Beaten To A Pulp

##### : / Who Dares to kill the people of My Tribe. /

Vihaan was shaken by the voice. It was Beast Tongue. The voice was very aggressive almost making him faint. It was imbued with spirit. It sure surpassed his own Spirit Stat and had a strong suppressing effect. He was struggling to break free of the suppression. It was a something called Stat or Attribute Suppression.

King level and above beast have a special something called Stat Suppression or Attribute which help them suppress other King Level being who have lesser Stat then them. There are other kinds of suppressions like Bloodline, Realm, Element, Aura etc. Of all Stat Suppression is least powerful and easy to break free.

Vihaan was being suppressed to extend that he wanted to run away which was unlike an Empyrean, Titan or a Drake. Another thing here was his mind was being affected. Incase he gives in and submits to the Wild Cat King then he would lose his own Monarch aura which was like Levels above the Wild Cat King. He will lose it and the Wild cat will gain an upgrade to its aura may even initiate a special evolution. This was what the system said that other snake or reptiles will try to kill him or enslave him.

If he was enslaved by a human, he could easily build an army while monster's have it easy they just have to kill a king level or higher being to gain an Unique Title or Special Evolution which could even mutate their bloodline. Unique Title can also be obtained by any race without nay restriction.

Vihaan had unlocked Willpower stat which was very crucial to break free from any sort of suppression applied on him. Too bad that he had no time in understanding his own power or else he could easily counter with his own Monarch Aura which will give him some breaking space or even help him break free of the suppression. It very tiring to even kill just a normal cat now the something more powerful is coming he was in no mood to fight so he immediately decided to ran away but too bad he didn't have the chance.

Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop Plop

- 30 - 40 - 50 +12

- 10 - 60 - 90 +12

- 40 - 30 - 10 +12

- 50 - 20 - 18 +12

- 30 - 40 - 10 +12

- 20 - 23 - 50 +12

Bullet like Spikes made of Earth rained down on him. The odd thing was he recovered the damage immediately. His recovery was very astounding at rate of 12 HP/sec which will rise to 120 if he was inside Earth Voyage. Bullet rained down on him like a machine gun. Vihaan was having a hard time moving out as there was not only Bullet rain. The Roots of the Grass formed a net and prevented him from running away.

Vihaan was made a tank so even with all the damage and suppression he was recovering the damage on spot. He activated the ingenious use of Earth Voyage. His tail alone entered the Earth which gave him an enormous Recovery Rate. His Spirit was also recovering very fast. As he dealt with the Immediately damage he was able to out heal the damage. The Unparalleled Thinking skill worked like a wonder.

Vihaan immediate thought bout his advantage, there was one skill which will help him break out of the suppression of Spirit Stat - Freezing terror. It has a wonder full bonus which boost his spirit by 40 % when used.

Freezing Terror.


Vihaan activated both skill simultaneously. He was already under pressure. Physiologically the Stat Suppression hurt him, he was burning with rage. It wounded is pride and arrogance.

He was a Empyrean

He was a Wyrm who will fly into the skies breaking through the bounds of mortals stepping into the Celestial Realm.

He had Soul of Two half Divinity level Being and one Celestial level being.


Anger, Dominance, Challenge, Will not go down without a fight.

The Undying Will

His anger resonated with the Earth and disrupted the Torrent of Bullet. The Roar, Son of Earth Blessing, Earth manipulation all allowed him to get the situation back to in his hands. Vihaan sent a Disruptive Wave of Ether which successfully broke the Earth Bullet Strom on him.


A Snort was heard. Before he could stabilize he was again hit with an attack.


- 500

- 1000

- 250

Three spears size attacked him. One on his head, one on his body and the last near the tail. He was able to block the attack on the head with his metal horn on his face. Tail was mainly made of Metal Spear which was even able to take on an Full on attack from an assassin with a base attack of 80k so damage was not much. His body was not so lucky.

You have to keep in mind that these damage rate were actually very high considering the fact that he can brush off 30 % damage due to his Resistant Metallic Scales and another 10 % Damage due to his Absorption Metallic Bones. Plus there was also 3 times defense with 7200 in defense.

There was a slight surprise on the attackers face when it saw Vihaan was un injured even with three Earth Spears.


There was an another snort sound.

Vihaan had a bad promotion. His mind was clouded and disoriented with the repeated attacks on him.


6 Earth Spears.

Vihaan immediate focused on his Spirit Sense. Activated 9 of the Spirit Spear and initiated attacks towards the assailant but it was fruitless, Earth manipulation sent a massive 2000 EP Ether wave to disrupted the Earth Spear. The last attack broke the Roots so he was able to move again. His Earth Voyage also gave him a massive Agility Boost.

He immediately willed to move inside the Earth but how could the assailant let him go just like that.

Spirit Attack

Shadow Bind.

Nature Restrain.

Vihaan was still in the area of the Root so they tried to block him his body which was half inside earth with only tail spear out in the surface. He had a hard time planning his escape. His Strength was insufficient. Vihaan was out of options. He was forced to use his last option.

Titan Rage.

Titan Leap.

He used every bit of his last reserve Stamina and EP to unleash Titan Rage which gave him an 20 % Stat Boost. This Time Vihaan aimed to go deeper inside the Earth but he didn't want to go without a bang. The Boost pushed his Agility ( 288 ) and Spirit ( 118.8 normally and 166.32 with Freezing Terror ) to an astounding level.

Vihaan again activated Freezing Terror. This time the King Cat took Hit.

Spirit Spear - 9, All at once attack.


The so called King wailed.

Vihaan was finally out of it clutch. Vihaan gave it a one last look to see how it looked and saw its status before continuing with Titan Leap to dive deep into the Earth.


A Normal Cheetah like build with short and agile body with dark green color fur with black spots covering its body. Its face has three golden gems each one circle smaller from 1 cm dia to .5 cm dia bottom to up on its forehead. Golden Color Eye with tail like Vihaan's bone Tail spear. It looked like a Predator in the Shadows.

It looked all the Normal Wild Cats and Guardian Wild Cats still in feared state. It was expressionless.

The Royal Wild Cast didn't dare look the King all held their head down.

[ Wild Cat King ( Half Step - Unique )

Lv - 224

HP : 13400 / 13400

EP : 5000 / 5000

Spirit : 3500 / 3500

Attack : 16,700

Defense : 3100

Affinity : Shadow, Nature, Life, Earth, Spirit ]

Sher : / Recuperate. Prepare for Pursuit /



There may be some inconsistency in chapter release towards the next week. I some work plus there is a issue going on with me and Webnovel but it will become normal after the week. Please be patient And support the Novel. Thank You