Welcome To The Inner Peripheral.

Vihaan was staring at the breath taking scene before him. It was a wonderful scene which even hundreds of thousands of dollars wont be able to buy. To experience this beautiful scene straight out of Avatar. To live and breath in it. Vihaan felt happy. The Scenery gave him a since of peace but good things are always shot lived...

Vihaan came out of the Outer Peripheral with 1 meter tall Grasses to enter the Inner Peripheral having more than 10 m tall Grasses. You can clearly see the line separating both the peripheral. His body was more than 5 m long and like cobra be can support his body up till 1.5 m height.

Even with Veiled Scale he was unable to hide the sound that came out from his sudden appearance.

Immediately many pair of eyes looked at him or rather the place he came out.

Vihaan was woke up from his ecstatic state as he saw the danger lurking inside the beautiful forest.

He squinted his eyes and activated Infrared.

He stunned. There were lots of small cat like creature hiding in the Shadows of the huge Grass. Every Cat without fail were over Lv - 100 and had a strong presence.

They were like hungry beast looking for prey worse than a Hyena.

He focused his eye on the nearest one.

[ Wild Cat ( High - Uncommon )

Lv - 128

HP : 10250 / 10250

EP : 980 / 980

Attack : 5280

Defense : 2490

Affinity : Shadow, Nature ]

He was shocked. The defense was less but the Attack and HP almost reach his level. There was no Skills mentioned but there a new feature which showed him the Affinity.

( New Attack after adding Lightening reflex Bonus and Spirit Attacks : 4980, It can reach 5580 - 6180 when using Earth Voyage and Titan Leap to gain Momentum )

( What a conceited fellow. This fucker is only Lv - 42 and that Cat is over 100 while he is getting shocked that the stats almost reached his level )

Vihaan slowly activated Earth Voyage and went inside the ground. He can see the cat has less defense and more Attack. It didn't seem like a heavy hitting strength type that leaves him Agility or Spirit type. It was surely not a mind type since it had a pitiful amount of EP.

Vihaan don't charge like a Mad Bull.

He sent out Spirit Sense and tried to probe whether they were the cats were able to Sense the change in Spirit.

The answer was No. They still behaved like house cats purring and playing. This all happened deep inside the Boundary. The ones on the Boundary of Inner Peripheral were like Jaguars ready to strike and kill anything that entered the Inner Peripheral.

He guessed these wild cats were most likely be Agility based beast.

He would never expected any beast to be as monstrous as him or atleast till now he had not faced any fearsome as him or Even beast that had two High Stats till now.

Vihaan moved inside the Cat's territory.

Since they're were not able to sense his Spirit Sense so he kept it Active.

He moved in and spread his Spirit Sense and Tried to Pick up how many cats were actually there.

10 m

20 m

30 m

40 m

50 m


500 m

1000 m

With in 1 Km Radius there where more than 120 Cats all ranging from Level - 120 to Level 190.

Above Level 190 itself there was 6 beast.

He wanted to tryout out his new Freezing Terror Skill but then trying to take one 120 beasts all stronger than him was suicide. So he didn't engage instead he went outside near the end of the Cat's territory.

Vihaan was trying to pick a lone cat or a cat which has no one around it atleast 20 m around it.

Since his Spirit Sense actually cover the whole territory he easily chose his target and within seconds he positioned himself just under the Cat.

[ Guardian Wild Cat ( Mid - Rare )

Lv - 171

HP : 17,000 / 17,000

EP : 1,600 / 1600

Attack : 8800

Defense : 4500

Affinity : Shadow, Nature, Earth ]

He was lucky enough to find a fat cat. It was had huge structure almost twice as the normal one reaching size of a Liger - 10 feet long, 4.5 feet tall and 2.8 feet wide. It was sleeping in a very cute manner. Girls would love this full Florescent green cat with black color strip's all over its body.

It was adorable looking cat.

It was alone. It had no mate around it. Either it's a lone Alpha or a Dying old cat.

Anyway. Vihaan wanted to check how much CE he gained and what's the difference between Outer Peripheral and Inner Peripheral.

Spirit Spear II.

As soon as Vihaan used initiated an attack. The Sleeping Cat immediately jumped out sensing its life was in danger. It went into attacking position like an agile hunter despite its huge figure. It was searching the whole area trying to find the culprit responsible for attacks. It never actually saw the attack but instead its sensed it life was in danger.

Too bad the attack was a Spirit based attack which cannot be sensed by anyone with low Spirit and Vihaan was able to control its skillful like it was natural for him despite not having awakened the control stat. He performed a masterful maneuver and made the Spirit Spear attack the cat again.


MISS Again




4 Spirit Spears all missed their target. The Spirit was unable to catch upto the Agile Cat.

Vihaan Base Agility was 60, with Lightning reflex it rose to 90 and he was inside Earth which directly increased his Agility 100 % to 180 but he was still slower than the Cat. He was missing the cat.

His heart went cold. This was just a Lv- 171 Cat and he was unable to see its movement clearly and He dare to challenge a Level - 556 Assassin.

How stupid of him. Thank God, His danger sense was spot on. He dropped his idiotic idea was content with Rapunzel kill and pulled back or he would have been a corpse.

Back to present.

Vihaan didn't stop. He added more. 9 Spears. The Maximum no. of spears he can use. His spirit was emptied by half.

[ 1056 / 1980 ]

His Spirit Usage was very high. It cost more than 180 Spirit Per Sec for manipulating all the 9 Spear plus it was taxing on his mind as it was very less than his Spirit Stat. This was all accounting the fact that his usage was actually only 50% consumption on its actual cost with the Son Of Earth II

His Spirit Recovery was 19.8 Per Sec. It was doubled to 198 Per Sec since he was inside Earth. All his recovery rate was also boosted by 10 times so he could maintained the attacks for an extended period of time.

The Cat was very Agile and was repeatedly dodged all the Spears. It was like it had an invisible eye. All the attack on it missed.

The Cat was getting annoyed as a pesky fly was irritating it. This was a plus to Vihaan as it started to make mistakes. This shenanigans was going on for a few minutes and the cat was making lots of noise as it jumper around the place trying to dodge the spear.

The Cats were very sensitive to sound so how can they miss the huge commotion raised by the Guardian. It wasn't even few minutes more and more cats gathered around scanning the area trying to find the Assailant. They were all in vain.







The Six High Level beast gathered around the Guarding Cat.


They were irritated at Vihaan and they ere trying to challenge him to come out and fight them head - on

Vihaan smirked. He found a good target to practice his Spirit Spear how can he just let these pesky cats go.

How many beast or animals these cats would have bullied, killed and feasted when they tried to enter Inner Peripheral so he deiced to play with them.

It was one reason another was there was more stronger beast inside the forest. Obviously he cannot enter with his current strength so he decided to go around and bully all the beast like theses cast who are camping on the boundary. There should a lot of cunning species of beast similar to cats here. There was also First Kill bonus which should help him gain a decent amount of CE for his upcoming evolution.

Vihaan : / Add remaining Stat Points to Agility. /

[ Acknowledged ]

[ Agility : 60 -> Agility : 80 ] ( Lighting Reflex Bonus 80*1.5 = 120, Earth Voyage : 180 for 50 % Bonus and 240 for 100 % Bonus )

Vihaan licked his lips. ( It was a terrifying sight since he is a beast )

Vihaan : / Now that they are all gathered here. Lets rise the difficulty /

Freezing Terror.



One more chapter coming out today