Fortune Or Misfortune


Since I was not able to release Chapters daily this week. Next week we are doing a Mass Release. A Minimum of 5 Chapter with added One Extra Chapter for every 30 PS this week and next week.

5 Chapters + 1 ( Per 30 PS )

Release Date : 13 / 11/ 2020

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Infinity Severance reacted to his probing and immediately forced its way into his mind.


Vihaan : What the...

He was not even able to react. He was sucked into something or rather his conscious was sucked.

Vihaan was standing in a dark forest. All the Plants, Sky, Earth everything had a tinge black color in it. It looked like darker version of amazon forest.

A youth looking like he was in early twenties war floating in the air. It was not a rare sight, infact its just manipulation of Ether around him but the youth in question was peculiar.

He looked like an anemic person, pale white skin, Jet black hair, Dark Circles around his eyes, His veins unlike human had black blood running through him. He only wore a lose pant made black leather. He didn't wear any top. It showed his perfectly chiseled Greek God like body.

While he was looking at the young guy. He suddenly started to say something. It was something Vihaan was very familiar with.

[ Heavens Will is a shackle ]

[ To go against Heaven's is Every Cultivator's Dream. ]

[ To strike them down is the way of the Heaven's ]

[ Why go against the Heaven's ? ]

[ Become one with Heaven's ]

[ Become the Will ]

Vihaan was very surprised. the same words he heard when System transferred him Heavenly Breath Realization Technique.

Vihaan immediately became attentive. The thirst for knowledge is something irresistible.

The surroundings seem to blend and accept the youth's will. It was mystical feeling. Vihaan could feel the Ether, Life Force and Spirit from the plants were being transferred toward him. He was not sufferings any backlash or any pain from trying to replace the will pf the heaven with his own.

He didn't knw how the youth did it but the version he was using seem to be very different from his onw. It also enabled him to control all Spirit, Ether and Life Force unlike him.

The Youth before him opened his eyes and look at him. It gave him Vihaan a freight. Just a casual gaze gave Vihaan a feeling as if he was looking a burning star. The gaze had a scorching on him. It was painful but oddly the youth smiled at him.

Vihaan didn't know how he came here but he knew this was not his real body. As Vihaan was trying to get out of here. Something unexpected happened.


His spirit seem to have started to practice Heavenly Breath Realization Technique on its own. his Spirit was being cleansed by nature. His soul was accepted by the nature. Unlike his earlier crude method of forcing his own will to blend with the nature. Now the Nature was taking initiative to wash over him.

It gave Vihaan a idea of how to act in Harmony with nature. Vihaan closed his eyes and sat down to bath in this intoxicating feeling.

The Youth who Vihaan smiled with gentle gaze.

##### : Use the gift wisely

##### : Keep him safe.

The space around seem to warp a 9 feet, 3 inch dia spear materialized. It was shining with black brilliance. The Spear shuddered a little as if it was caught red handed.


After Unknow time.

Vihaan slowly opened his eyes. He looked around to see he was still in the underground cave.

Ding ~

[ Heavenly Breath Realization Technique - Level 1 - Max ]

[ Spirit : 101 ]

[ Quest : Harmonizing - Completed ]

[ Reward : Heavenly Breath Realization Technique - Level 2 ]

[ Quest : Broken Shackles - Competed ]

[ Reward : Spirit Sense -> Spirit Domain ]

Vihaan : Cool

Vihaan immediately saw what the Level 2 of Heavenly Breath Realization Technique.

It was the next part after Spirit Cleansing, Ether tempering. sadly it can only practiced at Level - 180. It used to temper his foundation. Using this technique its possible to enter directly into level 201 after reaching 199. Still it was a good Technique. Building a good foundation was important so he didn't bother to much. Vihaan turned his eye towards the Spirit Domain.

[ Skill : Spirit Domain ( Half Unique Tier )

Prerequisite : Heavenly Breath Realization Technique - Harmonizing.

Absolute control of all the Spirit with your Spirit Domain - Range : 101 m

Spirit Sense - Range : 2020 m

Stage : Transformation - Max

Bonus : Danger Sense ]

Vihaan : Wtf, this skill is already in Transformation rank, right from the start.

Vihaan activated his skill unlike his earlier skill juts thinking of activating skill didn't do shit. He had to set his mind in optimal state then enter mediation to harmonize with the nature then only he can use Spirit Domain

In amidst the battle trying to use the skill is suicide. Atleast not till he can instantly harmonize.

Vihaan sighed in Defeat. He was content atleast he could use Spirit Sense. He had to put in effort to reduce the time required for harmonizing.

Vihaan : I kind of miss goofing of with Neradai. May be I will try to get Shapeshifting skill and explore the City. It would be nice right?

Vihaan : Well it's good I actually think about vacation. I want to feel how going back to civilization actually feels like. I can also take some time to strengthen my foundation without the threat of the jungle.

Vihaan : hmmm

Vihaan : System, How much for a Shapeshifting Skill.

[ ... ]

[ Emergency Quest : Fortune or Misfortune

Reach the Location shown in the Map.

React and adapt to the situation. ]

[ Reward : Humanoid Transformation skill ]

[ Time Limit : 30 Mins ]

[ Penalty : Failure to reach the location in 30 mins - One Random Skill will be Taken away ( Can Never be bought or obtained again ) ]

[ Congratulations, You have obtained Thought Projection Skill. ]

Vihaan was shaken.

Vihaan : What the fuck is wrong with you System.

Vihaan : ???

To his horror, There was no reply. Only a notification flashed.

[ Time Remaining : 29 Mins 59 Secs ]

Vihaan : Fuck My Life

Vihaan had a feeling that this quest is dangerous but at the same time the penalty was very harsh. In case he lost Freezing Terror or Infinity Severance it will be irreplaceable loss.

Vihaan gritted his teeth and went prepared to go out. He actually didn't have any time to think about anything. Still Vihaan focused on Unparalleled Thinker and activated it.

The locations was actually very close to this place only 15 kms. He didn't have time to worry about the cat or cat tribe. He had to reach the place but there no option forcing him to confront anything only react and adapt. It made his heart lighter a little.


Vihaan reached the place within 10 mins but what waited there was pure horror.

Vihaan : WTF, Seriously System.


Vihaan saw two humans waiting for him and one of them was a Transcendent Realm Expert.

[ Name : Alfred

Cultivation : 9 - Organ Transformation Realm - Stage 8 ]

[ Name : Luther

Cultivation : Star Forming Realm - Stage 9 ]


ARC - III : My Happy life is a Hoax.