History In Making ( Part - 2 )




Inability to Cope



All sorts of emotions brewed inside him. Vihaan's mind feel into a chaotic state. By seeing the Greed in the young kid's eyes he knew whatever is going to happen today was definitely not in his favor.

Vihaan didn't notice, His own skill bonus - calm in face of advertising was not working. He couldn't even think straight. There was no system support. At this moment, it was all on him.

The Stress, The Arrogance, The Pride, The Rage were building up, everything was left unchecked. All his power's were like tides totally uncontrollable and unpredictable.

Deep inside his brain. A Memory which was buried and hazy retraced again. Last time he tried to see this was when he was evolving, He obtained a lot of memories a few times when he was faced with adversities but everything was locked away. The image on the Infinity Severance invoked his thoughts.

Now the pressure final broke the balance.


An Explosion happened inside Vihaan's brain. The Hazy memory resurfaced. This time it was craved perfectly in his memory.

He will never forget this scene.

Unknown to him the Skill Unparalleled Thinker started to work on its own. His mind started to process at 8 times the normal thinking speed.


Vihaan was inside a White Space. It was only White.

A Black hole like vortex broke the serenity of the while space

A Huge Creature of unknown origin warped the reality and broke the space to come into a White Space.

It was very huge. He felt like an ant before this creature. Too Huge, he was not even able to see what the creature it was.

Vihaan hand a odd feeling as if he had experienced this already. It seem like this was his own memory but he didn't know when it had happened.

There was other people's in the White room similar to the size of the Creature but it was cut off. He couldn't focus on anything other than

Vihaan was seeing things from 1st Person POV.

It was a odd feeling.

He was suddenly pulled near the face of the beast.

Vihaan was shocked. The Creature had 9 Heads. It was fucking hydra.


Vihaan didn't have time to understand he was transported to another space.

Now he was sitting on a small tea table. he was in a beautiful garden. there were two people sitting before. One is the same person whom he saw practicing Heavenly Breath Realization Technique exile the other. Its funny the whole presence seem hazy he couldn't point who this was or understand he was.

They seem to be talking something but he couldn't understand or anything atleast until now. Then

#### : ... Starts with Your Death


#### : You will start from the bottom as part of my household. The further you grow. You will awaken my bloodline and my powers then followed by others.

#### : We are part of you. We are always in you. As much as We are part of you. You are have always been a part of something bigger. Always, Forever...


[ You have awakened... ]

Vihaan didn't notice the notification.

Vihaan felt something inside him click. He didn't quite understand what the person was saying but he infer this must be related to his past life.

He could vaguely understand there was many things that have yet to unlock. There was something of deal between him and those Creatures.

Right now he bears the bloodline of the Black Robe Person or Rather the Hydra. He is part of something bigger. He felt disdain towards himself for losing his mind and will facing just an entry level Transcendent Realm Human.

He was reluctant to even call Transcendent Realm Human an Expert. His is just a Star Forming Realm Stage 9 Human. There is Star Nurturing Realm, Star Refining Realm, Law Interpretation Realm, Law Condensing Realm and Finally Half Immortal Realm.

One has to enter Immortal Realm before they can be called an Expert.

Right now he was powerless, only a small Wyrm beast at 42 level roughly equals to a Stage 2 Body Tempering Realm but he was an Empyrean Monarch.

Vihaan was able perceive what that word meant. What kind of power that being an Empyrean Monarch Represents. His earlier defeat towards the Cat was a humiliation. It tainted his lineage, He had to wash away the stain with the blood of that cat to regain his honor and Lineage.

Vihaan unknowingly adopted an aristocratic behaviors which was alien to him.

Fear? Towards this mere Transcendent Realm Human ?

Shame on Me.

First of all, Have things really progressed to the stage where he is unable to do anything ?


It was just his weak mind was playing tricks on him.

He regained his composure. He unleased his Empyrean Monarch Aura. He learned it automatically after assimilating a portion the memory. There was a lot of thing he learned that he have yet to explore.

This is a fortune.

He can use these Humans for his benefits.

What can they do to him. He has Safe Zone. Yes, Earlier he was attacked by the cat but it was test and he obtained plentiful bounties for it.

Now this is also a Mission.

System initiated this mission, there must be a reason behind it. Even earlier when he was attacked by the Wild Cat King. System only said you will die, never said that it will let me die. He had unprecedented trust towards the system after experiencing the memory.

If this was before he would probably thought system wants him dead but now he was sure System was there to help him attain his goals which he himself set for him.

Although he now had no recollection of what his past life wanted. He had a goal to be reborn. He signed a contract. He must finish it and then he was free to do what he wants with his life.

Vihaan : Initiate Safe Zone.

[ Acknowledged ]

Vihaan was Safe. He was back in his comfort zone. He can negotiate with them. What they want. Why system initiated this mission.

System gave him a brief hint. Adapt and React to the situation. He was put in such a situation because he asked for a safe place to grew, a way to infiltrate inside human civilization. A Shapeshifting Skills.

In any world, there is no free lunch. You had to earn what you eat.

Since he wanted a safe heaven. System gave him the mission.

Worst comes to worst, He can stay inside the Safe Zone. There are about 30 Corpses of Weasel inside his Living Space Matrix. He had the Common Wild Cat carcass which he killed before encountering the Wild Cat King.

All these should be sufficient for him to keep him alive for atleast 2 months. He had 84K CE which can be used to exchange for food and that should sustain him for a long time. If that's also no enough. He can use CE to Create a Second Safe Zone form a path of Safe Zone and move inside Earth getting away from his eyes.

To be blunt. He was never in danger. It's just an illusion.

Now it's time to put his Cunning stat to use.

Vihaan regained his composure put on his poker face and stared back at the duo.

Let's milk these two cash cows.

Vihaan snorted at the duo. Did they really think I was a easy prey. And this puny kid. He dared to turn his Greedy face towards me.

I will fucking milk you dry.


Alfred and Luther were dumbfound. Just few seconds ago the beast was covering like a coward. But now it exclude a majestic aura. It far surpasses any king or emperor they had came in contact with. It even put Alfred's bloodline to test. he was feeling a slight pressure. Because the level difference and his own Bloodline he was able to shake it off. Incase he was of same Level.

Alfred was sure he would be on the ground worshipping this beast.

The Duo started at each other and then at the Vihaan. they were now doubting reality whether is this really the same beast.

It turned into a Stare Down.