Fated Encounter ???


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Last Week : 44 PS

This Week : 17 PS ( As of Now )

Total : 7 Chapters

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Release Date : 13 / 11/ 2020

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ARV - IV : ???

Somewhere Else, After the Battle with Savage Vulture.

Luther : The Beast, It went towards the Inner Peripheral.

Alfred was beginning to take a liking to the beast. He was excited to see how the beast will attack, Its nature but when he heard the beast was leaving he was crestfallen.

Luther : Do you want to follow and study its behavior. May be we can talk with it. It seem to understand our speech.

Immediately Alfred mood brightening.

Alfred : Lets move.


Luther was using the his Spirit Sense to snuff out the beast. The beast has a faint presence. It's presence suddenly vanishes

It comes and goes as it pleases.

Its a ghost, very hard to track.

It took a few hours before Luther was able to see it's tracks.

To a Transcendent Realm Expert it's not hard to find a Mortal Realm beast but still this beast was playing with him. All it doesn't leave any track on the surface. Its hard to use Spirit Sense to penetrate inside Earth. There's also no track. Unless they catch the beast right when it comes out or if they follow behind it closely. Its almost impossible for them to get to it.

Even now Luther found its tracks because it was on the surface.

Luther : Young Master, Found the beast. It's on the boundary of Inner and Outer Peripheral.

Alfred's eye showed excitement and enthusiasm.

Alfred : Let's Go.


Another hour later.

The Duo reached the boundary.

Luther already found a massive disturbance in spirit around the area. The beast was not on the surface but it was attacking a horde of Wild Cats from inside the Earth.

He found it odd. By his knowledge the beast should not be powerful enough to go against a Horde of Wild Cats having numbers over 100. Still he didn't open his mouth and say anything to Alfred. He wanted him to assess the situation.

As they moved closer and closer Alfred also found the massive disturbance in Spirit.

He knitted his eyebrows.

Soon they reached within 500 m of the beast. Luther waved his hand and concealed them. He didn't want any unnecessary attention.

For a cultivator of 9 - Organ Transformation Realm it was not impossible to have his eyes enhanced. Some cultivators could even gain traits similar to beast. It's a wonderful sensation. To transform and break through the shackle of mortal body and reforging it. Every Stage in the Realm denotes a transformation of one organ in the body. At 9 stage all the organs form an Ether Array Establishing an Formation inside the body. It different for each person...

The wonders of cultivation - The 9 Organ Transformation Realm, it's a topic for another time.


Back to Alfred

It was not hard for him to see what was happening there. To be honest with himself. The Scene happening before him was a masterpiece. He can also do the same but the thing is he is a 9 Organ Transformation Realm Expert comparable to someone of Level 560 and his combat powers reach a height of Level 750 - Level 800 which is roughly equal to a Peak Muscle and Tendon Transformation Expert. That is one whole minor Realm Difference.

Even that he can only take may be two or three Peak Muscle and Tendon Transformation but that they have to pay a price.

The Beast before him should only be around 80 or 90 as per Luther and his one observation. Its taking on the tribe of over 100 is like Alfred going against 100 Muscle and tendon transformation level Expert. Its pure suicide.

The Kill on Rapunzel was not a worthy to even mention as unlike beast, humans have no natural armor or any king of resistance atleast it true for those people who follow Leveling system. they are like paper pitted against a scissor. Rapunzel in particular was a odd ball who has sex to cultivate has lot of endurance and vitality but no defense.

Her Body can be considered to be elastic in nature and The beast teeth were like scissor easily cutting through it. Infact that is where his interest on the beast peaked.

It was impossible for ordinary teeth or beast to cut through her body like butter. Let alone cut, the beast snapped her head off like killing a chicken.

He though the beast was a Inborn Spirit but the brute and sheer physical strength with a sharp scissor like teeth told him otherwise.

The Beast was filled mystery around it. The more mysterious the beast is the more interesting it was for him.

Although he was only 14 years old. Being a Noble was not easy as people think. Infact his real identity was more mysterious. Is it really possible for a noble to employ a Transcendent Realm Expert to be a nanny for a Kid in a world where Peak Transcendent Realm and Half Immortal Realm Experts are Standing at the Top of the world. Immortal Realm Experts are Trump Cards and Guardians of Millions of Years Old Dynasties and Sects.

Alfred had venture deep into the Forest of Alepou. He had even seen Transcendent Realm Beast. He had tried getting Ascension Realm beast to be his contracted beast but All those beast have High Level of Intelligence and would rather die than being a contracted beast of Mortal Realm Kid.

Although those beast were strong they had a Strong Ego and Arrogance. If Luther forced them into being his Contracted beast there will be a heavy Backlash on Alfred. He could even die.

Having contracted beast is like Double Edged Sword. If they are loyal and powerful it directly enhanced their power but if they have even a slightest bit of malice towards you. It's possible for the contacted beast to turn against the host at crucial moment.

Both Alfred and Luther watched the new born beast manipulate and take on whole tribe of beast all atleast twice as powerful as it. It was making their blood boil. The Way it proceeded. It's raw strength. It's timed manipulation of Spirit attack to keep all the beast Incapacitated. It's Ruthless attacks on Vulnerable Parts. The Wisdom behind every attack and planning.

Manipulating Earth to form chains to suffocate the beast.

They didn't notice it first but Luther pointed it out.

It was also capable of using venom. Just thinking about the future potential of this beast made them shudder. Luther even had an impulse to kill this beast. It's a Menace to the human race. As long as there was no Transcendent Realm or Peak Ascension Realm Beast protecting it. He could kill it with easy.

He was two hearted because this kind of powerful and intelligent beast cannot appear in the Outer Peripheral. It's an anomaly. He wanted to investigate this issue.

The Battle got more heated as the Wild Cat King appeared.

Alfred really liked this beast. He didn't want it to die.

Alfred : Uncle, Save it. If it's really dying.

Luther was surprised but he expected it. He could clearly sense. If Alfred could obtain the recognition of the beast and help it grew. It possible to crush everything. Luther had a meaningful smile on his face.

The Struggle was real. The Spirit Tug of War was intense. The Beast didn't even slow down once. It fiercely countered a King, An Actual King.

The Cat had a playful behavior as if it was playing with its prey.

Alfred was anxious but Luther on the other hand shook his head.

The Next Scene Both Luther and Alfred's Jaw dropped to the Earth. They saw the beast who was struggling to counter unleash a devastating Spirit Attack on the Wild Cat King.

It escaped.

It escaped and counter attacked.


Alfred's eyes showed with brilliance. This beast is a Bad Omen. He can Sense it but if he was able to gain it's support. It was all worth the price.

Alfred : Uncle, I want that Beast.

Luther on the other hand shook his head.

Luther : Guess it's all Fate.