Immortal Alepou

Happy Diwali Folks


[ You have awakened a Minor Part of Ancient Bloodline ]

[ You have assimilated a Minor Part of Ancient Soul ]

[ Next Evolution initiated and will start in 5 Mins ]


[ Emergency Quest : Fortune or Misfortune - Completed ]

[ Completion : Good ]

[ Rewards : Added to the Evolution ]

[ Evolution Initiated ]

Vihaan : Wait, No, No, I just woke up. Stop. Stop. Stop.

Vihaan : Abort, Abort.

Vihaan protested but it was all in vain.


Vihaan feel asleep then and there. He was in the middle of a slaughter field. Hundreds of kilometers radius around him were filled with corpses of various species of beasts.

The Safe Zone slowly sank inside the earth totally hiding Vihaan from any potential danger or everyone's eyes. It was unknown when Vihaan will wake up but there was more pressing matters taking place in the Boundary.


Boundary alliance formed a ring of tribe prohibiting monster form Outer peripheral to enter the Inner Peripheral. It was like an underground organization among the Beast. Outer Peripheral was used like a farm by the so called Boundary Alliance to strengthen and gain Exp those tribes.

It was going on for many years and who would care about millions of low level monsters. It was left unchecked.

Forest of Alepou and Humans have a long history. Forest of Alepou was initially called Ever light Forest which span throughout the EverLight continent. Human Greed for Exp and Wealth led to rapid destruction of the forest an wild life. As you many know Leveling system provides Exp and fast Cultivation as ling as they killed animals. The rate of Killing was far greater than rate of monster birth.

Then Humanity face the first Monster Horde. Led by many Peak Transcended realm Beasts and plants. They pushed in and ravaged the continent bring upon the wrath of Beast on all the greedy humans but Humans also counter attacks with their immense population and number but it didn't end for both the side.

Immortal Alepou - A Nine Tail Fox made its first appearance. No one knew how or where it came from but it came as a savior. It single handedly struck all opposition and forced the Ancestors of Rising Wind Dynasty, Strom Bringer Dynasty and federation of Dusk Helm.

They signed a peace contract with Heavens will as witness. The first on to break the contract will be bear the consequence. One of the conditions was that There should be no indiscriminate slaughter. Any human should only hunt in the area corresponding to their cultivation. That is also when forest was divided into may circles and parts.

This will help train Humans and Beast alike.

A Trail Ground.

By the order of Alepou, Each Part of the Forest and Forbidden Grassland has one guardian or peacekeeper like Beast which has to take care of that particular place.

The Boundary alliance was initially found to ease the work load of that beast because The Grassland formed a thin circle around the Forest but they covered a vast areas. In the course of time even Beasts got greedy and corrupted.

Now no one really care about maintaining the peace or balance.

When problem keeps on building. At one stage it becomes so huge that it cannot be hidden.

Usually there will monster horde coming out to attack when there is a new king is born or when populations increase above a certain limit or incase a particular tribe is over hunted but there was never a case where the contract was broken.

Gradually the contract was forgotten by the passage of time but still low level monster offer to little of EXP for High level adventures to look at them.

Now things have changed. Beasts and monster also learned to be greedy and became corrupted.

The place where the Massacre took place is kind of far from the usual place the Adventurers use to travel in and out of Inner and Outer Peripheral. This provided a nice cover for beast to thrive and hunt.

Now because of negligence that have piled up over the years it became desert place with no supervision.

Luther quickly fled because he was afraid the Supervising beast would take notice of him but too bad he miscalculated. He left all the dead beasts as such. He thought the beast of the forest would take care of it.

5 days

10 days

20 days

30 days

It took 30 days for the beasts notice something peculiar. After all a few smart beasts fled. The air carried a scent of death.

The Outer Peripheral and Inner Peripheral had abundant Life Ether, Nature Ether, Earth Ether but there was never Death Ether available.

That changed now, Due to the a new ether appearance and unusually calm territory without nay beast activity. It invited some curious beasts and other beast who wanted a new hunting ground. Other Beast started to intrude. Some scouts tried to find what had happened but these all took place after a very long time.

Which gave arise to a new species of beast to appear which totally change the layout of the Forbidden Grassland.

Death Ether start to sink in the ground. Plants started to change. Undead started to rise. It all happened during the 30 day and no one have a fuck.

More and more beasts entered the new area which had a peculiar aura of attraction, a new treasure. Undead's number continued to rise and they started to invade and kill other creature around the area which again started to expand and gave a rise in Undead type beasts.

First time since the beginning Undead type monster appeared in the Forest of Alepou.

And it took 60 days before humans Notice it while the beast notice it earlier but they where not spared.


In the 1st Circle of Forest of Alepou.

A Small beast was lying leisurely on the bank of a huge pondy. It looked very cute Pitch Black fur, Green Eyes with 9 small and cute tails. It was sun bathing. Sometimes it would playing in the water, sometime it would fish.

If anyone were to see this, they would think it just a normal cute fox cub.

But Appearance can be deceiving.

[ Name : Alepou

Age : ???

Race : 9 Tailed Hevanly Fox 🦊

Cultivation : Phantasmal Immortal Stage - 6 ]

For God knows how long. Alepou live a life of normal fox giving up cultivation. It was experiencing Rebirth.

A Monk's life, Living and experience the hardships of Normal beasts.

Very Rarely Alepou would take initiative to Scan the forest to see how beasts have progressed.

It had seen and experienced many lives, rise and fall many tribes. It also saw the current condition of the forest but Alepou never intervened with the progress.

It might end in destruction but for creation there must be destruction. It is also a progess and growth in one view.

Beast have been influenced by humans. It a growth in fundamental level and sentiment. Any growth is welcomed.

Beast have to learn. It may take a long time before they realise their err but they have to go through it.

Today after long period. It decided to Send it's Divine Sense and look though the forest.


Hundreds of Thousands in numbers attacking and killing.

Alepou : Life and Death is a cycle. Life have lived long enough not it's time for death to take its place.

There was serenity and peace in its eye.

Alepou : Old Bird, We seem have something interesting going on in Inner Peripheral. Want to go out for a walk ?

#### : Really ? I was getting bored sitting here living like monk. Even the Ether here is Pitiful. I don't why you choose to do such a long term misson in such a backward world.

As Alepou stood up. A pulpy small sparrow like creature with a mix of white and blue feature came out of a tree bark. It looked very beautiful and unusually small. Even smaller than normal Sparrow seen in Earth.

[ Name : Myst

Age : ???

Race : Icy Dark Mist Sparrow

Cultivation : Rebirth Immortal Stage - 1 ]

Alepou : A few more years Myst. We can go back. Didn't you break through to Immortal Realm because of this Backward World.

Myst : Yes, But there is no one here to fight with. Only three half dead corpses are managing this World. They think they are gods here. What a bunch of hypocrites.

Myst : You know Clemenct told me in another few years it's time for Immortals going to enter the Battlefield. Don't you want to see how much you have advance over the years.

Alepou : We will see. May be we will take another Mission to participate in the War.

Alepou : Now come on, Let's see go.