Infinity Severance


Since I was not able to release Chapters daily this week. Next week we are doing a Mass Release. A Minimum of 5 Chapter with added One Extra Chapter for every 30 PS this week and next week.

5 Chapters + 1 ( Per 30 PS )

Release Date : 13 / 11/ 2020

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[ Congratulation, Infinity Severance Skill Obtained ]

[ You have prevailed in face of adversity : + 1 Willpower ]

[ Willpower : 2 ]

[ Prerequisite Conditions Met ]

[ New Stat Unlocked : Perception ]

[ Perception : 1 ]

[ 10 Stat Points are required to increase this Stat by 1 ]

Vihaan didn't know what is the requirement to unlock a new stat or even how it was done. This was the fourth time he had unlocked a new stat. Each time it was different. For Cunning it was treachery and manipulative thinking when he played with the Shitty bug Delios. For Spirit, it came with his Evolution. For Willpower it came through enduring pain and pushing through, more like inflicting self harm but he knew that was not the case. For this new Stat, it should be related to his vison of the Infinity Severance.

Each time a stat is unlocked. It is like opening a new door way giving him a myriad of options. Right now his mind was filled with possibilities, creativity, and a new way of using his abilities. He found more of his inadequate use of his arsenal. Now he found how much power he had been given and how he was wasting the System ( God Given Gift Lol ) given gift.

There was serenity and wisdom in his eyes but his head was filled with excitement and expectations. His face showed a evil grin when he thought about making that cat's life miserable.

Vihaan : / Restore Max EP and Spirit /

[ Acknowledged ]

[ Cost : 10000 CE ]

[ Confirm ? ]

Vihaan's eye bulged seeing the CE required for a simple refill is EP and Spirit.

Vihaan : / System are you kidding ? That's same as Killing Level 100 Uncommon Tier monster in Outer Peripheral /

[ Negative, You have grown so the value of things have changed. You should cherish and understand the things you have been, instead of taking things for granted. ]

[ This is just the beginning. Every time you rank up, level up or break the limits the amount you spent will grow accordingly. ]

Vihaan rolled his eyes. he just shook his head in Defeat. He didn't want to argue with the system. he could sense a feeling of dissatisfaction in System.

Vihaan : / Confirm /

[ Deducted : 10000 CE ]

[ Balance : 94,000 CE ]

In the agony and torture of his life force being drained a addictive feeling started to spread inside his body. Vihaan didn't even waste one sec because each second delay he was losing his EP and Spirit.

Vihaan : / Infinity Severance /

As Vihaan actived his ability. A far more draining force sucked him dry of his EP and Spirit.

A Majestic spear started to materialized inside his mind. Pure Silvery black body featuring a monster with 9 heads on the surface of the spear. It was translucent only the head of the spear was materialized. All other parts were hazy but he was able to make out the appearance of the outline of the monster. It had body of dragon but with nine heads. He could feel it emitted its dominance and arrogance. It looked like it would suck soul out of anyone standing before it erasing them out of existence.

Vihaan : / Again Max EP and Spirit /

[ Acknowledged ]

[ Cost : 10000 CE ]

[ Confirm ? ]

Vihaan : / Confirm /

[ Deducted : 10000 CE ]

[ Balance : 84,000 CE ]

He activated the spear with his will. With his new increased Willpower it was easily to add his will to the spear. He controlled the Spear with Spirit and EP.

Sever and Devour.

As soon as The Spear sensed his intention it made its move.


Its movement even affected the fabric of the reality.


The Spear pierced into the forehead of the Haughty Wild Cat King Silhouette. Something magical happened. Its started to drain and devour the Spirit out of the Silhouette. Vihaan had a vague understanding of what was happening. The spear point acted like a black hole. It devoured and severed the Spirit's connection with its original body. It literally teared the spirit apart and fed on it.

Initially Vihaan saw a very small part of spear seems to lit up and use the devoured spirit to materialize its full body but its just the sprit of the cat was not even worth materialize something smaller than the size of rice in the spear body.

