have already doubled its Combat Strength. /

Luther : / This Beast is definitely not simple. /

Alfred : / Is that so? /

There was gentle smile on Alfred's face when Luther Emphasized that beast was very different.


[ Skill : Unparalleled Thinker ( Rare )

Enhance thinking by 8 times capacity and parallel thinking by 4.

Stage : Transformation - Max

Bonus : Maintains a calm mind in face of adversities ]

[ Skill : Freezing Terror ( Elite )

Release a Cold Terrifying AOE Spirit attack in 50 m radius around the user.

It initiates a Spirit and Willpower check. If they have lower than the user then their Spirit, Mind and Will will be frozen for 2 Sec. Cannot attacks or defend. It also leaves the Mind and Spirit Unguarded.

Cost : Minimum 300 Spirit or Depends on the Spirit, Mind and Willpower of the Victim. ( 50% Less Consumption )

Stage : Transformation - Max

Bonus : + 40 % Bonus Spirit when activating Freezing Horror ]

[ Skill : Spirit Sense II ( Rare )

A Third Eye, Sense everything inside your Spirit Sense. High Rank Spirit Sense, Cannot be detected by lower level Spirit Sense

Stage : Transformation - Max

Bonus : Danger Sense ]

[ Skill : Spirit Spear II ( Elite )

Using Hidden spear to attack the Spirit of the Foe.

Attacking the Spirit may leave the foe broken.

Attacking high Spirit foe can reveal your location.

No. of Spear : 9

Cost : 100 Spirit ( 50% Less Consumption )

Stage : Transformation - Max

Bonus : + 20 % Bonus Spirit when activating Spirit Spear ]

[ New Trait : Veiled Scales ( Advanced )

Masks Presence, Reduce the chances of being discovered.

Attacking or defending doesn't affect the veil.

Camouflage skills are 200% more effective ]

( Basic -> Enhanced -> Advance -> High -> Unique -> Legendary -> Mythical -> Celestial -> Divine )

[ You have acquired a new Talent : Lust Fiend ]

[ You have acquired a new affinity : Dark Ether ]

[ You have acquired a new skill : Blood Drain ]

[ Talent : Lust Fiend

Never tire during Sex. Unlimited Libido and Vigor

Sex Increases Cultivation ( Gives CE ). ]

[ Quest : Have sex with 10 Different Species ]

[ Reward : ???? ]

[ Limit - Before 600 Level ]

[ Penalty : - 5 Levels ]

[ Skill : Blood Drain ( Rare )

Teeth and Tail act as medium to drain blood from the foe and Enhance Recovery Rate

Activatable even in battle.

Cost : 50 EP per sec

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Balance : 160,000 CE, +20 Stat Points and + 20 Skill Points ]

Vihaan had a odd expression on his face when he was his talent. His talent was having sex. Like what kind of shitty situation is that. he even had to have sex with 10 different species. Seriously does the system think he was some kind of pervert??

Going out picking different species just to have sex. Damn it.

He was frustrated but then with the extra CE, SP and Skill Points he was finally able to calm down. He saw the skills almost all of them were practical and helpful.

Vihaan moved up towards the surface but he was meet with intense and wild Saber Intent. It was chaotic.

He hurriedly moved away and came out a little further away. He didn't use Spirit Sense. He just used his Enhanced Eyesight and Infrared Eyes to look for Night. The most dangerous person out there.

He was vexed. He was not even able to find his shadow. He thought he could kill one two more of these fuckers and then move out but He was afraid of being found out by Night after their last exchange.

He want to move out and kill Dick who was very nervous. A Perfect Target

Dick had two active Formations around him. he looked like a turtle shell. Now he was more concerned about his life so he didn't care about how much EEC or EP he burn. His life was more precious.

Vihaan don't be find any opening. He just stayed down for twenty minutes. No one would expect that he took a full on hit from Night just Twenty minutes ago and now he was back to attack.

Only one word can define him -' MadBeast '

He was trying to find ways to engage but there was no opening. Everyone were on edge ready to attacks although he was jut wounded few minutes ago. Guess they learned from their mistakes.

Each time even the though of initiating an attack gave him an eerie feeling as if he was walking right into a beast's lair naked without any protection. His new Danger Sense worked in full force but it was weird. Although everyone were on the Edge. he was also very careful in not letting any aura or spirit leak. He also activated his Should skill. It was impossible to find him but the danger Sense was telling him not move forward.

Not Once, Not Twice, Not Thrice but repeatedly he was getting this feeling as if he was prey walking right in a slaughter house.

After trying for a few time and approach. Vihaan gave up.

With his first kill, the failure was taken away. There was no time limit. He was not in hurry to kill them all.

He can always come back to kill them all. There was no hurry then why should he run right into this dangerous place and challenge him. he was no hero or he was in some novel where he would have plot armor protecting him. He was a beast in forest even with all his skill and knowledge he was no where near the top level of this world on the other had he was just a small Wyrm.

The Last Limit Breaking of 1 Star has giving him some benefits now his body had grown over 5 m and 12 cm in thickness. He looked more ferocious and intimating than his initial look. He was growing very fast so he can take it slowly.

He decided.

Vihaan : / System, Give me the fastest route towards the Inner Peripheral. /


Night activated his class skill was hidden inside shadow. It was night time so it was perfect time for ambush. If it was on surface. he might have already killed that beast but now he had no way to lure that beast out or even any way to kill it unless it comes out on its own.

But who was Night. He was one on the famous Assassin in Arrow gate City. He was very patient person waiting to strike the beast and wipe the his shame. Other might not know but Night actually an arrogantly and stubborn person. The last attacks he missed affected his mindset. he would definitely not let his target go.


Jonathan was still trying to find Vihaan. While Dick was acting like a scared cat. Doom had activated his defense spells. Jimmy was more careful he kept his had on the trigger to react. Maddy was block head and a perfect meat shield so he was not really word about the beast attaching him. he would rather welcome it.

Over all everyone were waiting for the beast


Luther : / Young Master, I think there will be no more fights happening today. /

Alfred : / Ooh. Why is that ? /

Luther : / The Beast. It went towards the Inner Peripheral /

Alfred was beginning to take a liking to the beast. He was excited to see how the beast will attack but when he heard the beats was leaving he was crestfallen.

Luther : / Do you want to follow and study its behavior. May be we can talk with it. It seem to understand our speech. /

Immediately Alfred mood brightening.

Alfred : / Lets move /


3 Hours later.

With the increased speed and Earth Voyage. Vihaan's Journey was very fast he was able to avoid any fight and directly enter Inner Peripheral.

It was totally different from Outer Peripheral. It looked like a scene straight out of avatar.

Tall Grasses. Literally Tall Grasses reaching heights over 50 meters forming a forest of their own. Each of them placed closely packed together with small grasses and water flowing in. Florescent like bright colors in various patterns on the grasses and shrubs.

It was as if the land itself was alive.

Vihaan now regretted not coming here sooner. He immediately feel in love with this beautiful scenery.

Danger hides in Beauty.