Dark Empyrean Lindwyrm - Fuck off System

Happy Diwali Folks


[ You have reached Lv - 100 ]

Vihaan : What the fuck???

The Notification was just the beginning.

[ You been in hibernation for 6 months ]

[ Emergency Quest : Purge 'em all - Completed ]

[ Emergency Quest : Fortune or Misfortune - Completed ]

[ Hidden Quest : Wash away the shame - Completed ]

[ All Reserves and Rewards have been redeemed to level up and Evolve. ]

[ 388 Stat point out of 406 and 100 Skill points out of 116 have been allocated automatically. ]

[ Minor Changes have been made in the Status, CE distribution and leveling up. ]

[ New !! - Emergency Quest : Prove your self ]

[ Description : War is brewing in the Ever Light Continent, Undead have made their first appearance in Ever Light Continent. Chaos every where. This also provides many opportunities. Use the opportunity to gain plentiful rewards. Grow as much as you can. ]

[ Status ]

[ Name - Vihaan

Age - 0 years

Race - Dark Bone Empyrean Lindwyrm

Phase - Youngling

Body Tier- 3 Star

Lv - 100 CE : 0 / 100,000

HP : 20200 / 20200

EP : 4040 / 4040

Spirit : 3020 / 3020

Defense : 12120 ( 4040 x3 Defense )

Attack : 8050

Physical and Ether Damage Immunity : 35 %

Physical and Ether Damage Reflection : 15 %

Stats :-

Strength : 101

Agility : 151.5 ( 101 )

Constitution : 101

Vitality : 101

Mind : 101

Cunning : 101

Spirit : 151

Willpower : 5

Perception : 5

Active Skills : -

Dark Spirit Storm ( Rank - 1 )

Chains of Agony ( Rank - 1 )

Berserk Titan ( Rank - 1 )

Earth Teleport ( Rank -1 )

Spirit Domain ( Transformation - Max )

Infinity Severance ( Rank - 1 )

Roar ( Rank - 1 )

Blood Drain ( Rank - 1 )

Thought Projection ( Rank - 1 )

Shapeshifting - Humanoid ( Rank - 1 )

Passive Skills : -

Lightening Reflex - ( Growth Type )

Dark Assassin ( Rank - 1 )

Master Appraisal

Elemental Manipulation ( Rank - 1 )

Metal and Bone Creation ( Rank - 1 )

Unparalleled Thinker ( Transformation - Max )

Affinities :

Metal - Unique Tier

Earth - Mythical Tier

Dark - Mythical Tier

Talent :

Lust Fiend

Dark Body

Techniques :

Heavenly Breath Realization Technique ( Parts - 1 and 2 )

Blessing : -

God Child

Son of Earth II

Stat Points - 18

Skill Points - 16

Trait : -

Infrared Organ, Corrosive Metal Jaws, Venom sac, Dark Effect, Damage Immune Scales and Bones, Damage Reflecting Scales, Shrouded Veiled Scales and Elastic Muscles.

Evolution Tree ( Locked until Level 500 ) ]

[ Race : Dark Empyrean Lindwyrm

A youngling of ancient race, Have High Dark Affinity. Proficient in wielding all types of Elements.

Highly Intelligent Spirit Beast who wouldn't lose to titans even in terms of strength. A perfect beast with no real weakness.

Poses Immense Potentials. ]

[ Leveling up automatically allocates 1 stat point to Strength, Constitution, Mind and 2 Stat points to Spirit with 3 free Stat Points. 3 Skill Points per Level ]

[ Skill : Dark Spirit Storm ( Half - Unique )

A Sprit Strom Descends mixed with Dark Ether in a 25 m radius around the caster.

Corrodes 1% Spirit and Ether every sec. Reduced response time and disrupts flow of Ether and Spirit. Makes them vulnerable to spirit based attacks.

Mind and Spirit Related attributes gain a 10 % Debuff when in Strom.

Cost : 2000 EP and 2000 Spirit Pus 100 EP and Spirit per Sec ( 50% Less Consumption )

Stage : Stage - 1 ]

[ Skill : Chains of Agony ( Half - Unique )

Chains made of Earth and Dark Ether. Corrodes Ether and increases consumption of Ether.

Preforms a strength check if weaker than caster they are bound until Ether is supplied.

If equal to caster 10 Sec Bind. If stronger than caster 2 Sec Minimum bind.

Cost : 500 EP and 50 EP per Sec. ( 50% Less Consumption )

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Berserk Titan ( Half - Unique )

Unleash the power of Titan. All Stats increased by 20% for 30 minutes.

After the duration will be weakened for 24 hours. All stats reduced by 30%

Rapidly or forcefully activating this skill may result in permeant lose of Stats.

