History In Making ( Part - I )


This Week, We are doing a Mass Release. A Minimum of 5 Chapter with added One Extra Chapter for every 30 PS.

5 Chapters + 1 ( Per 30 PS )

Last Week : 44 PS

This Week : 29 PS ( As of Now )

Total : 7 Chapters

If I am not able to released 7 chapters on 13 / 11 / 2020. Daily 2 chapters will be released till all the extra chapters are released.

Release Date : 13 / 11/ 2020

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Alfred's eyes showed with brilliance. This beast is a Bad Omen. He can sense it but if he was able to gain it's support. It was all worth the price.

Alfred : Uncle, I want that Beast.

Luther on the other hand shook his head.

Luther : Guess it's all Fate.

The Beast went into hiding. It went inside Earth. Within few seconds the tracks of the beast vanished as if it was never there.

Luther Knitted his eyebrows. he knew how hard it will be to track it again but young master already decided to own it so he couldn't shrink back form responsibility. He was distracted in his thoughts that he missed his chance to place a spirit mark on the beast. Although he was a Transcendent realm expert. The danger level her almost nil. The real identity of Alfred was buried deep it was impossible for anyone to find it.

It might be seen as his negligence and carelessness that he missed a puny Mortal realm Expert but the fact is to a Transcendent Realm expert the feeling is different. To a human, anyone could easily miss an ant inside the garden if they don't keep their eyes peeled. Its easy to keep an eye on a rat or a cat or may be even a bird but an ant. You could easily miss it and you don't even have to begin to talk about Vihaan. He has many concealment skills but important of all he has The Plot Armor ( LOL - Gottcha.. )


8 Hours Later.

Luther have been searching for the beast for more than 7 hours. He literally turned the boundary upside down trying to locate the beast but he was not even able to find a slightest clue where the beast was.

Alfred was getting anxious but it brought him nowhere.

Luther considered the possibility of the beast going inside Inner Peripheral but with a defeat even before entering Inner Peripheral would definitely act as a set back. With its intelligence it would definitely avoid going inside the Inner Peripheral atleast not before extraction revenge.

Luther also consider the possibility of the beast being injured. If so then by all means he had to find the beast. Injured beast are more likely to accept the contract and open to vulnerabilities. Its a treasure trove.

Another 2 hours passed.

Luther and Alfred were back to the point where they started.

Luther noticed something odd. The Wild Cat King seem to be injured. It was suffering from somekind of Spirit Injury. The injury was not there when they left a few hours ago.

Few hours ago The Wild Cat King was still arrogant and haughty arranging and mobilizing the Cat tribe for pursuing the Beast. Luther saw greed and excitement in its eyes. Luther was clearly aware what the cat was intending to do but it was going to fail. Still the cat is still has its uses.

Luther came back here in hope that this Cat might have a way to track the beast but to his surprise The Wild Cat King before him is vastly different from what he saw a few hours ago.

He could remember that no fighting happened in the last 10 hours. He searching the boundary like a hawk so it was impossible for him to miss something like a fight between a king and an assailant or a massive disturbance in spirit around the boundary. These beasts use Spirit in a crude way so its impossible for something as huge as a Crude Spirit attack large enough to injure the Cat.

The Wild Cat King had a Heavy Spirit injury. It was afraid of something. It is putting on a façade to fool the Wild Cat Tribe. All though it was unlikely the beast to gain immense power within 10 hours and it came back for revenge.

The Beast and The Wild Cat King fought in which the Cat was injured heavily. It also lost 10 % of its Kingly aura and Luther who was searching for the beast seem to have missed it by chance.

Although this seem to be a far stretched story. There was no other explanation available for explaining what's happening before him.

Luther was distracted with his thoughts so he didn't notice earlier but just as he was about to move. He notice something peculiar.

He saw the beast which he as searching for, for the last few hours standing before Alfred.

Luther : What in the Name of God is happening here.

Alfred was left speechless seeing the beast came to him.


Vihaan who left the underground cave 30 mins came face to face with two humans. There was no pressure on them. If anyone saw these two people they would surely mistake them for some misled guest from a conference.

One teenage kid with a Purple Tuxedo while other was a middle-aged man with a butler suit. They seem like nobles but the problem was they were in the Inner Peripheral of the Forbidden Grass Lands. It was an Odd sight.

But to Vihaan it was death sentence because He was able to see what others could not.

[ Name : Alfred

Cultivation : 9 - Organ Transformation Realm - Stage 8 ]

[ Name : Luther

Cultivation : Star Forming Realm - Stage 9 ]

Although the status bar before him was different from what he saw from the Savage Vulture Party. It still didn't change the fact that one Human was comparable to Lv 560 while other was not in Motral Realm or Ascension realm. He already learned about all the cultivation till the peak of Ascension Realm.

Mortal realm is Divided into 5 Minor Realm and One Transformation Realm

Body Tempering Realm - Lv 1 to Lv 200

Blood Cleansing Realm - Lv 201 to Lv 400

9 - Organ Transformation Realm - Lv 401 to Lv 600

Muscle and Tendon Transformation Realm - Lv 601 to Lv 800

Body Forging Realm - Lv 801 to Lv 999

and Finally

Body Transformation Realm or Half Ascension Realm - LV 1000

Ascension Realm is also divided into 5 Minor Realm and one Transformation Realm

Foundation Establishment Realm

Core Formation Realm

Core Shrinking Realm

Revolving Core Realm

Core Transformation Realm

and Finally

Half Transcendent Realm.

This strikes off both Motral Realm and Ascension Realm. Anything above makes no difference. Even later stages of Mortal Realm could kill him with ease. Let alone Ascension realm but now he was facing an unknow entity which can kill him with a single thought.

It was frustrating.

He was powerless before this person. His mind was falling into abyss. He wanted struggle. He wanted to run away.

If Vihaan had a Humanoid figure, you could clearly see his legs getting all wobbly and shuddering.

His body stopped responding. All his thoughts were focused on how to run away from this Unsalvageable Situation.

Vihaan felt like an idiot. Why the fuck did have to reach this place above surface. If he had planned and thought about the situation. He could have properly assessed situation and then made surfaced.


Alfred's Eyes shone with brilliance. He looked at the beast. It excluded a majestic aura but Alfred could feel it's fear seeing Luther. This made his eye shone brighter.

Luther suppressed his aura to negligible Level. Any person seeing him for the first time will definitely think Alfred is just a rich kid who is cocky enough to have a butler with him.

No one below Transcendent Realm can tell the difference.

This Beast was able to Sense Luther's Danger. This alone could signify the beast's Intelligence and Danger Perception.


Luther was dumbfound. He can clearly see fear in the beast's eye. It's impossible to any one below Transcendent Realm to even guess his realm without the help of artifact or formation. He didn't emit any Murderous Intent or any aura.

But Luther was happy. If this beast knew the consequence with its Intelligence. It would definitely be a piece of cake to subdue it.


Just as both Alfred and Luther were thinking that The Beast was in the bag. Something Unimaginable Happened.