War and Undead at Gates, Awakening

Happy Diwali Folks


City of ArrowGate.

In the middle of the city stood a 9 Floor Tall and Majestic building. It looked straight out of medieval times with metallic touch of modern Runes and Formation. It's one of the Heavy Weights of City of Arrow Gate. Even in any universe this name held weight.

Adventurers Guild.

In the Top Floor of the Adventurers Guild Building.

A spacious room with 50m x 50m. The room was lavishly decorated with Beast skins, Beast Heads, Cores of Ascension Realm and Transcendence Realm Beast. The Room's value alone held a staggering value over 1 Million Peerless Grade EEC of Transcendent Realm or / Rank 3 EEC.

Guild Master of the Adventurers Guild was sitting and listening to the latest news.

A Human in his late 40's. He looked like a handsome hunk back in his youth even now he was still quite handsome, had a few white hairs on his head. He had unique charm. He looked elegant wore a loose white shirt and a tight blue pant sitting leisurely in his office.

[ Name : Noelle Newmoon

Race : Human

Job : ???

Cultivation : Law Condensing Stage - 5 ]

Before him stood an B Rank Adventurers and a Field Scout of Adventurers Guild.

A Young man in his late 20's wearing a thief attire with black hood covering his face. He looked like the protagonist of Assassin's creed in pure black outfit with large number of throwing knifes, hidden blades, Crossbows, darts, poison and two curved blade. A faint smell of death and blood emanated from him.

He stood respectfully before The Guild Master.

[ Name : Kyle #1310

Race : Demi - Human ( Cat - Person )

Job : Dark Fiend - IX

Cultivation : Half Transcendence ]

Kyle : Guild Master, These are the reports from the latest scouting. The situation is worse than we expected. Since 10 days ago any one entering the 2500 km never return.

Kyle : 15 Days ago, First Undead Sighting was reported by a C rank Adventure Name Stanley. It was dismissed by the receptionist as a prank since there has never been a Undead type Monster seen in whole of Forest of Alepou.

Kyle : But more and more people encountered Undead type monster near the Boundary of Inner and Outer Peripheral. There was also a lot of missing cases filed. Most Important case of all was The missing case of Rapunzel the Slut and Jonathan the Pirate whose part was the first High Rank Adventure Party which was found missing. Their Party also had Night who is our POI ( Adventure Guild - Person of Interest )

Noelle : Why are these two cases important ?

Kyle : Rapunzel seem to be the target of Carnal Desire Sect and Jonathan is the spokes person of their sect.

Noelle nodded his head as if he understood. he was slightly interested in them two but since they have been missing he didn't take this to heart.

Others have no idea but Noelle infact is cruel man. He is a weird person.

Noelle : Oh, Continue.

Kyle : First Scouting party was formed with a minimum of level 600 and D Rank Adventurers 10 days ago to explore the Undead Disaster. Unfortunately we lost contact as soon as they crossed the 2500 km mark. We heard nothing from them after that.

Kyle : Last Message was - God what kind of abominations are these... Retreat, Retreat... Its a Hell Hole. Mission Abort.

Kyle : The number of missing cases crossed 10,000 in last 10 days when the news of undead reached the people.

Kyle : I was tasked to scout the Undead Disaster 6 days ago.

Kyle : This is my report.

Kyle's Report.

Some kind of Barrier have been erected at mark of 2500 Km. It allows beast free passage but any human who enter the Barrier will be locked inside indefinitely.

Northwest of City, 3000 km from here. A Large number of Undead can be seen. Numbers and statics report the numbers crossed 80,000 and still Rising.

All Undead type monster are mainly Zombie types with rotting flesh, Poisonous gases and having strong Dark Ether affinity. Which makes them extremely resilient to any other type of Ether attacks.

Cutting off their head seem to the most common method to kill them but their skin and bones are extremely resilient to any physical attacks. Spirit based Skills seem to work better.

The Environmental is heavily contaminated with Undead Ether, Poison Ether and Dark Type Ether. They are highly contagious. They seem to affect and corrode the Life Ether and Nature Ether.

Any living being with low resistance or the original Life Ether, Nature Ether will be Vulnerable inside the Zone.

Holy Ether is recommended to be used. Large scale purifications are required to get back the situation under control.

This was not done by beast. Third party involved is has been conformed. Beasts hunt for food but the results of Investigation show this all started in the boundary of Inner and Outer Peripheral. Large number of deaths and decay show beasts were killed and left untouched. This place seem to be far away from the usual working area of the adventures so we never encountered them until now.

The Initial Level of the beast were only around 100 to 200 but within the short span of time they seem to have grown very strong reaching a minim level of 300 and max ones go upto 500. Cause Unknown

Savage Vulture party and many other Adventures were found transformed into Undead. Cause of it is unknown. Night was the only person who escaped form there. He is now blank slate. Memory loss and severe head injury.

I wanted to clear all the undead but was interfered by Immortal Alepou.

Only one sentence left behind.

Humans broke the Contract.


Hearing the last line Noelle's Face changed drastically.

Noelle : You meet Immortal Alepou ?

Kyle : Yes, Guild Master.

Noelle : Did you hear it correct. He said we broke the contract ??

Kyle : Correct.

Noelle : You may leave.

Kyle left without a word but Noelle face reveled an ugly expression. He was already trying to find out what happened by using system but everything was blocked. He initially suspected that it was the work of Alepou but who would have thought that the contract was broken and he personally took action.

Noelle didn't know whether its a good omen or a bad omen but War and An Undead Horde at their gates is definitely not the news he wanted to hear now. Humans are are war with each other. Tensions between the three empires have peaked, other races are waiting to take a piece of the juicy pie. Universal Level War were happening, Most of the strength and personnel have been deployed and invested in that battlefield.

Now this will give a cause for everyone to come together but at what cost?

What will happen after the fight will more fights and war break out?

Will this issue act as spark?

What more alarming was that the Guardian of the City of Arrow Gate wont interfere with the Battle. Humans have to depend on themselves.

High Level humans cannot be used to sweep through the battel filed. Barriers have already been deployed.

Its do or die

Noelle sighed.

Times are changing.

All that ends well is good.

Lets hope for the best.

They still have a few months to prepare.

Noelle : Joy, Connect with the Two Empire and Federation.


The Formation in the room lit up.


After thousands of years the War Bell Rang across the Ever light Continent.

One Line sounded throughout the continent.

Immortal Alepou has awakened - Humans broke the contract.

Initially no one took it seriously but when they dug deeper into the news. They realized the seriousness of the issue.

Ever light Continent fell into Chaos.


6 Months have passed since Vihaan fell into sleep.

He finally woke up today. He slowly opened his eyes to looked round him. He found was underground. he vaguely remembered was still above the surface when he fell into deep sleep. He felt a little odd. He seem to very big. The environment was very dark and eerie giving him creeps. More over a notification flashed before him. It gave him quite a scare

[ You have reached Lv - 100 ]

Vihaan : What the fuck???