Require 1 week buffer period to avoid lose of Stats

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Earth Teleport

Teleport to anywhere inside earth within the Spirit Sense territory.

Being in contact Earth increases Agility by 60%, Can Travel inside Earth without obstruction

Inside Agility is increased from 60% to 120%

Cost : 1000EP and 1 EP per 5 min ( 50% Less Consumption )

Stage : Rank - 1 ]

[ Skill : Dark Assassin ( Racial Skill )

Attacking with Dark Effect on unsuspecting targets deal increase 20% more damage and Critical Hit Chances increase when attacking vulnerable areas

Stage : Rank -1 ]

[ Skill : Master Appraisal ( System Skill )

Appraise anything and Everything. As long as it's in the system, them you can see it. More Information of higher level beings. ]

[ Skill : Thought Projection

Enable communication with any races ]

[ Skill : Shapeshifting - Humanoid ( Racial Skill )

Allows taking Humanoid Form.

Usable once every 12 hours

Stage : Rank -1 ]

[ Skill : Elemental Manipulation ( Racial Skill )

Allow to feel and manipulate all the elements

Cost depends on Tier of affinity. No affinity requires 100% more effort and EP

Stage : Rank -1 ]

[ Talent : Dark Body

Poison immunity, Corrosion Immunity, Negative State Immunity.

Places with Dark Ether or Sub Category of Dark Ether gives 50% to Mind and Spirit Related stats.

Eating Dark Ether anything Related things gives CE. ]

Vihaan : What the fuck system. Why do I feel like you are literally dumping everything I my head.

The sheer amount of information and notification gave vihaan a heart attack. It wasn't even few days ago ( Excluding his time in hibernation ) that he advanced to Wyrm now he was again forced to evolve. Even his Level was was forced to catch up. It was painful.

Why ?

He missed a great chance to gain extra Stats and understanding his power. Now his stats and level may be considered high but in his POV this was nowhere near his stats compared to Lv - 42. He can be considered a little stronger than before that's all. The lucrative rewards for Quest and Extra stats where left out.

Now he had to withhold a very long time to accumulate strength before advancing but one good news is he won't have to worry about next Evolution until Lv - 500.

Vihaan felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of notifications. He swore he won't open status for a very long time. It's like too much of anything is never good for health. His mental health was affected by the sheer number of notifications.


Vihaan started look through all the notification.

There was lot of new news. Like War and Undead. He was confused by the notification which said all those mission have been completed. He was unconscious and how the heck did he finish all those missions. Things where fishy.

he tried to ask system the only answer he got was they were all dead and he in way contributed to it so lowest possible reward was allocated and all the quests were completed. He focused on the next issue.

Lot of new skills. New body.

Lindwyrm. He had a body similar to Wyrm but bigger better and stronger with a pair of gigantic arms, metal beard. His original scales were now black in color. His size was doubled reaching 10 m in length, 60 cm in diameter. A powerful tail spear, Arms with 5 claws coming out of them similar to dragon claws. He looked more Terrifying and intimating.

He looked at his skills.

He lost venomous Masticate, Shroud, Titan Leap but instead gained them in form of trait - Venom Sac and Corrosive Metal Jaws, Shrouded Veiled Scales and Elastic Muscles Respectively

Most notable triat was Dark effect. All his attacks carry Dark Ether which is also know as Anti Ether. It corrodes life force and Ether - a natural enemy of any ether based or Ether using organism.

There was also Shapeshifting skill.

Too much.

Literally it was too much bear.

In spite of all this he seem to be in the middle of an Undead Territory. All seem to have a minimum Level of 400.

Thousands of Undead.

Just looking at them with his Spirit Sense gave him a massive headache.

Vihaan didn't run out to fight like how he usual did. First He looked at Neradai inside Living Space Matrix who going through evolution.

He left her untouched.

Vihaan started to look at his skills. Soaking in all the information like a sponge.

Again Vihaan went into a long period of seclusion

Getting used to his skills, new body and practice.

Vihaan repeatedly used harmonizing and practice for another 3 months.

He substituted the need for food with Ether.

The Seclusion provided him with a good harvest.

[ Mind : 101 -> Mind : 138 ]

[ Spirit : 151 -> Spirit : 169 ]

[ Willpower : 5 -> Willpower : 6 ]

[ Perception : 5 -> Perception : 6 ]

Finally when Vihaan was finishing his 9 month long Seclusion preparing for fight.

A Earth Shattering Horn sounded above ground.

Thousands of Foots steps and Galloping was heard.

Even deep underground Vihaan was able to feel the sheer number of people operating above.

Vihaan : What the fudge is happening on the surface.