Unparalleled Thinker ( Part - 1 )


Since I was not able to release Chapters daily this week. Next week we are doing a Mass Release. A Minimum of 5 Chapter with added One Extra Chapter for every 30 PS this week and next week.

5 Chapters + 1 ( Per 30 PS )

Release Date : 13 / 11/ 2020

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A Few Moments ago.

Vihaan was finding it hard to even think. There was lot of information and memories rushing inside his head. His mind was disorientated and his body felt sore. He felt as if he was dying inside. Now with the extra set of memories flushing inside his head, it only mad the situation more worse.

Vihaan didn't even have time to go thorough and organize his memories. Suddenly there was another presence in his mind, something was invading his spirit and mind. He wanted look what it was but immediately he felt an immense regret, mourning, grief, sadness and pain washing over him. His mind was sucked into a different plane. He couldn't even register what's happening to him.

He looked like a Monarch but things were different was he was a defeated monarch. His life was filled with misery. His own people revolted against him. His own family plotted against him. He was betrayed in the battlefield. He ran away from battlefield with wounds and grief. He was heartbroken, injured was juts moments was from death. He retuned to his castle to only see it ruins.

He crawled his way inside the ruined castle. He sat on the throne defeated. He saw the empire for whom he worked for, rising arms against him. The scene flashed. He couldn't even do anything.

Thousands of weapons struck him. He watched helplessly as people close to him struck his body with mocking, sneer, greed and betrayal. Tears ran down his cheeks.

There was no anger. He couldn't get angry. It like he was missing that emotion. he could only feel pain and betrayal. His mind was being broken.

Vihaan watched helpless as everything happened. He was on the verge of breaking and giving up. Everything was filled misery but..

His lips curled into a mocking smile.

Back to the past, Parallel Mind ( Unparalleled Thinker. )

Vihaan watched as his spirit being devoured by something. A Silhouette of Wild Cat King appeared in his mind. It had a Haughty expression on its face as it controlled its spirit and attacked his mind.

Spirit is something special. A Spirit is a force that influences the Will of people. It is not of matter but rather something of Mind, Soul and thoughts.

Right now Vihaan saw another Will manipulating his own spirit and making his spirit dance for its tune. While his spirit was affected his own Will was weakening and was being in pulled into abyss. The Wild Cat King did something nasty and now it was devouring his own spirit. Vihaan can visibly feel his Life force and Spirit being drained by the Cat. He was angry but he didn't know to do. He wanted to know what was happening. He was agitated and tensed but something calmed him down. He cleared his mind.

He turned for help.

Vihaan : / System, What is happening ? /

[ Your Spirit, Life force and Empyrean Monarch Aura is being suppressed by a puny Cat and its slowly killing you. If you don't do anything in another 30 Mins you slowly lose you levels / Cultivation and Die. ]

Vihaan was immediately alarmed.

He was dying?

What the fuck?

Vihaan want to throw tantrum but was it really worth it. He was still able to clearly think. he can still communicate with system. Its seem like he was seeing his own life from a 3rd person view from his own mind. He calmed his mind. As long as he can move he can always turn around any situation.

Vihaan : / How can I see my own body being destroyed ? Did that cat occupy my body ? /

[ Negative, Its your Skill. Unparalleled Thinker ]

[ Skill : Unparalleled Thinker ( Rare )

Enhance thinking by 8 times capacity and Parallel thinking by 4.

Stage : Transformation - Max

Bonus : Maintains a calm mind in face of adversities ]

He found it odd that he himself didn't the skill was capable of something like this. Vihaan read the skill over and over again. this was a passive skill but to his knowledge he never actually used this kill to the fullest potential.

Vihaan calmed down and focused on the skill. It enhanced his thinking capacity by 8 and can think 4 different things at once. Right now it was reduced to 3. one of his mind should be experiencing what the cat was doing. Its like he had four different mind. It was mystical. Vihaan felt regret.

Vihaan found his weakness. he didn't know what he was actually capable of. He was less than 100 days old. He spent 90 days in accumulating. He spent only around 30 or 40 times fighting. Now right after his evolution he was confronted by humans so he stared to run. He hastily decided to run into the Inner Peripheral.

