Unparalleled Thinker ( Part - 2 )


Since I was not able to release Chapters daily this week. Next week we are doing a Mass Release. A Minimum of 5 Chapter with added One Extra Chapter for every 30 PS this week and next week.

5 Chapters + 1 ( Per 30 PS )

Release Date : 13 / 11/ 2020

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Thank You.


[ Negative, Freezing Terror and Spirit Spear are both at the verge of entering to Half Unique Tier, It will require 2 Skill points for each advance. ]

[ Only one Skill can be Upgraded if you are looking to bringing it to Transformation Rank ]

[ Choose Direction of Evolution for Freezing Terror or Spirit Spear II for Transformation Rank]

Vihaan had ??? expression all over his face. He immediately saw what's the Tier of his skill. It was only at Elite Tire then how the fuck it is at the verge of entering Half - Unique Tier.

Vihaan : / System both my skills are only at Elite Tier. There is more than 3 sub tiers before it can even enter Unique Tier and What is this Half Unique Tier. /

[ You should know System only wants the best for you. All the skills you have are scaled down versions of atleast Mythical Tier Skills. So each Skill upgrade brings it back closer to its original version. This is the reason why every upgrade jumps one whole tier instead of small changes or sub tier. ]

[ Entering into Unique Tier or even gaining a Unique Tier skill won't be easy. This is where Half Unique Tier comes in. It forms the entry point and foundation for you. ]

[ After Entering Half Unique Tier. Each Advance require 2 Skill points and it's caps at Transformation Rank. For Going gaining or advancing in Unique Tier. It will require your hard work. ]

[ This actually a plus to you, having scaled down version of powers skills. You can work on Skills and develop skills that are more personal and useful to you. This also the reason why there is no Cooldown any of the skill because they are incomplete. ]

[ Unique Tier requires 3 Skill points, Legendary Tier requires 5 skill points, Mythical Tier Requires 7 skill points and so on. ]

Vihaan understood where system was coming from. He didn't know why but he could vaguely remember someone repeatedly saying he must work on Skills above Unique tier and never look for any skill below it. It gave him a sense of nostalgia and reminisce

Right now there are two ways he could proceed. He could either focus on skill and bring it up to Transformation Rank or he could bring bring two Skills to Half - Unique Tier.

Vihaan wanted something powerful, something lethal. At present there was no Lethal Spirit Skill in his arsenal. If he wanted to choose something lethal then he should choose a suitable direction and a suitable skill.

Vihaan thought about his skills and looked towards the Wild Cat King Silhouette. It had greed and haughtiness all over his face. It was treating him like a prey. He was angry but there was something more mystical happening before him.


A wonderful skill. It enhanced his thinking capacity by 8 times while increasing his parallel thinking by 4. Right now due to his Enhanced thinking he was watching the Cat's haughty expression in slow-mo.

Although it was increasing his Mind's Workload. This was indeed a wonderful skill and he was wasting its potential earlier.

Others may thing how can you even miss the working of a passive skill. Its like your focused on something else that you failed to appreciate the beauty before you.

Vihaan was could see how idiotic his earlier decision where. He could also understand why he had Broken Spirit Stat and 30 % Stat Reduction Debuff.

All because his uneven Stat distribution. His Spirit Stat was at 99 and his Agility was the worst out of all which has base of 80 and its increased to 120 with lightening reflex. It in itself was squeezing the most his body could offer then again activation Titan Rage and Earth Voyage broke his body.

His mind State broke through Body - 3 Star while his mind and cunning stat had only barely stepped into Body - 2 Star. The burden his body and mind suffered was to much. This was the reason he was in such a broken stat.

When he evolved into a Wyrm. His small body grew to a humongous size that gave a lot of extra specs and huge body with tripe defense to work with, it basically gave him three times constitution and vitality but it was hidden. His stat being a little uneven wont affect him but what he was extreme. With a constitution of 60, he pulled a which stunt required a minimum of Body - 5 star which was only had Body - 2 Star.

Vihaan shook his head in disappointment, he still had a lot to learn. He had experience in choosing direction of mutation form working with defining custom trait so he immediately prepare to upgrade the skill and kick that pitiful skill's ass.

Vihaan : / Severing and Devouring nature to Spirit Spear. /

Vihaan imagine a spear that is unstoppable, untraceable and unavoidable. It always targets its foe and severs the connection between their spirit, mind and will. It is devours the Spirit of the foe and strengthens itself to further inflict damage on the foe. It also transfers a part of their their spirit to the user for replenishing his spirit and increasing his spirit stat.

[ No Deviance form the actual skill ]

[ Originality of the skill is retained ]

[ Direction and Trait accepted ]

[ Scaling down to fit Half Unique Tier Trait ]

[ Generating Skill... ]

[ Skill : Infinity Severance

A Spear bearing the Will of the Empyrean Monarch. Sevres the Mind, Will and Spirit of Foe. It feeds on their Mind, Will and Spirit to further strengthen itself and inflict heavy damage to the soul.

Power and Effect of the attack depends on the Spirit of the attacker and the attacked foe.


Cost : Full Spirit and EP.

Cooldown : 6 Hours ( Reduces with growth )

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Cost : 500,000 CE and 20 Skill Points ]

[ Confirm ? ]

Vihaan looked at the skill as if he had seen a ghost. Full Spirit and EP means it will literally leave him with empty Spirit and EP. He can only use it if he had full Spirits and EP. He can always fill both Spirit and EP with enough CE but is it really worth it ? He couldn't find the lethality of the skill and it had a huge cooldown. Plus just the cost of upgrading the skill will leave him broken.

Vihaan didn't understand the importance of the skill or its effect but based on system's standard mostly this can be used as a trump card level.

He contemplated a little. He saw it had been 8 minutes in his mind. One minute has passed in the Real World. His overall stat took a huge hit. It got reduced by 1. HIs body can be seem aging rapidly. His lustrous scales were losing. there was a sense of urgency in his mind.

He decided to take the risk.

Vihaan : / Proceed with the skill Upgrade /

[ Acknowledged ]

[ Skill Upgrade - Time Remaining : 5 mins ]

[ Transforming Knowledge... ]

Vihaan kept his calm but his heart was not at ease. His mind was working at 8 times its speed. It was already exhausting nd taxing. Now with the Stat reduction it was more taxing but he couldn't do anything.

The Draining was affecting him more. For each minute he was losing 1 Stat point form all his stats. Already he lost one now another 5 more minute. He will lose another 5 Stat points from all his stats. He had 8 stat out of with one is will power. So 7 stat losing 6 from each is losing 42 stat points as a whole.

It was painful and unbearable. He felt his body burning, mind and spirit breaking and disintegrating slowly but there was nothing he can do other than painful waiting. All the sufferings he was experiencing, he was unwilling, he was angry, he was disappointed. In the end he was responsible for his situation.


Slowly 5 mins came to an end.

[ Congratulation, Infinity Severance Skill Obtained ]


His eyes regained serenity and wisdom but his face betrayed it, there was a evil grin on his face.

Vihaan : / So this is what Defeat feels like?? /

Vihaan : / Defeat means Death /

Vihaan : / Humphh /

Vihaan : / A mere cat dare to act arrogant before me. /

Vihaan : / I will come for you trash life. Now Fuck off you fucking piece of shit. /