A Defeated Monarch

Unknown Time, Deep inside Earth.

A Majestic dragon like snake with silvery scales with tinge of Green, Yellow and Brown similar to sandshrew from Pokémon formed a natural chainmail armor over the full course of its body. Two pair of horns, One pair of metallic horns coming out of the side of the head like bull ready to ram any obstacles before it. Another pair of majestic demonic horn rose towards the skies. A three point Spear like Tail end.

Metal Empyrean Titan Wyrm was lying in a understand cave curled up. It excluded a dreadful presence but at the same time there was mild sheen covering its body making it blend in the surrounding. It was very easy to miss without proper skill or eyesight. It impossible to even sense it's presence.

- X -

Vihaan's POV


What the fuck is this pain.

Damn, I feel as if I was hit by a train.

Thousands of horse are galloping in my head.

My whole body feels sore.

I think I might have lost more than 30% of Stat and combat capabilities.

My Spirit is broken, Mind and Nervous system numb. I could even move my body.

Geez What the fuck happened.

- X -

Suddenly Vihaan felt a head piercing pain.


His whole body shuddered and twitched continuously for few seconds.


Twitching and shuddering came to a sudden stop. His body was lying on the floor like a dead snake.

Slowly he gained control of his body and regained his movement. He still felt sore even normal movements seem rigid.

Unlike his narcissistic personality. He became unusual calm.

He felt like a defeat Monarch sitting on the throne inside the ruins of his Castle. He ran away from the enemies. He was a failure. He was coward. He was not fit to sit on the throne. His own people disdain him. He was the shame of his own race. Rebels of his own state pierced his heart and his body with thousands of Spear, Sword, Halberds, Axes, Mace and Hammers. He was dying,

All sorts of negative feeling washed over him. His aura was weakening at an alarming phase.

Vihaan didn't do anything to stop it. He was just closed his eyes like a sheep waiting to be slaughtered. This seem to take adverse effect hastening the process of destruction. His Spirit was being drained. His aura was weakening. His powerful oppressive auras seem to be sucked out. His visible lustrous scales dimmed. He seem to be aging very fast.

Everything was happening fast. Death was impending. Vihaan seem lifeless and accepting his fate.

- X -

Sher, The Wild Cat King.

He was over 200 years old. He attained this position because of his Special Evolution and cunningness. Unlike the normal Wild Cats, he was different. He was small, weak body, no strength, couldn't hunt on his own. He was born in the Inner Peripheral. Being a Lv - 1 in Inner peripheral was suicide but being born in a pack of Wild cat gave him a plus which saved him from being left to die. This still didn't stop the others from bullying him and shunning him.

Sher mostly scavenged the remains of the hunt, always being hungry, malnourished and power hungry beast. This also gave him a special advantage. He was more agile than the normal cats. He used his mind more than this agility. he unlocked Cunning stat and Spirit Stat very early in his life which transformed him into a Agility and Spirit based beast. He could said to be the only beast who had evolved with a two stat based evolution in the boundary of the Inner Peripheral.

With his intelligence and power it was a breeze to get the control the Wild Cat Tribe. He had lots of power but it still was not enough to occupy a place towards the inner parts. He and a few intelligent beast formed a Alliance and locked the boundary of the Inner Peripheral and Outer Peripheral. They targeted the young adventures who come to hunt and the young beast who cross into the Inner Peripheral. They either force them to work for them or kill them.

Today when he was coming back from hunt. he was a peculiar beast going against his whole tribe. he wanted to move and subdue it but he decided to wait. He could tell immediate the beast was a new beast crossing the boundary but for a new beast to go against the tribe it was suicide. It was interesting so he kept quiet even at the expense of his tribe member. He was disdained and bullied in his younger days. The tribe was a just a means of power to him he was not overly attached to the tribe.

Sher was interested in the beast because it was also a Spirit beast like him. Its AOE attack was very powerful, not as powerful as him but was powerful enough to incapacitate a large number of beast. He had Spirit Pressure a similar skill but he had to concentrate, practice and control his power to use this skill. It demanded a lot. There was a lot of short coming to his skill and there was huge cooldown but the beast before him repeatedly used its skill. It seem to have a huge reserve of power to supported it consumption.

Within seconds Sher's eye burned with greed. He found this beast to be a King class beast just like him. There was also burning jealousy. A new born beast with Inborn Spirit and Born King Class while he had to toil and struggle to get to this position. He was angry. He determined to kill the beast to gain its Spirit. He was struggling to advance into Unique Tier and this was a heaven sent opportunity for him to advance. He would be a fool to let go of this opportunity. With the Advance he can conquer more territories and gain more resources. He can even gain a seat in the Inner Peripheral.

He had no intention of letting the prey go. Even a cornered rat while bite back. When he was about to subdue the beast it erupted with a final vigor and attack. He never expected to get hurt. he already placed a hidden knife during the time he pressure the beat. It was a trapped beast where ever it goes. Sher can easily sniff out. He was a nightmare to the beast. Without confronting him again the beast can never advance or evolve. If it gives in to the spirit devour then he could kill it with a single thought.


Sher felt like a god. He was in anticipating what kind of beast he will evolve into. The beast seem to have given up. Death was approaching it. There was burning brilliance in its eyes. It was dreaming all the thing he could do with its new found power.

Suddenly the thing or rather the power nor the notification it was expecting came. Instead there was a new voice heard in it head.

##### : / So this is what Defeat feels like?? /

##### : / Defeat means Death /


A Snort was heard

##### : / A mere cat dare to act arrogant before me. /

##### : / I will come for you trash life. Now Fuck off you fucking piece of shit. /

A Domineering Voice heard in its head before it could understand what was happening. It was it with a massive pressure. Its Spirit Devour had a part of its own Spirit. This was a drawback when using this skill but it never would have though the beast which was struggling to withstand its Spirit Pressure skill to counter attack it.

Earlier it was devouring the beast's Spirit now its own spirit was being devour. It felt unimaginable pain. It was experiencing excruciating pain. It lost a part of its Stat. Its lost 10% of its King's Aura. It was dealt with a heavy Spirit Injury. It would take a long time for its reach its peak strength. It was left vulnerable.

Sher felt fear after a long time. It feared the being pushed back to its younger days being unable to even hunt. It feared its own tribe will toss it out. It feared that other tribes on the boundary may take advantage of its situation and attack it and its tribe.

Its mind was sinking into abyss.


Deep inside the Earth.

The Wyrm Opened its eyes with a newfound brilliance.