Vihaan was surprised. First, the spear used another source trying to materialize itself. Second, he sensed the spear showed dissatisfaction and disdain towards the cat's spirit as if it was beneath its standards to consume this spirit.

As he was thinking about the Spear's unusual activity. The Spear started to transfer pure spirit energy. Its seem to have started to repair his broken spirit.

Vihaan could feel the marvelous effect. The pain and stat reduction debuff seem to have reduced considerably. It went from 30 % to 20 % instantly and still decreasing.

19 %

18 %

17 %


1 %

[ Stat Reduction Debuff Nullified ]

He felt a qualitative change in his spirit. His own aura seem to be underdoing a change. It didn't stop there. His Spirit which lost 6 Stats seem to be rising slowly. Vihaan turned to look at the cat silhouette. It was almost fully devoured. It was in its last leg. Now he urged the cat to last a few more minutes. He prayed to a god for its survival ( god knows which go he was praying to... )

[ + 0.1 Spirit ]

[ + 0.1 Spirit ]

[ + 0.1 Spirit ]

[ + 0.1 Spirit ]


[ Spirit : 96 ]

The Cat's Spirit was fully devoured.

Vihaan was disappointed. He had an urge to go up and use his new skill on its real body but then again he would be a idiot to act on his impulse.

Although it was not productive gaining a mere 3 Stats in Spirit for losing 39 Stats in total. He had to console himself that this New skill and Debuff nullification with repaired Spirit is enough for him.

In reality, it was actually true. He had his Spirit Broken, had a Stat reduction Debuff for 30 days and lost a large portion of his strength coupled with the Debuff. If not for his skill he had no idea how or what he would do for the next 30 days with his strengthen practically crippled.

Either he had to go back to Outer Peripheral or Sit tight inside Safe Zone till his reserves run out or wake up Neradai to ask her to go hunt. There was also the problem of that cat who was literally sucking his life force dry.

It could be said he turned his misfortune into a jackpot but he could have done this without going through all the hassle and beat down. It was his mistake and it proved a valuable lesson.

[ Quest : Find a way out of Predicament - Completed ]

[ Reward : 22 Stat points ]

[ Quest : Destroy the Cat Spirit on your own - Completed ]

[ Reward : Half - Unique Tier Skill Upgrade ]

Just as Vihaan was contemplating how to make best use of the situation and his next course of action. He was greeted with a few rows of pleasant notification.

It is true his endeavors where not were in vain.

He lost 6 Stat points in each of his Stat. The Stats which took heavy hits were Mind and Cunning Stats. They only had 50 points. The drain affected his foundation. Vihaan immediately decided to repair his foundation. If he had even a tiny bit of brain in his head. he could clearly see th plain reason the system was generous enough to give him 22 Stat points just sufficient enough to repair his foundation. Incase he used it for Stats then he can be sure that his relation with system would worsen.

He didn't why but system was not content or satisfied with his performance. This was the reason why he was force to think a way to fend for himself.

Vihaan : / Add 11 Stats to Mind and Cunning Each /

[ Acknowledged ]

[ Mind : 44 -> 49(5) -> Mind : 50 ]

[ Cunning : 44 -> 49(5) -> Cunning : 50 ]

Vihaan breathed in relief that he had again reached Body - 2 Star. He turned his attention to Infinity Severance which was now floating before him. The Spear was very beautiful and majestic even in its translucent state.

It was really odd. he could clearly remember there was no such thing or rather it was impossible for an skill to have sentiment. It was definitely impossible for it to retain its shape and form after he had attacked and stopped supplying it with Spirit and EP.

But Infinity Severance before him told him otherwise.

Vihaan was intrigued by this anomaly. he wanted to know the secrets of this spear.

He tried to interact with it.


Vihaan : / What the... /


Next Chapter is the Marks the end of this ARC - III : My Happy life is a Hoax.

A New Arc incoming get ready to glimpse upon the Life in Inner Peripheral and Civilization in Planet Ennea.