History In Making ( Part - 3 ) - Prelude to War

Happy Diwali Folks


An Intense Stare Down competition was taking place.

First person to speak loses.

Alfred and Luther were at lose. They didn't expect the situation to turn like this. However Luther instantly regained his composure.

He unleashed his Aura. He want to confirm his guesses. How can a beast which was shuddering one second ago instead turn calm and composed exerting a majestic aura.

A Change can happen but not like this.

There was no change in his the Vihaan's face. He had a mocking look on his face.

Luther seem to provoked by the gesture of Vihaan. He started to unleash his aura fully. He was not going to let this slide. Plus the beast had a unique disposition, its like a chalice of mystery. the more you know about the beast more you feel mysterious about it.

Vihaan disdained Transcendent Realm Expert. Trying to pressure him with a puny pressure when he was inside the Safe Zone. After experiencing power of gods, Transcendence seem like a kid play to him but that doesn't mean Transcendent Realm Experts are weak. Infact if not for the Safe Zone. He would have been crushed by the sheer pressure released

A Heavy pressure started to weigh down on the surroundings. It was concentrated on the Vihaan but still all the beast and planets felt a suffocating pressure press down on them.

It was unbearable.



Some weaker monsters from the Outer Peripheral fell down like broken straws but they never woke up.


Death by sheer pressure.

On this day thousands and thousands of Beast died in and around the boundary of Inner and Outer Peripheral.

Some powerful and smart beast ran away from the place at the start itself but many where not fortunate as smart beast.

This also opened a hole in the Boundary Alliance. Opening a way for beast from Outer Peripheral to Inner Peripheral but unfortunately no one should be to use it. The place was filled with dead carcass. Due the sheer number of death. A scent of death lingered in the air which terrified and scared away all the beast.

The Eco System was heavily damaged.

Many Tribes and Spices perished all together with no beast to carry their lineage.

All this happened because a Transcendent Realm Expert decide to test Vihaan.

The Consequence ???

It will happen in near future.

Vihaan snorted.

He was gloating over the fact, this idiot just brought a disaster himself which saved him a lot time. he is going to be safe with or without any intervention.

Vihaan felt like an idiot thinking about how he reacted and feared to deal with this idiot.

Vihaan used Thought Projection Skill which he obtained just a few minutes ago.

His thoughts were directly project in Mozhi Language.

Vihaan : Go and play somewhere else. A Transcendent Realm Star Forming Stage 9 idiot exerting his pressure in the Outer Peripheral of The Forest of Alepou?

Vihaan : Are you fool ? Dare to invoke the Wrath of the Immortal Alepou ?

Vihaan : Seems like Humans have forgotten the Contract.

Vihaan : I really wonder what's going to be the consequences.


Vihaan already knew about the agreement between Forest of Alepou and Two empires & The Federation.

It's forbidden for high level humans or Demi Humans to exert their power and hunt lower level beast if they dare to do it. Then they will face the Wrath of the Immortal Alepou who is said to more powerful than all the three ancestors of the Federation and Empire combined.

( Follow up info will be added in the following chapters )

Luther's jaw dropped to the ground. He was surprised seeing the beast talk with them. It definitely didn't talk with Savage Vultures.

He was more surprised that the beast spoke about the Alepou.

Luther's expression changed from surprise to horror.

He immediately withdrew his pressure. His face looked like corpse. His impulse has landed him in a disaster.

Now he shuddering thinking about the consequences.

Alfred was surprised. He heard about the legend but since it's a legend he still didn't believe that there will be any consequence but what he was more interested was the beast before him.

Vihaan : You Kid, Why the fuck do you look at me like I am slut opening my legs for you.

Vihaan : Didn't your parents teach you to respect you elders ??

Alfred's face turned red as head the beast talk to him in a rude and uncultured manner. Now he was hesitating whether it's to even think about contracting this beast.

Few seconds passed. There was no answer.

Vihaan : What cat caught your tongue ?? Speak. Why have you been stalking this monarch ??

Alfred really felt awkward now. Finally he opened his spoke.

Alfred : I am a Noble from the City of Arrow Gate.

Just as Alfred was about to explain his intention.

Luther : Young Master, Hurry. We have to leave now.

Luther was flustered and pale as a corpse. He was anxious and tense. you see just from his face he look like someone who ghost.

Alfred looked at Luther with a ??? expression. The Expression on Luther's face told him that its something serious.

Alfred : Uncle, What happened.

Luther : We have to leave now. There is no time to explain.

Luther : I broke the Contract. The Alepou will notice the death of these monsters. We have need to leave now. If not we won't be able to leave Forever.

Although Alfred didn't believe the that this is a serious issue. The fear on the Luther's face was authentic. This made him worry.

He looked the beast before him. It had a haughty expression on its face.

Already he had was torn between intiating a contract and leaving it alone. Even Star Forming Stage 9 Pressure was not able to faze this beast. It's a perfect beast companion.

But the beast acts like a thug and calls itself monarch. What kind of joke is this. If this Beast calls itself Monarch before his Father or even in the Royal palace. It would be a disaster.

There are too many people who are waiting for a chance to make his life difficult. He was not willing to give them a chance.

Now this blunder Luther made was also weighing down on him. Yes, Uncle Luther is a Transcendent Realm Expert but he was the weakest Expert in the Palace. He can be said to unfit for any other work so he was assigned to babysit him. If not is it even possible to for an expert of this caliber to be a nanny.

He Transcendent just 6 to 7 thousand years ago. He is a very slow person and having lived many years trying to advance he lost his edge. He is only fit to Guard but Palace was unwilling to let go of a potential enemy / power from its grasp and thats how he was assigned to take care of him.

Plus If this matter really blows out it going to stain his name and the pressure will be Unimaginable.

He couldn't blame Luther after all

' To Err is Human '

Alfred decided if he was able to find this beast once he can always find this again.

Alfred decided to leave.

Alfred : Let's leave.


Vihaan watched them leave without any words.

He was really shocked. he didn't know if the Alepou was really willing to stand up for a incident in Forbidden Grassland or rather a few thousand deaths of beasts below level 250.

But our long human history has shown us how silly reasons can be used to wage wars. Powers consolidated at one place leads to a abuse of powers.

Just because you didn't like it and you have the power doesn't mean you can wage war resulting in death of millions of people.

But guess again that's what has happened throughout history.

Vihaan : I am getting more and more enemies. Delios and that two idiots, The Savage Vultures, That Wild Cat King and Now these two eccentric pair. Well these two cannot be considered idiots but they will definitely find me later.

Vihaan : There is also Beasts from Inner Peripheral who will eventually try find trouble with me

He sighed and turned towards his rewards.

[ Emergency Quest : Fortune or Misfortune - Completed ]

[ Rewards... ]


Vihaan : No, I just woke up. Stop. Stop. Stop.

Vihaan protested but it was all in vain.