His fist step into Inner Peripheral was obstructed by a simple cat tribe and even they proved a tough fight. He was naïve enough to challenge them then again he again chose to fight instead of thinking about the his exact situation. He had all the information before his eye but still he failed to see or read them properly. To be honest he felt like a dumb idiot.

he had so much potential but the way he used it was like toddler playing with a fucking Rocket launcher. He couldn't lift it. He didn't know what it could do. he didn't even think about what it was capable of.

Vihaan calmed down. This should not discourage him. First he had to look for a way to turn around the situation. he had to think about a clear plan about what to do. He should be more than capable of smacking this shitty cat. But before that he had to understand how this dumb cat was able to bypass the protection of Safe Zone and attack him.

Vihaan : / System, How is the cat attack me inside the Safe Zone ? /

Vihaan : / Shouldn't I be totally safe inside the Safe Zone? /

[ Its not attacking you. Rather its forcing its will on you. You are Empyrean Monarch. You ran away from a fight with a lesser king. It affected your mindset and that puny cat was brave enough to leave a trace of its soul and spirit in your mind. Its more like a beacon to locate your location. ]

[ It shouldn't be able to do more than that but your pathetic situation proved beneficial to it. It is using your vulnerability to devour your spirit and affect your mind. ]

[ Normally System will notify you but this time system decided to test you and see how you face this kind of attacks and situation. ]

[ You will become too much depended on system without actual battel or surrounding awareness. ]

[ System's priority is to make you strong but that doesn't mean you can always depend on system. you should be able to tackle all type of situation ]

Vihaan could see where was system was coming form. He forgot he was a beast. he was inside a terrifying jungle. He had to fight to live. he let his guard too much.

Vihaan : / Status /

[ Name - Vihaan ... Body Tier- 2 Star

( 30 % Stat Reduction Debuff - 29 Days 6 Hours till Recovery )

Lv - 42 CE : 604,000 / 44,000

HP : 1279 / 8400 ( 12,000 )

EP : 16 / 1400 ( 2000 )

Spirit : 222 / 1386 ( 1980 ) ( Broken )

Defense : 5,040 ( 1680 x3 Defense ) ( 7200 )

Attack : 3,486 ( 4980 )

Damage Resistance : 30 %

Damage Absorption : 15 %

Stats :-

Strength : 42 ( 60 )

Agility : 56 ( 80 ) -> 84 ( 120 ) [ Lightening bonus : x1.5 ]

Constitution : 42 ( 60 )

Vitality : 42 ( 60 )

Mind : 35 ( 50 )

Cunning : 35 ( 50 )

Spirit : 69.3 ( 99 )

Willpower : 1

Active Skills : -

Freezing Terror ( Transformation - Max )

Venomous Masticate ( Rank - 1 )

Earth Restrain ( Rank - 1 )

Titan Leap ( Rank - 1 )

Titan Rage ( Rank - 1 )

Shroud ( Rank - 1 )

Earth Voyage ( Rank -1 )

Spirit Sense II ( Transformation - Max )

Spirit Spear II ( Transformation - Max )

Roar ( Rank - 1 )

Passive Skills : -

Lightening Reflex - ( Growth Type )

Novice Assassination ( Rank - 1 )

Appraisal ( Rank - 7 )

Metal Manipulation ( Rank - 1 )

Earth Manipulation ( Rank - 1 )

Metal Creation ( Rank - 1 )

Unparalleled Thinker ( Transformation - Max )

Blessing : -

God Child

Son of Earth II

Stat Points - 0

Skill Points - 20

Trait : -

Infrared Vision ( Not Activated ), Venom Metal Jaws x2, Metal Spear Tail, Absorption Metal Bones, Resistant Metallic Scales.

Evolution Tree ( Possible ) ]

Vihaan : / Fuck, 29 Days ??? What the fuck happened. It should be only one hour /

Vihaan want to ask the system but he refrained. He decided to finish the problem before him then think about everything else.

Vihaan : / I am basically a cripple now but I think I can turn around the situation /

Vihaan : / System, Use the Skill Points on Freezing Terror and Spirit Spear /

[ Negative, Freezing Terror and Spirit Spear are both at the verge of entering to Half Unique Tier, It will require 2 Skill points for each advance. ]

[ Only one Skill can be Upgraded ]

[ Choose Direction of Evolution for Freezing Terror or Spirit Spear II ]